logging.basicConfig(filename='SpikeSafePythonSamples.log', format='%(asctime)s, %(levelname)s, %(message)s', datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S', level=logging.INFO) ### start of main program try: log.info("RunSinglePulseMode.py started.") # instantiate new TcpSocket to connect to SpikeSafe tcp_socket = TcpSocket() tcp_socket.open_socket(ip_address, port_number) # reset to default state and check for all events, # it is best practice to check for errors after sending each command tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('*RST') log_all_events(tcp_socket) # set each channel's pulse mode to Single Pulse tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR0:FUNC:SHAP SINGLEPULSE') # set each channel's current to 100 mA tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR0:CURR 0.1') # set each channel's voltage to 20 V tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR0:VOLT 20') # set each channel's pulse width to 1ms. Of the pulse time settings, only Pulse On Time and Pulse Width [+Offset] are relevant in Single Pulse mode tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR0:PULS:TON 0.001') # set each channel's compensation settings to their default values
logging.basicConfig(filename='SpikeSafePythonSamples.log', format='%(asctime)s, %(levelname)s, %(message)s', datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S', level=logging.INFO) ### start of main program try: log.info("RunDcMode.py started.") # instantiate new TcpSocket to connect to SpikeSafe tcp_socket = TcpSocket() tcp_socket.open_socket(ip_address, port_number) # reset to default state and check for all events, # it is best practice to check for errors after sending each command tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('*RST') log_all_events(tcp_socket) # set Channel 1's pulse mode to DC and check for all events tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:FUNC:SHAP DC') log_all_events(tcp_socket) # set Channel 1's safety threshold for over current protection to 50% and check for all events tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:CURR:PROT 50') log_all_events(tcp_socket) # set Channel 1's current to 100 mA and check for all events tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:CURR 0.1') log_all_events(tcp_socket) # set Channel 1's voltage to 10 V and check for all events
log_all_events(spike_safe_socket) # space out the log and terminal output for clarity log_and_print('') ### start of main program try: log.info("UsingPulseHolds.py started.") # instantiate new TcpSocket to connect to SpikeSafe tcp_socket = TcpSocket() tcp_socket.open_socket(ip_address, port_number) # reset to default state and configure settings to run in Continuous Dynamic mode tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('*RST') tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:FUNC:SHAP PULSEDDYNAMIC') tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:CURR 0.1') tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:VOLT 20') tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:PULS:CCOM 4') tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:PULS:RCOM 4') # initially setting the On and Off Time to their default values using the standard commands # Although not recommended, it is possible to use On Time, Off Time, Pulse Width, Period, and Duty Cycle commands in the same test session # If On or Off Time is specified using these standard commands, the Pulse Hold will be ignored tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:PULS:TON 0.001') tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:PULS:TOFF 0.009') # Check for any errors with initializing commands log_all_events(tcp_socket)
log = logging.getLogger(__name__) logging.basicConfig(filename='SpikeSafePythonSamples.log', format='%(asctime)s, %(levelname)s, %(message)s', datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S', level=logging.INFO) ### start of main program try: log.info("ReadMemoryTableData.py started.") # instantiate new TcpSocket to connect to SpikeSafe tcp_socket = TcpSocket() tcp_socket.open_socket(ip_address, port_number) # request SpikeSafe memory table tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('MEM:TABL:READ') # read SpikeSafe memory table and print SpikeSafe response to the log file data = tcp_socket.read_data() log.info(data) # parse SpikeSafe memory table memory_table_read = MemoryTableReadData().parse_memory_table_read(data) # disconnect from SpikeSafe tcp_socket.close_socket() log.info("ReadMemoryTableData.py completed.\n") except SpikeSafeError as ssErr: # print any SpikeSafe-specific error to both the terminal and the log file, then exit the application
