def test_how_to_cite(user_alice_logged_in, handle_usage_statistics): browser, user_alice = user_alice_logged_in # # Alice has a surface and publishes it # surface_name = "Diamond Structure" topo_name = "Diamond Cut" topo_description = "My nice measurement" surface = SurfaceFactory(creator=user_alice, name=surface_name) topo = Topography2DFactory(surface=surface, name=topo_name, description=topo_description) publication = surface.publish('cc0-1.0', 'Famous Scientist') # Alice filters for published surfaces - enters # "Select" tab and chooses "Only published surfaces" # base_url = browser.url goto_select_page(browser) assert num_items_in_result_table( browser) == 2 # both surfaces are visible by default select_sharing_status(browser, 'published') assert num_items_in_result_table(browser) == 1 # only published is visible data = data_of_item_by_name(browser, surface_name) assert data['version'] == "1 (2021-07-12)" assert data['authors'] == 'Famous Scientist' double_click_on_item_by_name(browser, surface_name) data = data_of_item_by_name(browser, topo_name) assert data['version'] == "" assert data['authors'] == '' assert data['description'] == topo_description # Alice opens the properties and sees # the "published by yo" badge. press_view_for_item_by_name(browser, surface_name) assert browser.is_text_present('published by you') # # Alice sees "How to cite" tab an chooses it # assert browser.is_text_present("How to cite") browser.links.find_by_partial_text("How to cite").click() # Now the page shows a citation in text format exp_pub_url = base_url.rstrip('/') + publication.get_absolute_url() exp_citation = f"Famous Scientist. ({publication.datetime.year}). {surface_name} (Version 1). " + \ f"{exp_pub_url}" assert browser.is_text_present(exp_citation)
def test_keep_current_page_in_session(user_alice_logged_in): browser, user_alice = user_alice_logged_in # create a lot of surfaces for i in range(11): SurfaceFactory(creator=user_alice) goto_select_page(browser) # # pagination should have 2 pages # pagination = browser.find_by_id("pagination") # there should be 4 items: previous, 1, 2, next assert browser.is_text_present("Next", wait_time=1) page_items = pagination.find_by_css(".page-item") assert len(page_items) == 4 assert page_items[0].text == "Previous" assert page_items[1].text == "1" assert page_items[2].text == "2" assert page_items[3].text == "Next" assert active_page_number(browser) == 1 # page size should show "10" page_size_select = browser.find_by_id("page-size-select") assert page_size_select.find_by_css(".selected").first.text == "10" # footer should show total number assert browser.is_text_present("Showing 10 surfaces out of 11") # press "Next" page_items[3].click() # now footer shows different text assert browser.is_text_present("Showing 1 surfaces out of 11", wait_time=1) assert active_page_number(browser) == 2 # Goto to sharing page and back, should still be on page 2 goto_sharing_page(browser) goto_select_page(browser) assert browser.is_text_present("Showing 1 surfaces out of 11") assert active_page_number(browser) == 2
def test_deselect_all(user_alice_logged_in, items_for_selection): browser, user_alice = user_alice_logged_in # # navigate to select page and select sth. # goto_select_page(browser) assert browser.is_text_present('surface1', wait_time=1) cb = checkbox_for_item_by_name(browser, 'surface1') cb.check() # now we have a basket item assert is_in_basket(browser, 'surface1') # pressing unselect browser.click_link_by_id('unselect-all') # time.sleep(1) # now the basket item is no longer there assert not is_in_basket(browser, 'surface1')
