def ver01(test=False, clobber=False, publisher='J.X. Prochaska', **kwargs): """ Build version 1.0 Parameters ---------- test : bool, optional Run test only Returns ------- """ pdb.set_trace() # THIS VERSION IS NOW FROZEN raise IOError("THIS VERSION IS NOW FROZEN") version = 'v01' # HDF5 file outfil = igmspec.__path__[0] + '/../DB/IGMspec_DB_{:s}.hdf5'.format( version) # Chk clobber if os.path.isfile(outfil): if clobber: warnings.warn("Overwriting previous DB file {:s}".format(outfil)) else: warnings.warn( "Not overwiting previous DB file. Use clobber=True to do so") return # Begin hdf = h5py.File(outfil, 'w') ''' Myers QSOs ''' myers.orig_add_to_hdf(hdf) # Main DB Table idkey = 'IGM_ID' maindb, tkeys = sdbbu.start_maindb(idkey) # Group dict group_dict = {} # Organize for main loop groups = get_build_groups(version) pair_groups = ['SDSS_DR7'] meta_only = False # Loop over the groups for gname in groups: # Meta if gname == 'SDSS_DR7': meta = groups[gname].grab_meta(hdf) else: meta = groups[gname].grab_meta() # Survey flag flag_g = sdbbu.add_to_group_dict(gname, group_dict) # IDs maindb = sdbbu.add_ids(maindb, meta, flag_g, tkeys, idkey, first=(flag_g == 1), close_pairs=(gname in pair_groups)) # Spectra if not meta_only: groups[gname].hdf5_adddata(hdf, gname, meta, idkey) # Check for duplicates -- There is 1 pair in SDSS (i.e. 2 duplicates) if not sdbbu.chk_for_duplicates(maindb, dup_lim=2): raise ValueError("Failed duplicates") # Check for junk zpri = defs.z_priority() # Finish sdbbu.write_hdf(hdf, str('igmspec'), maindb, zpri, group_dict, version, Publisher=str(publisher)) print("Wrote {:s} DB file".format(outfil)) print("Update DB info in specdb.defs.dbase_info !!")
def hdf5_writter(path, reso, lowl, highl, outputname): ''' :param path: path to the spectra file :param lowl float: lower limit for request redshift :param highl float: higher limit for request redshift :param reso: delta v in km/s to rebin the data :param outputname: the name for the output file :return: hdf5file ''' outfil = str(outputname) hdf = h5py.File(outfil, 'w') # gdict = {} # creating group for z in np.arange(lowl, highl, 0.05): # hdf.create_group('z'+str(z)+'-'+str(z+0.05)) print(z) spectest1 = [] spec2 = [] spectest1, spec2 = reading_data(path, reso, z, z + 0.05) print(np.round(z, 2), len(spectest1.z)) # hdf_append = h5py.File('tmp'+str(z)+'.hdf', 'w') # hdf.create_group('z' + str(z) + '-' + str(z + 0.05)) f = hdf.create_group('z' + str(np.round(z, 2)) + '-' + str(np.round(z + 0.05, 2))) npix = len(spec2.wavelength) data = sdb_u.init_data(npix) nspec = len(spectest1.z) print(npix) #creat dataset spec_set = hdf['z' + str(np.round(z, 2)) + '-' + str(np.round(z + 0.05, 2))].create_dataset( 'spec', data=data, chunks=True, maxshape=(None, ), compression='gzip') spec_set.resize((nspec, )) for ii in range(nspec): data['flux'][0][:npix] = spec2[ii].flux # Should be flux values data['sig'][0][:npix] = spec2[ii].sig # SHould be sigma values # print (spec[ii].sig) data['wave'][0][:npix] = spec2[ ii].wavelength # Should be wavelength values # Fill spec_set[ii] = data # hdf.copy('z'+str(z)+'-'+str(z+0.05), hdf_append['z'+str(z)+'-'+str(z+0.05)]) # making meta data # hdfnew = h5py.File('z2.8_specdb_test1.hdf', 'w') # group = 