예제 #1
    def __constrInputMatrix(self):
        B = None; k = self.__class__.k
        for row,obj in zip(self.excPointMatrix,self.objs):
            E = lil_matrix((obj.Nm*2,self.excPointMatrix.shape[1]))
            for ep,i in zip(row,xrange(0,len(row))):
                if ep > 0.0:
                    E[:obj.Nm,i] = spdistr2D(k**2/((1. + obj.b1*k)*obj.h**2),ep[0],ep[1],obj.Nx - 1,obj.Ny - 1,flatten=True)\
                    if isinstance(obj,Resonator2D) else spdistr1D(k**2/((1. + obj.b1*k)*obj.h),ep,obj.Nm,'lin')
            B = E if B is None else vstack((B,E))

        return B.tocsc()
    def __constrInputMatrix(self):
        B = None; k = self.__class__.k
        for row,obj in zip(self.excPointMatrix,self.objs):
            E = lil_matrix((obj.Nm*2,len(self.excPointMatrix[0])))
            for ep,i in zip(row,xrange(0,len(row))):
                if ep > 0.0:
                    E[:obj.Nm,i] = spdistr2D(k**2/((1. + obj.b1*k)*obj.h**2),ep[0],ep[1],obj.Nx - 1,obj.Ny - 1,flatten=True)\
                    if isinstance(obj,Resonator2D) else spdistr1D(k**2/((1. + obj.b1*k)*obj.h),ep,obj.Nm,'lin')
            B = E if B is None else vstack((B,E))

        return B.tocsc()
예제 #3
    def __constrOutputMatrix(self):
        S = None; k = self.__class__.k
        for col in self.readoutPointMatrix.T:
            E = None
            for rp,obj in zip(col,self.objs):
                if rp > 0.0:
                    e = spdistr2D(1./k,rp[0],rp[1],obj.Nx - 1,obj.Ny - 1,flatten=True).T\
                    if isinstance(obj,Resonator2D) else spdistr1D(1./k,rp,obj.Nm,'lin').T
                    E = hstack((e,-e)) if E is None else hstack((E,e,-e))
                    e = lil_matrix((1,obj.Nm*2))
                    E = e if E is None else hstack((E,e))
            S = E if S is None else vstack((S,E))

        return S.tocsc()
    def __constrOutputMatrix(self):
        S = None; k = self.__class__.k
        for col in [list(x) for x in zip(*self.readoutPointMatrix)]:    # transpose self.readoutPointMatrix
            E = None
            for rp,obj in zip(col,self.objs):
                if rp > 0.0:
                    e = spdistr2D(1./k,rp[0],rp[1],obj.Nx - 1,obj.Ny - 1,flatten=True).T\
                    if isinstance(obj,Resonator2D) else spdistr1D(1./k,rp,obj.Nm,'lin').T
                    E = hstack((e,-e)) if E is None else hstack((E,e,-e))
                    e = lil_matrix((1,obj.Nm*2))
                    E = e if E is None else hstack((E,e))
            S = E if S is None else vstack((S,E))

        return S.tocsc()
예제 #5
    def __constrOutputMatrix(self):
        S = None
        k = self.__class__.k
        for col in [list(x) for x in zip(*self.readoutPointMatrix)]:  # transpose self.readoutPointMatrix
            E = None
            for rp, obj in zip(col, self.objs):
                if rp > 0.0:
                    e = (
                        spdistr2D(1.0 / k, rp[0], rp[1], obj.Nx - 1, obj.Ny - 1, flatten=True).T
                        if isinstance(obj, Resonator2D)
                        else spdistr1D(1.0 / k, rp, obj.Nm, "lin").T
                    E = hstack((e, -e)) if E is None else hstack((E, e, -e))
                    e = lil_matrix((1, obj.Nm * 2))
                    E = e if E is None else hstack((E, e))
            S = E if S is None else vstack((S, E))