logging.basicConfig(filename='SpikeSafePythonSamples.log', format='%(asctime)s, %(levelname)s, %(message)s', datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S', level=logging.INFO) ### start of main program try: log.info("RunModulatedMode.py started.") # instantiate new TcpSocket to connect to SpikeSafe tcp_socket = TcpSocket() tcp_socket.open_socket(ip_address, port_number) # reset to default state and check for all events, # it is best practice to check for errors after sending each command tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('*RST') log_all_events(tcp_socket) # set Channel 1's pulse mode to Modulated DC tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:FUNC:SHAP MODULATED') # set Channel 1's current to 200 mA. This will be the output current when a sequence step specifies "@100" tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:CURR 0.2') # set Channel 1's voltage to 20 V tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:VOLT 20') # set Channel 1's modulated sequence to a DC staircase with 5 steps # There are 5 current steps that each last for 1 second: 40mA, 80mA, 120mA, 160mA, and 200mA tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:SEQ 1(1@20,1@40,1@60,1@80,1@100)')
logging.basicConfig(filename='SpikeSafePythonSamples.log', format='%(asctime)s, %(levelname)s, %(message)s', datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S', level=logging.INFO) ### start of main program try: log.info("RunBiasPulsedDynamicMode.py started.") # instantiate new TcpSocket to connect to SpikeSafe tcp_socket = TcpSocket() tcp_socket.open_socket(ip_address, port_number) # reset to default state and check for all events, # it is best practice to check for errors after sending each command tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('*RST') log_all_events(tcp_socket) # Synchronize rising edge of all channels tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:PULS:STAG 0') # set Channel 1's pulse mode to Pulsed Dynamic and check for all events tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:FUNC:SHAP BIASPULSEDDYNAMIC') # set Channel 1's current to 100 mA tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:CURR 0.1') # set Channel 1's voltage to 10 V tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:VOLT 20') # set Channel 1's bias current to 20 mA and check for all events
logging.basicConfig(filename='SpikeSafePythonSamples.log', format='%(asctime)s, %(levelname)s, %(message)s', datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S', level=logging.INFO) ### start of main program try: log.info("RunPulsedSweepMode.py started.") # instantiate new TcpSocket to connect to SpikeSafe tcp_socket = TcpSocket() tcp_socket.open_socket(ip_address, port_number) # reset to default state and check for all events, # it is best practice to check for errors after sending each command tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('*RST') log_all_events(tcp_socket) # set Channel 1's pulse mode to Pulsed Sweep and check for all events tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:FUNC:SHAP PULSEDSWEEP') # set Channel 1's Pulsed Sweep parameters to match the test expectation tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:CURR:STAR 0.02') tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:CURR:STOP 0.2') tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:CURR:STEP 100') # set Channel 1 to output one pulse per step tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:PULS:COUN 1') # set Channel 1's voltage to 20 V tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:VOLT 20')
level=logging.INFO) elif grease_input == 2: logging.basicConfig(filename=os.path.relpath(filename_no_grease_log), filemode='w', format=' %(message)s', datefmt='%S', level=logging.INFO) ### start of main program try: # instantiate new TcpSocket to connect to SpikeSafe tcp_socket = TcpSocket() tcp_socket.open_socket(ip_address, port_number) # digitizer set up tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('VOLT:ABOR') # Set digitizer range to 10V tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('VOLT:RANG 10') tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SYST:ERR?') syst_err_string = tcp_socket.read_data() # Set digitizer sampling mode if sampling_mode_input == 1: tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('VOLT:SAMPMODE FASTLOG') elif sampling_mode_input == 2: tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('VOLT:SAMPMODE MEDIUMLOG') elif sampling_mode_input == 3: tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('VOLT:SAMPMODE SLOWLOG')
