def test_quickstart_all_answers(tempdir): answers = { 'Root path': tempdir, 'Separate source and build': 'y', 'Name prefix for templates': '.', 'Project name': u'STASI™'.encode('utf-8'), 'Author name': u'Wolfgang Schäuble & G\'Beckstein'.encode('utf-8'), 'Project version': '2.0', 'Project release': '2.0.1', 'Source file suffix': '.txt', 'Name of your master document': 'contents', 'autodoc': 'y', 'doctest': 'yes', 'intersphinx': 'no', 'todo': 'n', 'coverage': 'no', 'pngmath': 'N', 'mathjax': 'no', 'ifconfig': 'no', 'viewcode': 'no', 'Create Makefile': 'no', 'Create Windows command file': 'no', 'Do you want to use the epub builder': 'yes', } qs.term_input = mock_raw_input(answers, needanswer=True) qs.TERM_ENCODING = 'utf-8' d = {} qs.ask_user(d) qs.generate(d) conffile = tempdir / 'source' / '' assert conffile.isfile() ns = {} execfile_(conffile, ns) assert ns['extensions'] == ['sphinx.ext.autodoc', 'sphinx.ext.doctest'] assert ns['templates_path'] == ['.templates'] assert ns['source_suffix'] == '.txt' assert ns['master_doc'] == 'contents' assert ns['project'] == u'STASI™' assert ns['copyright'] == u'%s, Wolfgang Schäuble & G\'Beckstein' % \ time.strftime('%Y') assert ns['version'] == '2.0' assert ns['release'] == '2.0.1' assert ns['html_static_path'] == ['.static'] assert ns['latex_documents'] == [ ('contents', 'STASI.tex', u'STASI™ Documentation', u'Wolfgang Schäuble \\& G\'Beckstein', 'manual')] assert ns['epub_author'] == u'Wolfgang Schäuble & G\'Beckstein' assert ns['man_pages'] == [ ('contents', 'stasi', u'STASI™ Documentation', [u'Wolfgang Schäuble & G\'Beckstein'], 1)] assert ns['texinfo_documents'] == [ ('contents', 'STASI', u'STASI™ Documentation', u'Wolfgang Schäuble & G\'Beckstein', 'STASI', 'One line description of project.', 'Miscellaneous'),] assert (tempdir / 'build').isdir() assert (tempdir / 'source' / '.static').isdir() assert (tempdir / 'source' / '.templates').isdir() assert (tempdir / 'source' / 'contents.txt').isfile()
def __init__(self, dirname, filename, overrides, tags): self.overrides = overrides self.values = Config.config_values.copy() config = {} if dirname is not None: config_file = path.join(dirname, filename) config['__file__'] = config_file config['tags'] = tags with cd(dirname): # we promise to have the config dir as current dir while the # config file is executed try: execfile_(filename, config) except SyntaxError as err: raise ConfigError(CONFIG_SYNTAX_ERROR % err) except SystemExit: raise ConfigError(CONFIG_EXIT_ERROR) # override extensions after loading the configuration (otherwise it's pointless...) if 'extensions' in overrides: if isinstance(overrides['extensions'], string_types): config['extensions'] = overrides.pop('extensions').split(',') else: config['extensions'] = overrides.pop('extensions') self._raw_config = config # these two must be preinitialized because extensions can add their # own config values self.setup = config.get('setup', None) self.extensions = config.get('extensions', [])
def test_hieroglyph_quickstart(self): tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() answers = { 'Root path': tempdir, 'Author name(s)': 'Marcia Brady', 'Presentation title': 'Hieroglyph Test', } sphinx_quickstart.term_input = mock_input(answers) quickstart.quickstart(path=tempdir) conffile = os.path.join(tempdir, '') assert os.path.exists(conffile) ns = {} execfile_(conffile, ns) self.assertIn('hieroglyph', ns['extensions']) self.assertEqual(ns['templates_path'], ['_templates']) self.assertEqual(ns['source_suffix'], '.rst') self.assertEqual(ns['master_doc'], 'index') self.assertEqual(ns['project'], 'Hieroglyph Test') self.assertEqual(ns['html_static_path'], ['_static']) self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(os.path.join(tempdir, '_static'))) self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(os.path.join(tempdir, '_templates'))) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(tempdir, 'index.rst'))) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(tempdir, 'Makefile'))) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(tempdir, 'make.bat'))) shutil.rmtree(tempdir)
