예제 #1
def parse_ode(lines, varnames):
    Output: list of SparsePolynomial representing this ODE system
            ordered as variables in the ring
    eqs_raw = dict()
    plhs = re.compile("d\((\w+)\)")
    for l in lines:
        if plhs.search(l):
            lhs, rhs = l.split("=")
            lhs = plhs.search(lhs).groups(1)[0]
            rhs = rhs.strip()
            eqs_raw[lhs] = rhs

    var_to_ind = {v: i for i, v in enumerate(varnames)}
    eqs = dict()
    for lhs, rhs in eqs_raw.items():
        if lhs not in varnames:
            raise ValueError(f"Variable {lhs} is not in the list of variables")
            eqs[lhs] = SparsePolynomial.from_string(rhs, varnames, var_to_ind)
        except TypeError as e:

    for v in varnames:
        if v not in eqs:
            eqs[v] = SparsePolynomial(varnames, QQ)
    return [eqs[v] for v in varnames]
예제 #2
def parse_reactions(lines, varnames):
    Input: lines with reactions, each reaction of the form "reactants -> products, rate" and varnames
    Output: the list of corresponding equations
    raw_reactions = []
    var_to_ind = {v: i for i, v in enumerate(varnames)}
    for l in lines:
        if "," not in l:
        reaction, rate = separate_reation_rate(l)
        lhs, rhs = reaction.split("->")
        raw_reactions.append((lhs.strip(), rhs.strip(), rate.strip()))

    eqs = {v: SparsePolynomial(varnames, QQ) for v in varnames}
    for lhs, rhs, rate in raw_reactions:
        rate_poly = SparsePolynomial.from_string(rate, varnames, var_to_ind)
        ldict = species_to_multiset(lhs)
        rdict = species_to_multiset(rhs)
        monomial = tuple((var_to_ind[v], mult) for v, mult in ldict.items())
        reaction_poly = rate_poly * SparsePolynomial(varnames, QQ,
                                                     {monomial: QQ(1)})
        for v, mult in rdict.items():
            eqs[v] += reaction_poly * mult
        for v, mult in ldict.items():
            eqs[v] += reaction_poly * (-mult)
    return [eqs[v] for v in varnames]
예제 #3
def do_lumping(polys,
      Main function, performs a lumping of a polynomial ODE system
        - polys - the right-hand side of the system
        - observable - a nonempty list of linear forms in state variables
                       that must be kept nonlumped
        - new_vars_name (optional) - the name for variables in the lumped polynomials
        - print_system and print_reduction (optional) - whether to print the original system and the result, respectively on the screen
        - out_format - "sympy" or "internal", the way the output polynomials should be represeted
          the options are sympy polynomials and SparsePolynomial
        - loglevel - INFO (only essential information) or DEBUG (a lot of infromation about the computation process)
        a tuple (the right-hand side of an aggregated system, new_variables)

        format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s',
        level=logging.INFO if loglevel == "INFO" else logging.DEBUG,
        datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
    logging.debug("Starting aggregation")

    if isinstance(polys[0], SparsePolynomial):
        logging.debug("Input is in the SparsePolynomial format")
        logging.debug("Input is expected to be in SymPy format")
        polys = [SparsePolynomial.from_sympy(p) for p in polys]
        observable = [SparsePolynomial.from_sympy(ob) for ob in observable]

    result = do_lumping_internal(polys, observable, new_vars_name,
                                 print_system, print_reduction,

    if initial_conditions is not None:
        eval_point = [initial_conditions.get(v, 0) for v in polys[0].gens]
        result["new_ic"] = []
        for vect in result["subspace"]:
                sum([p[0] * p[1] for p in zip(eval_point, vect)]))