### setting up sequence log log = logging.getLogger(__name__) logging.basicConfig(filename='SpikeSafePythonSamples.log',format='%(asctime)s, %(levelname)s, %(message)s',datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S',level=logging.INFO) ### start of main program try: log.info("DigitizerOutputTriggerSample.py started.") # instantiate new TcpSocket to connect to SpikeSafe tcp_socket = TcpSocket() tcp_socket.open_socket(ip_address, port_number) # reset to default state and check for all events, # it is best practice to check for errors after sending each command tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('*RST') log_all_events(tcp_socket) # abort digitizer in order get it into a known state. This is good practice when connecting to a SpikeSafe PSMU tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('VOLT:ABOR') # set up Channel 1 for Multi Pulse output. To find more explanation, see run_spikesafe_operation_modes/run_multi_pulse tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:FUNC:SHAP MULTIPULSE') tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:CURR 0.1') tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:VOLT 20') tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:PULS:TON 1') tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:PULS:TOFF 1') tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:PULS:COUN 3') tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:CURR:PROT 50') tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:PULS:CCOM 4') tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:PULS:RCOM 4')
### setting up sequence log log = logging.getLogger(__name__) logging.basicConfig(filename='SpikeSafePythonSamples.log',format='%(asctime)s, %(levelname)s, %(message)s',datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S',level=logging.INFO) ### start of main program try: log.info("FixedPulseCountUsingSoftwareTimingExample.py started.") # instantiate new TcpSocket to connect to SpikeSafe tcp_socket = TcpSocket() tcp_socket.open_socket(ip_address, port_number) # reset to default state and check for all events, # it is best practice to check for errors after sending each command tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('*RST') log_all_events(tcp_socket) # set Channel 1's mode to DC Dynamic and check for all events tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:FUNC:SHAP PULSEDDYNAMIC') log_all_events(tcp_socket) # set Channel 1's Trigger Output to Positive and check for all events tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('OUTP1:TRIG:SLOP POS') log_all_events(tcp_socket) # set Channel 1's Trigger Output Always and check for all events tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR0:PULS:TRIG ALWAYS') log_all_events(tcp_socket) # set Channel 1's Pulse On Time to 1us and check for all events
logging.basicConfig(filename='SpikeSafePythonSamples.log', format='%(asctime)s, %(levelname)s, %(message)s', datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S', level=logging.INFO) ### start of main program try: log.info("RunPulsedMode.py started.") # instantiate new TcpSocket to connect to SpikeSafe tcp_socket = TcpSocket() tcp_socket.open_socket(ip_address, port_number) # reset to default state and check for all events, # it is best practice to check for errors after sending each command tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('*RST') log_all_events(tcp_socket) # set Channel 1's pulse mode to Pulsed and check for all events tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:FUNC:SHAP PULSED') log_all_events(tcp_socket) # set Channel 1's Pulse On Time to 1ms and check for all events tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:PULS:TON 0.001') log_all_events(tcp_socket) # set Channel 1's Pulse Off Time to 9ms and check for all events tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:PULS:TOFF 0.009') log_all_events(tcp_socket) # set Channel 1's safety threshold for over current protection to 50% and check for all events
cas_spectrometer.casPerformAction( deviceId, cas_spectrometer.paPrepareMeasurement).rval) # reset the CAS4 trigger signal in preparation for the measurement cas_spectrometer.casSetDeviceParameter(deviceId, cas_spectrometer.dpidLine1FlipFlop, 0) ### SpikeSafe Connection and Configuration (Start of typical sequence) # instantiate new TcpSocket to connect to SpikeSafe tcp_socket = TcpSocket() tcp_socket.open_socket(ip_address, port_number) # reset SpikeSafe to default state and check for all events tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('*RST') log_all_events(tcp_socket) # set SpikeSafe Channel 1's pulse mode to Single Pulse and set all relevant settings. For more information, see run_spikesafe_operating_modes/run_dc tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:FUNC:SHAP SINGLEPULSE') tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:PULS:TON 1') tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:CURR {}'.format(set_current_amps)) tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:VOLT {}'.format(compliance_voltage_V)) log_all_events(tcp_socket) # turn on SpikeSafe Channel 1 and check for all events tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('OUTP1 1') log_all_events(tcp_socket) # wait until the channel is fully ramped and output a single pulse read_until_event(tcp_socket, 100) # event 100 is "Channel Ready"
