def payload(self, m, p=np.zeros(3)):
        payload(m, p) adds payload mass adds a payload with point mass m at
        position p in the end-effector coordinate frame.

        payload(m) adds payload mass adds a payload with point mass m at
        in the end-effector coordinate frame.

        payload(0) removes added payload.

        :param m: mass (kg)
        :type m: float
        :param p: position in end-effector frame
        :type p: ndarray(3,1)


        p = getvector(p, 3, out='col')
        lastlink = self.links[self.n - 1]

        lastlink.m = m
        lastlink.r = p
    def Revolute(cls, q):
        Construct a new 2D revolute Twist object

        :param q: Point on the line of action
        :type q: array_like(2)
        :return: 2D prismatic twist
        :rtype: Twist2 instance

        - ``Twist2.Revolute(q)`` is a 2D Twist object representing rotation about the 2D point ``q``.

        .. runblock:: pycon

            >>> from spatialmath import Twist2
            >>> Twist2.Revolute([0, 1])

        q = base.getvector(q, 2)
        v = -np.cross(np.r_[0.0, 0.0, 1.0], np.r_[q, 0.0])
        return cls(v[:2], 1)
def blackbody(lam, T):
    Compute blackbody emission spectrum

    :param lam: wavelength 𝜆 [m]
    :type lam: float or array_like
    :param T: blackbody temperature [K]
    :type T: float

    ``blackbody(𝜆, T)`` is the blackbody radiation power density [W/m^3]
    at the wavelength 𝜆 [m] and temperature T [K].

    If 𝜆 is a vector (N,), then the result is a vector (N,) of
    blackbody radiation power density at the corresponding elements of 𝜆.


        l = np.linspace(380, 700, 10) * 1e-9  # visible spectrum
        e = blackbody(l, 6500)                # emission of sun
        plt.plot(l, e)


        - Robotics, Vision & Control, Section 10.1,
          P. Corke, Springer 2011.

    # physical constants
    c = 2.99792458e8  # m/s         (speed of light)
    h = 6.626068e-34  # m2 kg / s   (Planck's constant)
    k = 1.3806503e-23  # J K-1      (Boltzmann's constant)

    lam = base.getvector(lam)

    e = 2.0 * h * c**2 / (lam**5 * (np.exp(h * c / k / T / lam) - 1))
    if len(e) == 1:
        return e[0]
        return e
예제 #4
    def eval(self, q):
        Evaluate an ETS with joint coordinate substitution

        :param q: joint coordinates
        :type q: array-like
        :return: product of transformations
        :rtype: SE3

        Effectively the forward-kinematics of the ET sequence.  Compounds the
        transforms left to right, and substitutes in joint coordinates as 
        needed from consecutive elements of ``q``.
        T = SE3()

        q = getvector(q, out='sequence')
        for e in self:
            if e.jtype == self.VARIABLE:
                T *= e.T(q.pop(0))
                T *= e.T()
        return T
예제 #5
def unittwist(S, tol=10):
    Convert twist to unit twist

    :param S: twist vector
    :type S: array_like(6)
    :param tol: tolerance in units of eps
    :type tol: float
    :return: unit twist
    :rtype: ndarray(6)

    A unit twist is a twist where:

    - the rotation part has unit magnitude
    - if the rotational part is zero, then the translational part has unit magnitude

    .. runblock:: pycon

        >>> from spatialmath.base import *
        >>> unittwist([2, 4, 6, 2, 0, 0])
        >>> unittwist([2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])

    Returns None if the twist has zero magnitude

    S = getvector(S, 6)

    if iszerovec(S, tol=tol):
        return None

    v = S[0:3]
    w = S[3:6]

    if iszerovec(w):
        th = norm(v)
        th = norm(w)

    return S / th
예제 #6
def rodrigues(w, theta=None):
    Rodrigues' formula for rotation

    :param w: rotation vector
    :type w: array_like(3) or array_like(1)
    :param θ: rotation angle
    :type θ: float or None
    :return: SO(n) matrix
    :rtype: ndarray(2,2) or ndarray(3,3)

    Compute Rodrigues' formula for a rotation matrix given a rotation axis
    and angle.

    .. math::

        \mat{R} = \mat{I}_{3 \times 3} + \sin \theta \skx{\hat{\vec{v}}} + (1 - \cos \theta) \skx{\hat{\vec{v}}}^2

    .. runblock:: pycon

        >>> from spatialmath.base import *
        >>> rodrigues([1, 0, 0], 0.3)
        >>> rodrigues([0.3, 0, 0])
        >>> rodrigues(0.3)   # 2D version

    w = base.getvector(w)
    if base.iszerovec(w):
        # for a zero so(n) return unit matrix, theta not relevant
        if len(w) == 1:
            return np.eye(2)
            return np.eye(3)
    if theta is None:
        w, theta = base.unitvec_norm(w)

    skw = skew(w)
    return np.eye(skw.shape[0]) + math.sin(theta) * skw + (
        1.0 - math.cos(theta)) * skw @ skw
예제 #7
    def __init__(self, m=None, r=None, I=None):
        Create a new spatial inertia

        :param m: mass
        :type m: float
        :param r: centre of mass relative to link frame
        :type r: 3-element array_like
        :param I: inertia about the centre of mass, axes aligned with link frame
        :type I: numpy.array, shape=(6,6)

        - ``SpatialInertia(m, r I)`` is a spatial inertia object for a rigid-body
          with mass ``m``, centre of mass at ``r`` relative to the link frame, and an
          inertia matrix ``I`` (3x3) about the centre of mass.

        - ``SpatialInertia(I)`` is a spatial inertia object with a value equal
          to ``I`` (6x6).

        if m is None and r is None and I is None:
            # no arguments
            I = SpatialInertia._identity()
        elif m is not None and r is None and I is None and base.ismatrix(
                m, (6, 6)):
            I = base.getmatrix(m, (6, 6))
        elif m is not None and r is not None:
            r = base.getvector(r, 3)
            if I is None:
                I = np.zeros((3, 3))
                I = base.getmatrix(I, (3, 3))
            C = base.skew(r)
            I = np.block([[m * np.eye(3), m * C.T], [m * C, I + m * C @ C.T]])
            raise ValueError('bad values') = [I]
def isunittwist(v, tol=10):
    Test if vector represents a unit twist in SE(2) or SE(3)

    :param v: twist vector to test
    :type v: array_like(6)
    :param tol: tolerance in units of eps
    :type tol: float
    :return: whether twist has unit length
    :rtype: bool
    :raises ValueError: for incorrect vector length

    Vector is is intepretted as :math:`[v, \omega]` where :math:`v \in \mathbb{R}^n` and
    :math:`\omega \in \mathbb{R}^1` for SE(2) and :math:`\omega \in \mathbb{R}^3` for SE(3).