    if out_format == "sympy":
        out_ring = result["polynomials"][0].get_sympy_ring()
        result["polynomials"] = [
            out_ring(p.get_sympy_dict()) for p in result["polynomials"]
    elif out_format == "internal":
        raise ValueError(f"Unknown output format {out_format}")
    return result
예제 #4
 def lcm_rec(arr, l, u):
     if u - l == 1:
         return arr[l]
     mid = (u + l) // 2
     res = SparsePolynomial.lcm(
         [lcm_rec(arr, l, mid), lcm_rec(arr, mid, u)])
     return res
예제 #5
    def perform_change_of_variables(self, polys, new_vars_name='y'):
          Restrict a polynomial system of ODEs with the rhs given by 
          polys (SparsePolynomial) to the subspace
          new_vars_name (optional) - the name for variables in the lumped polynomials
        old_vars = polys[0].gens
        domain = polys[0].domain
        new_vars = [new_vars_name + str(i) for i in range(self.dim())]
        pivots = set(self.parametrizing_coordinates())
        lpivots = sorted(pivots)
        basis = self.basis()

        # plugging all nonpivot variables with zeroes
        logging.debug("Plugging zero to nonpivot coordinates")
        shrinked_polys = []
        for p in polys:
            filtered_dict = dict()
            for monom, coef in p.dataiter():
                new_monom = []
                skip = False
                for var, exp in monom:
                    if var not in pivots:
                        skip = True
                        new_monom.append((lpivots.index(var), exp))
                if not skip:
                    new_monom = tuple(new_monom)
                    filtered_dict[new_monom] = coef

                SparsePolynomial(new_vars, domain, filtered_dict))

        logging.debug("Constructing new polys")
        new_polys = [
            SparsePolynomial(new_vars, domain) for _ in range(self.dim())
        for i, vec in enumerate(basis):
            logging.debug(f"    Polynomial number {i}")
            for j in vec.nonzero_iter():
                # ordering is important due to the implementation of
                # multiplication for SparsePolynomial
                new_polys[i] += shrinked_polys[j] * vec._data[j]

        return new_polys
예제 #6
def construct_matrices_from_rational_functions(rational_functions):
      Computes Jacobian, pulls out common denominator, and constructs matrices
      J_1^T, ..., J_N^T from the remaining polynomial matrix
        - rational_functions - the right-hand side of the system of ODEs (f_1, ..., f_n)
                               represented by RationalFunction
        a list of matrices (SparseMatrix) J_1^T, ..., J_N^T
    logging.debug("Starting constructing matrices (RationalFunction)")

    variables = rational_functions[0].gens
    field = rational_functions[0].domain

    # Compute Jacobian
    J = [[rf.derivative(v) for rf in rational_functions] for v in variables]

    def lcm_rec(arr, l, u):
        if u - l == 1:
            return arr[l]
        mid = (u + l) // 2
        res = SparsePolynomial.lcm(
            [lcm_rec(arr, l, mid), lcm_rec(arr, mid, u)])
        return res

    denoms = [rf.denom for rf in rational_functions]
    d = list(
        filter((lambda x: x != SparsePolynomial.from_string("1", [])), denoms))
    lcm = lcm_rec(d, 0, len(d))
    lcm = lcm * lcm

    p = [lcm // (denom * denom) for denom in denoms]

    # Pull out the common denominator
    poly_J = []
    for i in range(len(J)):
        poly_J_row = []
        for j in range(len(J[i])):
            poly_J_row.append(J[i][j].num * p[j])

    # Work with remaining polynomial matrix as in construct_matrices_from_polys
    jacobians = dict()
    for row_ind, poly_row in enumerate(poly_J):
        for col_ind, poly in enumerate(poly_row):
            p_ind = row_ind * len(poly_row) + col_ind
            logging.debug("Processing numerator polynomial number %d", p_ind)
            for m, coef in poly.dataiter():
                if m not in jacobians:
                    jacobians[m] = SparseRowMatrix(len(variables), field)
                jacobians[m].increment(row_ind, col_ind, coef)

    return jacobians.values()
예제 #7
    def from_string(s, varnames, var_to_ind = None):
        Parsing a string to a rational function, sting is allowed to include floating-point numbers
        in the standard and scientific notation, they will be converted to rationals