def test_filter(user_alice_logged_in, items_for_filtering): browser, user_alice = user_alice_logged_in goto_select_page(browser) # Alice should see three surfaces # # There should be # - no search term, # - all categories shown # - own and shared surfaces shown # - tree should be in "surface list" mode # - page 1 shown # - page size = 10 assert browser.is_text_present("Showing 3 surfaces out of 3.") assert browser.is_text_present("Not filtered for search term") assert selected_category(browser) == 'all' assert selected_sharing_status(browser) == 'all' assert selected_tree_mode(browser) == 'surface list' assert active_page_number(browser) == 1 assert active_page_size(browser) == 10 assert is_text_present_in_result_table(browser, "surface1") assert is_text_present_in_result_table(browser, "surface2") assert is_text_present_in_result_table(browser, "surface3") # Now she clicks on category "exp" # => only surface 1 should be shown'category', 'exp') assert browser.is_text_present("Showing 1 surfaces out of 1.") assert browser.is_text_present("Not filtered for search term") assert selected_category(browser) == 'exp' assert selected_sharing_status(browser) == 'all' assert selected_tree_mode(browser) == 'surface list' assert active_page_number(browser) == 1 assert active_page_size(browser) == 10 assert browser.is_text_present('surface1') assert not browser.is_text_present('surface2') assert not browser.is_text_present('surface3') # Now she clicks on category "sim" # => only surface 3 should be shown'category', 'sim') assert browser.is_text_present("Showing 1 surfaces out of 1.") assert selected_category(browser) == 'sim' assert not browser.is_text_present('surface1') assert not browser.is_text_present('surface2') assert browser.is_text_present('surface3') # # Now change to 'sharing' tab and back # => results should be the same goto_sharing_page(browser) goto_select_page(browser) assert browser.is_text_present("Showing 1 surfaces out of 1.") assert browser.is_text_present("Not filtered for search term") assert selected_category(browser) == 'sim' assert selected_sharing_status(browser) == 'all' assert selected_tree_mode(browser) == 'surface list' assert active_page_number(browser) == 1 assert active_page_size(browser) == 10 assert not browser.is_text_present('surface1') assert not browser.is_text_present('surface2') assert browser.is_text_present('surface3') # Now show only "own" surfaces. Since only surface 3 is shown # and this is shared, no surfaces should be visible'sharing_status', 'own') assert browser.is_text_present("Showing 0 surfaces out of 0.") # Showing again all categories, two surfaces should show up'category', 'all') assert browser.is_text_present("Showing 2 surfaces out of 2.") assert browser.is_text_present('surface1') assert browser.is_text_present('surface2') assert not browser.is_text_present('surface3')
def test_search(user_alice_logged_in, items_for_filtering): browser, user_alice = user_alice_logged_in # tag1, tag2 = items_for_filtering['tags'] # surface1, surface2, surface3 = items_for_filtering['surfaces'] # topo1a, topo1b, topo2a, topo3a = items_for_filtering['topographies'] search_for(browser, "surface2") assert not is_text_present_in_result_table(browser, 'surface1') assert is_text_present_in_result_table(browser, 'surface2') assert not is_text_present_in_result_table(browser, 'surface3') assert browser.is_text_present("Showing 1 surfaces out of 1.") assert browser.is_text_present("Clear filter for") assert selected_category(browser) == 'all' assert selected_sharing_status(browser) == 'all' assert selected_tree_mode(browser) == 'surface list' assert active_page_number(browser) == 1 assert active_page_size(browser) == 10 # Change to tag tree # => only tag1 should be present select_tree_mode(browser, 'tag tree') def check_results_for_tag_tree(): assert is_text_present_in_result_table(browser, 'tag1') assert not is_text_present_in_result_table(browser, 'tag2') assert browser.is_text_present("Showing 1 top level tags out of 1.") assert browser.is_text_present("Clear filter for") assert selected_category(browser) == 'all' assert selected_sharing_status(browser) == 'all' assert selected_tree_mode(browser) == 'tag tree' assert active_page_number(browser) == 1 assert active_page_size(browser) == 10 check_results_for_tag_tree() # # Switch to sharing page and back, search should still be present # goto_sharing_page(browser) goto_select_page(browser) check_results_for_tag_tree() # # Clear search term, should stay on tag tree # clear_search_term(browser) assert browser.is_text_present("Showing 2 top level tags out of 2.", wait_time=1) assert selected_category(browser) == 'all' assert selected_sharing_status(browser) == 'all' assert selected_tree_mode(browser) == 'tag tree' assert active_page_number(browser) == 1 assert active_page_size(browser) == 10 assert is_text_present_in_result_table(browser, 'tag1') assert is_text_present_in_result_table(browser, 'tag2')