        return S.tocsc()
예제 #6
    def __constrStateTransitionMatrix(self):
        k = self.__class__.k
        A = None  # state transtion block matrix
        # loop over all rows (i.e. individual objs) and find all connections with other objs
        for row, i, obj in zip(self.massMatrix, xrange(len(self.objs)), self.objs):
            fac = 1.0 / (1.0 + obj.b1 * k)
            fac /= obj.h ** 2 if isinstance(obj, Resonator2D) else obj.h
            C1_total = csc_matrix((obj.Nm, obj.Nm))
            C2_total = csc_matrix((obj.Nm, obj.Nm))
            C3_total = {}
            C4_total = {}
            A_row = None
            colInds = np.nonzero(row)[0]
            # for every connection between obj q and r other objects, construct inter-connection matrices
            for j in colInds:
                cpoint_q = self.connPointMatrix[i][j]
                e_q = (
                    spdistr2D(1.0, cpoint_q[0], cpoint_q[1], obj.Nx - 1, obj.Ny - 1, flatten=True)
                    if isinstance(obj, Resonator2D)
                    else spdistr1D(1.0, cpoint_q, obj.Nm, "lin")
                # return the row indices of the nonzero entrees in the current col we are looking in
                row_r = [
                    for ind, item in enumerate([self.massMatrix[q][j] for q in xrange(len(self.massMatrix))])
                    if item > 0
                # remove row index of current object and since list must now be of size 1, simply return row index
                row_r = row_r[0]
                M = float(self.massMatrix[i][j]) / self.massMatrix[row_r][j]  # mass ratio: Mq/Mr
                cpoint_r = self.connPointMatrix[row_r][j]
                e_r = (
                        1.0, cpoint_r[0], cpoint_r[1], self.objs[row_r].Nx - 1, self.objs[row_r].Ny - 1, flatten=True
                    if isinstance(self.objs[row_r], Resonator2D)
                    else spdistr1D(1.0, cpoint_r, self.objs[row_r].B.shape[0], "lin")
                c1 = fac / (e_q.T.dot(e_q)[0, 0] + M * e_r.T.dot(e_r)[0, 0])
                e_qCre_q = e_q * e_q.T
                e_qCre_r = e_q * e_r.T
                C1_total = C1_total + c1 * e_qCre_q * obj.C1
                C2_total = C2_total + c1 * e_qCre_q * obj.C2
                if row_r in C3_total:  # save to assert that when C3[row_r] is empty, C4[row_r] is empty also
                    C3_total[row_r] = C3_total[row_r] - c1 * e_qCre_r * self.objs[row_r].C1
                    C4_total[row_r] = C4_total[row_r] - c1 * e_qCre_r * self.objs[row_r].C2
                    C3_total[row_r] = -c1 * e_qCre_r * self.objs[row_r].C1
                    C4_total[row_r] = -c1 * e_qCre_r * self.objs[row_r].C2

            # construct row of A for u[n]
            for j in xrange(0, len(self.objs)):
                if i == j:  # we're on the diagonal
                    A_row = (
                        hstack((obj.B + C1_total, obj.C + C2_total), format="lil")
                        if A_row == None
                        else hstack((A_row, obj.B + C1_total, obj.C + C2_total), format="lil")
                elif j in C3_total:
                    A_row = (
                        hstack((C3_total[j], C4_total[j]), format="lil")
                        if A_row == None
                        else hstack((A_row, C3_total[j], C4_total[j]), format="lil")
                    Nm2 = self.objs[j].Nm * 2
                    A_row = lil_matrix((obj.Nm, Nm2)) if A_row is None else hstack((A_row, lil_matrix((obj.Nm, Nm2))))

            # construct row of A for u[n - 1]
            if i == 0:  # first object, so identity matrix is first in row
                I = hstack((identity(obj.Nm, format="lil"), lil_matrix((obj.Nm, A_row.shape[1] - obj.Nm))))
            elif i == len(self.objs) - 1:  # last object, so identity matrix is penultimate to last col
                I = hstack(
                        lil_matrix((obj.Nm, A_row.shape[1] - 2 * self.objs[-1].Nm)),
                        identity(obj.Nm, format="lil"),
                        lil_matrix((obj.Nm, obj.Nm)),
            else:  # if any other object, calc pos of identity matrix based on grid size N of each obj
                I = hstack(
                        lil_matrix((obj.Nm, 2 * np.sum(self.Nt[:i]))),
                        lil_matrix((obj.Nm, obj.Nm + 2 * np.sum(self.Nt[-(len(self.Nt) - 1 - i) :]))),
            # append row to block state transition matrix A
            A = vstack((A_row, I)) if A is None else vstack((A, A_row, I))