    A unit twist can be a:

    - unit rotational twist where :math:`|| \omega || = 1`, or
    - unit translational twist where :math:`|| \omega || = 0` and :math:`|| v || = 1`.

    .. runblock:: pycon

        >>> from spatialmath.base import *
        >>> isunittwist([1, 2, 3, 1, 0, 0])
        >>> isunittwist([0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0])

    :seealso: unit, isunitvec
    v = getvector(v)

    if len(v) == 6:
        # test for SE(3) twist
        return isunitvec(v[3:6],
                         tol=tol) or (np.linalg.norm(v[3:6]) < tol * _eps
                                      and isunitvec(v[0:3], tol=tol))
        raise ValueError
    def Tx(cls, x):
        Create an SE(2) translation along the X-axis

        :param x: translation distance along the X-axis
        :type x: float
        :return: SE(2) matrix
        :rtype: SE2 instance

        `SE2.Tx(x)` is an SE(2) translation of ``x`` along the x-axis


        .. runblock:: pycon

            >>> SE2.Tx(2)
            >>> SE2.Tx([2,3])

        :seealso: :func:`~spatialmath.base.transforms3d.transl`
        :SymPy: supported
        return cls([base.transl2(_x, 0) for _x in base.getvector(x)], check=False)
예제 #10
def qnorm(q):
    Norm of a quaternion

    :arg q: quaternion
    :type v: : array_like(4)
    :return: norm of the quaternion
    :rtype: float

    Returns the norm, length or magnitude of the input quaternion which is
    :math:`(s^2 + v_x^2 + v_y^2 + v_z^2}^{1/2}`

    .. runblock:: pycon

        >>> from spatialmath.base import qnorm
        >>> q = qnorm([1, 2, 3, 4])
        >>> print(q)

    :seealso: unit

    q = base.getvector(q, 4)
    return np.linalg.norm(q)
    def Tz(cls, z):
        Create an SE(3) translation along the Z-axis

        :param z: translation distance along the Z-axis
        :type z: float
        :return: SE(3) matrix
        :rtype: SE3 instance

        `SE3.Tz(z)` is an SE(3) translation of ``z`` along the z-axis


        .. runblock:: pycon

            >>> SE3.Tz(2)
            >>> SE3.Tz([2,3])

        :seealso: :func:`~spatialmath.base.transforms3d.transl`
        :SymPy: supported
        return cls([base.transl(0, 0, _z) for _z in base.getvector(z)],
예제 #12
def unit(q, tol=10):
    Create a unit quaternion

    :arg v: quaterion
    :type v: array_like(4)
    :return: a pure quaternion
    :rtype: ndarray(4)
    :raises ValueError: quaternion has (near) zero norm

    Creates a unit quaternion, with unit norm, by scaling the input quaternion.

    .. runblock:: pycon

        >>> from spatialmath.base import unit, qprint
        >>> q = unit([1, 2, 3, 4])
        >>> qprint(q)

    .. note:: Scalar part is always positive.

    .. note:: If the quaternion norm is less than ``tol * eps`` an exception is

    :seealso: norm
    q = base.getvector(q, 4)
    nm = np.linalg.norm(q)
    if abs(nm) < tol * _eps:
        raise ValueError("cannot normalize (near) zero length quaternion")
        q /= nm

    if q[0] >= 0:
        return q
        return -q
    def Ty(cls, y):
        Create an SE(3) translation along the Y-axis

        :param y: translation distance along the Y-axis
        :type y: float
        :return: SE(3) matrix
        :rtype: SE3 instance

        `SE3.Ty(y) is an SE(3) translation of ``y`` along the y-axis


        .. runblock:: pycon

            >>> SE3.Ty(2)
            >>> SE3.Tz([2,3])

        :seealso: :func:`~spatialmath.base.transforms3d.transl`
        :SymPy: supported
        return cls([base.transl(0, _y, 0) for _y in base.getvector(y)],
예제 #14
    def Hx(self, xv, jf):
        Jacobian dh/dx
        # J = self.Hx(X, K) returns the Jacobian dh/dx (2x3) at the vehicle
        # state X (3x1) for map landmark K.
        # J = self.Hx(X, P) as above but for a landmark at coordinate P.
        # See also RangeBearingSensor.h.
        if base.isinteger(jf):
            # landmark index provided
            xf = self.sensor.landmark(jf)
            # assume it is a coordinate
            xf = base.getvector(jf, 2)

        Delta = xf - xv[0:2]
        r = base.norm(Delta)
        return np.array([
            [-Delta[0] / r, -Delta[1] / r, 0],
            [Delta[1] / r**2, -Delta[0] / r**2, -1],
def skew(v):
    Create skew-symmetric metrix from vector

    :param v: vector
    :type v: array_like(1) or array_like(3)
    :return: skew-symmetric matrix in so(2) or so(3)
    :rtype: ndarray(2,2) or ndarray(3,3)
    :raises ValueError: bad argument

    ``skew(V)`` is a skew-symmetric matrix formed from the elements of ``V``.

    - ``len(V)``  is 1 then ``S`` = :math:`\left[ \begin{array}{cc} 0 & -v \\ v & 0 \end{array} \right]`
    - ``len(V)`` is 3 then ``S`` = :math:`\left[ \begin{array}{ccc} 0 & -v_z & v_y \\ v_z & 0 & -v_x \\ -v_y & v_x & 0\end{array} \right]`

    .. runblock:: pycon

        >>> from spatialmath.base import *
        >>> skew(2)
        >>> skew([1, 2, 3])

    .. note::

        - This is the inverse of the function ``vex()``.
        - These are the generator matrices for the Lie algebras so(2) and so(3).

