from spike import PrimeHub, LightMatrix, Button, StatusLight, ForceSensor, MotionSensor, Speaker, ColorSensor, App, \ DistanceSensor, Motor, MotorPair from spike.control import wait_for_seconds, wait_until, Timer import math hub = PrimeHub() motor_pair = MotorPair('A', 'E') right_motor = Motor('E') left_color = ColorSensor('B') right_color = ColorSensor('D') wheel_distance_apart = 14.5 wheel_radius = 4.25 wheel_circumference = 2 * math.pi * wheel_radius motor_pair.set_motor_rotation(wheel_circumference, 'cm') right_motor.set_default_speed(15) i = 0 motor_pair.start_tank(25, 25) while i < 200: if left_color.get_color() == 'black': print('l') motor_pair.start_tank(5, 25) elif right_color.get_color() == 'black': print('r') motor_pair.start_tank(25, 5) i += 1 motor_pair.stop() motor_pair.move_tank(165, 'cm', left_speed=15, right_speed=15) right_motor.run_for_rotations(20) motor_pair.start_tank(-25, -25)
turn(hub, motor_pair, -60) # start the robot with the thing right of the right wheel lined up with the line to the left of the top of the white # word CHALLENGE # the back of the robot lined up with the line 1st from the thick black line to_mission(g_hub, g_motor_pair, g_front_motor, g_back_motor) to_dump(g_hub, g_motor_pair, g_front_motor, g_back_motor) dump(g_hub, g_motor_pair, g_front_motor, g_back_motor) to_dance(g_hub, g_motor_pair, g_front_motor, g_back_motor) to_mission(g_hub, g_motor_pair, g_front_motor, g_back_motor) dump(g_hub, g_motor_pair, g_front_motor, g_back_motor) # Dump and move to M13 code g_motor_pair.move(10, 'cm', steering=0, speed=25) turn(g_hub, g_motor_pair, -90) g_motor_pair.move(40, 'cm', steering=0, speed=25) turn(g_hub, g_motor_pair, -90) g_motor_pair.move(30, 'cm', steering=0, speed=25) g_motor_pair.move(-3, 'cm', steering=0, speed=25) turn(g_hub, g_motor_pair, 90) g_motor_pair.move(1, 'cm', steering=0, speed=25) g_motor_pair.move(7, 'cm', steering=0, speed=5) g_front_motor.run_for_rotations(-.75, 100) g_motor_pair.move(-10, 'cm', steering=0, speed=5) g_front_motor.run_for_rotations(.75, 100) turn(g_hub, g_motor_pair, 90) g_motor_pair.move(20, 'cm', steering=0, speed=25)