def gen(basepath, destpath, changelogpath, tixurl, confrepl=None, confpath=None, changelogtmpl=None): """Generate sphinx docs with all bells and whistles. basepath: The base sphinx source path. destpath: The final path of html files changelogpath: The path to the changelog file to insert in changelog.rst. tixurl: The URL (with one formattable argument for the tix number) to the ticket system. confrepl: Dictionary containing replacements that have to be made in {name: replacement} """ if confrepl is None: confrepl = {} if confpath is None: confpath = op.join(basepath, 'conf.tmpl') if changelogtmpl is None: changelogtmpl = op.join(basepath, 'changelog.tmpl') changelog = read_changelog_file(changelogpath) tix = tixgen(tixurl) rendered_logs = [] for log in changelog: description = tix(log['description']) # The format of the changelog descriptions is in markdown, but since we only use bulled list # and links, it's not worth depending on the markdown package. A simple regexp suffice. description = re.sub(r'\[(.*?)\]\((.*?)\)', '`\\1 <\\2>`__', description) rendered = CHANGELOG_FORMAT.format(version=log['version'], date=log['date_str'], description=description) rendered_logs.append(rendered) confrepl['version'] = changelog[0]['version'] changelog_out = op.join(basepath, 'changelog.rst') filereplace(changelogtmpl, changelog_out, changelog='\n'.join(rendered_logs)) if op.exists(confpath): conf_out = op.join(basepath, '') filereplace(confpath, conf_out, **confrepl) if LooseVersion(get_distribution("sphinx").version) >= LooseVersion("1.7.0"): from import build_main as sphinx_build # Call the sphinx_build function, which is the same as doing sphinx-build from cli try: sphinx_build([basepath, destpath]) except SystemExit: print("Sphinx called sys.exit(), but we're cancelling it because we don't actually want to exit") else: # We used to call sphinx-build with print_and_do(), but the problem was that the virtualenv # of the calling python wasn't correctly considered and caused problems with documentation # relying on autodoc (which tries to import the module to auto-document, but fail because of # missing dependencies which are in the virtualenv). Here, we do exactly what is done when # calling the command from bash. cmd = load_entry_point('Sphinx', 'console_scripts', 'sphinx-build') try: cmd(['sphinx-build', basepath, destpath]) except SystemExit: print("Sphinx called sys.exit(), but we're cancelling it because we don't actually want to exit")
def build(args): sourcedir = Path('.') # TODO: parse SOURCEDIR from args if sourcedir.exists(): print('calling sphinx with args', args) return sphinx_build(args) else: print('simulated call to flit')
def build(build_args=None, docs_dir=None, build_dir=None, fmt=None, open_url=False): """Use sphinx-build to build the documentation.""" status = sphinx_build(build_args) if status: sys.exit(status) if open_url and fmt == 'html': / 'index.html'))
def gen( basepath, destpath, changelogpath, tixurl, confrepl=None, confpath=None, changelogtmpl=None, ): """Generate sphinx docs with all bells and whistles. basepath: The base sphinx source path. destpath: The final path of html files changelogpath: The path to the changelog file to insert in changelog.rst. tixurl: The URL (with one formattable argument for the tix number) to the ticket system. confrepl: Dictionary containing replacements that have to be made in {name: replacement} """ if confrepl is None: confrepl = {} if confpath is None: confpath = Path(basepath, "conf.tmpl") if changelogtmpl is None: changelogtmpl = Path(basepath, "changelog.tmpl") changelog = read_changelog_file(changelogpath) tix = tixgen(tixurl) rendered_logs = [] for log in changelog: description = tix(log["description"]) # The format of the changelog descriptions is in markdown, but since we only use bulled list # and links, it's not worth depending on the markdown package. A simple regexp suffice. description = re.sub(r"\[(.*?)\]\((.*?)\)", "`\\1 <\\2>`__", description) rendered = CHANGELOG_FORMAT.format(version=log["version"], date=log["date_str"], description=description) rendered_logs.append(rendered) confrepl["version"] = changelog[0]["version"] changelog_out = Path(basepath, "changelog.rst") filereplace(changelogtmpl, changelog_out, changelog="\n".join(rendered_logs)) if Path(confpath).exists(): conf_out = Path(basepath, "") filereplace(confpath, conf_out, **confrepl) # Call the sphinx_build function, which is the same as doing sphinx-build from cli try: sphinx_build([str(basepath), str(destpath)]) except SystemExit: print("Sphinx called sys.exit(), but we're cancelling it because we don't actually want to exit")