        IMPORTANT: String must contain only one "/"!
        if "/" not in s:
            num_str = s
            denom_str = "1"
            split = s.split("/")
            if len(split) == 2:
                num_str = split[0]
                denom_str = split[1]
                raise NotImplementedError

        num = SparsePolynomial.from_string(num_str, varnames, var_to_ind)
        denom = SparsePolynomial.from_string(denom_str, varnames, var_to_ind)

        return RationalFunction(num, denom)
예제 #8
def extract_observables(lines, varnames):
    Input: lines of the partitions section
    Output: list of SparsePolynomial representing the observables
    var_to_ind = {v : i for i, v in enumerate(varnames)}
    sets = [m.groups(1)[0] for m in re.finditer("\{([^\{\}]*)\}", " ".join(lines))]
    observables = []
    for s in sets:
        obs_as_str = "+".join(re.split("\s*,\s*", s))
        obs_poly = SparsePolynomial.from_string(obs_as_str, varnames, var_to_ind)
    return observables
예제 #9
    lumped_polys_values = [evalp(p, specialization_lumped) for p in lumped_system]

    assert(polys_values_lumped == lumped_polys_values)
    print(test_name + ": lumping is correct")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Example 1
    R = sympy.polys.rings.vring(["x0", "x1", "x2"], QQ)
    polys = [x0**2 + x1 + x2, x2, x1]
    lumping = do_lumping(polys, [x0], print_reduction=False, initial_conditions={"x0" : 1, "x1" : 2, "x2" : 5})
    check_lumping("Example 1", polys, lumping, 2)
    assert lumping["new_ic"] == [QQ(1), QQ(7)]

    # Example 2
    polys = [x1**2 + 4 * x1 * x2 + 4 * x2**2, x1 + 2 * x0**2, x2 - x0**2]
    lumping = do_lumping(polys, [x0], print_reduction=False)
    check_lumping("Example 2", polys, lumping, 2)

    # PP for n = 2
    system = read_system("e2.ode") 
    lumping = do_lumping(
            [SparsePolynomial.from_string("S0", system["variables"])], 
    check_lumping("PP for n = 2", system["equations"], lumping, 12)
예제 #10
파일: clue.py 프로젝트: xjzhaang/CLUE
def do_lumping_internal(polys, observable, new_vars_name='y', print_system=True, print_reduction=False, ic=None):
      Performs a lumping of a polynomial ODE system represented by SparsePolynomial
        - polys - the right-hand side of the system
        - observable - a nonempty list of linear forms in state variables
                       that must be kept nonlumped
        - new_vars_name (optional) - the name for variables in the lumped polynomials
        - verbose (optional) - whether to report the result on the screen or not
        a tuple (the right-hand side of an aggregated system, new_variables)

        format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s',
        datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
    logging.debug("Starting aggregation")

    # Reduce the problem to the common invariant subspace problem
    vars_old = polys[0].gens
    field = polys[0].domain
    matrices = construct_matrices(polys)

    # Find a lumping
    vectors_to_include = []
    for linear_form in observable:
        vec = SparseVector.from_list(linear_form.linear_part_as_vec(), field)
    lumping_subspace = find_smallest_common_subspace(matrices, vectors_to_include)

    lumped_polys = lumping_subspace.perform_change_of_variables(polys, new_vars_name)

    new_ic = None
    if ic is not None:
        eval_point = [ic.get(v, 0) for v in polys[0].gens]
        new_ic = []
        for vect in lumping_subspace.basis():
            new_ic.append(sum([p[0] * p[1] for p in zip(eval_point, vect.to_list())]))