logging.basicConfig(filename='SpikeSafePythonSamples.log', format='%(asctime)s, %(levelname)s, %(message)s', datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S', level=logging.INFO) ### start of main program try: log.info("TjMeasurement.py started.") # instantiate new TcpSocket to connect to SpikeSafe tcp_socket = TcpSocket() tcp_socket.open_socket(ip_address, port_number) # reset to default state and check for all events, # it is best practice to check for errors after sending each command tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('*RST') log_all_events(tcp_socket) # abort digitizer in order get it into a known state. This is good practice when connecting to a SpikeSafe PSMU tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('VOLT:ABOR') # set up Channel 1 for Bias Current output to determine the K-factor tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:FUNC:SHAP BIAS') tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR0:CURR:BIAS 0.033') tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:VOLT 40') tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:CURR:PROT 50') tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('OUTP1:RAMP FAST') log_and_print_to_console( '\nConfigured SpikeSafe to Bias Current mode to obtain K-factor. Starting current output.' )
logging.basicConfig(filename='SpikeSafePythonSamples.log', format='%(asctime)s, %(levelname)s, %(message)s', datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S', level=logging.INFO) ### start of main program try: log.info("RunBiasMode.py started.") # instantiate new TcpSocket to connect to SpikeSafe tcp_socket = TcpSocket() tcp_socket.open_socket(ip_address, port_number) # reset to default state and check for all events, # it is best practice to check for errors after sending each command tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('*RST') log_all_events(tcp_socket) # set Channel 1's pulse mode to DC and check for all events tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:FUNC:SHAP BIAS') log_all_events(tcp_socket) # set Channel 1's safety threshold for over current protection to 50% and check for all events tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:CURR:PROT 50') log_all_events(tcp_socket) # set Channel 1's bias current to 10 mA and check for all events tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:CURR:BIAS 0.01') log_all_events(tcp_socket) # set Channel 1's voltage to 10 V and check for all events
logging.basicConfig(filename='SpikeSafePythonSamples.log', format='%(asctime)s, %(levelname)s, %(message)s', datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S', level=logging.INFO) ### start of main program try: log.info("RunBiasSinglePulseMode.py started.") # instantiate new TcpSocket to connect to SpikeSafe tcp_socket = TcpSocket() tcp_socket.open_socket(ip_address, port_number) # reset to default state and check for all events, # it is best practice to check for errors after sending each command tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('*RST') log_all_events(tcp_socket) # set Channel 1's pulse mode to Bias Single Pulse tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:FUNC:SHAP BIASSINGLEPULSE') # set Channel 1's current to 100 mA tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:CURR 0.1') # set Channel 1's bias current to 10 mA and check for all events tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:CURR:BIAS 0.01') # set Channel 1's voltage to 20 V tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:VOLT 20') # set Channel 1's pulse width to 1ms. Of the pulse time settings, only Pulse On Time and Pulse Width [+Offset] are relevant in Single Pulse mode
# SpikeSafe IP address and port number ip_address = '' port_number = 8282 ### start of main program try: log.info("ReadIdnExpanded.py started.") # instantiate new TcpSocket to connect to SpikeSafe tcp_socket = TcpSocket() # connect to SpikeSafe tcp_socket.open_socket(ip_address, port_number) # request SpikeSafe information tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('*IDN?') # read SpikeSafe information data = tcp_socket.read_data() log.info("SpikeSafe *IDN? Response: {}".format(data)) # request if Digitizer is available (This is only available on PSMU and PSMU HC depending on model) tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('VOLT:DIGI:AVAIL?') # read Digitizer information data = tcp_socket.read_data() log.info("SpikeSafe VOLT:DIGI:AVAIL? Response: {}".format(data)) if data == "TRUE": tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('VOLT:VER?') digitizer_version = tcp_socket.read_data() tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('VOLT:DATA:HWRE?')
