def fit_parameters(self, data_filename, fit_type="", dt=0.01): """ Use data to fit the model parameters of the velocity states (linvel, angvel) """ x_full, linvel, force, dt = self.load_data(data_filename, dt) vdot_residual = derivative(linvel, dt) vdot_residual -= self.subtract_nom_model(x_full, force) X = x_full # Make X matrix #Y = derivative(x_full, dt) # Make Y matrix #Y[:,7:10] -= self.subtract_nom_model(x_full, force) U = force # Make U matrix print("Lifting data matrices...") X_lift = self.create_observables(X) # Lift X Y_lift = derivative(X_lift, dt) # Lift Y self.n_lift = X_lift.shape[0] print("Starting training...") W = np.concatenate((Y_lift, X.transpose()), axis=0) # Create W matrix V = np.concatenate((X_lift, U.transpose()), axis=0) # Create V matrix M =, V.transpose()), np.linalg.pinv( V, V.transpose()))) # Do regression to find M self.A = M[:self.n_lift, :self.n_lift] # Split M into A, B, C self.B = M[:self.n_lift, self.n_lift:] # Split M into A, B, C self.C = M[self.n_lift:, :self.n_lift] # Split M into A, B, C print("Finished training...")
def fit_parameters(self, data_filename, fit_type, dt=0.01): """ Use data to fit the model parameters of the velocity states (linvel, angvel) """ # Load data self.data_path = data_filename self.fit_type = fit_type data_format = os.path.splitext(data_filename)[1] if (data_format == '.bag'): time, position, orientation, linvel, angvel, force = self.read_ROSBAG( data_filename, dt=dt, is_simulation=self.is_simulation) elif (data_format == '.csv'): pass else: exit("Data format should be 'rosbag' or 'csv'") x_full = np.concatenate((position, orientation, linvel, angvel), axis=1) theta_xdt, theta_ydt, theta_zdt = self.create_observables( x_full, force) # Identify mass and hover throttle using z-data only: theta_v = theta_zdt.reshape(-1, 1) x_learn = linvel[:, 2].reshape(-1, 1) dt = time[1] - time[0] vdot = derivative(x_learn, dt).reshape(-1, 1) self.estimator_pdt = LinearRegression(fit_intercept=False, normalize=False), vdot)
def Lotka_Volterra(x0, r, a, time): def dynamical_system(y,t): dy = np.zeros_like(y) for i in range(4): dy[i] = r[i]*y[i]*(1-a[i][0]*y[0]-a[i][1]*y[1]-a[i][2]*y[2]-a[i][3]*y[3]) return dy x = odeint(dynamical_system,x0,time,mxstep=5000000) dt = time[1]-time[0] xdot = derivative(x,dt) return x, xdot
def fit_parameters(self, data_filename, fit_type, is_simulation, dt=0.01): """ Use data to fit the model parameters of the velocity states (linvel, angvel) """ # Load data self.data_path = data_filename self.fit_type = fit_type data_format = os.path.splitext(data_filename)[1] if (data_format == '.bag'): time, position, orientation, linvel, angvel, rcout = self.read_ROSBAG( data_filename, dt=dt, is_simulation=is_simulation) elif (data_format == '.csv'): pass else: exit("Data format should be 'rosbag' or 'csv'") x_full = np.concatenate((position, orientation, linvel, angvel), axis=1) x_learn = np.concatenate((linvel, angvel), axis=1) u = self.mix_control_inputs(rcout) dt = time[1] - time[0] xdot_learn = derivative(x_learn, dt) theta_xdt, theta_ydt, theta_zdt, theta_omg_x, theta_omg_y, theta_omg_z = self.create_observables( x_full, u) #Concatenate theta and xdot for position states to learn single coefficient for pos states theta_p = np.concatenate((theta_xdt, theta_ydt, theta_zdt), axis=0).reshape(-1, 1) pdot = np.concatenate( (xdot_learn[:, 0], xdot_learn[:, 1], xdot_learn[:, 2]), axis=0).reshape(-1, 1) self.estimator_pdt = sp.sindy(l2=0.0, solver='lstsq'), pdot) self.estimator_omg_x = sp.sindy(l2=0.0, solver='lstsq'), xdot_learn[:, 3].reshape(x_learn.shape[0], 1)) self.estimator_omg_y = sp.sindy(l2=0.0, solver='lstsq'), xdot_learn[:, 4].reshape(x_learn.shape[0], 1)) self.estimator_omg_z = sp.sindy(l2=0.0, solver='lstsq'), xdot_learn[:, 5].reshape(x_learn.shape[0], 1))
def Lorenz(x0, sigma, rho, beta, time): """ This small function runs a simulation of the Lorenz system. Inputs ------ x0 : numpy array containing the initial condition. sigma, rho, beta : parameters of the Lorenz system. time : numpy array for the evaluation of the state of the Lorenz system at some given time instants. Outputs ------- x : numpy two-dimensional array. State vector of the vector for the time instants specified in time. xdot : corresponding derivatives evaluated using central differences. """ def dynamical_system(y,t): dy = np.zeros_like(y) dy[0] = sigma*(y[1]-y[0]) dy[1] = y[0]*(rho - y[2]) - y[1] dy[2] = y[0]*y[1] - beta*y[2] return dy x = odeint(dynamical_system,x0,time) dt = time[1]-time[0] from sparse_identification.utils import derivative xdot = derivative(x,dt) return x, xdot