    # Nice printing
    vars_new = lumped_polys[0].gens
    if print_system:
        print("Original system:")
        for i in range(len(polys)):
            print(f"{vars_old[i]}' = {polys[i]}")
        print("Outputs to fix:")
        print(", ".join(map(str, observable)))
    if print_reduction:
        print("New variables:")
        for i in range(lumping_subspace.dim()):
            new_var = SparsePolynomial(vars_old, field)
            for j in range(len(vars_old)):
                if lumping_subspace.basis()[i][j] != 0:
                    new_var += SparsePolynomial(vars_old, field, {((j, 1),) : lumping_subspace.basis()[i][j]})
            print(f"{vars_new[i]} = {new_var}")
        if new_ic is not None:
            print("New initial conditions:")
            for v, val in zip(vars_new, new_ic):
                print(f"{v}(0) = {float(val)}")

        print("Lumped system:")
        for i in range(lumping_subspace.dim()):
            print(f"{vars_new[i]}' = {lumped_polys[i]}")

    return {"polynomials" : lumped_polys, "subspace" : [v.to_list() for v in lumping_subspace.basis()], "new_ic" : new_ic}
예제 #11
 def simplify(self):
     gcd = SparsePolynomial.gcd([self.num, self.denom])
     self.num = self.num // gcd
     self.denom = self.denom // gcd
예제 #12
    rf2dx_expected = RationalFunction.from_string("(2*y**2*x)/(z**2)", varnames)
    rf2dx_test = rf2.derivative('x')
    print("Expected: \t", rf2dx_expected)
    print("Actual: \t", rf2dx_test)

    rf2dz_expected = RationalFunction.from_string("(-(2*x**2*y**2))/(z**3)", varnames)
    rf2dz_test = rf2.derivative('z')
    print("Expected: \t", rf2dz_expected)
    print("Actual: \t", rf2dz_test)

    rf = RationalFunction.from_string("(x)/(2 * y**2)", varnames)
    rf_dz = rf.derivative('z')

    sp1 = SparsePolynomial.from_string("2*x**23 + 4", ['x'])
    sp2 = SparsePolynomial.from_string("2*x**23 + 4", ['x'])
    assert sp1 == sp2
    rf1 = RationalFunction.from_string("x/y",['x','y'])
    rf2 = RationalFunction.from_string("x/y",['x','y'])
    assert rf1 == rf2

    print("--- LCM Test --------------------------------------------------------")
    sp1 = SparsePolynomial.from_string("x*y**2 + x**2*y", ['x','y'])
    sp2 = SparsePolynomial.from_string("x**2*y**2", ['x','y'])
    lcm = SparsePolynomial.lcm([sp1,sp2])
    print("Expected: \t", "x**2*y**3 + x**3*y**2")
    print("Actual: \t", lcm)

    print("--- Division Test ---------------------------------------------------")
    sp1 = SparsePolynomial.from_string("x**2 - 1", ['x'])
예제 #13
import sys
import time

from sympy import QQ

sys.path.insert(0, "../")
sys.path.insert(0, "./../../")
import parser
import clue
from sparse_polynomial import SparsePolynomial

system = parser.read_system("BIOMD0000000033.ode")
obs = SparsePolynomial.from_string("AktInactive", system['variables'])

start = time.time()
lumped = clue.do_lumping(system['equations'], [obs], print_system=True)
end = time.time()

print(f"The size of the original model is {len(system['equations'])}")
print(f"The size of the reduced model is {len(lumped['polynomials'])}")
print(f"Computation took {end - start} seconds")
예제 #14
# Model generated from:
# Borisov, N. M., Chistopolsky, A. S., Faeder, J. R., & Kholodenko, B. N.
# Domain-oriented reduction of rule-based network models. IET systems biology, 2(5), 342-351, 2008.
# Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2628550/bin/NIHMS80246-supplement-Supplement_4.doc
import sys
import time

from sympy import QQ

sys.path.insert(0, "../")
sys.path.insert(0, "./../../")
import parser
import clue
from sparse_polynomial import SparsePolynomial

