예제 #1
    def SE3(cls, t, rpy=None, tol=100):
        Convert an SE3 to an ETS

        :param t: Translation vector, or an SE(3) matrix
        :type t: array_like(3) or SE3 instance
        :param rpy: roll-pitch-yaw angles in XYZ order
        :type rpy: array_like(3)
        :param tol: Elements small than this many eps are considered as
            being zero, defaults to 100
        :type tol: int, optional
        :return: ET sequence
        :rtype: ETS instance

        Create an ETS from the non-zero translational and rotational

        - ``SE3(t, rpy)`` convert translation ``t`` and rotation given by XYZ
          roll-pitch-yaw angles ``rpy`` into an ETS.
        - ``SE3(X)`` as above but convert from an SE3 instance ``X``.


        .. runblock:: pycon

            >>> from roboticstoolbox import ETS
            >>> ETS.SE3(SE3(1,2,3))
            >>> ETS.SE3(SE3.Rx(90, 'deg'))

        .. warning:: ``SE3.rpy()`` is used to determine rotation about the x-,
            y- and z-axes.  For a y-axis rotation with magnitude greater than
            180° this will result in a non-minimal representation with non-zero
            amounts of x- and z-axis rotation.

        :seealso: :func:`~SE3.rpy`
        if isinstance(t, SE3):
            T = t
            t = removesmall(T.t, tol)
            rpy = removesmall(T.rpy(order='zyx'))

        ets = ETS()
        if t[0] != 0:
            ets *= ETS.tx(t[0])
        if t[1] != 0:
            ets *= ETS.ty(t[1])
        if t[2] != 0:
            ets *= ETS.tz(t[2])

        if rpy is not None:
            if rpy[2] != 0:
                ets *= ETS.rz(rpy[2])
            if rpy[1] != 0:
                ets *= ETS.ry(rpy[1])
            if rpy[0] != 0:
                ets *= ETS.rx(rpy[0])

        return ets
예제 #2
    def __str__(self):
        Pretty string representation of 3D twist

        :return: readable representation of the twist
        :rtype: str

        Convert the twist's value to an array of numbers.


            >>> x = Twist3.R([1,2,3], [4,5,6])
            >>> print(x)
            (0.80178 -1.6036 0.80178; 0.26726 0.53452 0.80178)
        return '\n'.join([
            "({:.5g} {:.5g} {:.5g}; {:.5g} {:.5g} {:.5g})".format(
                *list(base.removesmall(tw.S))) for tw in self
예제 #3
    def __str__(self):
        Convert to a string
        :return: String representation of line parameters
        :rtype: str

        ``str(line)`` is a string showing Plucker parameters in a compact single
        line format like::
            { 0 0 0; -1 -2 -3}
        where the first three numbers are the moment, and the last three are the 
        direction vector.


        return '\n'.join([
            '{{ {:.5g} {:.5g} {:.5g}; {:.5g} {:.5g} {:.5g}}}'.format(
                *list(base.removesmall(x.vec))) for x in self
    def __str__(self):
        Pretty string representation of 3D twist

        :return: readable representation of the twist
        :rtype: str

        Convert the twist's value to an array of numbers.


        .. runblock: pycon

            >>> from spatialmath import Twist3
            >>> x = Twist3.R([1,2,3], [4,5,6])
            >>> print(x)
        return '\n'.join([
            "({:.5g} {:.5g} {:.5g}; {:.5g} {:.5g} {:.5g})".format(
                *list(base.removesmall(tw.S))) for tw in self
예제 #5
    def rne_dh(self,
        Compute inverse dynamics via recursive Newton-Euler formulation

        :param Q: Joint coordinates
        :param QD: Joint velocity
        :param QDD: Joint acceleration
        :param grav: [description], defaults to None
        :type grav: [type], optional
        :param fext: end-effector wrench, defaults to None
        :type fext: 6-element array-like, optional
        :param debug: print debug information to console, defaults to False
        :type debug: bool, optional
        :param basewrench: compute the base wrench, defaults to False
        :type basewrench: bool, optional
        :raises ValueError: for misshaped inputs
        :return: Joint force/torques
        :rtype: NumPy array

        Recursive Newton-Euler for standard Denavit-Hartenberg notation.

        - ``rne_dh(q, qd, qdd)`` where the arguments have shape (n,) where n is the
        number of robot joints.  The result has shape (n,).
        - ``rne_dh(q, qd, qdd)`` where the arguments have shape (m,n) where n is the
        number of robot joints and where m is the number of steps in the joint
        trajectory.  The result has shape (m,n).
        - ``rne_dh(p)`` where the input is a 1D array ``p`` = [q, qd, qdd] with 
        shape (3n,), and the result has shape (n,).
        - ``rne_dh(p)`` where the input is a 2D array ``p`` = [q, qd, qdd] with
        shape (m,3n) and the result has shape (m,n).

