예제 #1
def show_coverage_2d(rg, field, rm=None, projection='moll',
                     vmin=None, markersize=30, ax=None):
    """Show field coverage by projecting the sphere onto a flat 2d surface.

    rg : (M, 3) ndarray
        Gradient directions in Cartesian coordinates.
    field : (M, N) ndarray
        Field values on a grid.  The grid is on ``theta = [0, pi]`` and
        ``phi = [0, 2 * pi]``.
    rm : (M, 3) ndarray
        Missing / dropped gradient directions.
    projection : 'moll', 'ortho', etc.
        Basemap projection.

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    npts_lat, npts_lon = field.shape
    theta = np.linspace(0, np.pi, npts_lat)
    phi = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, npts_lon)

    m = plot.surf_grid(field, theta, phi,
                       projection=projection, vmin=vmin, ax=ax)
    plt.colorbar(orientation='horizontal', format='%.2g', ax=ax)

    x, y, z = rg
    theta, phi, rho = coord.car2sph(x, y, z)
    plot.scatter(theta, phi, basemap=m, color='g', s=markersize, ax=ax)

    if rm is not None and rm.shape[1] > 0:
        x, y, z = rm
        theta, phi, rho = coord.car2sph(x, y, z)
        plot.scatter(theta, phi, basemap=m, color='r', s=markersize, ax=ax)
예제 #2
def show_coverage_3d(rg, field, rm=None, vmin=None, sphere_colormap='jet'):
    # Resolution with which the small spheres are drawn
    pt_resolution = 20
    # Size factor for small spheres
    scale_factor = 0.1

    # missing directions in red, if any
    if rm is not None:
        xm, ym, zm = rm
        theta, phi, rho = coord.car2sph(xm, ym, zm)
        plot.scatter_3D(theta, phi, resolution=pt_resolution,
                        scale_factor=scale_factor, name='Bad direction')

    # 'good' directions in green
    xg, yg, zg = rg
    theta, phi, rho = coord.car2sph(xg, yg, zg)

    # As simple spheres
    plot.scatter_3D(theta, phi, color=(0, 1, 0), scale_factor=scale_factor,
                    resolution=pt_resolution, name='Good directions')

    npts_lat, npts_lon = field.shape
    theta = np.linspace(0, np.pi, npts_lat)
    phi = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, npts_lon)
    s = plot.surf_grid_3D(field, theta, phi, vmin=vmin, name='Coverage')

    mlab = plot.get_mlab()
    mlab.colorbar(s, orientation='horizontal')
예제 #3
def test_car2sph():
    theta, phi, r = car2sph(1, 0, 0)
    assert_almost_equal(r, 1, decimal=5)
    assert_almost_equal(theta, np.pi / 2, decimal=5)
    assert_almost_equal(phi, 0, decimal=5)

    theta, phi, r = car2sph(0, 1, 0)
    assert_almost_equal(r, 1, decimal=5)
    assert_almost_equal(theta, np.pi / 2, decimal=5)
    assert_almost_equal(phi, np.pi / 2, decimal=5)
예제 #4
from dipy.reconst.shm import SlowAdcOpdfModel, MonoExpOpdfModel, QballOdfModel

coords = sph_io.load('sphere_pts.npz')

#from dipy.data import get_sphere
#verts, faces = get_sphere('symmetric724')

## from dipy.core.triangle_subdivide import create_unit_sphere
## verts, edges, sides = create_unit_sphere(5)
## faces = edges[sides, 0]

from dipy.core.triangle_subdivide import create_unit_sphere
verts, edges, sides = create_unit_sphere(5)
faces = edges[sides, 0]

theta, phi, r = car2sph(*verts.T)

sampling_xyz = np.column_stack(
    sph2car(coords['gradient_theta'], coords['gradient_phi'])

## verts = np.column_stack(sph2car(theta, phi))
## from dipy.core.meshes import faces_from_vertices
## faces = faces_from_vertices(verts)

def separation_from_odf(odf):
    # Find angles
    from dipy.reconst.recspeed import local_maxima
    p, i = local_maxima(odf, edges)
    p = p[:2]
예제 #5
theta72, phi72, w72 = sphere.quadrature_points(N=72)
theta132, phi132, w132 = sphere.quadrature_points(N=132)
#theta492, phi492, w492 = sphere.quadrature_points(N=492)

theta, phi = theta72, phi72

from dipy.data import get_data
img, bvals, bvecs = get_data('small_64D')

b = np.load(bvals)
bvecs = np.load(bvecs)
bvecs = bvecs[b > 0]
b = b[b > 0]

theta, phi, _ = coord.car2sph(*bvecs.T)
theta_odf, phi_odf = theta132, phi132

kernel = inv_funk_radon_even_kernel
kernel_N = 8
X = kernel_matrix(theta, phi, theta_odf, phi_odf, kernel=kernel, N=kernel_N)
D = 150 # Grid density for plots (higher => more dense)

b = 3000 + np.random.normal(scale=4, size=len(theta)) # Make up somewhat realistic b-values

xyz = np.column_stack(coord.sph2car(theta, phi))

sph_io.savez('sphere_pts', gradient_theta=theta, gradient_phi=phi,
                           odf_theta=theta_odf, odf_phi=phi_odf, b=b)

# Fiber weights