def loadConfig(namespace): # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ u"""Load an additional configuration file into *namespace*. The name of the configuration file is taken from the environment ``SPHINX_CONF``. The external configuration file extends (or overwrites) the configuration values from the origin ````. With this you are able to maintain *build themes*. """ from sphinx.util.pycompat import execfile_ config_file = os.environ.get("SPHINX_CONF", None) if (config_file is not None and os.path.normpath(namespace["__file__"]) != os.path.normpath(config_file) ): config_file = abspath(config_file) if os.path.isfile(config_file): sys.stdout.write("load additional sphinx-config: %s\n" % config_file) config = namespace.copy() config['__file__'] = config_file config['main_name'] = splitext(basename(config_file))[0] execfile_(config_file, config) del config['__file__'] namespace.update(config) else: sys.stderr.write("WARNING: additional sphinx-config not found: %s\n" % config_file) else: sys.stdout.write("no additional sphinx-config\n")
def test_quickstart_defaults(tempdir): answers = { 'Root path': tempdir, 'Project name': 'Sphinx Test', 'Author name': 'Georg Brandl', 'Project version': '0.1', } qs.term_input = mock_input(answers) d = {} qs.ask_user(d) qs.generate(d) conffile = tempdir / '' assert conffile.isfile() ns = {} execfile_(conffile, ns) assert ns['extensions'] == [] assert ns['templates_path'] == ['_templates'] assert ns['source_suffix'] == '.rst' assert ns['master_doc'] == 'index' assert ns['project'] == 'Sphinx Test' assert ns['copyright'] == '%s, Georg Brandl' % time.strftime('%Y') assert ns['version'] == '0.1' assert ns['release'] == '0.1' assert ns['todo_include_todos'] is False assert ns['html_static_path'] == ['_static'] assert ns['latex_documents'] == [ ('index', 'SphinxTest.tex', 'Sphinx Test Documentation', 'Georg Brandl', 'manual')] assert (tempdir / '_static').isdir() assert (tempdir / '_templates').isdir() assert (tempdir / 'index.rst').isfile() assert (tempdir / 'Makefile').isfile() assert (tempdir / 'make.bat').isfile()
def eval_config_file(filename: str, tags: Tags) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Evaluate a config file.""" namespace = {} # type: Dict[str, Any] namespace['__file__'] = filename namespace['tags'] = tags with cd(path.dirname(filename)): # during executing config file, current dir is changed to ``confdir``. try: execfile_(filename, namespace) except SyntaxError as err: msg = __( "There is a syntax error in your configuration file: %s\n") raise ConfigError(msg % err) except SystemExit: msg = __( "The configuration file (or one of the modules it imports) " "called sys.exit()") raise ConfigError(msg) except ConfigError: # pass through ConfigError from as is. It will be shown in console. raise except Exception: msg = __( "There is a programmable error in your configuration file:\n\n%s" ) raise ConfigError(msg % traceback.format_exc()) return namespace
def __init__(self, dirname, filename, overrides, tags): self.overrides = overrides self.values = Config.config_values.copy() config = {} if dirname is not None: config_file = path.join(dirname, filename) config['__file__'] = config_file config['tags'] = tags olddir = os.getcwd() try: # we promise to have the config dir as current dir while the # config file is executed os.chdir(dirname) try: execfile_(filename, config) except SyntaxError, err: raise ConfigError(CONFIG_SYNTAX_ERROR % err) finally: os.chdir(olddir) self._raw_config = config # these two must be preinitialized because extensions can add their # own config values self.setup = config.get('setup', None) self.extensions = config.get('extensions', [])