def Lorenz(x0, sigma, rho, beta, time): """ This small function runs a simulation of the Lorenz system. Inputs ------ x0 : numpy array containing the initial condition. sigma, rho, beta : parameters of the Lorenz system. time : numpy array for the evaluation of the state of the Lorenz system at some given time instants. Outputs ------- x : numpy two-dimensional array. State vector of the vector for the time instants specified in time. xdot : corresponding derivatives evaluated using central differences. """ def dynamical_system(y, t): dy = np.zeros_like(y) dy[0] = sigma * (y[1] - y[0]) dy[1] = y[0] * (rho - y[2]) - y[1] dy[2] = y[0] * y[1] - beta * y[2] return dy x = odeint(dynamical_system, x0, time) dt = time[1] - time[0] from sparse_identification.utils import derivative xdot = derivative(x, dt) return x, xdot
def Lotka_Volterra(x0, alpha, beta, time): """ This small function runs a simulation of the Lotka-Volterra system. Inputs ------ x0 : numpy array containing the initial condition. alpha, beta: Parameters of Lotka-Volterra system. alpha is 1-dimensional, and beta is a matrix. time : numpy array for the evaluation of the state of the Lotka-Volterra system at some given time instants. Outputs ------- x : numpy two-dimensional array. State vector of the vector for the time instants specified in time. xdot : corresponding derivatives evaluated using central differences. """ def dynamical_system(y, t): dy = (alpha + beta @ y) * y return dy x = odeint(dynamical_system, x0, time) dt = time[1] - time[0] from sparse_identification.utils import derivative xdot = derivative(x, dt) return x, xdot
def fit_parameters(self, data_filename, fit_type, dt=0.01): """ Use data to fit the model parameters of the velocity states (linvel, angvel) """ # Load data self.data_path = data_filename self.fit_type = fit_type data_format = os.path.splitext(data_filename)[1] if (data_format=='.bag'): time, position, orientation, linvel, angvel, force = self.read_ROSBAG(data_filename, dt=dt, is_simulation=self.is_simulation) elif (data_format=='.csv'): pass else: exit("Data format should be 'rosbag' or 'csv'") x_full = np.concatenate((position, orientation, linvel, angvel), axis=1) dt = time[1] - time[0] vdot_residual = derivative(linvel,dt) vdot_residual -= self.subtract_nom_model(x_full, force) #pdot_residual = self.normalize_x(derivative(pdot_residual,dt)) #pdot_residual = derivative(pdot_residual, dt) self.poly_lib = PolynomialFeatures(degree=2, include_bias=True) #TODO: Set include_bias to True if cvx regressor is used Theta = self.create_observables(x_full, force) Theta = self.normalize_theta(Theta, prediction=False) self.estimator = sp.sindy(l1=0.98, solver='lasso') #self.estimator = Lasso(alpha = 1e-4, fit_intercept=True, normalize=True, max_iter=10000) print("Start training..."), vdot_residual) print("Finish training") #self.estimator.coef_ = np.divide(self.estimator.coef_, self.x_var) print("Sparsity fraction (1 = no sparsity, 0 = completely sparse): ", float(np.count_nonzero(self.estimator.coef_))/float(self.estimator.coef_.size))
def fit_parameters(self, data_filename, fit_type, is_simulation, dt=0.01): """ Use data to fit the model parameters of the velocity states (linvel, angvel) """ # Load data self.data_path = data_filename self.fit_type = fit_type data_format = os.path.splitext(data_filename)[1] if (data_format == '.bag'): time, position, orientation, linvel, angvel, rcout = self.read_ROSBAG( data_filename, dt=dt, is_simulation=is_simulation) elif (data_format == '.csv'): pass else: exit("Data format should be 'rosbag' or 'csv'") u = self.mix_control_inputs(rcout) x_full = np.concatenate((position, orientation, linvel, angvel), axis=1) x_full = self.subtract_nom_model(x_full, u) x_learn = x_full[:, 6:] dt = time[1] - time[0] xdot_learn = self.normalize_x(derivative(x_learn, dt)) self.poly_lib = PolynomialFeatures(degree=2, include_bias=True) Theta = self.create_observables(x_full, u) Theta = self.normalize_theta(Theta, prediction=False) self.estimator = sp.sindy(l1=1.0, solver='lasso'), xdot_learn) self.estimator.coef_ = np.divide(self.estimator.coef_, self.x_var) print( "Sparsity fraction: ", float(np.count_nonzero(self.estimator.coef_)) / float(self.estimator.coef_.size))