        return A.tocsc()
    def __constrStateTransitionMatrix(self):
        k = self.__class__.k
        A = None    # state transtion block matrix
        # loop over all rows (i.e. individual objs) and find all connections with other objs
        for row,i,obj in zip(self.massMatrix,xrange(len(self.objs)),self.objs):
            fac = 1./(1. + obj.b1*k)
            fac /= obj.h**2 if isinstance(obj,Resonator2D) else obj.h
            C1_total = csc_matrix((obj.Nm,obj.Nm)); C2_total = csc_matrix((obj.Nm,obj.Nm))
            C3_total = {}; C4_total = {}; A_row = None
            colInds = np.nonzero(row)[0]
            # for every connection between obj q and r other objects, construct inter-connection matrices
            for j in colInds:
                cpoint_q = self.connPointMatrix[i][j]
                e_q = spdistr2D(1.,cpoint_q[0],cpoint_q[1],obj.Nx - 1,obj.Ny - 1,flatten=True)\
                if isinstance(obj,Resonator2D) else spdistr1D(1.,cpoint_q,obj.Nm,'lin')
                # return the row indices of the nonzero entrees in the current col we are looking in
                row_r = [ind for ind,item in enumerate([self.massMatrix[q][j] for q in xrange(len(self.massMatrix))]) if item > 0]
                # remove row index of current object and since list must now be of size 1, simply return row index
                row_r.remove(i); row_r = row_r[0]
                M = float(self.massMatrix[i][j])/self.massMatrix[row_r][j]    # mass ratio: Mq/Mr
                cpoint_r = self.connPointMatrix[row_r][j]
                e_r = spdistr2D(1.,cpoint_r[0],cpoint_r[1],self.objs[row_r].Nx - 1,self.objs[row_r].Ny - 1,flatten=True) \
                if isinstance(self.objs[row_r],Resonator2D) \
                else spdistr1D(1.,cpoint_r,self.objs[row_r].B.shape[0],'lin')
                c1 = fac/(e_q.T.dot(e_q)[0,0] + M*e_r.T.dot(e_r)[0,0])
                e_qCre_q = e_q*e_q.T; e_qCre_r = e_q*e_r.T
                C1_total = C1_total + c1*e_qCre_q*obj.C1
                C2_total = C2_total + c1*e_qCre_q*obj.C2
                if row_r in C3_total:   # save to assert that when C3[row_r] is empty, C4[row_r] is empty also
                    C3_total[row_r] = C3_total[row_r] - c1*e_qCre_r*self.objs[row_r].C1
                    C4_total[row_r] = C4_total[row_r] - c1*e_qCre_r*self.objs[row_r].C2
                    C3_total[row_r] = -c1*e_qCre_r*self.objs[row_r].C1
                    C4_total[row_r] = -c1*e_qCre_r*self.objs[row_r].C2

            # construct row of A for u[n]
            for j in xrange(0,len(self.objs)):
                if i == j:       # we're on the diagonal
                    A_row = hstack((obj.B + C1_total,obj.C + C2_total),format="lil") if A_row == None else \
                    hstack((A_row,obj.B + C1_total,obj.C + C2_total),format="lil")
                elif j in C3_total:
                    A_row = hstack((C3_total[j],C4_total[j]),format="lil") if A_row == None else \
                    Nm2 = self.objs[j].Nm*2
                    A_row = lil_matrix((obj.Nm,Nm2)) if A_row is None else \

            # construct row of A for u[n - 1]
            if i == 0:   # first object, so identity matrix is first in row
                I = hstack((identity(obj.Nm,format="lil"),lil_matrix((obj.Nm,A_row.shape[1] - obj.Nm))))
            elif i == len(self.objs) - 1:   # last object, so identity matrix is penultimate to last col
                I = hstack((lil_matrix((obj.Nm,A_row.shape[1] - 2*self.objs[-1].Nm)),\
            else:   # if any other object, calc pos of identity matrix based on grid size N of each obj
                I = hstack((lil_matrix((obj.Nm,2*np.sum(self.Nt[:i]))),identity(obj.Nm),\
                lil_matrix((obj.Nm,obj.Nm + 2*np.sum(self.Nt[-(len(self.Nt) - 1 - i):])))))
            # append row to block state transition matrix A
            A = vstack((A_row,I)) if A is None else vstack((A,A_row,I))

        return A.tocsc()