def eval_config_file(filename, tags): # type: (unicode, Tags) -> Dict[unicode, Any] """Evaluate a config file.""" namespace = {} # type: Dict[unicode, Any] namespace['__file__'] = filename namespace['tags'] = tags with cd(path.dirname(filename)): # during executing config file, current dir is changed to ``confdir``. try: execfile_(filename, namespace) except SyntaxError as err: msg = __("There is a syntax error in your configuration file: %s") if PY3: msg += __("\nDid you change the syntax from 2.x to 3.x?") raise ConfigError(msg % err) except SystemExit: msg = __( "The configuration file (or one of the modules it imports) " "called sys.exit()") raise ConfigError(msg) except Exception: msg = __( "There is a programmable error in your configuration file:\n\n%s" ) raise ConfigError(msg % traceback.format_exc()) return namespace
def __init__(self, dirname, filename, overrides, tags): self.overrides = overrides self.values = Config.config_values.copy() config = {} if 'extensions' in overrides: # XXX do we need this? if isinstance(overrides['extensions'], string_types): config['extensions'] = overrides.pop('extensions').split(',') else: config['extensions'] = overrides.pop('extensions') if dirname is not None: config_file = path.join(dirname, filename) config['__file__'] = config_file config['tags'] = tags with cd(dirname): # we promise to have the config dir as current dir while the # config file is executed try: execfile_(filename, config) except SyntaxError as err: raise ConfigError(CONFIG_SYNTAX_ERROR % err) except SystemExit: raise ConfigError(CONFIG_EXIT_ERROR) self._raw_config = config # these two must be preinitialized because extensions can add their # own config values self.setup = config.get('setup', None) self.extensions = config.get('extensions', [])
def __init__(self, dirname, filename, overrides, tags): self.overrides = overrides self.values = Config.config_values.copy() config = {} if "extensions" in overrides: # XXX do we need this? if isinstance(overrides["extensions"], string_types): config["extensions"] = overrides.pop("extensions").split(",") else: config["extensions"] = overrides.pop("extensions") if dirname is not None: config_file = path.join(dirname, filename) config["__file__"] = config_file config["tags"] = tags with cd(dirname): # we promise to have the config dir as current dir while the # config file is executed try: execfile_(filename, config) except SyntaxError as err: raise ConfigError(CONFIG_SYNTAX_ERROR % err) except SystemExit: raise ConfigError(CONFIG_EXIT_ERROR) self._raw_config = config # these two must be preinitialized because extensions can add their # own config values self.setup = config.get("setup", None) self.extensions = config.get("extensions", [])
def test_execfile(capsys, tempdir): conf_py = tempdir / '' conf_py.write_bytes(b'print("hello")\n') execfile_(conf_py, {}) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert captured.out == 'hello\n'
def __init__(self, dirname, filename, overrides, tags): self.overrides = overrides self.values = Config.config_values.copy() config = {} if "extensions" in overrides: config["extensions"] = overrides["extensions"] if dirname is not None: config_file = path.join(dirname, filename) config['__file__'] = config_file config['tags'] = tags olddir = os.getcwd() try: # we promise to have the config dir as current dir while the # config file is executed os.chdir(dirname) try: execfile_(filename, config) except SyntaxError, err: raise ConfigError(CONFIG_SYNTAX_ERROR % err) finally: os.chdir(olddir) self._raw_config = config # these two must be preinitialized because extensions can add their # own config values self.setup = config.get('setup', None) self.extensions = config.get('extensions', [])