def generate_sphinx_spell_words(self) -> Set[str]: """ Generates Sphinx spelling dictionary Returns: spell words """ if os.path.isdir(self._build_dir): shutil.rmtree(self._build_dir) if os.path.isdir(self._stubs_dir): shutil.rmtree(self._stubs_dir) if os.path.isdir(self._jupyter_execute_dir): shutil.rmtree(self._jupyter_execute_dir) try: os.mkdir(self._build_dir) sphinx_dict_file = os.path.join( self._build_dir, SpellDictGenerator._SPHINX_DICT_FILE) # create empty dictionary file with open(sphinx_dict_file, "w"): pass sphinx_build([ "-b", "spelling", "-D", f"spelling_word_list_filename={sphinx_dict_file}", self._docs_dir, self._build_dir, ]) self._sphinx_words = SpellDictGenerator._get_sphinx_spell_words( self._build_dir) return self._sphinx_words finally: if os.path.isdir(self._build_dir): shutil.rmtree(self._build_dir) if os.path.isdir(self._stubs_dir): shutil.rmtree(self._stubs_dir) if os.path.isdir(self._jupyter_execute_dir): shutil.rmtree(self._jupyter_execute_dir)
def main(argv=None): if argv is None: argv = sys.argv[1:] parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action="store_true", help=u'Displays version') parser.add_argument('--ip', help="Drone IP address") parser.add_argument('--gendoc', dest="doc_out_directory", help="Generate olympe documentation") parser.add_argument('--gendoc_context_path', dest="doc_context", help="Documentation context path") ns = parser.parse_args(argv) args = vars(ns) if args['doc_out_directory']: from import main as sphinx_build cmd = ["-b", "html"] if args["doc_context"]: cmd += [ "-D", "custom_html_context_path={}".format(args["doc_context"]) ] cmd += ["{}/doc".format(os.path.dirname(olympe.__file__))] cmd += [args['doc_out_directory']] sys.exit(sphinx_build(cmd)) if 'version' in args and args['version']: print(olympe.__version__) sys.exit(0) import IPython user_ns = dict(olympe=olympe) if args["ip"]: user_ns["drone"] = olympe.Drone(args["ip"]) IPython.embed(user_ns=user_ns)
def build_html(self) -> None: if sphinx_build(self.sphinx_args): raise SphinxBuildError("BUILD FAILED")
def gen(basepath, destpath, changelogpath, tixurl, confrepl=None, confpath=None, changelogtmpl=None): """Generate sphinx docs with all bells and whistles. basepath: The base sphinx source path. destpath: The final path of html files changelogpath: The path to the changelog file to insert in changelog.rst. tixurl: The URL (with one formattable argument for the tix number) to the ticket system. confrepl: Dictionary containing replacements that have to be made in {name: replacement} """ if confrepl is None: confrepl = {} if confpath is None: confpath = op.join(basepath, 'conf.tmpl') if changelogtmpl is None: changelogtmpl = op.join(basepath, 'changelog.tmpl') changelog = read_changelog_file(changelogpath) tix = tixgen(tixurl) rendered_logs = [] for log in changelog: description = tix(log['description']) # The format of the changelog descriptions is in markdown, but since we only use bulled list # and links, it's not worth depending on the markdown package. A simple regexp suffice. description = re.sub(r'\[(.*?)\]\((.*?)