def test_internal_flag(self): """Testing simple bash script with internal flag.""" bash = Bash(ShellConfig(script='''echo "hello"''', internal=True)) output = [line for line in bash.process() if len(line) > 0] assert_that(len(output), equal_to(1)) assert_that(output[0], equal_to('hello')) bash = Bash( ShellConfig(script='''echo "hello"''', internal=True, dry_run=True)) output = [line for line in bash.process() if len(line) > 0] assert_that(len(output), equal_to(2)) assert_that(output[0], equal_to('#!/bin/bash')) assert_that(output[1], equal_to('echo "hello"'))
def test_render_error(self): """Testing error in jinja2 rendering.""" bash = Bash(ShellConfig(script='''echo "{{ }}"''')) output = [line for line in bash.process() if len(line) > 0] assert_that(len(output), equal_to(0)) assert_that(bash.success, equal_to(False)) assert_that(bash.exit_code, equal_to(0))
def test_dry_run(self): """Testing simple bash script in dry run mode.""" bash = Bash(ShellConfig(script='''echo "hello"''', dry_run=True)) output = [line for line in bash.process() if len(line) > 0] assert_that(len(output), equal_to(2)) assert_that(output[0], equal_to('''#!/bin/bash''')) assert_that(output[1], equal_to('''echo "hello"'''))
def cleanup(name, tag): """Removing Docker image.""" shell = Bash(ShellConfig(script="docker rmi %s:%s" % (name, tag))) for line in shell.process(): assert_that(shell.success, equal_to(True))
def test_external_bash_script(self): """Testing of an external bash script.""" bash = Bash( ShellConfig(script='''{{ env.tests }}/scripts/''', env={'tests': os.path.dirname(__file__)})) output = [line for line in bash.process() if len(line) > 0] assert_that(len(output), equal_to(1)) assert_that(output[0], equal_to('hello'))
def test_templ_using_model(self): """Testing using model data via Jinja templating.""" config = ShellConfig(script='''echo "foo={{ }}"''', model={'foo': 'some model foo'}) bash = Bash(config) output = [line for line in bash.process() if len(line) > 0] assert_that(len(output), equal_to(1)) assert_that(output[0], equal_to('foo=some model foo'))
def test_templ_using_custom_env_vars(self): """Testing using user defined environment variables.""" bash = Bash( ShellConfig(script='''echo "foo={{ }}"''', env={'foo': 'some foo'})) output = [line for line in bash.process() if len(line) > 0] assert_that(len(output), equal_to(1)) assert_that(output[0], equal_to('foo=some foo'))
def test_oserror(self): """Testing exception.""" bash = Bash(ShellConfig(script='''echo "hello"''')) with patch('subprocess.Popen') as mocked_popen: mocked_popen.side_effect = OSError('Exception: popen has failed') output = [line for line in bash.process() if len(line) > 0] assert_that(len(output), equal_to(1)) assert_that(output[0], equal_to('Exception: popen has failed')) assert_that(bash.exit_code, equal_to(1))
def test_nested_templ_using_model(self): """Testing using model data via Jinja templating.""" bash = Bash( ShellConfig( script= '''echo "foo={{ model.template|render(model=model) }}"''', model={ 'foo': 'some nested foo', 'template': '{{ }}' })) output = [line for line in bash.process() if len(line) > 0] assert_that(len(output), equal_to(1)) assert_that(output[0], equal_to('foo=some nested foo'))
def test_pipeline_bash_file_variable(self): """Testing the injected variable representing the script.""" bash = Bash( ShellConfig( script='''echo "PIPELINE_BASH_FILE=$PIPELINE_BASH_FILE"''')) output = [ line for line in bash.process() if line.lower().find("script") > 0 ] assert_that(len(output), equal_to(1)) assert_that( output[0], matches_regexp('PIPELINE_BASH_FILE=.*/tmp/pipeline-script-.*.sh')) bash = Bash( ShellConfig( script= '''echo "PIPELINE_BASH_FILE={{ env.PIPELINE_BASH_FILE }}"''')) output = [ line for line in bash.process() if line.lower().find("script") > 0 ] assert_that(len(output), equal_to(1)) assert_that( output[0], matches_regexp('PIPELINE_BASH_FILE=.*/tmp/pipeline-script-.*.sh'))
def cleanup(self): """Run cleanup script of pipeline when hook is configured.""" if and len( > 0: env =[0].copy() env.update({'PIPELINE_RESULT': 'SUCCESS'}) env.update({'PIPELINE_SHELL_EXIT_CODE': '0'}) config = ShellConfig(, model=self.model, env=env, dry_run=self.options.dry_run, debug=self.options.debug, strict=self.options.strict, temporary_scripts_path=self.options.temporary_scripts_path) cleanup_shell = Bash(config) for line in cleanup_shell.process(): yield line
def run_cleanup(self, env, exit_code): """Run cleanup hook when configured.""" output = [] if and len( > 0: env.update({'PIPELINE_RESULT': 'FAILURE'}) env.update({'PIPELINE_SHELL_EXIT_CODE': str(exit_code)}) config = ShellConfig(, model=self.pipeline.model, env=env, dry_run=self.pipeline.options.dry_run, debug=self.pipeline.options.debug, strict=self.pipeline.options.strict, temporary_scripts_path=self.pipeline.options. temporary_scripts_path) cleanup_shell = Bash(config) for line in cleanup_shell.process(): output.append(line)" | %s", line) return output
def test_failed_exit_not_zero(self): """testing normal failed bash script.""" bash = Bash(ShellConfig(script='''exit 1''')) output = [line for line in bash.process() if len(line) > 0] assert_that(len(output), equal_to(0)) assert_that(bash.exit_code, equal_to(1))
def test_script_only(self): """Testing simple bash script.""" bash = Bash(ShellConfig(script='''echo "hello"''')) output = [line for line in bash.process() if len(line) > 0] assert_that(len(output), equal_to(1)) assert_that(output[0], equal_to('hello'))