'z2.8-2.85' # _ = hdfnew.create_group(group) group = 'z' + str(np.round(z, 2)) + '-' + str(np.round(z + 0.05, 2)) id_key = 'DESI_ID' maindb, tkeys = spbu.start_maindb(id_key) meta = Table() meta['zem_GROUP'] = spectest1.z meta['RA_GROUP'] = spectest1.ra meta['DEC_GROUP'] = spectest1.dec meta['EPOCH'] = 2000. meta['sig_zem'] = 0. meta['flag_zem'] = np.string_('DESI') meta['STYPE'] = np.string_('QSO') # Observation meta['SPEC_FILE'] = np.array(spectest1.filename, dtype=float) meta['DATE-OBS'] = # meta['GROUP_ID'] = np.arange(len(meta)).astype(int) # Spectrograph meta['R'] = 3000. meta['TELESCOPE'] = np.string_('KPNO-4m') meta['DISPERSER'] = np.string_('ALL') meta['INSTR'] = np.string_('DESI') meta['WV_MIN'] = 3800. # Should be the right value meta['WV_MAX'] = 9900. # Should be the right value meta['NPIX'] = 8000 # Should be the right value meta['PLATE'] = np.array(np.tile(1, len(, dtype=int) meta['FIBERID'] = meta['MOCK_ID'] = flag_g = spbu.add_to_group_dict(group, gdict) maindb = spbu.add_ids(maindb, meta, flag_g, tkeys, 'DESI_ID', first=(flag_g == flag_g)) hdf[group]['meta'] = meta zpri = spb_defs.z_priority() print(flag_g) spbu.write_hdf(hdf, str('DESI_v05'), maindb, zpri, gdict, str('v0.1'), Publisher='jding') hdf.close()
def mk_db(dbname, tree, outfil, iztbl, version='v00', id_key='PRIV_ID', publisher='Unknown', **kwargs): """ Generate the DB Parameters ---------- dbname : str Name for the database tree : str Path to top level of the tree of FITS files Typically, each branch in the tree corresponds to a single instrument outfil : str Output file name for the hdf5 file iztbl : Table or str If Table, see meta() docs for details on its format If str, it must be 'igmspec' and the user must have that DB downloaded version : str, optional Version code Returns ------- """ from specdb import defs # ztbl if isinstance(iztbl, str): if iztbl == 'igmspec': from specdb.specdb import IgmSpec igmsp = IgmSpec() ztbl = Table(igmsp.idb.hdf['quasars'][...]) elif isinstance(iztbl, Table): ztbl = iztbl else: raise IOError("Bad type for ztbl") # Find the branches branches = glob.glob(tree+'/*') branches.sort() # HDF5 file hdf = h5py.File(outfil,'w') # Defs zpri = defs.z_priority() gdict = {} # Main DB Table maindb, tkeys = spbu.start_maindb(id_key) # MAIN LOOP for ss,branch in enumerate(branches): # Skip files if not os.path.isdir(branch): continue print('Working on branch: {:s}'.format(branch)) # Files fits_files, out_tup = grab_files(branch) meta_file, mtbl_file, ssa_file = out_tup # Meta maxpix, phead, mdict, stype = 10000, None, None, 'QSO' if meta_file is not None: # Load meta_dict = ltu.loadjson(meta_file) # Maxpix if 'maxpix' in meta_dict.keys(): maxpix = meta_dict['maxpix'] # STYPE if 'stype' in meta_dict.keys(): stype = meta_dict['stype'] # Parse header if 'parse_head' in meta_dict.keys(): phead = meta_dict['parse_head'] if 'meta_dict' in meta_dict.keys(): mdict = meta_dict['meta_dict'] full_meta = mk_meta(fits_files, ztbl, mtbl_file=mtbl_file, parse_head=phead, mdict=mdict, **kwargs) # Update group dict group_name = branch.split('/')[-1] flag_g = spbu.add_to_group_dict(group_name, gdict) # IDs maindb = add_ids(maindb, full_meta, flag_g, tkeys, 'PRIV_ID', first=(flag_g==1)) # Ingest