예제 #1
 def preprocess_data(self, x):
     # if IS_CUT_AUDIO:
     #     x = [sample[0:MAX_AUDIO_DURATION*AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE] for sample in x]
     # extract mfcc
     x = extract_mfcc_parallel(x, n_mfcc=96)
     if self.max_length is None:
         self.max_length = get_max_length(x)
         self.max_length = min(MAX_FRAME_NUM, self.max_length)
     x = pad_seq(x, pad_len=self.max_length)
     return x
예제 #2
    def preprocess_data(self, x):
        if IS_CUT_AUDIO:
            x = [
                sample[0:MAX_AUDIO_DURATION * AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE]
                for sample in x
        # extract mfcc
        x_mfcc = extract_mfcc_parallel(x, n_mfcc=20)
        x_mel = extract_melspectrogram_parallel(x,
        x_chroma_stft = extract_chroma_stft_parallel(x, n_chroma=12)
        # x_rms = extract_rms_parallel(x)
        x_contrast = extract_spectral_contrast_parallel(x, n_bands=6)
        x_flatness = extract_spectral_flatness_parallel(x)
        # x_polyfeatures = extract_poly_features_parallel(x, order=1)
        x_cent = extract_spectral_centroid_parallel(x)
        x_bw = extract_bandwidth_parallel(x)
        x_rolloff = extract_spectral_rolloff_parallel(x)
        x_zcr = extract_zero_crossing_rate_parallel(x)

        x_feas = []
        for i in range(len(x_mfcc)):
            mfcc = np.mean(x_mfcc[i], axis=0).reshape(-1)
            mel = np.mean(x_mel[i], axis=0).reshape(-1)
            chroma_stft = np.mean(x_chroma_stft[i], axis=0).reshape(-1)
            # rms = np.mean(x_rms[i], axis=0).reshape(-1)
            contrast = np.mean(x_contrast[i], axis=0).reshape(-1)
            flatness = np.mean(x_flatness[i], axis=0).reshape(-1)
            # polyfeatures = np.mean(x_polyfeatures[i], axis=0).reshape(-1)
            cent = np.mean(x_cent[i], axis=0).reshape(-1)
            bw = np.mean(x_bw[i], axis=0).reshape(-1)
            rolloff = np.mean(x_rolloff[i], axis=0).reshape(-1)
            zcr = np.mean(x_zcr[i], axis=0).reshape(-1)
                    mfcc, mel, chroma_stft, contrast, flatness, cent, bw,
                    rolloff, zcr
        x_feas = np.asarray(x_feas)

        scaler = StandardScaler()
        X = scaler.fit_transform(x_feas[:, :])
        return X
    def preprocess_data(self, x):
        # mel-spectrogram parameters
        SR = 16000
        N_FFT = 512
        N_MELS = 96
        HOP_LEN = 256
        DURA = 21.84  # to make it 1366 frame.
        if IS_CUT_AUDIO:
            x = [sample[0:MAX_AUDIO_DURATION * AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE]
                 for sample in x]

        # x_mel = extract_melspectrogram_parallel(x, n_mels=128, use_power_db=True)
        x_mfcc = extract_mfcc_parallel(x, n_mfcc=96)
        if self.max_length is None:
            self.max_length = get_max_length(x_mfcc)
            self.max_length = min(MAX_FRAME_NUM, self.max_length)
        x_mfcc = pad_seq(x_mfcc, pad_len=self.max_length)
        x_mfcc = x_mfcc[:, :, :, np.newaxis]
        return x_mfcc
예제 #4
    def preprocess_data(self, x):
        if IS_CUT_AUDIO:
            x = [
                sample[0:MAX_AUDIO_DURATION * AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE]
                for sample in x
        # extract mfcc
        x = extract_mfcc_parallel(x, n_mfcc=96)
        if self.max_length is None:
            self.max_length = get_max_length(x)
        x = pad_seq(x, self.max_length)

        # if self.scaler is None:
        #     self.scaler = []
        #     for i in range(x.shape[2]):
        #         self.scaler.append(StandardScaler().fit(x[:, :, i]))
        # for i in range(x.shape[2]):
        #     x[:, :, i] = self.scaler[i].transform(x[:, :, i])

        # feature scale
        # if self.mean is None or self.std is None:
        #     self.mean = np.mean(x)
        #     self.std = np.std(x)
        #     x = (x - self.mean) / self.std

        # s0, s1, s2 = x.shape[0], x.shape[1], x.shape[2]
        # x = x.reshape(s0 * s1, s2)
        # if not self.scaler:
        #     self.scaler = MinMaxScaler().fit(x)
        # x = self.scaler.transform(x)
        # x = x.reshape(s0, s1, s2)

        # 4 dimension?
        # (120, 437, 24) to (120, 437, 24, 1)
        # 120 is the number of instance
        # 437 is the max length
        # 24 frame in mfcc
        # log(f"max {np.max(x)} min {np.min(x)} mean {np.mean(x)}")

        x = x[:, :, :, np.newaxis]
        return x
예제 #5
 def preprocess_data(self, x):
     if IS_CUT_AUDIO:
         x = [
             for sample in x
     # extract mfcc
     x_mfcc = extract_mfcc_parallel(x, n_mfcc=64)
     x_mel = extract_melspectrogram_parallel(x,
     if self.max_length is None:
         self.max_length = get_max_length(x_mfcc)
         self.max_length = min(MAX_FRAME_NUM, self.max_length)
     x_mfcc = pad_seq(x_mfcc, self.max_length)
     x_mel = pad_seq(x_mel, self.max_length)
     x_feas = np.concatenate([x_mfcc, x_mel], axis=-1)
     x_feas = x_feas[:, :, :, np.newaxis]
     # x_mel = pad_seq(x_mel, self.max_length)
     # x_mel = x_mel[:, :, :, np.newaxis]
     return x_feas