def initiateActionEvent(self,event): pos = event.pos if self.minimap.rect.collidepoint(pos): mapClickPoint = self.minimap.clickToGridPos(pos) if mapClickPoint is not None: return else: cartPos = specialMath.isoToCart(pos) destCart = self.cartScrollLoc[0] + cartPos[0], \ self.cartScrollLoc[1] + cartPos[1] else: cartPos = specialMath.isoToCart(pos) destCart = self.cartScrollLoc[0] + cartPos[0], \ self.cartScrollLoc[1] + cartPos[1] clicked = specialMath.closestEntity(self.viewportEntities,pos) if clicked: drawRect = clicked.rect.move(clicked.drawOffset) = specialMath.cartToIso( if not drawRect.collidepoint(pos): clicked = None if clicked is not None: self.currentMenu = self.contextualMenu.getMenu(self.selectedEntities,clicked) else: self.currentMenu = self.contextualMenu.getMenu(self.selectedEntities,WayPoint(*destCart)) if self.currentMenu is not None:
def _gridPosToDrawPos(self,point): """ Takes a cartesian position on the internal state grid and converts it to a drawing position on the minimap. """ gridPos = float(point[0])/self.tileSize[1],float(point[1])/self.tileSize[1] rawPos = specialMath.cartToIso(gridPos) return self.offsetToDraw( \ ( int(self.scale*rawPos[0]),int(self.scale*rawPos[1]) ) \ )
def completeActionEvent(self,event): attacking = False pos = event.pos # Performs action indicated by menu if menu is visible # and exists. Otherwise, the menu reference is destroyed. if self.currentMenu is not None and self.currentMenu.visible: self.selectMenu(pos) return # Do not do anything else if the menu is selected else: self.currentMenu = None # Sets destination in cartesian coordinates # Handles minimap clicks if self.minimap.rect.collidepoint(pos): mapClickPoint = self.minimap.clickToGridPos(pos) if mapClickPoint is not None: destCart = mapClickPoint else: cartPos = specialMath.isoToCart(pos) destCart = (self.cartScrollLoc[0] + cartPos[0])%self.worldSize[0], \ (self.cartScrollLoc[1] + cartPos[1])%self.worldSize[1] else: cartPos = specialMath.isoToCart(pos) destCart = (self.cartScrollLoc[0] + cartPos[0])%self.worldSize[0], \ (self.cartScrollLoc[1] + cartPos[1])%self.worldSize[1] # Determines closest entity to a click clicked = specialMath.closestEntity(self.viewportEntities,pos) if clicked: drawRect = clicked.rect.move(clicked.drawOffset) = specialMath.cartToIso( if not drawRect.collidepoint(pos): clicked = None # clicked is now either None or the closest Entity to the click if clicked: for selected in self.selectedEntities: attacking=True if isinstance(selected,Unit): selected.initAction(clicked) if not attacking: eCenter = specialMath.centerOfEntityList(self.selectedEntities, self.worldSize) for entity in self.selectedEntities: if not entity.status==Locals.MOVING: entity.dest=entity.realCenter if entity.movable: entity.status=Locals.MOVING dx =[0] - eCenter[0] dy =[1] - eCenter[1] newLoc = (dx+destCart[0],dy+destCart[1]) entity.addToPath(newLoc)
def clickEvent(self,event): """ What works: single - clicking on units click on ground to deselect all (without a modifier) click a unit while holding a modifier to add to the selection click a selected unit while holding a modifier to remove from the selection """ pos = event.pos if self.minimap.rect.collidepoint(pos): mapClickPoint = self.minimap.clickToGridPos(pos) if mapClickPoint is not None: self._setCartScrollLocation(mapClickPoint) return cartPos = specialMath.isoToCart(pos) destCart = (self.cartScrollLoc[0] + cartPos[0])/self.worldSize[0], \ (self.cartScrollLoc[1] + cartPos[1])/self.worldSize[1] # MAY BREAK THINGS - CHECK #clicked = specialMath.closestEntity(self.viewportEntities,pos) clicked = specialMath.closestEntity(self.myViewportEntities,pos) if clicked: drawRect = clicked.rect.move(clicked.drawOffset) = specialMath.cartToIso( selectRect=clicked.getSelectionRect(drawRect) if not selectRect.collidepoint(pos): clicked = None if isinstance(event,Event.SelectionEvent): for e in self.selectedEntities: e.deselect() self.selectedEntities = [] self._selectedEntitiesChanged = True if clicked and self.ownsEntity(clicked): # Determines if the closest entity is already selected. # If it is, it makes it no longer selected. if clicked.selected: clicked.deselect() self.selectedEntities.remove(clicked) else: self.selectedEntities.append(clicked) #print clicked.healthStr() #if isinstance(clicked, Unit): print '\n' + str(clicked.inventory) self._selectedEntitiesChanged = True
def setFocusedEntities(self): rawMouseLoc = pygame.mouse.get_pos() viewportMouseLoc = rawMouseLoc[0]-self.loc[0],rawMouseLoc[1]-self.loc[1] for e in self.viewportEntities: drawRect = e.rect.move(e.drawOffset) = specialMath.cartToIso( selectRect = e.getSelectionRect(drawRect) if selectRect.collidepoint(viewportMouseLoc): e.focus()