log = logging.getLogger(__name__) logging.basicConfig(filename='SpikeSafePythonSamples.log', format='%(asctime)s, %(levelname)s, %(message)s', datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S', level=logging.INFO) ### start of main program try: log.info("ForceSenseSwitchSample.py started.") # instantiate new TcpSocket to connect to SpikeSafe tcp_socket = TcpSocket() tcp_socket.open_socket(ip_address, port_number) # reset to default state tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('*RST') log_all_events(tcp_socket) # check that the Force Sense Selector Switch is available for this SpikeSafe. We need the switch to run this sequence # If switch related SCPI is sent and there is no switch configured, it will result in error "386, Output Switch is not installed" tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('OUTP1:CONN:AVAIL?') isSwitchAvailable = tcp_socket.read_data() if isSwitchAvailable != 'Ch:1': raise Exception( 'Force Sense Selector Switch is not available, and is necessary to run this sequence.' ) # set the Force Sense Selector Switch state to Primary (A) so that the SpikeSafe can output to the DUT # the default switch state can be manually adjusted using SCPI, so it is best to send this command even after sending a *RST tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('OUTP1:CONN PRI')
logging.basicConfig(filename='SpikeSafePythonSamples.log', format='%(asctime)s, %(levelname)s, %(message)s', datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S', level=logging.INFO) ### start of main program try: log.info("MeasureAllPulsedVoltages.py started.") # instantiate new TcpSocket to connect to SpikeSafe tcp_socket = TcpSocket() tcp_socket.open_socket(ip_address, port_number) # reset to default state and check for all events, # it is best practice to check for errors after sending each command tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('*RST') log_all_events(tcp_socket) # abort digitizer in order get it into a known state. This is good practice when connecting to a SpikeSafe PSMU tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('VOLT:ABOR') # set up Channel 1 for pulsed output. To find more explanation, see instrument_examples/run_pulsed tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:FUNC:SHAP PULSED') tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:PULS:TON 0.001') tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:PULS:TOFF 0.009') tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:CURR:PROT 50') tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:PULS:CCOM 4') tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:PULS:RCOM 4') tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('OUTP1:RAMP FAST') tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:CURR 0.1') tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:VOLT 20')
logging.basicConfig(filename='SpikeSafePythonSamples.log', format='%(asctime)s, %(levelname)s, %(message)s', datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S', level=logging.INFO) ### start of main program try: log.info("MeasurePulsedSweepVoltage.py started.") # instantiate new TcpSocket to connect to SpikeSafe tcp_socket = TcpSocket() tcp_socket.open_socket(ip_address, port_number) # reset to default state and check for all events, # it is best practice to check for errors after sending each command tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('*RST') log_all_events(tcp_socket) # abort digitizer in order get it into a known state. This is good practice when connecting to a SpikeSafe PSMU tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('VOLT:ABOR') # set up Channel 1 for pulsed sweep output. To find more explanation, see instrument_examples/run_spikesafe_operating_modes/run_pulsed tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:FUNC:SHAP PULSEDSWEEP') tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:CURR:STAR 0.02') tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:CURR:STOP 0.2') tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:CURR:STEP 100') tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:VOLT 20') tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:PULS:TON 0.0001') tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:PULS:TOFF 0.0099') tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:PULS:CCOM 4') tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:PULS:RCOM 4')