def eval_config_file(filename, tags): # type: (unicode, Tags) -> Dict[unicode, Any] """Evaluate a config file.""" namespace = {} # type: Dict[unicode, Any] namespace['__file__'] = filename namespace['tags'] = tags with cd(path.dirname(filename)): # during executing config file, current dir is changed to ``confdir``. try: execfile_(filename, namespace) except SyntaxError as err: msg = __("There is a syntax error in your configuration file: %s") if PY3: msg += __("\nDid you change the syntax from 2.x to 3.x?") raise ConfigError(msg % err) except SystemExit: msg = __("The configuration file (or one of the modules it imports) " "called sys.exit()") raise ConfigError(msg) except Exception: msg = __("There is a programmable error in your configuration file:\n\n%s") raise ConfigError(msg % traceback.format_exc()) return namespace
def test_quickstart_defaults(tempdir): answers = { 'Root path': tempdir, 'Project name': 'Sphinx Test', 'Author name': 'Georg Brandl', 'Project version': '0.1', } qs.term_input = mock_input(answers) d = {} qs.ask_user(d) qs.generate(d) conffile = tempdir / '' assert conffile.isfile() ns = {} execfile_(conffile, ns) assert ns['extensions'] == [] assert ns['templates_path'] == ['_templates'] assert ns['source_suffix'] == '.rst' assert ns['master_doc'] == 'index' assert ns['project'] == 'Sphinx Test' assert ns['copyright'] == '%s, Georg Brandl' % time.strftime('%Y') assert ns['version'] == '0.1' assert ns['release'] == '0.1' assert ns['html_static_path'] == ['_static'] assert ns['latex_documents'] == [ ('index', 'SphinxTest.tex', 'Sphinx Test Documentation', 'Georg Brandl', 'manual')] assert (tempdir / '_static').isdir() assert (tempdir / '_templates').isdir() assert (tempdir / 'index.rst').isfile() assert (tempdir / 'Makefile').isfile() assert (tempdir / 'make.bat').isfile()
def loadConfig(namespace): # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ u"""Load an additional configuration file into *namespace*. The name of the configuration file is taken from the environment ``SPHINX_CONF``. The external configuration file extends (or overwrites) the configuration values from the origin ````. With this you are able to maintain *build themes*. """ config_file = os.environ.get("SPHINX_CONF", None) if (config_file is not None and os.path.normpath(namespace["__file__"]) != os.path.normpath(config_file)): config_file = os.path.abspath(config_file) if os.path.isfile(config_file): sys.stdout.write("load additional sphinx-config: %s\n" % config_file) config = namespace.copy() config['__file__'] = config_file execfile_(config_file, config) del config['__file__'] namespace.update(config) else: sys.stderr.write( "WARNING: additional sphinx-config not found: %s\n" % config_file)
def test_execfile(capsys): ns = {} with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tmp: tmp.write(b'print("hello")\n') tmp.flush() execfile_(, ns) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert captured.out == 'hello\n'
def test_quickstart_all_answers(tempdir): answers = { 'Root path': tempdir, 'Separate source and build': 'y', 'Name prefix for templates': '.', 'Project name': u'STASI™'.encode('utf-8'), 'Author name': u'Wolfgang Schäuble & G\'Beckstein'.encode('utf-8'), 'Project version': '2.0', 'Project release': '2.0.1', 'Project language': 'de', 'Source file suffix': '.txt', 'Name of your master document': 'contents', 'autodoc': 'y', 'doctest': 'yes', 'intersphinx': 'no', 'todo': 'y', 'coverage': 'no', 'imgmath': 'N', 'mathjax': 'no', 'ifconfig': 'no', 'viewcode': 'no', 'githubpages': 'no', 'Create Makefile': 'no', 'Create Windows command file': 'no', 'Do you want to use the epub builder': 'yes', } qs.term_input = mock_input(answers, needanswer=True) qs.TERM_ENCODING = 'utf-8' d = {} qs.ask_user(d) qs.generate(d) conffile = tempdir / 'source' / '' assert conffile.isfile() ns = {} execfile_(conffile, ns) assert ns['extensions'] == [ 'sphinx.ext.autodoc', 'sphinx.ext.doctest', 'sphinx.ext.todo' ] assert ns['templates_path'] == ['.templates'] assert ns['source_suffix'] == '.txt' assert ns['master_doc'] == 'contents' assert ns['project'] == u'STASI™' assert ns['copyright'] == u'%s, Wolfgang Schäuble & G\'Beckstein' % \ time.strftime('%Y') assert ns['version'] == '2.0' assert ns['release'] == '2.0.1' assert ns['todo_include_todos'] is True assert ns['html_static_path'] == ['.static'] assert ns['latex_documents'] == [ ('contents', 'STASI.tex', u'STASI™ Documentation', u'Wolfgang Schäuble \\& G\'Beckstein', 'manual') ] assert (tempdir / 'build').isdir() assert (tempdir / 'source' / '.static').isdir() assert (tempdir / 'source' / '.templates').isdir() assert (tempdir / 'source' / 'contents.txt').isfile()