    :seealso: :func:`vex`, :func:`skewa`
    :SymPy: supported
    v = base.getvector(v, None, 'sequence')
    if len(v) == 1:
        return np.array([[0, -v[0]], [v[0], 0]])
    elif len(v) == 3:
        return np.array([[0, -v[2], v[1]], [v[2], 0, -v[0]], [-v[1], v[0], 0]])
        raise ValueError("argument must be a 1- or 3-vector")
예제 #16
def edgelist(im, p, direction=1):
    Find edge of a region

    :param im: binary image
    :type im: ndarray(h,w,int)
    :param p: initial point
    :type p: array_like(2)
    :param direction: direction to traverse region, +1 clockwise [default], -1
    :type direction: int, optional
    :raises ValueError: initial point is not on the edge
    :raises RuntimeError: not able to find path to the goal
    :return: edge list, direction vector list
    :rtype: tuple of lists

    ``edge, dirs = edgelist(im, seed)`` is the boundary/contour/edge of a region
    in the binary image ``im``.  ``seed=[X,Y]`` is the coordinate of a point on
    the edge of the region of interest, but belonging to the region.

    ``edge`` is a list of coordinates (2) of edge pixels of a region in theThe
    elements of the edgelist are NumPy ndarray(2).

    ``dirs`` is a list of integers representing the direction of the edge from
    the corresponding point in ``edge`` to the next point in ``edge``.  The
    integers in the range 0 to 7 represent directions: W SW S SE E NW N NW

    - Coordinates are given and returned assuming the matrix is an image, so the
      indices are always in the form (x,y) or (column,row).
    - ``im` is a binary image where 0 is assumed to be background, non-zero 
      is an object.
    - ``p`` must be a point on the edge of the region.
    - The initial point is always the first and last element of the returned edgelist.
    - 8-direction chain coding can give incorrect results when used with
      blobs founds using 4-way connectivty.


      Luren Yang, Fritz Albregtsen, Tor Lgnnestad and Per Grgttum
      IAPR Workshop on Machine Vision Applications Dec. 13-15, 1994, Kawasaki


    if direction > 0:
        neighbours = np.arange(start=0, stop=8, step=1)
        neighbours = np.arange(start=7, stop=-1, step=-1)

        pix0 = im[p[1], p[0]]  # color of pixel we start at
        raise ValueError('specified coordinate is not within image')

    p = base.getvector(p, 2,
    q = adjacent_point(im, p, pix0)

    # find an adjacent point outside the blob
    if q is None:
        raise ValueError('no neighbour outside the blob')

    d = None
    e = [p]  # initialize the edge list
    dir = [] # initialize the direction list
    p0 = None

    while True:

        # find which direction is Q
        dq = q - p
        for kq in range(0, 8):
            # get index of neighbour's direction in range [1,8]
            if np.all(dq == _dirs[kq]):

        # now test for directions relative to Q
        for j in neighbours:
            # get index of neighbour's direction in range [1,8]
            k = (j + kq) % 8
            # if k > 7:
            #     k = k - 7

            # compute coordinate of the k'th neighbour
            nk = p + _dirs[k]

                if im[nk[1], nk[0]] == pix0:
                    # if this neighbour is in the blob it is the next edge pixel
                    p = nk
                raise ValueError("Something went wrong calculating edgelist")

            q = nk

        # check if we are back where we started
        if p0 is None:
                p0 = p  # make a note of where we started
            if all(p == p0):

        # keep going, add this point to the edgelist

    return e, dir
예제 #17
def distancexform(occgrid, goal, metric='cityblock', show=False):
    Distance transform for path planning

    :param occgrid: Occupancy grid
    :type occgrid: NumPy ndarray
    :param goal: Goal position (x,y)
    :type goal: 2-element array-like
    :param metric: distance metric, defaults to 'cityblock'
    :type metric: str, optional
    :return: Distance transform matrix
    :rtype: NumPy ndarray

    Returns a matrix the same size as the occupancy grid ``occgrid`` where each
    cell contains the distance to the goal according to the chosen ``metric``.

        - Obstacle cells will be set to ``nan``.  
        - Unreachable cells, ie. free cells _inside obstacles_ will be set 
          to ``inf``. 

    The cells of the passed occupancy grid are:
        - zero, cell is free or driveable
        - one, cell is an obstacle, or not driveable

    # build the matrix for performing distance transform:
    # - obstacles are nan
    # - other cells are inf
    # - goal is zero

    goal = base.getvector(goal, 2,
    occgrid = occgrid.astype(np.float32)
    occgrid[occgrid > 0] = np.nan  # assign nan to obstacle cells
    nans = np.isnan(occgrid)  # keep record of where the NaNs are

    occgrid[occgrid==0] = np.inf  # assign inf to other cells
    occgrid[goal[1], goal[0]] = 0  # assign zero to goal
    # create the appropriate distance matrix D
    if metric.lower() in ('manhattan', 'cityblock'):
        D = np.array([
                [ np.inf,   1,   np.inf],
                [      1,   0,        1],
                [ np.inf,   1,   np.inf]
    elif metric.lower() == 'euclidean':
        r2 = np.sqrt(2)
        D = np.array([
                [ r2,   1,   r2],
                [  1,   0,    1],
                [ r2,   1,   r2]

    # get ready to iterate
    count = 0
    ninf = np.inf  # number of infinities in the map

    while True:
        occgrid = dxstep(occgrid, D)
        occgrid[nans] = np.nan

        count += 1
        # if opt.animate
        #     cmap = [1 0 0; gray(count)];
        #     colormap(cmap)
        #     image(occgrid+1, 'CDataMapping', 'direct');
        #     set(gca, 'Ydir', 'normal');
        #     xlabel('x');
        #     ylabel('y');
        #     if opt.animate
        #         anim.add();
        #     else
        #         pause(opt.delay);

        ninfnow = sum(np.isinf(occgrid.flatten()))  # current number of Infs
        if ninfnow == ninf:
            # stop if the number of Infs left in the map had stopped reducing
            # it may never get to zero if there are unreachable cells in the map

        ninf = ninfnow

    print(f"{count:d} iterations, {ninf:d} unreachable cells")
    return occgrid
예제 #18
    def ikine_min(
            self, T, q0=None, pweight=1.0, stiffness=0.0,
            qlimits=True, ilimit=1000):
        Inverse kinematics by optimization with joint limits (Robot superclass)

        :param T: The desired end-effector pose or pose trajectory
        :type T: SE3
        :param q0: initial joint configuration (default all zeros)
        :type q0: ndarray(n)
        :param pweight: weighting on position error norm compared to rotation
            error (default 1)
        :type pweight: float
        :param stiffness: Stiffness used to impose a smoothness contraint on
            joint angles, useful when n is large (default 0)
        :type stiffness: float
        :param qlimits: Enforce joint limits (default True)
        :type qlimits: bool
        :param ilimit: Iteration limit (default 1000)
        :type ilimit: bool
        :return: inverse kinematic solution
        :rtype: named tuple