cas_spectrometer.casSetShutter(deviceId, 0) cas_spectrometer.check_cas4_device_error(deviceId) # prepare the CAS4 for measurement and verify that there are no resulting errorss cas_spectrometer.check_cas4_error_code( cas_spectrometer.casPerformAction( deviceId, cas_spectrometer.paPrepareMeasurement).rval) ### SpikeSafe Connection and Configuration (Start of typical sequence) # instantiate new TcpSocket to connect to SpikeSafe tcp_socket = TcpSocket() tcp_socket.open_socket(ip_address, port_number) # reset to default state and check for all events, tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('*RST') tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('VOLT:ABOR') log_all_events(tcp_socket) # set up SpikeSafe Channel 1 for Pulsed Sweep output. To find more explanation, see instrument_examples/run_pulsed_sweep tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:FUNC:SHAP PULSEDSWEEP') tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:CURR:STAR {}'.format( float(LIV_start_current_mA) / 1000)) tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:CURR:STOP {}'.format( float(LIV_stop_current_mA) / 1000)) tcp_socket.send_scpi_command( 'SOUR1:CURR:STEP {}'.format(LIV_sweep_step_count)) tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:VOLT {}'.format(compliance_voltage_V)) tcp_socket.send_scpi_command( 'SOUR1:PULS:TON {}'.format(pulse_on_time_seconds)) tcp_socket.send_scpi_command(
log = logging.getLogger(__name__) logging.basicConfig(filename='SpikeSafePythonSamples.log', format='%(asctime)s, %(levelname)s, %(message)s', datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S', level=logging.INFO) ### start of main program try: log.info("ConnectDisconnectSwitchSample.py started.") # instantiate new TcpSocket to connect to SpikeSafe tcp_socket = TcpSocket() tcp_socket.open_socket(ip_address, port_number) # reset to default state tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('*RST') # check that the Force Sense Selector Switch is available for this SpikeSafe. We need the switch to run this sequence # If switch related SCPI is sent and there is no switch configured, it will result in error "386, Output Switch is not installed" tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('OUTP1:CONN:AVAIL?') isSwitchAvailable = tcp_socket.read_data() if isSwitchAvailable != 'Ch:1': raise Exception( 'Force Sense Selector Switch is not available, and is necessary to run this sequence.' ) # set the Force Sense Selector Switch state to Primary (A) so that the SpikeSafe can output to the DUT # the default switch state can be manually adjusted using SCPI, so it is best to send this command even after sending a *RST tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('OUTP1:CONN PRI') # set Channel 1's settings to operate in Multi-Pulse mode
logging.basicConfig(filename='SpikeSafePythonSamples.log', format='%(asctime)s, %(levelname)s, %(message)s', datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S', level=logging.INFO) ### start of main program try: log.info("MeasuringDcStaircaseVoltages.py started.") # instantiate new TcpSocket to connect to PSMU tcp_socket = TcpSocket() tcp_socket.open_socket(ip_address, port_number) # reset to default state and check for all events, # it is best practice to check for errors after sending each command tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('*RST') log_all_events(tcp_socket) # set Channel 1's mode to DC Dynamic mode and check for all events tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:FUNC:SHAP DCDYNAMIC') log_all_events(tcp_socket) # set Channel 1's voltage to 10 and check for all events tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:VOLT 10') log_all_events(tcp_socket) # set Channel 1's Auto Range to On and check for all events tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR1:CURR:RANG:AUTO 1') log_all_events(tcp_socket) # set Channel 1's current to start current and check for all events
logging.basicConfig(filename='SpikeSafePythonSamples.log', format='%(asctime)s, %(levelname)s, %(message)s', datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S', level=logging.INFO) ### start of main program try: log.info("RunBiasPulsedMode.py started.") # instantiate new TcpSocket to connect to SpikeSafe tcp_socket = TcpSocket() tcp_socket.open_socket(ip_address, port_number) # reset to default state and check for all events, # it is best practice to check for errors after sending each command tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('*RST') log_all_events(tcp_socket) # Synchronize rising edge of all channels tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR0:PULS:STAG 0') # set each channel's pulse mode to Pulsed Dynamic tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR0:FUNC:SHAP BIASPULSED') # set each channel's current to 100 mA tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR0:CURR 0.1') # set each channel's voltage to 20 V tcp_socket.send_scpi_command('SOUR0:VOLT 20') # set each channel's bias current to 20 mA and check for all events