def scrollBasedOnElapsedTime(self,elapsedTime): if not == None and self.currentMenu == None:# FIXME and self.dragRect == None: newScrollLoc = list(self.scrollLoc) scrollAddX = self.scrollSpeed[0]*elapsedTime scrollAddY = self.scrollSpeed[1]*elapsedTime if not self.dragRect == None: self.dragRect.scroll((scrollAddX,scrollAddY)) newScrollLoc[0] = (newScrollLoc[0]+scrollAddX) newScrollLoc[1] = (newScrollLoc[1]+scrollAddY) # used to calculate corner of scroll location in cartesian grid self.cartScrollLoc = self.isoToWrappedCart(newScrollLoc) newScrollLoc = specialMath.cartToIso(self.cartScrollLoc) self.scrollLoc = tuple(newScrollLoc)
def _updateBaseSurface(self): """ Initializes the self.baseSurface attribute. This stores the image of the map. """ #fill base surface with alphaColor -> transparent pygame.draw.rect(self.baseSurface,self.alphaColor,self.rect,0) for y in xrange(self.gridSize[1]): for x in xrange(self.gridSize[0]): # Grab average color value of the grid at loc x,y curColor = (self.gridDict[(x,y)]).getMiniMapColor() # Calculate corners of polygons topleft = specialMath.cartToIso((x*self.scale,y*self.scale)) topright = specialMath.cartToIso(((x+1)*self.scale,y*self.scale)) bottomright = specialMath.cartToIso(((x+1)*self.scale,(y+1)*self.scale)) bottomleft = specialMath.cartToIso((x*self.scale,(y+1)*self.scale)) # Apply offsets topleft = self.offsetToDraw(topleft) topright = self.offsetToDraw(topright) bottomright = self.offsetToDraw(bottomright) bottomleft = self.offsetToDraw(bottomleft) # Draws minimap to baseSurface pygame.draw.polygon(self.baseSurface, curColor, \ [topleft,topright,bottomright,bottomleft]) tl = specialMath.cartToIso((0,0)) tr = specialMath.cartToIso((self.gridSize[0]*self.scale,0)) br = specialMath.cartToIso((self.gridSize[0]*self.scale,self.gridSize[1]*self.scale)) bl = specialMath.cartToIso((0,self.gridSize[1]*self.scale)) tl = (tl[0]+self.xOffset-self.borderWidth,tl[1]+self.yOffset) tr = (tr[0]+self.xOffset,tr[1]+self.yOffset)#-self.borderWidth) br = (br[0]+self.xOffset+self.borderWidth,br[1]+self.yOffset) bl = (bl[0]+self.xOffset,bl[1]+self.yOffset)#+self.borderWidth) if self.borderWidth: pygame.draw.polygon(self.baseSurface,self.borderColor, \ [tl,tr,br,bl],self.borderWidth)
def getScreenEntities(self,viewRects): """ Receives a list of lists of coordinate tuples which define the coordinates of one view rectangle (the screen) in cartesian coordinates. Returns a list of references to entities which are visible in the given rectangles (called by the viewport). """ # List of tuples - y position of rectangle (bottom) and entity entitySortList = [] for entity in self.allEntities.values(): # check all view rectangles for view in viewRects: # does the entity rectangle (cartesian) collide with # the rectangle of the screen transformed from isometric # to cartesian? if self.collideRectDiamond(entity.rect,view): # if it does, append it to the list entitySortList.append((specialMath.cartToIso(,entity)) # set the drawOffset attribute of the entity for # ease of drawing in the correct spot by the viewport # once the list of references is returned entity.drawOffset=-view[0][0],-view[0][1] break # if it collides, go to next loop # sort the list by y-position, such that the returned list # is in the correct order for drawing entitySortList.sort() # return only the list of entity references if len(entitySortList) > 0: ypos, screenEntities = zip(*entitySortList) else: screenEntities = [] return screenEntities
def dragSelect(self,event): """ Fill this in. """ if self.dragRect is not None: start = event.start end = event.curr if isinstance(event,Event.DragCompletedEvent): for e in self.selectedEntities: e.deselect() self._selectedEntitiesChanged = True self.selectedEntities = [] #else: pass # if it is an Event.AddDragCompletedEvent, do # # not deselect #if self.dragRect.isOffScreen(self.size): # searchList = #else: # searchList = self.viewportEntities searchList = self.myViewportEntities for entity in searchList: drawRect = entity.rect.move(entity.drawOffset) = specialMath.cartToIso( selectRect=entity.getSelectionRect(drawRect) if selectRect.colliderect(MakeBoundingBox(start,end)): if isinstance(event,Event.DragCompletedEvent): self.selectedEntities.append(entity) self._selectedEntitiesChanged = True else: # Add drag completed event if entity not in self.selectedEntities: self.selectedEntities.append(entity) self._selectedEntitiesChanged = True
def _setCartScrollLocation(self,newCartLoc): self.cartScrollLoc = tuple(newCartLoc) self.scrollLoc = specialMath.cartToIso(self.cartScrollLoc)