        ``sol = robot.ikine_unc(T)`` are the joint coordinates (n) corresponding
        to the robot end-effector pose T which is an SE3 object.  The
        return value ``sol`` is a named tuple with elements:

        ============    ==========  ============================================================
        Element         Type        Description
        ============    ==========  ============================================================
        ``q``           ndarray(n)  joint coordinates in units of radians or metres, or ``None``
        ``success``     bool        whether a solution was found
        ``reason``      str         reason for the failure
        ``iterations``  int         number of iterations
        ``residual``    float       final value of cost function
        ============    ==========  ============================================================

        **Trajectory operation**:

        If ``len(T) > 1`` it is considered to be a trajectory, and the result
        is a list of named tuples such that ``sol[k]`` corresponds to ``T[k]``.
        The initial estimate of q for each time step is taken as the solution
        from the previous time step.

        .. note::

            - PROTOTYPE CODE UNDER DEVELOPMENT, intended to do numerical
              inverse kinematics with joint limits
            - Uses ``SciPy.minimize`` with/without constraints.
            - The inverse kinematic solution is generally not unique, and
              depends on the initial guess ``q0``.
            - This norm is computed from distances and angles and ``pweight``
              can be used to scale the position error norm to be congruent
              with rotation error norm.
            - For a highly redundant robot ``stiffness`` can be used to impose
              a smoothness contraint on joint angles, tending toward solutions
              with are smooth curves.
            - The default value of ``q0`` is zero which is a poor choice for
              most manipulators since it often corresponds to a
              kinematic singularity.
            - Such a solution is completely general, though much less
              efficient than analytic inverse kinematic solutions derived
            - This approach allows a solution to obtained at a singularity,
              but the joint angles within the null space are arbitrarily
            - Joint offsets, if defined, are accounted for in the solution.
            - Joint limits become explicit bounds if 'qlimits' is set.

        .. warning::

            - The objective function is rather uncommon.
            - Order of magnitude slower than ``ikine_LM`` or ``ikine_LMS``, it
              uses a scalar cost-function and does not provide a Jacobian.

        :seealso: :func:`ikine_LM`, :func:`ikine_LMS`, :func:`ikine_unc`,
        """  # noqa

        if not isinstance(T, SE3):
            T = SE3(T)

        if q0 is None:
            q0 = np.zeros((self.n,))
            q0 = base.getvector(q0, self.n)

        col = 2
        solutions = []

        # Define the cost function to minimise
        def cost(q, *args):
            T, pweight, col, stiffness = args
            Tq = self.fkine(q).A

            # translation error
            dT = base.transl(T) - base.transl(Tq)
            E = np.linalg.norm(dT) * pweight

            # Rotation error
            # Find dot product of two columns
            dd =[0:3, col], Tq[0:3, col])
            E += np.arccos(dd)**2 * 1000

            if stiffness > 0:
                # Enforce a continuity constraint on joints, minimum bend
                E += np.sum(np.diff(q)**2) * stiffness

            return E

        for Tk in T:

            if qlimits:
                bounds = Bounds(self.qlim[0, :], self.qlim[1, :])

                res = minimize(
                    args=(Tk.A, pweight, col, stiffness),
                    options={'gtol': 1e-6, 'maxiter': ilimit})
                # No joint limits, unconstrained optimization
                res = minimize(
                    args=(Tk.A, pweight, col, stiffness),
                    options={'gtol': 1e-6, 'maxiter': ilimit})

            solution = iksol(res.x, res.success, res.message, res.nit,
            q0 = res.x  # use this solution as initial estimate for next time

        if len(T) == 1:
            return solutions[0]
            return solutions
예제 #19
    def __init__(self,
        Superclass for vehicle kinematic models

        :param covar: odometry covariance, defaults to zero
        :type covar: ndarray(2,2), optional
        :param speed_max: maximum speed, defaults to :math:`\infty`
        :type speed_max: float, optional
        :param accel_max: maximum acceleration, defaults to :math:`\infty`
        :type accel_max: float, optional
        :param x0: Initial state, defaults to (0,0,0)
        :type x0: array_like(3), optional
        :param dt: sample update interval, defaults to 0.1
        :type dt: float, optional
        :param control: vehicle control inputs, defaults to None
        :type control: array_like(2), interp1d, VehicleDriver
        :param animation: Graphical animation of vehicle, defaults to None
        :type animation: VehicleAnimation subclass, optional
        :param verbose: print lots of info, defaults to False
        :type verbose: bool, optional
        :param dim: dimensions of 2D plot area, defaults to (-10:10) x (-10:10),
            see :func:`~spatialmath.base.animate.plotvol2`
        :type dims: float, array_like(2), , array_like(4)

        This is an abstract superclass that simulates the motion of a mobile
        robot under the action of a controller.  The controller provides
        control inputs to the vehicle, and the output odometry is returned.
        The true state, effectively unknowable in practice, is computed
        and accessible.

        :seealso: :func:`Bicycle`, :func:`Unicycle`

        if covar is None:
            covar = np.zeros((2, 2))
        self._V = covar
        self._dt = dt
        if x0 is None:
            x0 = np.zeros((3, ), dtype=float)
            x0 = base.getvector(x0)
            if len(x0) not in (2, 3):
                raise ValueError('x0 must be length 2 or 3')
        self._x0 = x0
        self._x = x0

        self._speed_max = speed_max
        self._accel_max = accel_max
        self._v_prev = 0

        self._vehicle_plot = None
        if control is not None:
        self._animation = animation

        self._dt = dt
        self._t = 0
        self._stopsim = False

        self._verbose = verbose
        self._plot = False

        self._dim = dim

        self._x_hist = np.empty((0, len(x0)))
예제 #20
    def ikine_con(self, T, q0=None, **kwargs):
        Inverse kinematics by optimization with joint limits (Robot superclass)

        :param T: The desired end-effector pose or pose trajectory
        :type T: SE3
        :param q0: initial joint configuration (default all zeros)
        :type q0: ndarray(n)
        :return: inverse kinematic solution
        :rtype: named tuple

        ``sol = robot.ikine_unc(T)`` are the joint coordinates (n)
        corresponding to the robot end-effector pose T which is an SE3 object.
        The return value ``sol`` is a named tuple with elements:

        ============    ==========  ============================================================
        Element         Type        Description
        ============    ==========  ============================================================
        ``q``           ndarray(n)  joint coordinates in units of radians or metres, or ``None``
        ``success``     bool        whether a solution was found
        ``reason``      str         reason for the failure
        ``iterations``  int         number of iterations
        ``residual``    float       final value of cost function
        ============    ==========  ============================================================

        **Trajectory operation**:

        If ``len(T) > 1`` it is considered to be a trajectory, and the result
        is a list of named tuples such that ``sol[k]`` corresponds to ``T[k]``.
        The initial estimate of q for each time step is taken as the solution
        from the previous time step.