        .. notes::
        - this is a pure Python implementation and slower than the .rne() which
            is written in C.
        - this version supports symbolic model parameters
        - verified against MATLAB code
        def removesmall(x):
            return x

        n = self.n

        if self.symbolic:
            dtype = 'O'
            dtype = None

        z0 = np.array([0, 0, 1], dtype=dtype)

        if grav is None:
            grav = self.gravity  # default gravity from the object
            grav = getvector(grav, 3)

        if fext is None:
            fext = np.zeros((6, ), dtype=dtype)
            fext = getvector(fext, 6)

        if debug:
            print('grav', grav)
            print('fext', fext)

        # unpack the joint coordinates and derivatives
        if Q is not None and QD is None and QDD is None:
            # single argument case
            Q = getmatrix(Q, (None, self.n * 3))
            q = Q[:, 0:n]
            qd = Q[:, n:2 * n]
            qdd = Q[:, 2 * n:]

            # 3 argument case
            q = getmatrix(Q, (None, self.n))
            qd = getmatrix(QD, (None, self.n))
            qdd = getmatrix(QDD, (None, self.n))

        nk = q.shape[0]

        tau = np.zeros((nk, n), dtype=dtype)
        if basewrench:
            wbase = np.zeros((nk, n), dtype=dtype)

        for k in range(nk):
            # take the k'th row of data
            q_k = q[k, :]
            qd_k = qd[k, :]
            qdd_k = qdd[k, :]

            if debug:
                print('q_k', q_k)
                print('qd_k', qd_k)
                print('qdd_k', qdd_k)

            # joint vector quantities stored columwise in matrix
            #  m suffix for matrix
            Fm = np.zeros((3, n), dtype=dtype)
            Nm = np.zeros((3, n), dtype=dtype)
            # if robot.issym
            #     pstarm = sym([]);
            # else
            #     pstarm = [];
            pstarm = np.zeros((3, n), dtype=dtype)
            Rm = []

            # rotate base velocity and acceleration into L1 frame
            Rb = t2r(self.base.A).T
            w = Rb @ np.zeros(
                (3, ), dtype=dtype)  # base has zero angular velocity
            wd = Rb @ np.zeros(
                (3, ), dtype=dtype)  # base has zero angular acceleration
            vd = Rb @ grav

            # ----------------  initialize some variables -------------------- #

            for j in range(n):
                link = self.links[j]

                # compute the link rotation matrix
                if link.sigma == 0:
                    # revolute axis
                    Tj = link.A(q_k[j]).A
                    d = link.d
                    # prismatic
                    Tj = link.A(link.theta).A
                    d = q_k[j]

                # compute pstar:
                #   O_{j-1} to O_j in {j}, negative inverse of link xform
                alpha = link.alpha
                pstarm[:, j] = np.r_[link.a, d * sym.sin(alpha),
                                     d * sym.cos(alpha)]

            # -----------------  the forward recursion ----------------------- #

            for j, link in enumerate(self.links):

                Rt = Rm[j].T  # transpose!!
                pstar = pstarm[:, j]
                r = link.r

                # statement order is important here

                if link.isrevolute() == 0:
                    # revolute axis
                    wd = Rt @ (wd + z0 * qdd_k[j] \
                         + _cross(w, z0 * qd_k[j]))
                    w = Rt @ (w + z0 * qd_k[j])
                    vd = _cross(wd, pstar) \
                         + _cross(w, _cross(w, pstar)) \
                         + Rt @ vd
                    # prismatic axis
                    w = Rt @ w
                    wd = Rt @ wd
                    vd = Rt @  (z0 * qdd_k[j] + vd) \
                         + _cross(wd, pstar) \
                         + 2 * _cross(w, Rt @ z0 * qd_k[j]) \
                         + _cross(w, _cross(w, pstar))

                vhat = _cross(wd, r) \
                       + _cross(w, _cross(w, r)) \
                       + vd
                Fm[:, j] = link.m * vhat
                Nm[:, j] = link.I @ wd + _cross(w, link.I @ w)

                if debug:
                    print('w:     ', removesmall(w))
                    print('wd:    ', removesmall(wd))
                    print('vd:    ', removesmall(vd))
                    print('vdbar: ', removesmall(vhat))

            if debug:
                print('Fm\n', Fm)
                print('Nm\n', Nm)

            # -----------------  the backward recursion ----------------------- #

            f = fext[:3]  # force/moments on end of arm
            nn = fext[3:]

            for j in range(n - 1, -1, -1):
                link = self.links[j]
                pstar = pstarm[:, j]

                # order of these statements is important, since both
                # nn and f are functions of previous f.
                if j == (n - 1):
                    R = np.eye(3, dtype=dtype)
                    R = Rm[j + 1]

                r = link.r
                nn = R @ (nn + _cross(R.T @ pstar, f)) \
                     + _cross(pstar + r, Fm[:,j]) \
                     + Nm[:,j]
                f = R @ f + Fm[:, j]

                if debug:
                    print('f: ', removesmall(f))
                    print('n: ', removesmall(nn))

                R = Rm[j]
                if link.isrevolute():
                    # revolute axis
                    t = nn @ (R.T @ z0)
                    # prismatic
                    t = f @ (R.T @ z0)

                # add joint inertia and friction
                #  no Coulomb friction if model is symbolic
                tau[k, j] = t \
                            + link.G ** 2 * link.Jm * qdd_k[j] \
                            - link.friction(qd_k[j], coulomb=not self.symbolic)
                if debug:
                        f'j={j:}, G={link.G:}, Jm={link.Jm:}, friction={link.friction(qd_k[j], coulomb=False):}'

            # compute the base wrench and save it
            if basewrench:
                R = Rm[0]
                nn = R @ nn
                f = R @ f
                wbase[k, :] = np.r_[f, nn]

        if self.symbolic:
            # simplify symbolic expressions
            print('start simplification')
            t0 = time()
            from sympy import trigsimp

            tau = trigsimp(tau)
            # consider using multiprocessing to spread over cores
            #  https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33844085/using-multiprocessing-with-sympy
            print(f'done simplification after {time() - t0:} sec')
            if tau.shape[0] == 1:
                return tau.flatten()
                return tau

        if tau.shape[0] == 1:
            return tau  #.flatten()
            return tau
예제 #6
 def trim(x):
     if x.dtype == 'O':
         return x
         return tr.removesmall(x)