예제 #1
파일: BiasLayer.py 프로젝트: kelvict/spiral
 def connectTo (self, otherLayer):
     for i in range (otherLayer.getLayerSize ()):
         neuron = otherLayer [i]
         BiasNeuron = Neuron (i, self.Id)
         BiasNeuron.createSynapse (otherLayer.Id, neuron)
         self.neurons.append (BiasNeuron)
         self.numberOfWeights += 1
     self.emit ("bias-layer-connected")
예제 #2
파일: MapNode.py 프로젝트: kelvict/spiral
 def __init__ (self, Id, LayerId):
     Neuron.__init__ (self, Id, LayerId)
     # Input value
     self.input = None
     # The associated feature map.
     self.featureMap = list ()
     # The number of inputs also define the length of the feature map. 
     self.numberOfInputs = 0
예제 #3
    def connectTo(self, otherLayer):
        for i in range(otherLayer.getLayerSize()):
            neuron = otherLayer[i]
            BiasNeuron = Neuron(i, self.Id)
            BiasNeuron.createSynapse(otherLayer.Id, neuron)


            self.numberOfWeights += 1

예제 #4
    def __init__(self, Id, LayerId):
        Neuron.__init__(self, Id, LayerId)

        # Input value
        self.input = None

        # The associated feature map.
        self.featureMap = list()

        # The number of inputs also define the length of the feature map.
        self.numberOfInputs = 0
예제 #5
    def neuronInputsUpdated(self, object, property):
        Pass the input value to all synapses except the input bidisynapses.
        if self.numberOfSynapses > 0:
            Neuron.neuronInputsUpdated(self, object, property)

        for layer in self.outputBidiSynapses.values():
            for neuron, bidisynapse in layer.iteritems():

        for layer in self.inputBidiSynapses.values():
            for neuron, inputSynapse in layer.iteritems():
예제 #6
 def neuronInputsUpdated (self, object, property):
     Pass the input value to all synapses except the input bidisynapses.
     if self.numberOfSynapses > 0:
         Neuron.neuronInputsUpdated (self, object, property)
     for layer in self.outputBidiSynapses.values ():
         for neuron, bidisynapse in layer.iteritems ():
             bidisynapse.putInput (self.input)
     for layer in self.inputBidiSynapses.values ():
         for neuron, inputSynapse in layer.iteritems ():
             inputSynapse.putInput (self.input)
예제 #7
    def __init__(self, Id, LayerId, Name=None):
        Neuron.__init__(self, Id, LayerId, Name)

        # Bidirectional Synapses
        self.inputBidiSynapses = dict()
        self.outputBidiSynapses = dict()

        # Total number of bidirectional synapses
        self.numberOfBidiSynapses = 0
        self.numberOfInputBidiSynapses = 0
        self.numberOfOutputBidiSynapses = 0

        # The current number of number of synapses.
        # that have "fired".
        self.numberOfBidiSynapsesFired = 0
        self.numberOfInputBidiSynapsesFired = 0
        self.numberOfOutputBidiSynapsesFired = 0

        # The current bidi synapses that have
        # successfuly fired (an in "input"), so
        # that we release the lock ;)
        self.indexOfFiredBidiSynapses = list()
예제 #8
 def __init__ (self, Id, LayerId, Name=None):
     Neuron.__init__ (self, Id, LayerId, Name)
     # Bidirectional Synapses
     self.inputBidiSynapses = dict ()
     self.outputBidiSynapses= dict ()
     # Total number of bidirectional synapses
     self.numberOfBidiSynapses = 0
     self.numberOfInputBidiSynapses = 0
     self.numberOfOutputBidiSynapses= 0
     # The current number of number of synapses.
     # that have "fired".
     self.numberOfBidiSynapsesFired      = 0
     self.numberOfInputBidiSynapsesFired = 0
     self.numberOfOutputBidiSynapsesFired= 0
     # The current bidi synapses that have
     # successfuly fired (an in "input"), so
     # that we release the lock ;)
     self.indexOfFiredBidiSynapses = list ()
예제 #9
 def createLayer (self):
     if len (self) == 0:
         # Create the neurons
         for i in range (self.numberOfNeurons):
             self.neurons.append ( Neuron (
                     Id = i,
                     LayerId = self.Id,
         # Create the bias layer
         if self.hasBiasLayer:
             self.biasLayer.connect ("bias-layer-connected", self.biasLayerConnected)
             self.biasLayer.connectTo (self)
         self.emit ("layer-created")
예제 #10
파일: example2.py 프로젝트: kelvict/spiral