        .. note::

            - Uses ``SciPy.minimize`` with bounds.
            - Joint limits are considered in this solution.
            - Can be used for robots with arbitrary degrees of freedom.
            - The inverse kinematic solution is generally not unique, and
              depends on the initial guess ``q0``.
            - The default value of ``q0`` is zero which is a poor choice for
              most manipulators since it often corresponds to a
              kinematic singularity.
            - Such a solution is completely general, though much less
              efficient than analytic inverse kinematic solutions derived
            - The objective function (error) is
              :math:`\sum \left( (\mat{T}^{-1} \cal{K}(\vec{q}) - \mat{1} ) \mat{\Omega} \right)^2`
              where :math:`\mat{\Omega}` is a diagonal matrix.
            - Joint offsets, if defined, are accounted for in the solution.

        .. warning::

            - The objective function is rather uncommon.
            - Order of magnitude slower than ``ikine_LM`` or ``ikine_LMS``, it
              uses a scalar cost-function and does not provide a Jacobian.

        :author: Bryan Moutrie, for RTB-MATLAB

        :seealso: :func:`ikine_LM`, :func:`ikine_LMS`, :func:`ikine_unc`,

        """  # noqa

        if not isinstance(T, SE3):
            T = SE3(T)

        if q0 is None:
            q0 = np.zeros((self.n))
            q0 = base.getvector(q0, self.n)

        solutions = []

        omega = np.diag([1, 1, 1, 3 / self.reach])

        def cost(q, *args):
            T, omega = args
            E = (base.trinv(T) @ self.fkine(q).A - np.eye(4)) @ omega
            return (E**2).sum()  # quicker than np.sum(E**2)

        bnds = Bounds(self.qlim[0, :], self.qlim[1, :])

        for Tk in T:
            res = minimize(
                args=(Tk.A, omega),
                options={'ftol': 1e-10})

            solution = iksol(res.x, res.success, res.message, res.nit,
            q0 = res.x  # use this solution as initial estimate for next time

        if len(T) == 1:
            return solutions[0]
            return solutions
예제 #21
    def ikine_LMS(
            self, T,

        Numerical inverse kinematics by Levenberg-Marquadt optimization
        (Robot superclass)

        :param T: The desired end-effector pose or pose trajectory
        :type T: SE3
        :param q0: initial joint configuration (default all zeros)
        :type q0: ndarray(n)
        :param mask: mask vector that correspond to translation in X, Y and Z
            and rotation about X, Y and Z respectively.
        :type mask: ndarray(6)
        :param ilimit: maximum number of iterations (default 500)
        :type ilimit: int
        :param tol: final error tolerance (default 1e-10)
        :type tol: float
        :param ωN: damping coefficient
        :type ωN: float (default 1e-3)

        :return: inverse kinematic solution
        :rtype: named tuple

        ``sol = robot.ikine_LM(T)`` are the joint coordinates (n) corresponding
        to the robot end-effector pose ``T`` which is an ``SE3`` object. This
        method can be used for robots with any number of degrees of freedom.
        The return value ``sol`` is a named tuple with elements:

        ============    ==========  ============================================================
        Element         Type        Description
        ============    ==========  ============================================================
        ``q``           ndarray(n)  joint coordinates in units of radians or metres, or ``None``
        ``success``     bool        whether a solution was found
        ``reason``      str         reason for the failure
        ``iterations``  int         number of iterations
        ``residual``    float       final value of cost function
        ============    ==========  ============================================================

        **Trajectory operation**:

        If ``len(T) > 1`` it is considered to be a trajectory, and the result
        is a list of named tuples such that ``sol[k]`` corresponds to ``T[k]``.
        The initial estimate of q for each time step is taken as the solution
        from the previous time step.

        **Underactuated robots:**

        For the case where the manipulator has fewer than 6 DOF the
        solution space has more dimensions than can be spanned by the
        manipulator joint coordinates.

        In this case we specify the ``mask`` option where the ``mask`` vector
        (6) specifies the Cartesian DOF (in the wrist coordinate frame) that
        will be ignored in reaching a solution.  The mask vector has six
        elements that correspond to translation in X, Y and Z, and rotation
        about X, Y and Z respectively. The value should be 0 (for ignore)
        or 1. The number of non-zero elements should equal the number of
        manipulator DOF.

        For example when using a 3 DOF manipulator rotation orientation might
        be unimportant in which case use the option: mask = [1 1 1 0 0 0].

        .. note::

            - Implements a modified Levenberg-Marquadt variable-step-size
              solver which is quite robust in practice.
            - The tolerance is computed on the norm of the error between
              current and desired tool pose.  This norm is computed from
              distances and angles without any kind of weighting.
            - The inverse kinematic solution is generally not unique, and
              depends on the initial guess ``q0``.
            - The default value of ``q0`` is zero which is a poor choice for
              most manipulators since it often corresponds to a
              kinematic singularity.
            - Such a solution is completely general, though much less
              efficient than analytic inverse kinematic solutions derived
            - This approach allows a solution to be obtained at a singularity,
              but the joint angles within the null space are arbitrarily
            - Joint offsets, if defined, are accounted for in the solution.
            - Joint limits are not considered in this solution.

            - "Solvability-Unconcerned Inverse Kinematics by the
              Levenberg–Marquardt Method", T. Sugihara, IEEE T-RO, 27(5),
              October 2011, pp. 984-991.