def test_select_page_size(user_alice_logged_in): browser, user_alice = user_alice_logged_in # create a lot of surfaces for i in range(11): SurfaceFactory(creator=user_alice) goto_select_page(browser) # # pagination should have 2 pages # pagination = browser.find_by_id("pagination") # there should be 4 items: previous, 1, 2, next assert browser.is_text_present("Next", wait_time=1) page_items = pagination.find_by_css(".page-item") assert len(page_items) == 4 assert page_items[0].text == "Previous" assert page_items[1].text == "1" assert page_items[2].text == "2" assert page_items[3].text == "Next" assert active_page_number(browser) == 1 # page size should show "10" page_size_select = browser.find_by_id("page-size-select") assert page_size_select.find_by_css(".selected").first.text == "10" # footer should show total number assert browser.is_text_present("Showing 10 surfaces out of 11") # press "Next" page_items[3].click() # now footer shows different text assert browser.is_text_present("Showing 1 surfaces out of 11", wait_time=1) assert active_page_number(browser) == 2 # select page size 25 page_size_25_option = page_size_select.find_by_css('option')[1] assert page_size_25_option.text == "25" # now there is only one page and it should be page 1 assert browser.is_text_present("Next", wait_time=1) assert browser.is_text_present("Showing 11 surfaces out of 11", wait_time=1) pagination = browser.find_by_id("pagination") page_items = pagination.find_by_css(".page-item") assert len(page_items) == 3 assert page_items[0].text == "Previous" assert page_items[1].text == "1" assert page_items[2].text == "Next" assert active_page_number(browser) == 1
def test_publishing_form(user_alice_logged_in, handle_usage_statistics): browser, user_alice = user_alice_logged_in # # Generate surface with topography for Alice. # surface_name = "First published surface" surface = SurfaceFactory(creator=user_alice, name=surface_name) # a topography is added later # # When going to the "Published surfaces tab", nothing is listed # goto_publications_page(browser) assert browser.is_text_present("You haven't published any surfaces yet.") # # Alice opens properties for the surface # goto_select_page(browser) press_view_for_item_by_name(browser, surface_name) # # Alice presses "Publish" button. The extra "Publish surface ..." tab opens. # assert browser.is_text_present("Publish") publish_btn = browser.links.find_by_partial_text("Publish") # # Since no topography is available for the surface, a hint is shown # assert browser.is_text_present("This surface has no measurements yet") # # We add a topography and reload # Topography2DFactory(surface=surface) browser.reload() # # There are three licenses for selection. Alice chooses the "CC BY-SA" # license # # browser.choose('license', 'ccbysa-4.0') # this only works with standard HTML radio btn # radio_btn = browser select_radio_btn(browser, 'id_id_license_0_2') # 'ccbysa-4.0' # # Alice presses Publish. She didn't check the checkboxes, we are still on page # press_yes_publish(browser) assert len(browser.find_by_name("save")) > 0 # # Alice checks one checkbox, the other is still needed and the authors # select_radio_btn(browser, 'id_copyright_hold') press_yes_publish(browser) assert len(browser.find_by_name("save")) > 0 # Alice checks the second and tries again to publish. select_radio_btn(browser, 'id_agreed') assert len(browser.find_by_name("save")) > 0 # Still now publishing: She hasn't entered an author yet. # She decides to enter herself as author by pressing the "user" button press_insert_me_btn(browser) # Now she tries again # The extra tab is closed and Alice is taken # to the list of published surfaces. press_yes_publish(browser) assert len(browser.find_by_name("save")) == 0 assert browser.is_text_present("Surfaces published by you", wait_time=1) # Here the published surface is listed. Also the author names are listed, here just Alice' name. # Alice presses the link and enters the property page for the surface. assert browser.is_text_present(surface_name) assert browser.is_text_present( browser.find_by_css('td').find_by_text(surface_name).click() # # Here a "published by you" badge is shown. # assert browser.is_text_present("published by you") # She opens the permissions and sees that Everyone has read permissions # and nothing else. # The individual names are NOT listed. assert_only_permissions_everyone(browser)