# batteries
import sys
sys.path.append ("../../src/")
# spiral framework
from spiral.nn import globals
from spiral.nn.generic import Neuron
from spiral.helper import colored


if __name__ == "__main__":
    globals.runInDebug = True
    n1 = Neuron (Id=1, LayerId=0, Name="Input")
    n1.setAutoNotify (True)
    n2 = Neuron (Id=2, LayerId=1)
    n3 = Neuron (Id=3, LayerId=1)
    n4 = Neuron (Id=4, LayerId=2, Name="Output")
    # Create the synapses
    n1.createSynapse (1, n2)
    n1.createSynapse (1, n3)
    n2.createSynapse (2, n4)
    n3.createSynapse (2, n4)
    print "*" * 40
    # Put the weights
예제 #11
    Notice, that the number of inputs for each neuron is calculated dynamically,
    and changed whenever a new synapse-connection is created.

# batteries
import sys
# spiral framework
from spiral.nn import globals
from spiral.nn.generic import Neuron
from spiral.helper import colored

if __name__ == "__main__":
    globals.runInDebug = False

    n1 = Neuron(Id=1, LayerId=0)
    n2 = Neuron(Id=2, LayerId=0)
    n3 = Neuron(Id=3, LayerId=0)

    n4 = Neuron(Id=4, LayerId=1)
    n5 = Neuron(Id=5, LayerId=1)

    n6 = Neuron(Id=6, LayerId=2)
    n7 = Neuron(Id=7, LayerId=2)

    n8 = Neuron(Id=8, LayerId=3)

    # Create the synapses for input layer
    n1.createSynapse(1, n4)
    n1.createSynapse(1, n5)
    n2.createSynapse(1, n4)
예제 #12
파일: example2.py 프로젝트: kelvict/spiral
    connects with the hidden layer`s two neurons, which in turn, they
    connect with the output layer`s neuron.

# batteries
import sys
# spiral framework
from spiral.nn import globals
from spiral.nn.generic import Neuron
from spiral.helper import colored

if __name__ == "__main__":
    globals.runInDebug = True

    n1 = Neuron(Id=1, LayerId=0, Name="Input")

    n2 = Neuron(Id=2, LayerId=1)
    n3 = Neuron(Id=3, LayerId=1)
    n4 = Neuron(Id=4, LayerId=2, Name="Output")

    # Create the synapses
    n1.createSynapse(1, n2)
    n1.createSynapse(1, n3)
    n2.createSynapse(2, n4)
    n3.createSynapse(2, n4)

    print "*" * 40

    # Put the weights
예제 #13
파일: example3.py 프로젝트: kelvict/spiral

# batteries
import sys
sys.path.append ("../../src/")
# spiral framework
from spiral.nn import globals
from spiral.nn.generic import Neuron
from spiral.helper import colored


if __name__ == "__main__":
    globals.runInDebug = False
    n1 = Neuron (Id=1, LayerId=0, Name="Input")
    n2 = Neuron (Id=2, LayerId=1)
    n3 = Neuron (Id=3, LayerId=2, Name="Output")
    # Create the synapses
    n1.createSynapse (1, n2)
    n1.createSynapse (1, n3)
    n2.createSynapse (2, n3)
    # Put the weights
    n1.putWeights ((0.5, 3.0))
    n2.putWeights ((-.75,))
    # Insert the inputs
    n1.putInput (1.0)
예제 #14
파일: example3.py 프로젝트: kelvict/spiral
    Input layer connects with the first hidden layer and the output layer as well.
    The "network" is really simple since it is composed only of three neurons.

# batteries
import sys
# spiral framework
from spiral.nn import globals
from spiral.nn.generic import Neuron
from spiral.helper import colored

if __name__ == "__main__":
    globals.runInDebug = False

    n1 = Neuron(Id=1, LayerId=0, Name="Input")
    n2 = Neuron(Id=2, LayerId=1)
    n3 = Neuron(Id=3, LayerId=2, Name="Output")

    # Create the synapses
    n1.createSynapse(1, n2)
    n1.createSynapse(1, n3)
    n2.createSynapse(2, n3)

    # Put the weights
    n1.putWeights((0.5, 3.0))
    n2.putWeights((-.75, ))

    # Insert the inputs