def zip_tutorials(self): # make # clean notebooks output for nb in DOCS.rglob("**/*.ipynb"): # This will erase all notebook output sh( f"jupyter nbconvert --ClearOutputPreprocessor.enabled=True --inplace {nb}", silent=True, ) # make zip of all ipynb def zipdir(path, dest, ziph): # ziph is zipfile handle for inb in path.rglob("**/*.ipynb"): if ".ipynb_checkpoints" in inb.parent.suffix: continue basename = inb.stem sh(f"jupyter nbconvert {inb} --to notebook" f" --ClearOutputPreprocessor.enabled=True" f" --stdout > out_{basename}.ipynb") sh(f"rm {inb}", silent=True) sh(f"mv out_{basename}.ipynb {inb}", silent=True) arcnb = str(inb).replace(str(path), str(dest)) ziph.write(inb, arcname=arcnb) zipf = zipfile.ZipFile("", "w", zipfile.ZIP_STORED) zipdir(SRC, "notebooks", zipf) zipdir(GALLERY / "auto_examples", Path("notebooks") / "examples", zipf) zipf.close() sh(f"mv {DOWNLOADS}/{self.doc_version}-{PROJECTNAME}" )
def delnb(self): # Remove all ipynb before git commit for nb in SRC.rglob('**/*.ipynb'): sh.rm(nb) for nbch in SRC.glob('**/.ipynb_checkpoints'): sh(f'rm -r {nbch}')
def make_docs(self, builder="html", clean=False): # Make the html or latex documentation self.delnb() doc_version = self.doc_version if builder not in ["html", "latex"]: raise ValueError( 'Not a supported builder: Must be "html" or "latex"') BUILDDIR = DOCREPO / builder print( f'{"-" * 80}\n' f"building {builder.upper()} documentation ({doc_version.capitalize()} version : {version})" f"\n in {BUILDDIR}" f'\n{"-" * 80}') # recreate dir if needed if clean: print("CLEAN:") self.clean(builder) # self.sync_notebook = True self.regenerate_api = True self.make_dirs() if self.regenerate_api: shutil.rmtree(API, ignore_errors=True) print(f"remove {API}") # run sphinx print(f"\n{builder.upper()} BUILDING:") srcdir = confdir = DOCS outdir = f"{BUILDDIR}/{doc_version}" doctreesdir = f"{DOCTREES}/{doc_version}" sp = Sphinx(srcdir, confdir, outdir, doctreesdir, builder) sp.verbosity = 1 print(f"\n{'-' * 130}\nBuild finished. The {builder.upper()} pages " f"are in {outdir}.") if doc_version == "stable": doc_version = "latest" # make also the latest identical sh(f"rm -rf {BUILDDIR}/latest") sh(f"cp -r {BUILDDIR}/stable {BUILDDIR}/latest") if builder == "html": self.make_redirection_page() # a workaround to reduce the size of the image in the pdf document # TODO: v.0.2 probably better solution exists? if builder == "latex": self.resize_img(GALLERY, size=580.0)
def zipdir(path, dest, ziph): # ziph is zipfile handle for inb in path.rglob("**/*.ipynb"): if ".ipynb_checkpoints" in inb.parent.suffix: continue basename = inb.stem sh(f"jupyter nbconvert {inb} --to notebook" f" --ClearOutputPreprocessor.enabled=True" f" --stdout > out_{basename}.ipynb") sh(f"rm {inb}", silent=True) sh(f"mv out_{basename}.ipynb {inb}", silent=True) arcnb = str(inb).replace(str(path), str(dest)) ziph.write(inb, arcname=arcnb)
def make_pdf(self): # Generate the PDF documentation doc_version = self.doc_version LATEXDIR = LATEX / doc_version print("Started to build pdf from latex using make.... " "Wait until a new message appear (it is a long! compilation) ") print("FIRST COMPILATION:") sh(f"cd {LATEXDIR}; lualatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode spectrochempy.tex" ) print("MAKEINDEX:") sh(f"cd {LATEXDIR}; makeindex spectrochempy.idx") print("SECOND COMPILATION:") sh(f"cd {LATEXDIR}; lualatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode spectrochempy.tex" ) print("move pdf file in the download dir") sh(f"cp {LATEXDIR / PROJECTNAME}.pdf {DOWNLOADS}/{doc_version}-{PROJECTNAME}.pdf" )
def delnb(): # Remove all ipynb before git commit for nb in SRC.rglob("**/*.ipynb"): sh.rm(nb) for nbch in SRC.glob("**/.ipynb_checkpoints"): sh(f"rm -r {nbch}")