예제 #1
    def forward(self, waveforms, lengths):
        waveforms : tensor
            Shape should be `[batch, time]` or `[batch, time, channels]`.
        lengths : tensor
            Shape should be a single dimension, `[batch]`.

        Tensor of shape `[batch, time]` or `[batch, time, channels]`.

        # Copy clean waveform to initialize noisy waveform
        noisy_waveform = waveforms.clone()
        lengths = (lengths * waveforms.shape[1]).unsqueeze(1)

        # Don't add noise (return early) 1-`mix_prob` portion of the batches
        if torch.rand(1) > self.mix_prob:
            return noisy_waveform

        # Compute the average amplitude of the clean waveforms
        clean_amplitude = compute_amplitude(waveforms, lengths)

        # Pick an SNR and use it to compute the mixture amplitude factors
        SNR = torch.rand(len(waveforms), 1, device=waveforms.device)
        SNR = SNR * (self.snr_high - self.snr_low) + self.snr_low
        noise_amplitude_factor = 1 / (dB_to_amplitude(SNR) + 1)
        new_noise_amplitude = noise_amplitude_factor * clean_amplitude

        # Scale clean signal appropriately
        noisy_waveform *= 1 - noise_amplitude_factor

        # Loop through clean samples and create mixture
        if self.csv_file is None:
            white_noise = torch.randn_like(waveforms)
            noisy_waveform += new_noise_amplitude * white_noise
            tensor_length = waveforms.shape[1]
            noise_waveform, noise_length = self._load_noise(

            # Rescale and add
            noise_amplitude = compute_amplitude(noise_waveform, noise_length)
            noise_waveform *= new_noise_amplitude / (noise_amplitude + 1e-14)
            noisy_waveform += noise_waveform

        # Normalizing to prevent clipping
        if self.normalize:
            abs_max, _ = torch.max(torch.abs(noisy_waveform),
            noisy_waveform = noisy_waveform / abs_max.clamp(min=1.0)

        return noisy_waveform
def test_normalize():

    from speechbrain.processing.signal_processing import compute_amplitude
    from speechbrain.processing.signal_processing import rescale
    import random
    import numpy as np

    for scale in ["dB", "linear"]:
        for amp_type in ["peak", "avg"]:
            for test_vec in [
                    torch.rand((10, 100)),
                    torch.rand((10, 100, 5)),

                lengths = (test_vec.size(1)
                           if len(test_vec.shape) > 1 else test_vec.size(0))
                amp = compute_amplitude(test_vec, lengths, amp_type, scale)
                scaled_back = rescale(
                    random.random() * test_vec,
예제 #3
    def forward(self, waveforms, lengths):
        waveforms : tensor
            A batch of audio signals to process, with shape `[batch, time]` or
            `[batch, time, channels]`.
        lengths : tensor
            The length of each audio in the batch, with shape `[batch]`.

        Tensor with processed waveforms.

        babbled_waveform = waveforms.clone()
        lengths = (lengths * waveforms.shape[1]).unsqueeze(1)
        batch_size = len(waveforms)

        # Don't mix (return early) 1-`mix_prob` portion of the batches
        if torch.rand(1) > self.mix_prob:
            return babbled_waveform

        # Pick an SNR and use it to compute the mixture amplitude factors
        clean_amplitude = compute_amplitude(waveforms, lengths)
        SNR = torch.rand(batch_size, 1, device=waveforms.device)
        SNR = SNR * (self.snr_high - self.snr_low) + self.snr_low
        noise_amplitude_factor = 1 / (dB_to_amplitude(SNR) + 1)
        new_noise_amplitude = noise_amplitude_factor * clean_amplitude

        # Scale clean signal appropriately
        babbled_waveform *= 1 - noise_amplitude_factor

        # For each speaker in the mixture, roll and add
        babble_waveform = waveforms.roll((1, ), dims=0)
        babble_len = lengths.roll((1, ), dims=0)
        for i in range(1, self.speaker_count):
            babble_waveform += waveforms.roll((1 + i, ), dims=0)
            babble_len = torch.max(babble_len, babble_len.roll((1, ), dims=0))

        # Rescale and add to mixture
        babble_amplitude = compute_amplitude(babble_waveform, babble_len)
        babble_waveform *= new_noise_amplitude / (babble_amplitude + 1e-14)
        babbled_waveform += babble_waveform

        return babbled_waveform
예제 #4
    def forward(self, waveforms, lengths):
        waveforms : tensor
            Shape should be `[batch, time]` or `[batch, time, channels]`.
        lengths : tensor
            Shape should be a single dimension, `[batch]`.

        Tensor of shape `[batch, time]` or
            `[batch, time, channels]`

        # Reading input list
        lengths = (lengths * waveforms.size(1)).long()
        batch_size = waveforms.size(0)
        dropped_waveform = waveforms.clone()

        # Don't drop (return early) 1-`drop_prob` portion of the batches
        if torch.rand(1) > self.drop_prob:
            return dropped_waveform

        # Store original amplitude for computing white noise amplitude
        clean_amplitude = compute_amplitude(waveforms, lengths.unsqueeze(1))

        # Pick a number of times to drop
        drop_times = torch.randint(
            high=self.drop_count_high + 1,
            size=(batch_size, ),

        # Iterate batch to set mask
        for i in range(batch_size):
            if drop_times[i] == 0:

            # Pick lengths
            length = torch.randint(
                high=self.drop_length_high + 1,
                size=(drop_times[i], ),

            # Compute range of starting locations
            start_min = self.drop_start
            if start_min < 0:
                start_min += lengths[i]
            start_max = self.drop_end
            if start_max is None:
                start_max = lengths[i]
            if start_max < 0:
                start_max += lengths[i]
            start_max = max(0, start_max - length.max())

            # Pick starting locations
            start = torch.randint(
                high=start_max + 1,
                size=(drop_times[i], ),

            end = start + length

            # Update waveform
            if not self.noise_factor:
                for j in range(drop_times[i]):
                    dropped_waveform[i, start[j]:end[j]] = 0.0
                # Uniform distribution of -2 to +2 * avg amplitude should
                # preserve the average for normalization
                noise_max = 2 * clean_amplitude[i] * self.noise_factor
                for j in range(drop_times[i]):
                    # zero-center the noise distribution
                    noise_vec = torch.rand(length[j], device=waveforms.device)
                    noise_vec = 2 * noise_max * noise_vec - noise_max
                    dropped_waveform[i, start[j]:end[j]] = noise_vec

        return dropped_waveform