def test_extensions(tempdir): qs.main(['-q', '-p', 'project_name', '-a', 'author', '--extensions', 'foo,bar,baz', tempdir]) conffile = tempdir / '' assert conffile.isfile() ns = {} execfile_(conffile, ns) assert ns['extensions'] == ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
def test_execfile_python2(capsys, app, status, warning, tempdir): logging.setup(app, status, warning) conf_py = tempdir / '' conf_py.write_bytes(b'print "hello"\n') execfile_(conf_py, {}) msg = ('Support for evaluating Python 2 syntax is deprecated ' 'and will be removed in Sphinx 4.0. ' 'Convert %s to Python 3 syntax.\n' % conf_py) assert msg in strip_escseq(warning.getvalue()) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert captured.out == 'hello\n'
def test_execfile_python2(capsys, app, status, warning): logging.setup(app, status, warning) ns = {} with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tmp: tmp.write(b'print "hello"\n') tmp.flush() execfile_(, ns) msg = ('Support for evaluating Python 2 syntax is deprecated ' 'and will be removed in Sphinx 4.0. ' 'Convert %s to Python 3 syntax.\n' % assert msg in strip_escseq(warning.getvalue()) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert captured.out == 'hello\n'
def loadConfig(namespace): # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ u"""Load an additional configuration file into *namespace*. The name of the configuration file is taken from the environment ``SPHINX_CONF``. The external configuration file extends (or overwrites) the configuration values from the origin ````. With this you are able to maintain *build themes*. """ config_file = os.environ.get("SPHINX_CONF", None) if (config_file is not None and os.path.normpath(namespace["__file__"]) != os.path.normpath(config_file)): config_file = os.path.abspath(config_file) # Let's avoid one file just due to latex_documents start = config_file.find('Documentation/') if start >= 0: start = config_file.find('/', start + 1) end = config_file.rfind('/') if start >= 0 and end > 0: dir = config_file[start + 1:end] print("source directory: %s" % dir) new_latex_docs = [] latex_documents = namespace['latex_documents'] for l in latex_documents: if l[0].find(dir + '/') == 0: has = True fn = l[0][len(dir) + 1:] new_latex_docs.append((fn, l[1], l[2], l[3], l[4])) break namespace['latex_documents'] = new_latex_docs # If there is an extra file, load it if os.path.isfile(config_file): sys.stdout.write("load additional sphinx-config: %s\n" % config_file) config = namespace.copy() config['__file__'] = config_file execfile_(config_file, config) del config['__file__'] namespace.update(config) else: config = namespace.copy() config['tags'].add("subproject") namespace.update(config)
def get_master_doc(conf_file): '''returns the master_doc' variable stored in the given config file''' if not os.path.isfile(conf_file): raise ValueError("Not file: '%s'" % conf_file) # execute conf file to get the master document # Copied from _globals = {"__file__": conf_file} # the namespace where toe xec stuff with six with cd(os.path.dirname(conf_file)): execfile_("", _globals) if 'master_doc' not in _globals: raise ValueError("'master_doc' undefined in '%s'" % conf_file) return _globals['master_doc']
def test_execfile_python2(capsys, app, status, warning): logging.setup(app, status, warning) ns = {} with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tmp: tmp.write(b'print "hello"\n') tmp.flush() execfile_(, ns) msg = ( 'Support for evaluating Python 2 syntax is deprecated ' 'and will be removed in Sphinx 4.0. ' 'Convert %s to Python 3 syntax.\n' % assert msg in strip_escseq(warning.getvalue()) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert captured.out == 'hello\n'