system = parser.read_system("OrderedPhosphorylation.ode")
obs = SparsePolynomial.from_string("s0", system['variables'])

start = time.time()
lumped = clue.do_lumping(system['equations'], [obs])
end = time.time()

print(f"The size of the original model is {len(system['equations'])}")
print(f"The size of the reduced model is {len(lumped['polynomials'])}")
print(f"Computation took {end - start} seconds")

obss = {
    [["cFos_P", "cJun_P"], ["MMP1_mRNA", "MMP13_mRNA", "TIMP1_mRNA"],
     ["MMP1", "MMP13", "ColFrag"],
     ["JAK1_P", "JNK_P", "cJun_P", "cJun_dimer", "STAT3_P_nuc",
    "fceri_ji.ode": [["S0"], ["S2", "S178", "S267", "S77"],
                     ["S2 + S178 + S267 + S77"], ["S7"], ["S1"]],
    "e2.ode": [["S0"], ["S1"]],
    "Barua.ode": [["aS000"], ["aS027"]]

if __name__ == "__main__":

    path = sys.argv[1]
    name = path[path.rindex('/') + 1:]

    system = read_system("{0}".format(path))

    obs_sets = obss[name]

    for obs_set in obs_sets:
        obs_polys = [
            SparsePolynomial.from_string(s, system['variables'])
            for s in obs_set

        do_lumping(system["equations"], obs_polys)
예제 #16
def do_lumping_internal(rhs,
      Performs a lumping of a polynomial ODE system represented by SparsePolynomial
        - polys - the right-hand side of the system
        - observable - a nonempty list of linear forms in state variables
                       that must be kept nonlumped
        - new_vars_name (optional) - the name for variables in the lumped polynomials
        - verbose (optional) - whether to report the result on the screen or not
        a tuple (the right-hand side of an aggregated system, new_variables)

    logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s',
                        datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
    logging.debug("Starting aggregation")

    # Reduce the problem to the common invariant subspace problem
    vars_old = rhs[0].gens
    field = rhs[0].domain
    deleted = 0
    matrices = construct_matrices(rhs)
    print(f"-> There are {len(matrices)} matrices in total.")
    start = timeit.default_timer()
    # Proceed only with matrices that are linearly independent
    if discard_useless_matrices:
        matrices = sorted(matrices, key=lambda m: m.nonzero_count())
        vectors_of_matrices = [m.to_vector() for m in matrices]
        subspace = Subspace(field)
        for i in range(len(vectors_of_matrices)):
            pivot_index = subspace.absorb_new_vector(vectors_of_matrices[i])
            if pivot_index < 0:
                del matrices[i - deleted]
                deleted += 1
        logging.debug(f"Discarded {deleted} linearly dependant matrices")

        f"-> I discarded {deleted} linearly dependant matrices in {timeit.default_timer()-start}s"

    # Find a lumping
    vectors_to_include = []
    for linear_form in observable:
        vec = SparseVector.from_list(linear_form.linear_part_as_vec(), field)
    start = timeit.default_timer()
    lumping_subspace = find_smallest_common_subspace(matrices,
        f"-> I found the lumping subspace in {timeit.default_timer()-start}s")

    lumped_rhs = lumping_subspace.perform_change_of_variables(
        rhs, new_vars_name)

    new_ic = None
    if ic is not None:
        eval_point = [ic.get(v, 0) for v in rhs[0].gens]
        new_ic = []
        for vect in lumping_subspace.basis():
                sum([p[0] * p[1] for p in zip(eval_point, vect.to_list())]))

