def load(self, **kwargs):
        '''Loads entire image into memory in a :class:`spectral.ImageArray`.

        Keyword Arguments:

            `dtype` (numpy.dtype):

                An optional dtype to which the loaded array should be cast.

            `scale` (bool, default True):

                Specifies whether any applicable scale factor should be applied
                to the data after loading.

        :class:`spectral.ImageArray` is derived from both
        :class:`spectral.Image` and :class:`numpy.ndarray` so it supports the
        full :class:`numpy.ndarray` interface.  The returns object will have
        shape `(M,N,B)`, where `M`, `N`, and `B` are the numbers of rows,
        columns, and bands in the image.
        import spectral
        from spectral.spectral import ImageArray
        from spectral.utilities.python23 import typecode
        from array import array
        import warnings
        from spectral.algorithms.spymath import has_nan, NaNValueWarning

        for k in list(kwargs.keys()):
            if k not in ('dtype', 'scale'):
                raise ValueError('Invalid keyword %s.' % str(k))
        dtype = kwargs.get('dtype', ImageArray.format)
        data = array(typecode('b'))
                      self.nrows * self.ncols * self.nbands * self.sample_size)
        npArray = np.fromstring(data.tostring(), dtype=self.dtype)
        if self.interleave == spectral.BIL:
            npArray.shape = (self.nrows, self.nbands, self.ncols)
            npArray = npArray.transpose([0, 2, 1])
        elif self.interleave == spectral.BSQ:
            npArray.shape = (self.nbands, self.nrows, self.ncols)
            npArray = npArray.transpose([1, 2, 0])
            npArray.shape = (self.nrows, self.ncols, self.nbands)
        npArray = npArray.astype(dtype)
        if self.scale_factor != 1 and kwargs.get('scale', True):
            npArray = npArray / float(self.scale_factor)
        imarray = ImageArray(npArray, self)
        if has_nan(imarray):
            warnings.warn('Image data contains NaN values.', NaNValueWarning)
        return imarray
예제 #2
    def load(self, **kwargs):
        '''Loads entire image into memory in a :class:`spectral.ImageArray`.

        Keyword Arguments:

            `dtype` (numpy.dtype):

                An optional dtype to which the loaded array should be cast.

            `scale` (bool, default True):

                Specifies whether any applicable scale factor should be applied
                to the data after loading.

        :class:`spectral.ImageArray` is derived from both
        :class:`spectral.Image` and :class:`numpy.ndarray` so it supports the
        full :class:`numpy.ndarray` interface.  The returns object will have
        shape `(M,N,B)`, where `M`, `N`, and `B` are the numbers of rows,
        columns, and bands in the image.
        import spectral
        from spectral.spectral import ImageArray
        from spectral.utilities.python23 import typecode
        from array import array
        import warnings
        from spectral.algorithms.spymath import has_nan, NaNValueWarning

        for k in list(kwargs.keys()):
            if k not in ('dtype', 'scale'):
                raise ValueError('Invalid keyword %s.' % str(k))
        dtype = kwargs.get('dtype', ImageArray.format)
        data = array(typecode('b'))
        data.fromfile(self.fid, self.nrows * self.ncols *
                      self.nbands * self.sample_size)
        npArray = np.fromstring(data.tostring(), dtype=self.dtype)
        if self.interleave == spectral.BIL:
            npArray.shape = (self.nrows, self.nbands, self.ncols)
            npArray = npArray.transpose([0, 2, 1])
        elif self.interleave == spectral.BSQ:
            npArray.shape = (self.nbands, self.nrows, self.ncols)
            npArray = npArray.transpose([1, 2, 0])
            npArray.shape = (self.nrows, self.ncols, self.nbands)
        npArray = npArray.astype(dtype)
        if self.scale_factor != 1 and kwargs.get('scale', True):
            npArray = npArray / float(self.scale_factor)
        imarray = ImageArray(npArray, self)
        if has_nan(imarray):
            warnings.warn('Image data contains NaN values.', NaNValueWarning)
        return imarray        
예제 #3
# Send comments to:
# Thomas Boggs, [email protected]
Tools for handling files that are band interleaved by line (BIL).

from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals

import numpy as np
from .spyfile import SpyFile, MemmapFile
from spectral.utilities.python23 import typecode, tobytes, frombytes

byte_typecode = typecode('b')

class BilFile(SpyFile, MemmapFile):
    A class to represent image files stored with bands interleaved
    by line.
    def __init__(self, params, metadata=None):
        import spectral
        self.interleave = spectral.BIL
        if metadata is None:
            metadata = {}
        SpyFile.__init__(self, params, metadata)

        self._memmap = self._open_memmap('r')
예제 #4
# Send comments to:
# Thomas Boggs, [email protected]

Tools for handling files that are band interleaved by pixel (BIP).