def test_default_filename(tempdir): answers = { 'Root path': tempdir, 'Project name': '\u30c9\u30a4\u30c4', # Fullwidth characters only 'Author name': 'Georg Brandl', 'Project version': '0.1', } qs.term_input = mock_input(answers) d = {} qs.ask_user(d) qs.generate(d) conffile = tempdir / '' assert conffile.isfile() ns = {} execfile_(conffile, ns)
def test_default_filename(tempdir): answers = { 'Root path': tempdir, 'Project name': u'\u30c9\u30a4\u30c4', # Fullwidth characters only 'Author name': 'Georg Brandl', 'Project version': '0.1', } qs.term_input = mock_input(answers) d = {} qs.ask_user(d) qs.generate(d) conffile = tempdir / '' assert conffile.isfile() ns = {} execfile_(conffile, ns) assert ns['latex_documents'][0][1] == 'sphinx.tex'
def get_master_doc(conf_file): '''returns the master_doc' variable stored in the given config file''' if not os.path.isfile(conf_file): raise ValueError("Not file: '%s'" % conf_file) # execute conf file to get the master document # Copied from _globals = { "__file__": conf_file } # the namespace where toe xec stuff with six with cd(os.path.dirname(conf_file)): execfile_("", _globals) if 'master_doc' not in _globals: raise ValueError("'master_doc' undefined in '%s'" % conf_file) return _globals['master_doc']
def test_default_filename(tempdir): answers = { 'Root path': tempdir, 'Project name': u'\u30c9\u30a4\u30c4', # Fullwidth characters only 'Author name': 'Georg Brandl', 'Project version': '0.1', } qs.term_input = mock_input(answers) d = {} qs.ask_user(d) qs.generate(d) conffile = tempdir / '' assert conffile.isfile() ns = {} execfile_(conffile, ns) assert ns['latex_documents'][0][1] == 'sphinx.tex' assert ns['man_pages'][0][1] == 'sphinx' assert ns['texinfo_documents'][0][1] == 'sphinx'
def __init__(self, dirname, filename, overrides, tags): # type: (unicode, unicode, Dict, Tags) -> None self.overrides = overrides self.values = Config.config_values.copy() config = {} # type: Dict[unicode, Any] if dirname is not None: config_file = path.join(dirname, filename) config['__file__'] = config_file config['tags'] = tags with cd(dirname): # we promise to have the config dir as current dir while the # config file is executed try: execfile_(filename, config) except SyntaxError as err: raise ConfigError(CONFIG_SYNTAX_ERROR % err) except SystemExit: raise ConfigError(CONFIG_EXIT_ERROR) except Exception: raise ConfigError(CONFIG_ERROR % traceback.format_exc()) self._raw_config = config # these two must be preinitialized because extensions can add their # own config values self.setup = config.get('setup', None) # type: Callable if 'extensions' in overrides: if isinstance(overrides['extensions'], string_types): config['extensions'] = overrides.pop('extensions').split(',') else: config['extensions'] = overrides.pop('extensions') self.extensions = config.get('extensions', []) # type: List[unicode] # correct values of copyright year that are not coherent with # the SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH environment variable (if set) # See if getenv('SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH') is not None: for k in ('copyright', 'epub_copyright'): if k in config: config[k] = copyright_year_re.sub(r'\g<1>%s' % format_date('%Y'), config[k])
def load_sphinx_config(namespace): # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ u"""Load an additional configuration file into *namespace*. The name of the configuration file is taken from the environment ``SPHINX_CONF``. The external configuration file extends (or overwrites) the configuration values from the origin ````. With this you are able to maintain *build themes*. To your docs/ add:: from sphinx_build_tools import load_sphinx_config ... # Since loadConfig overwrites settings from the global namespace, it has to be # the last statement in the file load_sphinx_config(globals()) """ config_file = os.environ.get("SPHINX_CONF", None) if (config_file is not None and os.path.normpath(namespace["__file__"]) != os.path.normpath(config_file)): config_file = os.path.abspath(config_file) if os.path.isfile(config_file): sys.stdout.write("load additional sphinx-config: %s\n" % config_file) config = namespace.copy() config['__file__'] = config_file execfile_(config_file, config) del config['__file__'] namespace.update(config) else: sys.stderr.write( "WARNING: additional sphinx-config not found: %s\n" % config_file)