    # Nice printing
    vars_new = lumped_rhs[0].gens
    if print_system:
        print("Original system:")
        for i in range(len(rhs)):
            print(f"{vars_old[i]}' = {rhs[i]}")
        print("Outputs to fix:")
        print(", ".join(map(str, observable)))
    if print_reduction:
        print("New variables:")
        for i in range(lumping_subspace.dim()):
            new_var = SparsePolynomial(vars_old, field)
            for j in range(len(vars_old)):
                if lumping_subspace.basis()[i][j] != 0:
                    new_var += SparsePolynomial(
                        vars_old, field,
                        {((j, 1), ): lumping_subspace.basis()[i][j]})
            print(f"{vars_new[i]} = {new_var}")
        if new_ic is not None:
            print("New initial conditions:")
            for v, val in zip(vars_new, new_ic):
                print(f"{v}(0) = {float(val)}")

        print("Lumped system:")
        for i in range(lumping_subspace.dim()):
            print(f"{vars_new[i]}' = {lumped_rhs[i]}")

    return {
        "rhs": lumped_rhs,
        "subspace": [v.to_list() for v in lumping_subspace.basis()],
        "new_ic": new_ic
예제 #17
    def perform_change_of_variables(self, rhs, new_vars_name='y'):
          Restrict a system of ODEs with the rhs given by
          rhs (SparsePolynomial or RationalFunction) to the subspace
          new_vars_name (optional) - the name for variables in the lumped polynomials
        old_vars = rhs[0].gens
        domain = rhs[0].domain
        new_vars = [new_vars_name + str(i) for i in range(self.dim())]
        pivots = set(self.parametrizing_coordinates())
        lpivots = sorted(pivots)
        basis = self.basis()

        logging.debug("Constructing new rhs")
        if isinstance(rhs[0], SparsePolynomial):
            new_rhs = [
                SparsePolynomial(old_vars, domain) for _ in range(self.dim())
        elif isinstance(rhs[0], RationalFunction):
            new_rhs = [
                    SparsePolynomial(old_vars, domain),
                    SparsePolynomial.from_string("1", old_vars, domain))
                for _ in range(self.dim())
        for i, vec in enumerate(basis):
            logging.debug(f"    Equation number {i}")
            for j in vec.nonzero_iter():
                # ordering is important due to the implementation of
                # multiplication for SparsePolynomial
                new_rhs[i] += rhs[j] * vec._data[j]

        logging.debug("Plugging zero to nonpivot coordinates")

        if isinstance(rhs[0], SparsePolynomial):
            shrinked_polys = []
            for p in new_rhs:
                filtered_dict = dict()
                for monom, coef in p.dataiter():
                    new_monom = []
                    skip = False
                    for var, exp in monom:
                        if var not in pivots:
                            skip = True
                            new_monom.append((lpivots.index(var), exp))
                    if not skip:
                        new_monom = tuple(new_monom)
                        filtered_dict[new_monom] = coef

                    SparsePolynomial(new_vars, domain, filtered_dict))

            return shrinked_polys

        elif isinstance(rhs[0], RationalFunction):
            # plugging all nonpivot variables with zeros
            shrinked_rfs = []
            for rf in new_rhs:

                num_filtered_dict = dict()
                for monom, coef in rf.num.dataiter():
                    new_monom = []
                    skip = False
                    for var, exp in monom:
                        if var not in pivots:
                            skip = True
                            new_monom.append((lpivots.index(var), exp))
                    if not skip:
                        new_monom = tuple(new_monom)
                        num_filtered_dict[new_monom] = coef
                new_num = SparsePolynomial(new_vars, domain, num_filtered_dict)

                denom_filtered_dict = dict()
                for monom, coef in rf.denom.dataiter():
                    new_monom = []
                    skip = False
                    for var, exp in monom:
                        if var not in pivots:
                            skip = True
                            new_monom.append((lpivots.index(var), exp))
                    if not skip:
                        new_monom = tuple(new_monom)
                        denom_filtered_dict[new_monom] = coef
                new_denom = SparsePolynomial(new_vars, domain,

                if new_denom.is_zero() and False:
                    print("Before plugging all nonpivot variables with zeros:")
                    print('\t', rf)
                    print("After plugging all nonpivot variables with zeros:")
                    print('\t', f"({new_num})/({new_denom})")
                    raise ZeroDivisionError

