def identify(img, oimg, slines, sfluxes, guesstype, guessfile, function, order, rstep, interact, clobber, verbose): """For a given image, find the solution for each row in the file. Use the appropriate first guess and guess type along with the appropriate function and order for the fit. Write out the new image with the solution in the headers and/or as a table in the multi-extension fits file returns the status """ status=0 ImageSolution={} #Open up the image hdu=saltsafeio.openfits(img) #Read in important keywords #determine the central row and read it in try: data=hdu[1].data midline=int(0.5*len(data)) xarr=np.arange(len(data[midline])) specarr=st.flatspectrum(xarr, data[midline, :], mode='poly', order=2) except Exception, e: message = 'Unable to read in data array in %s because %s' % (img, e) raise SALTSpecError(message)
def regionChange(self, y1, y2): self.y1 = y1 self.y2 = y2 self.farr = apext.makeflat(self.specarr, self.y1, self.y2) self.farr = st.flatspectrum(self.xarr, self.farr, order=self.subback) # set up variables = self.newWS(0.5 * (self.y1 + self.y2)) self.arcdisplay = ArcDisplay( self.xarr, self.farr, self.slines, self.sfluxes,, specarr=self.specarr, res=self.res, dres=self.dres, smooth=self.smooth, niter=self.niter, sigma=self.sigma, xp=[], wp=[], textcolor=self.textcolor, preprocess=self.preprocess, log=self.log, verbose=self.verbose) self.arcPage = arcWidget( self.arcdisplay, hmin=self.hmin, wmin=self.wmin, y1=self.y1, y2=self.y2) self.connect(self.arcPage, QtCore.SIGNAL('savews()'), self.saveWS) # set up the residual page self.errPage = errWidget( self.arcdisplay, hmin=self.hmin, wmin=self.wmin) # reset the pages self.tabWidget.removeTab(2) self.tabWidget.removeTab(1) self.tabWidget.insertTab(1, self.arcPage, 'Arc') self.tabWidget.insertTab(2, self.errPage, 'Residual')
def runsolution(xarr, specarr, slines, sfluxes, ws, func, ivar=None, fline=True, oneline=False, farr=None, rstep=20, istart=None, nrows=1, dsigma=5, dniter=5, subback=0, smooth=0, res=2.0, dres=0.1, log=None, verbose=True, **kwargs): """Starting in the middle of the image, it will determine the solution by working its way out to either edge and compiling all the results into ImageSolution. The image solution is only saved if the sigma is less than dres. xarr--Full range in x of pixels to solve for specarr--Input 2D flux func--function to use for the solution fline--True if spectral lines are in array format. If False, spectral lines are assumed to be in line format oneline--whether to measure one line or all lines """ # set up the variables ImageSolution = {} # Setup the central line if it isn't specified if istart is None: istart = int(0.5 * len(specarr)) # set up the flux from the central line (or the line specified by the user # in istart) if farr is None: specext = apext.apext(xarr, specarr, ivar=ivar) farr = apext.makeflat(specarr, istart, istart + nrows) farr = st.flatspectrum(xarr, farr, mode='poly', order=subback) # smooth the data if smooth > 0: farr = st.smooth_spectra(xarr, farr, sigma=smooth) # detect the lines cxp = st.detect_lines(xarr, farr, dsigma, dniter) nlines = len(cxp) # first set up the artificial spectrum if fline: swarr = slines sfarr = sfluxes else: swarr, sfarr = st.makeartificial(slines, sfluxes, farr.max(), res, dres) # find the solution for the central wavelegnth k = istart min_lines = 0.1 * len(cxp) if oneline: mws = solution(xarr, farr, swarr, sfarr, ws, func, min_lines=min_lines, dsigma=dsigma, dniter=dniter, **kwargs) for i in range(dniter - 1): mws = solution(xarr, farr, swarr, sfarr, mws, func, min_lines=min_lines, dsigma=dsigma, dniter=dniter, **kwargs) if verbose and mws is not None: msg = "%5i %3i %3.2f" % (k, mws.func.mask.sum(), mws.sigma(mws.func.x, mws.func.y)) if log is not None: log.message(msg) return mws # now loop through each step, and calculate the wavelengths for the given if log is not None: log.message('%5s %3s %4s' % ('Line', 'N', 'RMS'), with_header=False) for i in range(0, int(0.5 * len(specarr)), rstep): for k in [istart - i, istart + i]: if k in ImageSolution.keys(): continue lws = getwsfromIS(k, ImageSolution, default_ws=ws) # set up the flux from the set of lines farr = apext.makeflat(specarr, k, k + nrows) if smooth > 0: farr = st.smooth_spectra(xarr, farr, sigma=smooth) # continuum correct the spectrum if possible try: farr = st.flatspectrum(xarr, farr, mode='poly', order=subback) except: continue # find the solution to the lines fws = solution(xarr, farr, swarr, sfarr, lws, func, min_lines=min_lines, dsigma=dsigma, dniter=dniter, **kwargs) if fws is not None: if fws.sigma(fws.func.x, fws.func.y) < dres: ImageSolution[k] = fws if verbose: p_new = i * 100.0 / (0.5 * len(specarr)) # ctext='Percentage Complete: %d %d %f\r' % (i,p_new, time.clock()) #p_new # sys.stdout.write(ctext)# # sys.stdout.flush() msg = "%5i %3i %3.2f" % (k, fws.func.mask.sum(), fws.sigma(fws.func.x, fws.func.y)) if log is not None: log.message(msg, with_header=False) return ImageSolution
interact=interact, verbose=verbose) ImageSolution[midline]=ws #now using that information, find the fit to all other data #repeat in the same way if interactive is selected #start in the middle and then go either way uws=WavelengthSolution.WavelengthSolution(ws.x_arr, ws.w_arr, order=order, function=function) lws=WavelengthSolution.WavelengthSolution(ws.x_arr, ws.w_arr, order=order, function=function) zpfind=True dcstep=3 nstep=50 for i in range(rstep,int(0.5*len(data)), rstep): #for i in range(1,10, rstep): specarr=st.flatspectrum(xarr, data[midline-i, :], mode='poly', order=2) lws=findwavelengthsolution(xarr, specarr, slines, sfluxes, lws, xdiff, function, order, zeropoint=zpfind, dc=dcstep, nstep=nstep, interact=interact, verbose=verbose) ImageSolution[midline-i]=lws specarr=st.flatspectrum(xarr, data[i+midline, :], mode='poly', order=2) uws=findwavelengthsolution(xarr, specarr, slines, sfluxes, uws, xdiff, function, order, zeropoint=zpfind, dc=dcstep, nstep=nstep, interact=interact, verbose=verbose) ImageSolution[midline+i]=uws if verbose: p_new=i*100.0/(0.5*len(data)) ctext='Percentage Complete: %d %d %f\r' % (i,p_new, time.clock()) #p_new sys.stdout.write(ctext) sys.stdout.flush()
def runsolution(xarr, specarr, slines, sfluxes, ws, func, ivar=None, fline=True, oneline=False, farr=None, rstep=20, istart=None, nrows=1, dsigma=5, dniter=5, subback=0, smooth=0, res=2.0, dres=0.1, log=None, verbose=True, **kwargs): """Starting in the middle of the image, it will determine the solution by working its way out to either edge and compiling all the results into ImageSolution. The image solution is only saved if the sigma is less than dres. xarr--Full range in x of pixels to solve for specarr--Input 2D flux func--function to use for the solution fline--True if spectral lines are in array format. If False, spectral lines are assumed to be in line format oneline--whether to measure one line or all lines """ # set up the variables ImageSolution = {} # Setup the central line if it isn't specified if istart is None: istart = int(0.5 * len(specarr)) # set up the flux from the central line (or the line specified by the user # in istart) if farr is None: specext = apext.apext(xarr, specarr, ivar=ivar) farr = apext.makeflat(specarr, istart, istart + nrows) farr = st.flatspectrum(xarr, farr, mode='poly', order=subback) # smooth the data if smooth > 0: farr = st.smooth_spectra(xarr, farr, sigma=smooth) # detect the lines cxp = st.detect_lines(xarr, farr, dsigma, dniter) nlines = len(cxp) # first set up the artificial spectrum if fline: swarr = slines sfarr = sfluxes else: swarr, sfarr = st.makeartificial( slines, sfluxes, farr.max(), res, dres) # find the solution for the central wavelegnth k = istart min_lines = 0.1 * len(cxp) if oneline: mws = solution(xarr, farr, swarr, sfarr, ws, func, min_lines=min_lines, dsigma=dsigma, dniter=dniter, **kwargs) for i in range(dniter - 1): mws = solution(xarr, farr, swarr, sfarr, mws, func, min_lines=min_lines, dsigma=dsigma, dniter=dniter, **kwargs) if verbose and mws is not None: msg = "%5i %3i %3.2f" % (k, mws.func.mask.sum(), mws.sigma( mws.func.x, mws.func.y)) if log is not None: log.message(msg) return mws # now loop through each step, and calculate the wavelengths for the given if log is not None: log.message('%5s %3s %4s' % ('Line', 'N', 'RMS'), with_header=False) for i in range(0, int(0.5 * len(specarr)), rstep): for k in [istart - i, istart + i]: if k in ImageSolution.keys(): continue lws = getwsfromIS(k, ImageSolution, default_ws=ws) # set up the flux from the set of lines farr = apext.makeflat(specarr, k, k + nrows) if smooth > 0: farr = st.smooth_spectra(xarr, farr, sigma=smooth) # continuum correct the spectrum if possible try: farr = st.flatspectrum(xarr, farr, mode='poly', order=subback) except: continue # find the solution to the lines fws = solution(xarr, farr, swarr, sfarr, lws, func, min_lines=min_lines, dsigma=dsigma, dniter=dniter, **kwargs) if fws is not None: if fws.sigma(fws.func.x, fws.func.y) < dres: ImageSolution[k] = fws if verbose: p_new = i * 100.0 / (0.5 * len(specarr)) # ctext='Percentage Complete: %d %d %f\r' % (i,p_new, time.clock()) #p_new # sys.stdout.write(ctext)# # sys.stdout.flush() msg = "%5i %3i %3.2f" % (k, fws.func.mask.sum(), fws.sigma( fws.func.x, fws.func.y)) if log is not None: log.message(msg, with_header=False) return ImageSolution
def __init__(self, xarr, specarr, slines, sfluxes, ws, hmin=150, wmin=400, mdiff=20, filename=None, res=2.0, dres=0.1, dc=20, ndstep=20, sigma=5, smooth=0, niter=5, istart=None, nrows=1, rstep=100, method='Zeropoint', ivar=None, cmap='gray', scale='zscale', contrast=1.0, subback=0, textcolor='green', log=None, verbose=True): """Default constructor.""" # set up the variables if istart is None: self.y1 = int(0.5 * len(specarr)) else: self.y1 = istart self.y2 = self.y1 + nrows self.specarr = specarr self.xarr = xarr self.ivar = ivar self.slines = slines self.sfluxes = sfluxes self.hmin = hmin self.wmin = wmin = ws self.res = res self.dres = dres self.mdiff = mdiff self.sigma = sigma self.niter = int(niter) self.nrows = nrows self.rstep = rstep self.dc = dc self.ndstep = ndstep self.method = method self.cmap = cmap self.scale = scale self.contrast = contrast self.smooth = smooth self.subback = subback self.filename = filename self.ImageSolution = {} self.textcolor = textcolor self.log = log self.verbose = verbose # Setup widget QtGui.QMainWindow.__init__(self) # Set main widget self.main = QtGui.QWidget(self) # Set window title self.setWindowTitle("InterIdentify") # create the Image page self.imagePage = imageWidget(self.specarr, y1=self.y1, y2=self.y2, hmin=self.hmin, wmin=self.wmin, cmap=self.cmap, rstep=self.rstep, name=self.filename, scale=self.scale, contrast=self.contrast, log=self.log) # set up the arc page self.farr = apext.makeflat(self.specarr, self.y1, self.y2) self.farr = st.flatspectrum(self.xarr, self.farr, order=self.subback) # set up variables self.arcdisplay = ArcDisplay(xarr, self.farr, slines, sfluxes,, specarr=self.specarr, res=self.res, dres=self.dres, dc=self.dc, ndstep=self.ndstep, xp=[], wp=[], method=self.method, smooth=self.smooth, niter=self.niter, mdiff=self.mdiff, sigma=self.sigma, textcolor=self.textcolor, log=self.log, verbose=self.verbose) self.arcPage = arcWidget( self.arcdisplay, hmin=hmin, wmin=wmin, y1=self.y1, y2=self.y2, name=self.filename) # set up the residual page self.errPage = errWidget(self.arcdisplay, hmin=hmin, wmin=wmin) # create the tabs self.tabWidget = QtGui.QTabWidget() self.tabWidget.addTab(self.imagePage, 'Image') self.tabWidget.addTab(self.arcPage, 'Arc') self.tabWidget.addTab(self.errPage, 'Residual') # layout the widgets mainLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self.main) mainLayout.addWidget(self.tabWidget) # self.setLayout(mainLayout) # Set focus to main widget # self.main.setFocus() # Set the main widget as the central widget self.setCentralWidget(self.main) # Destroy widget on close self.setAttribute(QtCore.Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) # Close when config dialog is closed # self.connect(self.conf, QtCore.SIGNAL('destroyed()'), # self, QtCore.SLOT('close()')) self.connect(self.tabWidget, QtCore.SIGNAL('currentChanged(int)'), self.currentChanged) self.connect(self.imagePage, QtCore.SIGNAL('regionChange(int,int)'), self.regionChange) self.connect(self.imagePage, QtCore.SIGNAL('runauto(int, int, int)'), self.runauto) self.connect(self.arcPage, QtCore.SIGNAL('savews()'), self.saveWS) self.connect(self.arcdisplay, QtCore.SIGNAL('quit()'), self.close)