\)', '`\\1 <\\2>`__', description) rendered = CHANGELOG_FORMAT.format(version=log['version'], date=log['date_str'], description=description) rendered_logs.append(rendered) confrepl['version'] = changelog[0]['version'] changelog_out = op.join(basepath, 'changelog.rst') filereplace(changelogtmpl, changelog_out, changelog='\n'.join(rendered_logs)) if op.exists(confpath): conf_out = op.join(basepath, '') filereplace(confpath, conf_out, **confrepl) if LooseVersion( get_distribution("sphinx").version) >= LooseVersion("1.7.0"): from import build_main as sphinx_build # Call the sphinx_build function, which is the same as doing sphinx-build from cli try: sphinx_build([basepath, destpath]) except SystemExit: print( "Sphinx called sys.exit(), but we're cancelling it because we don't actually want to exit" ) else: # We used to call sphinx-build with print_and_do(), but the problem was that the virtualenv # of the calling python wasn't correctly considered and caused problems with documentation # relying on autodoc (which tries to import the module to auto-document, but fail because of # missing dependencies which are in the virtualenv). Here, we do exactly what is done when # calling the command from bash. cmd = load_entry_point('Sphinx', 'console_scripts', 'sphinx-build') try: cmd(['sphinx-build', basepath, destpath]) except SystemExit: print( "Sphinx called sys.exit(), but we're cancelling it because we don't actually want to exit" )
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action="store_true", help=u'Displays version') parser.add_argument('--gendoc', dest="doc_out_directory", help="Generate olympe documentation") parser.add_argument('--gendoc_context_path', dest="doc_context", help="Documentation context path") ns = parser.parse_args() args = vars(ns) if args['doc_out_directory']: cmd = ["-b", "html"] if args["doc_context"]: cmd += [ "-D", "custom_html_context_path={}".format(args["doc_context"]) ] cmd += ["{}/doc".format(os.path.dirname(olympe.__file__))] cmd += [args['doc_out_directory']] sys.exit(sphinx_build(cmd)) if 'version' in args and args['version']: print(olympe.VERSION_STRING) sys.exit(0)
def from_arguments( cls, *, cli_args: Optional[List[str]] = None, sphinx_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> Optional["SphinxConfig"]: """Return the ``SphinxConfig`` instance that's equivalent to the given arguments. .. note:: Only ``cli_args`` **or** ``sphinx_args`` may be given. .. warning:: This method is unable to determine the value of the :obj:`SphinxConfig.make_mode` setting when passing ``sphinx_args`` Parameters ---------- cli_args The cli arguments you would normally pass to ``sphinx-build`` sphinx_args: The arguments you would use to create a ``Sphinx`` application instance. """ make_mode: bool = False neither_given = cli_args is None and sphinx_args is None both_given = cli_args is not None and sphinx_args is not None if neither_given or both_given: raise ValueError( "You must pass either 'cli_args' or 'sphinx_args'") if cli_args is not None: # The easiest way to handle this is to just call sphinx-build but with # the Sphinx app object patched out - then we just use all the args it # was given! with mock.patch("") as m_Sphinx: sphinx_build(cli_args) if m_Sphinx.call_args is None: return None signature = inspect.signature(Sphinx) keys = signature.parameters.keys() values = m_Sphinx.call_args[0] sphinx_args = {k: v for k, v in zip(keys, values)} # `-M` has to be the first argument passed to `sphinx-build` # make_mode = cli_args[0] == "-M" if make_mode and sphinx_args["outdir"].endswith( sphinx_args["buildername"]): build_dir = pathlib.Path(sphinx_args["outdir"]).parts[:-1] sphinx_args["outdir"] = str(pathlib.Path(*build_dir)) if sphinx_args is None: return None return cls( confDir=sphinx_args.get("confdir", None), configOverrides=sphinx_args.get("confoverrides", {}), buildDir=sphinx_args.get("outdir", None), builderName=sphinx_args.get("buildername", "html"), doctreeDir=sphinx_args.get("doctreedir", None), forceFullBuild=sphinx_args.get("freshenv", False), keepGoing=sphinx_args.get("keep_going", False), makeMode=make_mode, numJobs=sphinx_args.get("parallel", 1), quiet=sphinx_args.get("status", 1) is None, silent=sphinx_args.get("warning", 1) is None, srcDir=sphinx_args.get("srcdir", None), tags=sphinx_args.get("tags", []), verbosity=sphinx_args.get("verbosity", 0), warningIsError=sphinx_args.get("warningiserror", False), )