ingest_spectra(hdf, group_name, full_meta, max_npix=maxpix, **kwargs) # SSA if ssa_file is not None: user_ssa = ltu.loadjson(ssa_file) ssa_dict = default_fields(user_ssa['Title'], flux=user_ssa['flux'], fxcalib=user_ssa['fxcalib']) hdf[group_name]['meta'].attrs['SSA'] = json.dumps(ltu.jsonify(ssa_dict)) # Check stacking if not spbu.chk_vstack(hdf): print("Meta data will not stack using specdb.utils.clean_vstack") print("Proceed to write at your own risk..") pdb.set_trace() # Write write_hdf(hdf, str(dbname), maindb, zpri, gdict, version, Publisher=publisher) print("Wrote {:s} DB file".format(outfil))
def generate_by_refs(input_refs, outfile, version): """ Build a specDB file according to the input references Args: input_refs (list): List of references from which to build the specDB outfile (str): Output filename version (str): Version number """ # Not elegant but it works all_folders = glob.glob(db_path+'/*/*') all_refs = [os.path.basename(ifolder) for ifolder in all_folders] # z_tbl allz_tbl = Table() # Loop in input refs all_spec_files = [] refs_list = [] for ref in input_refs: idx = all_refs.index(ref) # Redshift tables z_tbl = load_z_tables(all_folders[idx]) allz_tbl = vstack([allz_tbl, z_tbl]) # Grab the list of spectra specs = glob.glob(os.path.join(all_folders[idx], 'J*_spec.fits')) if len(specs) == 0: continue # Save all_spec_files += specs refs_list += [ref]*len(specs) # Get it started # HDF5 file hdf = h5py.File(outfile, 'w') # Defs zpri = defs.z_priority() # Main DB Table id_key = 'FRB_ID' maindb, tkeys = spbu.start_maindb(id_key) tkeys += ['ZQ'] gdict = {} # Loop on Instruments #pair_groups = ['MUSE'] pair_groups = [] badf = None for instr in all_instruments: print("Working on {}".format(instr)) fits_files, irefs = grab_files(all_spec_files, refs_list, instr) if len(fits_files) == 0: continue # Option dicts mwargs = {} mwargs['toler'] = 1.0 * units.arcsec # Require an skipz = False swargs = {} # Meta parse_head, mdict, fname = None, None, True if instr == 'SDSS': mdict = dict(DISPERSER='BOTH', R=2000., TELESCOPE='SDSS 2.5-M', INSTR='SDSS') parse_head = {'DATE-OBS': 'MJD'} maxpix = 4000 scale = 1e-17 elif instr == 'FORS2': mdict = dict(TELESCOPE='VLT', INSTR='FORS2') parse_head = {'DATE-OBS': 'MJD', 'DISPERSER': 'DISPNAME', 'R': True} maxpix = 2050 scale = 1e-17 elif instr == 'MUSE': mdict = dict(TELESCOPE='VLT', R=2000.) parse_head = {'DATE-OBS': 'MJD-OBS', 'DISPERSER': 'DISPNAME', 'INSTR': 'INSTRUME'} maxpix = 4000 scale = 1e-20 elif instr == 'KCWI': mdict = dict(TELESCOPE='Keck-2') parse_head = {'DATE-OBS': 'MJD', 'DISPERSER': 'DISPNAME', 'INSTR': 'INSTRUME', 'R': True} maxpix = 4000 scale = 1e-17 elif instr == 'MagE': parse_head = {'R': True, 'DATE-OBS': 'MJD-OBS', 'TELESCOPE': 'TELESCOP', 'INSTR': 'INSTRUME', 'DISPERSER': 'DISPNAME'} maxpix = 18000 scale = 1e-17 elif instr == 'GMOS-S': mdict = dict(TELESCOPE='Gemini-S', INSTR='GMOS-S') parse_head = {'R': True, 'DATE-OBS': 'MJD-OBS', 'DISPERSER': 'DISPNAME'} maxpix = 3500 scale = 1e-17 elif instr == 'LRISb': mdict = dict(TELESCOPE='Keck-1') parse_head = {'DATE-OBS': 'MJD', 'DISPERSER': 'DISPNAME', 'INSTR': 'INSTRUME'} maxpix = 2050 # 2x binning elif instr == 'GMOS-N': mdict = dict(TELESCOPE='Gemini-N', INSTR='GMOS-N') parse_head = {'R': True, 'DATE-OBS': 