def __init__(self, dirname, filename, overrides, tags): self.overrides = overrides self.values = Config.config_values.copy() config = {} if "extensions" in overrides: # XXX do we need this? if isinstance(overrides["extensions"], string_types): config["extensions"] = overrides.pop("extensions").split(",") else: config["extensions"] = overrides.pop("extensions") if dirname is not None: config_file = path.join(dirname, filename) config["__file__"] = config_file config["tags"] = tags with cd(dirname): # we promise to have the config dir as current dir while the # config file is executed try: execfile_(filename, config) except SyntaxError as err: raise ConfigError(CONFIG_SYNTAX_ERROR % err) except SystemExit: raise ConfigError(CONFIG_EXIT_ERROR) self._raw_config = config # these two must be preinitialized because extensions can add their # own config values self.setup = config.get("setup", None) self.extensions = config.get("extensions", []) # correct values of copyright year that are not coherent with # the SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH environment variable (if set) # See if getenv("SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH") is not None: for k in ("copyright", "epub_copyright"): if k in config: config[k] = copyright_year_re.sub("\g<1>%s" % format_date("%Y"), config[k])
def test_hieroglyph_quickstart(self): tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() answers = { 'Root path': tempdir, 'Author name(s)': 'Marcia Brady', 'Presentation title': 'Hieroglyph Test', } sphinx_quickstart.term_input = mock_input(answers) quickstart.quickstart(path=tempdir) conffile = os.path.join(tempdir, '') assert os.path.exists(conffile) ns = {} execfile_(conffile, ns) # XXX why is there a list in the list?! # Apparently introduced between Sphinx 1.6.7 and 1.7.0b1 if type(ns['extensions']) is list: # let's make sure there is nothing we don't expect self.assertEqual(len(ns['extensions']), 1) ns['extensions'] = ns['extensions'][0] self.assertIn('hieroglyph', ns['extensions']) self.assertEqual(ns['templates_path'], ['_templates']) self.assertEqual(ns['project'], 'Hieroglyph Test') self.assertEqual(ns['author'], 'Marcia Brady') self.assertEqual(ns['html_static_path'], ['_static']) self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(os.path.join(tempdir, '_static'))) self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(os.path.join(tempdir, '_templates'))) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(tempdir, 'index.rst'))) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(tempdir, 'Makefile'))) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(tempdir, 'make.bat'))) shutil.rmtree(tempdir)
# BASEDIR is set by <lang>/ """ Use "-D language=<LANG>" option to build a localized CoFEA document. For example:: sphinx-build -D language=ja -b html . _build/html This do: - Specify `locale_dirs` and `gettext_compact`. - Overrides source directory as 'CoFEA/docs/`. """ import os from sphinx.util.pycompat import execfile_ os.system("git submodule update --init --force --recursive cadquery") BASEDIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) execfile_(os.path.join(BASEDIR, "cadquery/doc/"), globals()) locale_dirs = [os.path.join(BASEDIR, "locale/")] def setup(app): app.srcdir = os.path.join(BASEDIR, "cadquery/doc/") app.confdir = app.srcdir
sphinx-build -D language=ja -b html . _build/html This do: - Specify `locale_dirs` and `gettext_compact`. - Overrides source directory as 'mayavi/docs/source/tvtk`. """ import os from sphinx.util.pycompat import execfile_ basedir = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "mayavi/docs/source/tvtk" ) execfile_(os.path.join(basedir, ""), globals()) locale_dirs = [os.path.join(basedir, "../../../../locale/")] def setup(app): from sphinx.util.docfields import GroupedField app.srcdir = basedir app.confdir = app.srcdir app.add_object_type( "confval", "confval", objname="configuration value", indextemplate="pair: %s; configuration value", )