        :seealso: :func:`ikine_LM`, :func:`ikine_unc`, :func:`ikine_con`,
        """  # noqa

        if not isinstance(T, SE3):
            T = SE3(T)

        solutions = []

        def angle_axis(T, Td):
            d = base.transl(Td) - base.transl(T)
            R = base.t2r(Td) @ base.t2r(T).T
            l = np.r_[R[2, 1] - R[1, 2], R[0, 2] - R[2, 0], R[1, 0] - R[0, 1]]  # noqa
            if base.iszerovec(l):
                # diagonal matrix case
                if np.trace(R) > 0:
                    # (1,1,1) case
                    a = np.zeros((3,))
                    # (1, -1, -1), (-1, 1, -1) or (-1, -1, 1) case
                    a = np.pi / 2 * (np.diag(R) + 1)
                # non-diagonal matrix case
                ln = base.norm(l)
                a = math.atan2(ln, np.trace(R) - 1) * l / ln

            return np.r_[d, a]

        if q0 is None:
            q0 = np.zeros((self.n,))
            q0 = base.getvector(q0, self.n)

        if mask is not None:
            mask = base.getvector(mask, 6)
            if not self.n >= np.sum(mask):
                raise ValueError(
                    'Number of robot DOF must be >= the number '
                    'of 1s in the mask matrix')
            mask = np.ones(6)
        W = np.diag(mask)

        tcount = 0  # Total iteration count

        # bool vector indicating revolute joints
        revolutes = np.array([link.isrevolute() for link in self])

        q = q0
        for Tk in T:
            iterations = 0
            failure = None
            nm = None

            while True:
                # Update the count and test against iteration limit
                iterations += 1

                if iterations > ilimit:
                    failure = f"iteration limit {ilimit} exceeded"

                e = angle_axis(self.fkine(q).A, Tk.A)

                # Are we there yet?
                E = 0.5 * e.T @ W @ e
                if E < tol:

                # Compute the Jacobian
                J = self.jacob0(q)

                JtJ = J.T @ W @ J

                # Do the damped inverse Gauss-Newton with
                # Levenberg-Marquadt
                dq = np.linalg.inv(
                    JtJ + (E + wN) * np.eye(self.n)
                ) @ J.T @ W @ e

                # Compute possible new value of
                q += dq

                # Wrap angles for revolute joints
                k = np.logical_and(q > np.pi, revolutes)
                q[k] -= 2 * np.pi

                k = np.logical_and(q < -np.pi, revolutes)
                q[k] += + 2 * np.pi

                nm = np.linalg.norm(W @ e)
                # qs = ", ".join(["{:8.3f}".format(qi) for qi in q])
                # print(f"|e|={E:8.2g}: q={qs}")

            # LM process finished, for better or worse
            # failure will be None or an error message
            solution = iksol(q, failure is None, failure, iterations, nm)

            tcount += iterations

        if len(T) == 1:
            return solutions[0]
            return solutions
예제 #22
    def ikine_LM(
            self, T,

        Numerical inverse kinematics by Levenberg-Marquadt optimization
        (Robot superclass)

        :param T: The desired end-effector pose or pose trajectory
        :type T: SE3
        :param q0: initial joint configuration (default all zeros)
        :type q0: ndarray(n)
        :param mask: mask vector that correspond to translation in X, Y and Z
            and rotation about X, Y and Z respectively.
        :type mask: ndarray(6)
        :param ilimit: maximum number of iterations (default 500)
        :type ilimit: int
        :param rlimit: maximum number of consecutive step rejections
            (default 100)
        :type rlimit: int
        :param tol: final error tolerance (default 1e-10)
        :type tol: float
        :param L: initial value of lambda
        :type L: float (default 0.1)
        :param Lmin: minimum allowable value of lambda
        :type Lmin: float (default 0)
        :param search: search over all configurations
        :type search: bool
        :param slimit: maximum number of search attempts
        :type slimit: int (default 100)
        :param transpose: use Jacobian transpose with step size A, rather
            than Levenberg-Marquadt
        :type transpose: float
        :return: inverse kinematic solution
        :rtype: named tuple

        ``sol = robot.ikine_LM(T)`` are the joint coordinates (n) corresponding
        to the robot end-effector pose ``T`` which is an ``SE3`` object. This
        method can be used for robots with any number of degrees of freedom.
        The return value ``sol`` is a named tuple with elements:

        ============    ==========  ============================================================
        Element         Type        Description
        ============    ==========  ============================================================
        ``q``           ndarray(n)  joint coordinates in units of radians or metres, or ``None``
        ``success``     bool        whether a solution was found
        ``reason``      str         reason for the failure
        ``iterations``  int         number of iterations
        ``residual``    float       final value of cost function
        ============    ==========  ============================================================

        **Trajectory operation**:

        If ``len(T) > 1`` it is considered to be a trajectory, and the result
        is a list of named tuples such that ``sol[k]`` corresponds to ``T[k]``.
        The initial estimate of q for each time step is taken as the solution
        from the previous time step.

        **Underactuated robots:**

        For the case where the manipulator has fewer than 6 DOF the
        solution space has more dimensions than can be spanned by the
        manipulator joint coordinates.

        In this case we specify the ``mask`` option where the ``mask`` vector
        (6) specifies the Cartesian DOF (in the wrist coordinate frame) that
        will be ignored in reaching a solution.  The mask vector has six
        elements that correspond to translation in X, Y and Z, and rotation
        about X, Y and Z respectively. The value should be 0 (for ignore)
        or 1. The number of non-zero elements must equal the number of
        manipulator DOF.

        For example when using a 3 DOF manipulator tool orientation might
        be unimportant, in which case use the option ``mask=[1 1 1 0 0 0]``.

        **Global search**:

        ``sol = robot.ikine_LM(T, search=True)`` as above but peforms a
        brute-force search with initial conditions chosen randomly from the
        entire configuration space.  If a numerical solution is found from that
        initial condition, it is returned, otherwise another initial condition
        is chosen.

        .. note::

            - Implements a Levenberg-Marquadt variable-step-size solver.
            - The tolerance is computed on the norm of the error between
              current and desired tool pose.  This norm is computed from
              distances and angles without any kind of weighting.
            - The inverse kinematic solution is generally not unique, and
              depends on the initial guess ``q0``.
            - The default value of ``q0`` is zero which is a poor choice for
              most manipulators since it often corresponds to a
              kinematic singularity.
            - Such a solution is completely general, though much less
              efficient than analytic inverse kinematic solutions derived
            - This approach allows a solution to be obtained at a singularity,
              but the joint angles within the null space are arbitrarily
            - Joint offsets, if defined, are accounted for in the solution.
            - Joint limits are not considered in this solution.
            - If the search option is used any prismatic joint must have
              joint limits defined.

            - Robotics, Vision & Control, P. Corke, Springer 2011,
              Section 8.4.

