def validate(TestCaseKey, StmTestCase, MethodologyKey, MethodologyJson, EnableResourceCheck):
    plLogger = PLLogger.GetLogger("methodology")

    if TestCaseKey:
        # Check if test case key exists in installed methodologies
        test_case_handle, err_str = mm_utils.get_test_case_from_key(TestCaseKey)
        return err_str
    elif StmTestCase:
        hnd_reg = CHandleRegistry.Instance()
        test_case = hnd_reg.Find(StmTestCase)
        if test_case is None or not test_case.IsTypeOf("StmTestCase"):
            plLogger.LogError("Was unable to find StmTestCase with handle " + str(StmTestCase) + " in the system.")
            return "Could not find StmTestCase"
        # Must specify a key and json
        if not MethodologyKey or not MethodologyJson:
            return "Must specify a TestCaseKey, StmTestCase or MethodologyKey and MethodologyJson"

        # Validate against the schema
        this_cmd = get_this_cmd()
        res = json_utils.validate_json(MethodologyJson, this_cmd.Get("InputJsonSchema"))
        if res != "":
            return "Methodology JSON is invalid or does not conform to the schema: " + res

        # Load the json if it passes schema validation
        err_str, meth_json = json_utils.load_json(MethodologyJson)
        if err_str != "":
            return err_str

        # Check the MethodologyKey matches the meth key in the json
        if MethodologyKey != meth_json["methodology_key"]:
            return "Methodology Key does not match the methodology_key in the JSON"

    return ""
        except Exception, e:
            err_str = str(e)
        result = cmd.Get("PassFailState")
        TestCaseKey = cmd.Get("TestCaseKey")

        # Verify create command passed
        if err_str or result is None or result != "PASSED":
            err_str = "Failed to create methodology test case. " + err_str
            this_cmd.Set("Status", err_str)
            return False

    if TestCaseKey:
        # Get test case from installed methodologies
        StmTestCase, err_str = mm_utils.get_test_case_from_key(TestCaseKey)
        if err_str:
            this_cmd.Set("Status", err_str)
            return False

    # Get the StmTestCase object
    test_case = hnd_reg.Find(StmTestCase)
    if test_case is None or not test_case.IsTypeOf("StmTestCase"):
        err_str = "Was unable to find StmTestCase with handle " + str(StmTestCase) + " in the system."
        this_cmd.Set("Status", err_str)
        return False

    # Get the StmMethodology so we can get the meth key
    stm_meth = test_case.GetObject("StmMethodology", RelationType("ParentChild", 1))