# BASEDIR is set by <lang>/ """ Use "-D language=<LANG>" option to build a localized sphinx document. For example:: sphinx-build -D language=ja -b html . _build/html This do: - Specify `locale_dirs` and `gettext_compact`. - Overrides source directory as 'handbook/`. """ import os from pathlib import Path from sphinx.util.pycompat import execfile_ BASEDIR = Path(os.path.abspath(__file__)).parent.absolute() execfile_(str(BASEDIR / 'handbook' / ''), globals()) locale_dirs = [str(BASEDIR / 'locale/')] gettext_compact = False def setup(app): app.srcdir = str(BASEDIR / 'handbook/') app.confdir = app.srcdir
For example:: sphinx-build -D language=ja -b html . _build/html This do: - Specify `locale_dirs` and `gettext_compact`. - Overrides source directory as 'CoFEA/docs/`. """ import os import shutil import sys from sphinx.util.pycompat import execfile_ shutil.rmtree("benchmarks", ignore_errors=True) shutil.copytree("CoFEA/docs/benchmarks", "benchmarks") BASEDIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) execfile_(os.path.join(BASEDIR, "CoFEA/docs/"), globals()) locale_dirs = [os.path.join(BASEDIR, "locale/")] sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath("CoFEA/meshpresso")) def setup(app): app.srcdir = os.path.join(BASEDIR, "CoFEA/docs/") app.confdir = app.srcdir
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2019-2021 releng-tool from sphinx.util.pycompat import execfile_ import os import sys if 'RELENG_TARGET_DIR' not in os.environ: raise SyntaxError('target directory not provided') releng_tool_dir = os.path.abspath(os.environ['RELENG_TARGET_DIR']) releng_tool_doc_dir = os.path.join(releng_tool_dir, 'Documentation') # inject releng-tool into system path to allow autodocs content to render sys.path.insert(0, releng_tool_dir) # load releng-tool's sphinx configuration execfile_(os.path.join(releng_tool_doc_dir, ''), globals()) # localization options if 'RELENG_LOCALE_DIR' not in os.environ: raise SyntaxError('locale directory not provided') locale_dirs = [os.environ['RELENG_LOCALE_DIR']] gettext_compact = False def setup(app): # point application documentation to releng-tool's set app.confdir = releng_tool_doc_dir app.srcdir = releng_tool_doc_dir
""" Use "-D language=<LANG>" option to build a localized sphinx document. For example:: sphinx-build -D language=ja -b html . _build/html This do: - Specify `locale_dirs` and `gettext_compact`. - Overrides source directory as 'sphinx/doc/`. """ import os from sphinx.util.pycompat import execfile_ BASEDIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) execfile_(os.path.join(BASEDIR, 'sphinx/doc/'), globals()) locale_dirs = [os.path.join(BASEDIR, 'locale/')] gettext_compact = False setup_original = setup # from 'sphinx/doc/' def setup(app): app.srcdir = os.path.join(BASEDIR, 'sphinx/doc/') app.confdir = app.srcdir setup_original(app)
# BASEDIR is set by <lang>/ """ Use "-D language=<LANG>" option to build a localized sphinx document. For example:: sphinx-build -D language=ja -b html . _build/html This does: - Specify `locale_dirs` and `gettext_compact`. - Overrides source directory as 'sphinx/doc/`. """ import os from sphinx.util.pycompat import execfile_ BASEDIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) execfile_(os.path.join(BASEDIR, 'frc-docs/source/'), globals()) locale_dirs = [os.path.join(BASEDIR, 'locale/')] gettext_compact = False setup_original = setup def setup(app): app.srcdir = os.path.join(BASEDIR, 'frc-docs/source/') app.confdir = app.srcdir setup_original(app)