def wishMe(): speak("Welcome sir") speakTime() # speakDate() hour = #greeting message greetingMsg = "" if hour>=6 and hour <=12: greetingMsg = "Good morning Sir" elif hour>12 and hour<18: greetingMsg = "Good afternoon sir" elif hour>=18 and hour<24: greetingMsg = "Good evening Sir" else: greetingMsg = "Good night sir" #adding some more texts to that speak(greetingMsg) greetingMsg = "Your assistant at your service" speak(greetingMsg) greetingMsg ="please tell me how can I help you today?" speak(greetingMsg)
def TakeMyCommand(): r = sr.Recognizer() with sr.Microphone() as source: print("Listening...") r.pause_threshold = 1 audio = r.listen(source) try: print("Recognizing...") query = r.recognize_google(audio, language='en-US') print(query) except Exception as e: print(e) speak("Sorry sir, I could not undestand") speak("Please try again") return "None" return query
def getResult(self, searchQuery): driver = self.driver driver.get("" + searchQuery) try: oneResultElement = WebDriverWait(driver, 2).until( EC.presence_of_element_located(( By.XPATH, "//div[@class ='Z0LcW XcVN5d']/parent::div[not(@data-attrid='')]/div" ))) resultText = oneResultElement.text except TimeoutException: speak("Let me think sir") try: oneResultElement = WebDriverWait(driver, 1).until( EC.presence_of_element_located(( By.XPATH, "//h2[.='Featured snippet from the web']//ancestor::div[@class='xpdopen']//span[contains(@class,'hgKElc')]" ))) resultText = oneResultElement.text except TimeoutException: try: oneResultElement = WebDriverWait(driver, 1).until( EC.presence_of_element_located( (By.XPATH, "(//div[@data-dobid='dfn'])[1]"))) resultText = oneResultElement.text except TimeoutException: try: WebDriverWait(driver, 1).until( EC.presence_of_element_located( (By.XPATH, "//div[@class='mhd1Ld']//a"))) listLinks = driver.find_elements_by_xpath( "//div[@class='mhd1Ld']//a") linkTexts = [link.text for link in listLinks] if len(linkTexts) >= 10: linkTexts = linkTexts[:10] resultText = ', '.join(linkTexts) except TimeoutException: speak("trying hard sir") try: topResultXpath = "//h2[.='Featured snippet from the web']//ancestor::div[@class='xpdopen']" oneResultElement = WebDriverWait(driver, 1).until( EC.presence_of_element_located( (By.XPATH, topResultXpath + "//ul"))) listResults = driver.find_elements_by_xpath( topResultXpath + "//ul/li") listResults = [el.text[:-4] for el in listResults] moreResultsLink = driver.find_element_by_xpath( topResultXpath + "//a") resultText = ', '.join(listResults) except TimeoutException: resultText = None if not resultText: try: singleResult = WebDriverWait(driver, 1).until( EC.presence_of_element_located( (By.XPATH, "//div[@id='NotFQb']/*[@class='vXQmIe gsrt']"))) resultText = singleResult.get_attribute('value') except TimeoutException: resultText = None if not resultText: speak("trying last try sir") try: singleResult = WebDriverWait(driver, 1).until( EC.presence_of_element_located( (By.XPATH, "//div[@class='dDoNo vk_bk gsrt gzfeS']"))) resultText = singleResult.text except TimeoutException: resultText = "Sorry I could not help you in this. please try again" return resultText
def run(): # take input from microphone command = TakeMyCommand().lower() if command == "none": speak("Query was not good") # checking time elif " time" in command and not "music" in command or "current time" in command or "the time" in command: speakTime() elif "the date" in command or "today date" in command or "date" in command: speakDate() elif "joke" in command: joke = getAJoke() print(joke) speak(joke) elif "search in google" in command: speak("what should I search") chromePath = 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe %s' command = TakeMyCommand().lower() urlGoogle = "" wb.get(chromePath).open(urlGoogle+command) elif "search in youtube" in command: speak("what should I search") chromePath = 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe %s' command = TakeMyCommand().lower() urlYoutube = "" wb.get(chromePath).open(urlYoutube+command) elif "bye" in command or "tata" in command: speak("Good bye sirr!!!") speak("Have a good day") sys.exit(1) elif "word" in command: speak("Opening MS word") ms_word = "C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Office/root/Office16/WINWORD.EXE" os.startfile(ms_word) elif "vs code" in command: speak("Opening VS Code") vsCode = "C:/Users/demo/AppData/Local/Programs/Microsoft VS Code/Code.exe" os.startfile(vsCode) elif "write a note" in command or "make a note" in command: speak("What should I write for you sir") note = TakeMyCommand().lower() speak("should I write date and time") dateTime = TakeMyCommand().lower() fileNote = open("notes.txt", "w") if "yes" in dateTime or "ok" in dateTime or "sure" in dateTime: date ="%d %B %Y %H:%M:%S") speak("okay writing date") fileNote.write(date) fileNote.write(" :\n") fileNote.write(note+"\n--------------\n") speak("Your note has been saved sir") elif "show me notes" in command or "show notes" in command: fileNote = open("notes.txt", "r") noteContent = speak("okay showing notes") print(noteContent) speak(noteContent) elif "play songs" in command or "play music" in command or "music time" in command or "music" in command: speak("playing youtube") fav_songs = ["pxQyPsw3ro8&t=95", "87ErHaYgdtg&t=70", "VAZxSoKb65o&t=69", "ZTBwxy4wsBQ&t=202", "Ps4aVpIESkc&list=PL9bw4S5ePsEEqCMJSiYZ-KTtEjzVy0YvK", "Dt5GMToSu5I&t=21"] chromePath = 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe %s' urlYoutube = "" randomDigit = random.randint(0, len(fav_songs)-1) wb.get(chromePath).open(urlYoutube+fav_songs[randomDigit]) elif "remember that" in command: speak("what you want me to remember") rememberContent = TakeMyCommand() fileRemember = open("memory.txt", "w") fileRemember.write(rememberContent) speak("I have remembered that sir") elif "do you remember anything" in command: fileRemember = open("memory.txt",'r') fileContent = if(len(fileContent)>0): speak("Yes I have something in my memory") speak(fileContent) else: speak("No sir, I don't have anything in my memory") elif "news" in command or "headlines" in command: # /v2/top-headlines top_headlines = newsapi.get_top_headlines(sources='bbc-news',language='en') articles = top_headlines["articles"] titles = [article['title'] for article in articles] i = 1 speak("fetching top 10 headlines sir") for title in titles: print(str(i) + ". "+title) speak(title) i+=1 elif "meaning of" in command: commandWord = command.split("meaning of ")[1] googleDictionaryAPI = ""+commandWord try: jsonOutput = json.load(urlopen(googleDictionaryAPI)) i=1 listOfMeanings = jsonOutput[0]['meanings'] listOfDefinitions = listOfMeanings[0]['definitions'] listOfActualMeanings = [meaning['definition'] for meaning in listOfDefinitions] for meaning in listOfActualMeanings: print(str(i)+". "+meaning) speak(meaning) i+=1 except Exception as e: print(e) speak("Sorry could not understand, please try again") elif "shutdown" in command: os.system("shutdown /s /t 1") elif "restart" in command: os.system("shutdown /r /t 1") elif "log out" in command: os.system("shutdown -l") else: gResult = gs.getResult(command) print(gResult) speak(gResult)
def speakDate(): speak("Today's date is "+str(getCurrentDay())+getCurrentMonth()+str(getCurrentYear()))
def speakTime(): Time ="%I:%M %p") # 12hrs time with am and PM speak("The current time is "+ Time)