from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals

import numpy as np
from .spyfile import SpyFile, MemmapFile
from spectral.utilities.python23 import typecode

byte_typecode = typecode('b')

class BipFile(SpyFile, MemmapFile):
    A class to interface image files stored with bands interleaved by pixel.
    def __init__(self, params, metadata=None):
        import spectral
        self.interleave = spectral.BIP
        if metadata is None:
            metadata = {}
        SpyFile.__init__(self, params, metadata)

        self._memmap = self._open_memmap('r')

    def _open_memmap(self, mode):
예제 #5
파일: 프로젝트: w1malik/spectral
def read_erdas_lan_header(fileName, byte_order=0):
    '''Read parameters from a lan file header.


        fileName (str):

            File to open.

        byte_order (int) [default 0]:

            Specifies whether to read as little (0) or big (1) endian.
    from array import array
    import sys
    import spectral
    from spectral.utilities.python23 import IS_PYTHON3, typecode

    if IS_PYTHON3:
        import builtins
        import __builtin__ as builtins

    f =, "rb")

    h = {}
    h["format"] = "lan"
    h["fileName"] = fileName
    h["sizeOfHeader"] = 128

    h["type"] =
    if h["type"] not in (b'HEAD74', b'HEADER'):
        raise IOError('Does not look like an ERDAS Lan header.')

    # Read all header data into arrays
    word = array(typecode('h'))
    dword = array(typecode('i'))
    float = array(typecode('f'))
    word.fromfile(f, 2)
    if h["type"] == b'HEAD74':
        dword.fromfile(f, 4)
        float.fromfile(f, 4)
    word.fromfile(f, 2)
    word.fromfile(f, 1)
    float.fromfile(f, 5)

    if byte_order != spectral.byte_order:

    # Unpack all header data
    h["packing"] = word.pop(0)
    h["nbands"] = word.pop(0)

    if h["type"] == b'HEAD74':
        h["ncols"] = dword.pop(0)
        h["nrows"] = dword.pop(0)
        h["pixel_xcoord"] = dword.pop(0)
        h["pixel_ycoord"] = dword.pop(0)
        h["ncols"] = int(float.pop(0))
        h["nrows"] = int(float.pop(0))
        h["pixel_xcoord"] = float.pop(0)
        h["pixel_ycoord"] = float.pop(0)

    h["map_type"] = word.pop(0)
    h["nclasses"] = word.pop(0)
    h["area_unit"] = word.pop(0)
    h["ypixel_size"] = float.pop()
    h["xpixel_size"] = float.pop()
    h["map_ycoord"] = float.pop()
    h["map_xcoord"] = float.pop()
    h["narea_units"] = float.pop()


    return h
예제 #6
파일: 프로젝트: avstjohn/spectral
def read_erdas_lan_header(fileName, byte_order=0):
    '''Read parameters from a lan file header.


        fileName (str):

            File to open.

        byte_order (int) [default 0]:

            Specifies whether to read as little (0) or big (1) endian.
    from array import array
    import sys
    import spectral
    from spectral.utilities.python23 import IS_PYTHON3, typecode
    if IS_PYTHON3:
        import builtins
        import __builtin__ as builtins

    f =, "rb")

    h = {}
    h["format"] = "lan"
    h["fileName"] = fileName
    h["sizeOfHeader"] = 128

    h["type"] =
    if h["type"] not in (b'HEAD74', b'HEADER'):
        raise IOError('Does not look like an ERDAS Lan header.')

    # Read all header data into arrays
    word = array(typecode('h'))
    dword = array(typecode('i'))
    float = array(typecode('f'))
    word.fromfile(f, 2)
    if h["type"] == b'HEAD74':
        dword.fromfile(f, 4)
        float.fromfile(f, 4)
    word.fromfile(f, 2)
    word.fromfile(f, 1)
    float.fromfile(f, 5)

    if byte_order != spectral.byte_order:

    # Unpack all header data
    h["packing"] = word.pop(0)
    h["nbands"] = word.pop(0)

    if h["type"] == b'HEAD74':
        h["ncols"] = dword.pop(0)
        h["nrows"] = dword.pop(0)
        h["pixel_xcoord"] = dword.pop(0)
        h["pixel_ycoord"] = dword.pop(0)
        h["ncols"] = int(float.pop(0))
        h["nrows"] = int(float.pop(0))
        h["pixel_xcoord"] = float.pop(0)
        h["pixel_ycoord"] = float.pop(0)

    h["map_type"] = word.pop(0)
    h["nclasses"] = word.pop(0)
    h["area_unit"] = word.pop(0)
    h["ypixel_size"] = float.pop()
    h["xpixel_size"] = float.pop()
    h["map_ycoord"] = float.pop()
    h["map_xcoord"] = float.pop()
    h["narea_units"] = float.pop()


    return h
예제 #7
# Send comments to:
# Thomas Boggs, [email protected]

Tools for handling files that are band interleaved by line (BIL).

from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals

import numpy as np
from .spyfile import SpyFile, MemmapFile
from spectral.utilities.python23 import typecode

byte_typecode = typecode("b")

class BilFile(SpyFile, MemmapFile):
    A class to represent image files stored with bands interleaved
    by line.

    def __init__(self, params, metadata=None):
        import spectral

        self.interleave = spectral.BIL
        if metadata is None:
            metadata = {}
        SpyFile.__init__(self, params, metadata)