def run(ObjectList, TrafficMixTagList):
    plLogger = PLLogger.GetLogger('methodology')

    tml = dm_utils.process_inputs_for_objects(ObjectList, TrafficMixTagList, "StmTrafficMix")
    for tm in tml:
        e = etree.fromstring(tm.Get('MixInfo'))
        # Pull the information we need for this MIX group...
        load = float(e.get('Load'))
        load_unit = e.get('LoadUnit')

        # If the weights have not been rotated yet, then nothing to do...
        original_weights = e.get('OriginalWeightList')
        if original_weights is None:

        # Set back to the original weight list...
        e.set('WeightList', e.get('OriginalWeightList'))
        tm.Set('MixInfo', etree.tostring(e))

        # Reallocate the load based upon the new weights...
        with AutoCommand('spirent.methodology.traffic.AllocateTrafficMixLoad1Command') as alloc:
            alloc.Set('StmTrafficMix', tm.GetObjectHandle())
            alloc.Set('TagName', '')
            alloc.Set('Load', load)
            alloc.Set('LoadUnit', load_unit)

    return True
def run(ObjectList, CurrVal, Iteration, TagList, IgnoreEmptyTags):
    plLogger = PLLogger.GetLogger('methodology')

    count = int(CurrVal)

    tml = dm_utils.process_inputs_for_objects(ObjectList, TagList, "StmTrafficMix")
    for tm in tml:
        e = etree.fromstring(tm.Get('MixInfo'))
        # Pull the information we need for this MIX group...
        load = float(e.get('Load'))
        load_unit = e.get('LoadUnit')
        original_weights = e.get('OriginalWeightList')
        if original_weights is None:
            e.set('OriginalWeightList', e.get('WeightList'))
        e.set('WeightList', e.get('OriginalWeightList'))
        tm.Set('MixInfo', etree.tostring(e))

        # The default rotation is to the right, so we need to negate the count to rotate left...
        rotate_weights(-count, tm)

        # Reallocate the load based upon the new weights...
        with AutoCommand('spirent.methodology.traffic.AllocateTrafficMixLoad1Command') as alloc:
            alloc.Set('StmTrafficMix', tm.GetObjectHandle())
            alloc.Set('TagName', '')
            alloc.Set('Load', load)
            alloc.Set('LoadUnit', load_unit)

    # The configurator must keep the results framework in sync with the iteration framework.
    # What we want to do is pass information to the results framework to let it know that
    # a new iteration is taking place and a meaningful value that it can display.
    this_cmd = get_this_cmd()
    update_results_with_current_value('Non-conformant Streams', count, Iteration, this_cmd)

    return True
예제 #3
def test_process_inputs_for_objects(stc):
    stc_sys = CStcSystem.Instance()
    project = stc_sys.GetObject("Project")
    ctor = CScriptableCreator()
    dev1 = ctor.Create("EmulatedDevice", project)
    dev2 = ctor.Create("EmulatedDevice", project)
    dev3 = ctor.Create("EmulatedDevice", project)
    dev4 = ctor.Create("EmulatedDevice", project)

    port = ctor.Create("Port", project)

    tags = project.GetObject("Tags")
    assert tags
    tag1 = ctor.Create("Tag", tags)
    tag1.Set("Name", "Tag 1")
    tag2 = ctor.Create("Tag", tags)
    tag2.Set("Name", "Tag 2")
    tag1.AddObject(tags, RelationType("UserTag"))
    tag2.AddObject(tags, RelationType("UserTag"))

    dev1.AddObject(tag1, RelationType("UserTag"))
    dev2.AddObject(tag2, RelationType("UserTag"))
    port.AddObject(tag2, RelationType("UserTag"))

    # Test normal ProcessInputHandleVec
    obj_list = dm_utils.process_inputs_for_objects(
        [dev1.GetObjectHandle(), dev3.GetObjectHandle()], [], "EmulatedDevice"
    assert len(obj_list) == 2
    found_dev1 = False
    found_dev3 = False
    for obj in obj_list:
        if obj.GetObjectHandle() == dev1.GetObjectHandle():
            found_dev1 = True
        elif obj.GetObjectHandle() == dev3.GetObjectHandle():
            found_dev3 = True
    assert found_dev1
    assert found_dev3