                shrinked_rfs.append(RationalFunction(new_num, new_denom))

            return shrinked_rfs
예제 #18
from sympy import QQ

sys.path.insert(0, "../")
sys.path.insert(0, "./../../")
import parser
import clue
from sparse_polynomial import SparsePolynomial

system = parser.read_system("BIOMD0000000504.ode")

obs_sets = [["cFos_P", "cJun_P"], ["MMP1_mRNA", "MMP13_mRNA", "TIMP1_mRNA"],
            ["MMP1", "MMP13", "ColFrag"],
                "JAK1_P", "JNK_P", "cJun_P", "cJun_dimer", "STAT3_P_nuc",

for obs_set in obs_sets:
    obs_polys = [
        SparsePolynomial.from_string(s, system['variables']) for s in obs_set

    start = time.time()
    lumped = clue.do_lumping(system['equations'], obs_polys)
    end = time.time()

    print(f"The size of the original model is {len(system['equations'])}")
    print(f"The size of the reduced model is {len(lumped['polynomials'])}")
    print(f"Computation took {end - start} seconds")
# A stochastic model of Escherichia coli AI‐2 quorum signal circuit reveals alternative synthesis pathways.
# Molecular systems biology, 2(1), 2006
# Source: https://www.ebi.ac.uk/biomodels/MODEL8262229752

import sys
import time

from sympy import QQ

sys.path.insert(0, "../")
sys.path.insert(0, "./../../")
import parser
import clue
from sparse_polynomial import SparsePolynomial

system = parser.read_system("MODEL8262229752.ode")
obs = [
    SparsePolynomial.from_string("Pfs_mRNA", system['variables']),
    SparsePolynomial.from_string("LuxS_mRNA", system['variables']),
    SparsePolynomial.from_string("AI2_intra", system['variables'])

start = time.time()
lumped = clue.do_lumping(system['equations'], obs)
end = time.time()

print(f"The size of the original model is {len(system['equations'])}")
print(f"The size of the reduced model is {len(lumped['polynomials'])}")
print(f"Computation took {end - start} seconds")
예제 #20
파일: tests.py 프로젝트: joshuapjacob/CLUE
    #     lumping = do_lumping(
    #             system["equations"],
    #             [SparsePolynomial.from_string("C3GActive", system["variables"])],
    #             print_reduction=False,
    #             discard_useless_matrices=True,
    #     )
    #     time += timeit.default_timer() - start
    # print("Average Time: ", time/N)
    # check_lumping("BIOMD0000000033", system["equations"], lumping)

    # MODEL1502270000
    system = read_system("../examples/RationalFunctions/MODEL1502270000.ode")
    lumping = do_lumping(
            [SparsePolynomial.from_string("gmax*Kp+a", system["variables"])],
    print("Lumping Size: ", len(lumping['rhs']))
    check_lumping("MODEL1502270000", system["equations"], lumping)
    lumping = do_lumping(
            [SparsePolynomial.from_string("si", system["variables"])],
    print("Lumping Size: ", len(lumping['rhs']))
    check_lumping("MODEL1502270000", system["equations"], lumping)
    # print(lumping)
예제 #21
import sys

import sympy
from sympy import QQ

sys.path.insert(0, "../")
sys.path.insert(0, "./")
import clue
from sparse_polynomial import SparsePolynomial

exprs = [
    "a * (3 * a + b) - 8.5 * (a + b)**5 - 3 * c * b * (c - a)",
    "(a + b + c**2)**5 - 3 * a + b * 17 * 19 * 0.5"

for e in exprs:
    parsed = sympy.parse_expr(e)
    sp = SparsePolynomial.from_string(e, ["a", "b", "c"])
    assert (sympy.simplify(parsed - sympy.parse_expr(str(sp))) == 0)