        :seealso: :func:`ikine_LMS`, :func:`ikine_unc`, :func:`ikine_con`,
        """  # noqa

        if not isinstance(T, SE3):
            T = SE3(T)

        solutions = []

        if search:
            # Randomised search for a starting point
            # quiet = True

            qlim = self.qlim
            qspan = qlim[1] - qlim[0]  # range of joint motion

            for k in range(slimit):
                # choose a random joint coordinate
                q0_k = np.random.rand(self.n) * qspan + qlim[0, :]

                # recurse into the solver
                solution = self.ikine_LM(

                if solution.success:
                    q0 = solution.q
                    if len(T) == 1:
                        # we're done
                        return solution
                        # more to do on the trajectory
                        del T[0]
                # no solution found, stop now
                return iksol()

        if q0 is None:
            q0 = np.zeros((self.n,))
            q0 = base.getvector(q0, self.n)

        if mask is not None:
            mask = base.getvector(mask, 6)
            if not self.n >= np.sum(mask):
                raise ValueError(
                    'Number of robot DOF must be >= the number '
                    'of 1s in the mask matrix')
            mask = np.ones(6)
        W = np.diag(mask)

        tcount = 0  # Total iteration count
        rejcount = 0  # Rejected step count
        nm = 0

        # bool vector indicating revolute joints
        revolutes = np.array([link.isrevolute() for link in self])

        q = q0
        for Tk in T:
            iterations = 0
            Li = L  # lambda
            failure = None
            while True:
                # Update the count and test against iteration limit
                iterations += 1

                if iterations > ilimit:
                    failure = f"iteration limit {ilimit} exceeded"

                e = base.tr2delta(self.fkine(q).A, Tk.A)

                # Are we there yet?
                if np.linalg.norm(W @ e) < tol:
                    # print(iterations)

                # Compute the Jacobian
                J = self.jacobe(q)

                JtJ = J.T @ W @ J

                if transpose is not None:
                    # Do the simple Jacobian transpose with constant gain
                    dq = transpose * J.T @ e    # lgtm [py/multiple-definition]
                    # Do the damped inverse Gauss-Newton with
                    # Levenberg-Marquadt
                    dq = np.linalg.inv(
                        JtJ + ((Li + Lmin) * np.eye(self.n))
                    ) @ J.T @ W @ e

                    # Compute possible new value of
                    qnew = q + dq

                    # And figure out the new error
                    enew = base.tr2delta(self.fkine(qnew).A, Tk.A)

                    # Was it a good update?
                    if np.linalg.norm(W @ enew) < np.linalg.norm(W @ e):
                        # Step is accepted
                        q = qnew
                        e = enew
                        Li /= 2
                        rejcount = 0
                        # Step is rejected, increase the damping and retry
                        Li *= 2
                        rejcount += 1
                        if rejcount > rlimit:
                            failure = f"rejected-step limit {rlimit} exceeded"

                # Wrap angles for revolute joints
                k = np.logical_and(q > np.pi, revolutes)
                q[k] -= 2 * np.pi

                k = np.logical_and(q < -np.pi, revolutes)
                q[k] += + 2 * np.pi

                nm = np.linalg.norm(W @ e)
                # qs = ", ".join(["{:8.3f}".format(qi) for qi in q])
                # print(f"λ={Li:8.2g}, |e|={nm:8.2g}: q={qs}")

            # LM process finished, for better or worse
            # failure will be None or an error message
            solution = iksol(q, failure is None, failure, iterations, nm)

            tcount += iterations

        if len(T) == 1:
            return solutions[0]
            return solutions
예제 #23
 def qlim(self, qlim_new):
     if qlim_new is None:
         self._qlim = None
         self._qlim = getvector(qlim_new, 2)
예제 #24
    def __init__(self,

        :param y0: initial value
        :type y0: array_like(m)
        :param yf: final value
        :type yf: array_like(m)
        :param time: x is simulation time, defaults to False
        :type time: bool
        :param traj: trajectory type: 'lspb' [default] or 'tpoly'
        :type traj: str
        :param ``*inputs``: Optional incoming connections
        :type ``*inputs``: Block or Plug
        :param ``**kwargs``: common Block options
        :return: TRAJ block
        :rtype: Traj instance
        Create a trajectory block.
        A block that generates a trajectory using a trapezoidal or quintic
        polynomial profile.
        A simple triangle function with domain [0,10] and range [0,1] can be
        defined by::
            INTERPOLATE(x=(0,5,10), y=(0,1,0))
        We might also express this as::
            INTERPOLATE(xy=[(0,0), (5,1), (10,0)])
        The distance along the trajectory comes from:
        - Input port 0
        - Simulation time, if ``time=True``.  In this case the block has no
          input ports and is a ``Source`` not a ``Function``.
        self.time = time
        if time:
            nin = 0
            self.blockclass = 'source'
            nin = 1
        super().__init__(nin=nin, nout=3, inputs=inputs, **kwargs)
        self.type = 'function'

        y0 = base.getvector(y0)
        yf = base.getvector(yf)
        assert len(y0) == len(yf), 'y0 and yf must have same length'

        self.y0 = y0
        self.yf = yf
        self.time = time
        self.T = T
        self.traj = traj

        self.outport_names(('y', 'yd', 'ydd'))
예제 #25
    def init(self, x0=None, animation=None, plot=False, control=None):
        Initialize for simulation (superclass method)

        :param x0: Initial state, defaults to value given to Vehicle constructor
        :type x0: array_like(3) or array_like(2)
        :param animation: vehicle animation object, defaults to None
        :type animation: VehicleAnimation subclass, optional
        :param plot: Enable plotting, defaults to False
        :type plot: bool, optional

        Performs the following initializations:

            #. Clears the state history
            #. Sets state :math:`x = x_0`
            #. If a driver is attached, initialize it
            #. If plotting is enabled, initialize that

        If ``plot`` is set and no animation object is given, use a default

        :seealso: :func:`VehicleAnimation`
        if x0 is not None:
            self._x = base.getvector(x0, 3)
            self._x = self._x0

        self._x_hist = np.empty((0, 3))

        if control is not None:
            self._control = control

        self._t = 0

        # initialize the graphics
        self._plot = plot
        if plot:

            if animation is None:
                animation = self._animation  # get default animation if set
                # use default animation
                animation = VehiclePolygon("car")
            self._animation = animation

            # setu[ the plot]

            self._ax = base.plotvol2(self._dim)

                f"Robotics Toolbox for Python (Figure {self._ax.figure.number})"

            animation.add()  # add vehicle animation to axis
            self._timer = plt.figtext(0.85, 0.95, '')  # display time counter

        # initialize the driver
        if isinstance(self._control, VehicleDriver):
예제 #26
 def dot(self, value):
     return, base.getvector(value, 6))
예제 #27
 def r(self, r_new):
     self._r = getvector(r_new, 3)
예제 #28
def transl2(x, y=None):
    Create SE(2) pure translation, or extract translation from SE(2) matrix

    **Create a translational SE(2) matrix**

    :param x: translation along X-axis
    :type x: float
    :param y: translation along Y-axis
    :type y: float
    :return: SE(2) transform matrix or the translation elements of a homogeneous transform
    :rtype: ndarray(3,3)

    - ``T = transl2([X, Y])`` is an SE(2) homogeneous transform (3x3) representing a
      pure translation.
    - ``T = transl2( V )`` as above but the translation is given by a 2-element
      list, dict, or a numpy array, row or column vector.