    # This one is a bit ugly due to the default host
    # (might be wrong)
    host = port.GetObject("Host")
    assert host
    obj_list = dm_utils.process_inputs_for_objects([project.GetObjectHandle()], [], "EmulatedDevice")
    assert len(obj_list) == 5
    found_dev1 = True
    found_dev2 = True
    found_dev3 = True
    found_dev4 = True
    found_default_host = True
    for obj in obj_list:
        if obj.GetObjectHandle() == dev1.GetObjectHandle():
            found_dev1 = True
        elif obj.GetObjectHandle() == dev3.GetObjectHandle():
            found_dev3 = True
        elif obj.GetObjectHandle() == dev2.GetObjectHandle():
            found_dev2 = True
        elif obj.GetObjectHandle() == dev4.GetObjectHandle():
            found_dev4 = True
        elif obj.GetObjectHandle() == host.GetObjectHandle():
            found_default_host = True
    assert found_dev1
    assert found_dev2
    assert found_dev3
    assert found_dev4
    assert found_default_host

    obj_list = dm_utils.process_inputs_for_objects([dev3.GetObjectHandle()], ["Tag 1", "Tag 2"], "EmulatedDevice")
    assert len(obj_list) == 3
    found_dev1 = False
    found_dev2 = False
    found_dev3 = False
    for obj in obj_list:
        if obj.GetObjectHandle() == dev1.GetObjectHandle():
            found_dev1 = True
        elif obj.GetObjectHandle() == dev3.GetObjectHandle():
            found_dev3 = True
        elif obj.GetObjectHandle() == dev2.GetObjectHandle():
            found_dev2 = True
    assert found_dev1
    assert found_dev2
    assert found_dev3

    obj_list = dm_utils.process_inputs_for_objects([dev3.GetObjectHandle()], ["Tag 1", "Tag 2"], "Port")
    assert len(obj_list) == 1
    assert obj_list[0].GetObjectHandle() == port.GetObjectHandle()

    # Test duplicate removal
    obj_list = dm_utils.process_inputs_for_objects([dev1.GetObjectHandle()], ["Tag 1"], "EmulatedDevice")
    assert len(obj_list) == 1
    assert obj_list[0].GetObjectHandle() == dev1.GetObjectHandle()
def run(ObjectList, TagList, IgnoreEmptyTags, CurrVal,
        Iteration, ClassName, PropertyName):
    plLogger = PLLogger.GetLogger('methodology')

    # Validate ClassName
    valid_class, ret_name = dm_utils.validate_classname(ClassName)
    if not valid_class:
        plLogger.LogError("Invalid ClassName: " + str(ClassName))
        return False

    # Validate PropertyName
    prop_list = [p.lower() for p in CMeta.GetProperties(ClassName)]
    if PropertyName.lower() not in prop_list:
        plLogger.LogError("Invalid PropertyName: " + str(PropertyName) +
                          " given for class: " + str(ClassName))
        return False

    if not IgnoreEmptyTags:
        if tag_utils.is_any_empty_tags_given_string_names(TagList, ClassName):
            plLogger.LogError("No tagged objects for TagList: " +
            return False

    # Find the objects
    obj_list = dm_utils.process_inputs_for_objects(ObjectList, TagList,
    if len(obj_list) == 0:
        plLogger.LogInfo("No objects of type " + ClassName +
                         " to configure.")
        return True

    plLogger.LogDebug("obj_list contains: " + str(len(obj_list)))

    # Set the new value
    prop_meta = CMeta.GetPropertyMeta(ClassName, PropertyName)
    for obj in obj_list:
        plLogger.LogDebug("setting obj " + obj.Get("Name") + "'s " +
                          PropertyName + " to " + CurrVal)
        if prop_meta["isCollection"]:
            plLogger.LogDebug(PropertyName + " is a collection")
                val_list = ast.literal_eval(CurrVal)
                if isinstance(val_list, list):
                                      [str(val) for val in val_list])
                    obj.SetCollection(PropertyName, [str(val_list)])
            except ValueError:
                plLogger.LogError("Was not able to to set collection " +
                                  "property: " + PropertyName + " of " +
                                  ClassName + " to " + CurrVal)
                return False
            # Scalar
            obj.Set(PropertyName, CurrVal)

    # Update the results
    hnd_reg = CHandleRegistry.Instance()
    this_cmd = hnd_reg.Find(__commandHandle__)
    res_name = ClassName + "." + PropertyName
    update_results_with_current_value(res_name, CurrVal, Iteration, this_cmd)
    return True