'MJD-OBS', 'DISPERSER': 'DISPNAME'} maxpix = 3500 scale = 1e-17 elif instr == 'LRISr': mdict = dict(TELESCOPE='Keck-1') parse_head = {'DATE-OBS': 'MJD', 'DISPERSER': 'DISPNAME', 'INSTR': 'INSTRUME'} maxpix = 2050 scale = 1e-17 elif instr == 'DEIMOS': mdict = dict(TELESCOPE='Keck-2') parse_head = {'DATE-OBS': 'MJD', 'DISPERSER': 'DISPNAME', 'INSTR': 'INSTRUME'} maxpix = 9000 scale = 1e-17 elif instr == 'Goodman': mdict = dict(TELESCOPE='SOAR', INSTR='Goodman') parse_head = {'DATE-OBS': 'MJD', 'DISPERSER': 'DISPNAME', 'R': True} maxpix = 2048 scale = 1e-17 elif instr == 'XSHOOTER': mdict = dict(TELESCOPE='VLT') parse_head = {'DATE-OBS': 'MJD', 'DISPERSER': 'DISPNAME', 'INSTR': 'INSTRUME'} maxpix = 33000 scale = 1e-17 else: embed(header='172') # Meta full_meta = pbuild.mk_meta(fits_files, allz_tbl, mdict=mdict, fname=fname, verbose=True, parse_head=parse_head, skip_badz=skipz, stype='GAL', chkz=True, **mwargs) full_meta['Ref'] = irefs # Survey flag flag_g = spbu.add_to_group_dict(instr, gdict, skip_for_debug=True) # IDs #if 'MUSE' in instr: # embed(header='278 of build specdb') maindb = spbu.add_ids(maindb, full_meta, flag_g, tkeys, id_key, first=(flag_g==1), mtch_toler=1.*units.arcsec, close_pairs=(instr in pair_groups)) # Ingest -- pbuild.ingest_spectra(hdf, instr, full_meta, max_npix=maxpix, verbose=False, badf=badf, grab_conti=False, scale=scale, **swargs) # Write spbu.write_hdf(hdf, str('FRB'), maindb, zpri, gdict, version, Publisher=str('JXP')) print("Wrote {:s} DB file".format(outfile)) print("You probably need to move it into SPECDB")
def ver01(test=False, clobber=False, publisher='J.X. Prochaska', **kwargs): """ Build version 1.0 Parameters ---------- test : bool, optional Run test only Returns ------- """ pdb.set_trace() # THIS VERSION IS NOW FROZEN raise IOError("THIS VERSION IS NOW FROZEN") version = 'v01' # HDF5 file outfil = igmspec.__path__[0]+'/../DB/IGMspec_DB_{:s}.hdf5'.format(version) # Chk clobber if os.path.isfile(outfil): if clobber: warnings.warn("Overwriting previous DB file {:s}".format(outfil)) else: warnings.warn("Not overwiting previous DB file. Use clobber=True to do so") return # Begin hdf = h5py.File(outfil,'w') ''' Myers QSOs ''' myers.orig_add_to_hdf(hdf) # Main DB Table idkey = 'IGM_ID' maindb, tkeys = sdbbu.start_maindb(idkey) # Group dict group_dict = {} # Organize for main loop groups = get_build_groups(version) pair_groups = ['SDSS_DR7'] meta_only = False # Loop over the groups for gname in groups: # Meta if gname == 'SDSS_DR7': meta = groups[gname].grab_meta(hdf) else: meta = groups[gname].grab_meta() # Survey flag flag_g = sdbbu.add_to_group_dict(gname, group_dict) # IDs maindb = sdbbu.add_ids(maindb, meta, flag_g, tkeys, idkey, first=(flag_g==1), close_pairs=(gname in pair_groups)) # Spectra if not meta_only: groups[gname].hdf5_adddata(hdf, gname, meta, idkey) # Check for duplicates -- There is 1 pair in SDSS (i.e. 2 duplicates) if not sdbbu.chk_for_duplicates(maindb, dup_lim=2): raise ValueError("Failed duplicates") # Check for junk zpri = defs.z_priority() # Finish sdbbu.write_hdf(hdf, str('igmspec'), maindb, zpri, group_dict, version, Publisher=str(publisher)) print("Wrote {:s} DB file".format(outfil)) print("Update DB info in specdb.defs.dbase_info !!")