    .. runblock:: pycon

        >>> from spatialmath.base import *
        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> transl2(3, 4)
        >>> transl2([3, 4])
        >>> transl2(np.array([3, 4]))

    **Extract the translational part of an SE(2) matrix**

    :param x: SE(2) transform matrix
    :type x: ndarray(3,3)
    :return: translation elements of SE(2) matrix
    :rtype: ndarray(2)

    - ``t = transl2(T)`` is the translational part of the SE(3) matrix ``T`` as a
      2-element NumPy array.

    .. runblock:: pycon

        >>> from spatialmath.base import *
        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> T = np.array([[1, 0, 3], [0, 1, 4], [0, 0, 1]])
        >>> transl2(T)
    .. note:: This function is compatible with the MATLAB version of the Toolbox.  It
        is unusual/weird in doing two completely different things inside the one

    if np.isscalar(x):
        T = np.identity(3)
        T[:2, 2] = [x, y]
        return T
    elif base.isvector(x, 2):
        T = np.identity(3)
        T[:2, 2] = base.getvector(x, 2)
        return T
    elif base.ismatrix(x, (3, 3)):
        return x[:2, 2]
        ValueError('bad argument')
예제 #29
    def __init__(self, c):

        self.plane = base.getvector(c, 4)
예제 #30
def trexp2(S, theta=None, check=True):
    Exponential of so(2) or se(2) matrix

    :param S: se(2), so(2) matrix or equivalent velctor
    :type T: ndarray(3,3) or ndarray(2,2)
    :param theta: motion
    :type theta: float
    :return: matrix exponential in SE(2) or SO(2)
    :rtype: ndarray(3,3) or ndarray(2,2)
    :raises ValueError: bad argument

    An efficient closed-form solution of the matrix exponential for arguments
    that are se(2) or so(2).

    For se(2) the results is an SE(2) homogeneous transformation matrix:

    - ``trexp2(Σ)`` is the matrix exponential of the se(2) element ``Σ`` which is
      a 3x3 augmented skew-symmetric matrix.
    - ``trexp2(Σ, θ)`` as above but for an se(3) motion of Σθ, where ``Σ``
      must represent a unit-twist, ie. the rotational component is a unit-norm skew-symmetric
    - ``trexp2(S)`` is the matrix exponential of the se(3) element ``S`` represented as
      a 3-vector which can be considered a screw motion.
    - ``trexp2(S, θ)`` as above but for an se(2) motion of Sθ, where ``S``
      must represent a unit-twist, ie. the rotational component is a unit-norm skew-symmetric

    .. runblock:: pycon

        >>> from spatialmath.base import *
        >>> trexp2(skew(1))
        >>> trexp2(skew(1), 2)  # revolute unit twist
        >>> trexp2(1)
        >>> trexp2(1, 2)  # revolute unit twist

    For so(2) the results is an SO(2) rotation matrix:

    - ``trexp2(Ω)`` is the matrix exponential of the so(3) element ``Ω`` which is a 2x2
      skew-symmetric matrix.
    - ``trexp2(Ω, θ)`` as above but for an so(3) motion of Ωθ, where ``Ω`` is
      unit-norm skew-symmetric matrix representing a rotation axis and a rotation magnitude
      given by ``θ``.
    - ``trexp2(ω)`` is the matrix exponential of the so(2) element ``ω`` expressed as
      a 1-vector.
    - ``trexp2(ω, θ)`` as above but for an so(3) motion of ωθ where ``ω`` is a
      unit-norm vector representing a rotation axis and a rotation magnitude
      given by ``θ``. ``ω`` is expressed as a 1-vector.

    .. runblock:: pycon

        >>> from spatialmath.base import *
        >>> trexp2(skewa([1, 2, 3]))
        >>> trexp2(skewa([1, 0, 0]), 2)  # prismatic unit twist
        >>> trexp2([1, 2, 3])
        >>> trexp2([1, 0, 0], 2)

    :seealso: trlog, trexp2

    if base.ismatrix(S, (3, 3)) or base.isvector(S, 3):
        # se(2) case
        if base.ismatrix(S, (3, 3)):
            # augmentented skew matrix
            if check and not base.isskewa(S):
                raise ValueError("argument must be a valid se(2) element")
            tw = base.vexa(S)
            # 3 vector
            tw = base.getvector(S)

        if base.iszerovec(tw):
            return np.eye(3)

        if theta is None:
            (tw, theta) = base.unittwist2_norm(tw)
        elif not base.isunittwist2(tw):
            raise ValueError("If theta is specified S must be a unit twist")

        t = tw[0:2]
        w = tw[2]

        R = base.rodrigues(w, theta)

        skw = base.skew(w)
        V = np.eye(2) * theta + (1.0 - math.cos(theta)) * skw + (
            theta - math.sin(theta)) * skw @ skw

        return base.rt2tr(R, V @ t)

    elif base.ismatrix(S, (2, 2)) or base.isvector(S, 1):
        # so(2) case
        if base.ismatrix(S, (2, 2)):
            # skew symmetric matrix
            if check and not base.isskew(S):
                raise ValueError("argument must be a valid so(2) element")
            w = base.vex(S)
            # 1 vector
            w = base.getvector(S)

        if theta is not None and not base.isunitvec(w):
            raise ValueError("If theta is specified S must be a unit twist")

        # do Rodrigues' formula for rotation
        return base.rodrigues(w, theta)
        raise ValueError(
            " First argument must be SO(2), 1-vector, SE(2) or 3-vector")