def test_switch_between_wip_and_version(user_alice_logged_in, handle_usage_statistics): browser, user_alice = user_alice_logged_in # # Alice has a surface and publishes it # surface = SurfaceFactory(creator=user_alice, name="Alice's Surface") topo = Topography2DFactory(surface=surface) publication = surface.publish('cc0-1.0', 'Alice') # # When browsing to the surface, the current surface is shown as "Work in progress" # goto_select_page(browser) press_view_for_item_by_name(browser, assert browser.is_text_present("Work in progress") assert not browser.is_text_present("Version 1") # She could edit, if she wanted assert browser.is_text_present("Edit meta data") # # Switching to version 1 # versions_btn = browser.find_by_id('versions-btn') versions_dropdown = browser.find_by_id('versions-dropdown') version_links = versions_dropdown.find_by_tag('a') assert "Work in progress" in version_links[0].text assert "Version 1" in version_links[1].text version_links[1].click() assert browser.is_text_present(f"{publication.surface.label}", wait_time=1) # # Alice should be on the page of the new version # assert publication.surface.get_absolute_url() in browser.url # She cannot edit assert not browser.is_text_present("Edit meta data") # # Alice can switch back to editable version (work in progress) # versions_btn = browser.find_by_id('versions-btn') versions_dropdown = browser.find_by_id('versions-dropdown') version_links = versions_dropdown.find_by_tag('a') assert "Work in progress" in version_links[0].text assert "Version 1" in version_links[1].text version_links[0].click() assert browser.is_text_present(f"{publication.original_surface.label}", wait_time=1) assert publication.original_surface.get_absolute_url() in browser.url assert browser.is_text_present("Edit meta data")
def test_see_published_by_others(user_alice_logged_in, user_bob, handle_usage_statistics, settings): browser, user_alice = user_alice_logged_in # switch off checks for too fast publication settings.MIN_SECONDS_BETWEEN_SAME_SURFACE_PUBLICATIONS = None # # Alice has a surface, which is not published # SurfaceFactory(creator=user_alice, name="Alice's Surface") # # User Bob publishes a surface (here in the background) # surface_name = "Bob has published this" surface_description = "Valuable results." surface = SurfaceFactory(creator=user_bob, name=surface_name, description=surface_description) Topography2DFactory(surface=surface) publication = surface.publish('cc0-1.0', 'Bob') # Alice filters for published surfaces - enters # "Select" tab and chooses "Only published surfaces" # goto_select_page(browser) assert num_items_in_result_table( browser) == 2 # both surfaces are visible by default select_sharing_status(browser, 'published') assert num_items_in_result_table(browser) == 1 # only published is visible # Bobs surface is visible as only surface. # The version number is "1". data = data_of_item_by_name(browser, surface_name) assert data['description'] == surface_description assert data['version'] == "1 (2021-07-12)" # Alice opens the properties and sees # the "published by Bob" badge. press_view_for_item_by_name(browser, surface_name) assert browser.is_text_present('published by Bob Marley') # She opens the permissions and sees that Everyone has read permissions # and nothing else. # The individual names are NOT listed. assert_only_permissions_everyone(browser) # # She sees a dropdown with only this version # assert browser.is_text_present('Version 1') assert not browser.is_text_present('Version 2') # # Bob publishes again, Alice reloads the page # publication = surface.publish('cc0-1.0', 'Bob') browser.reload() # # Now also the second version is visible # assert browser.is_text_present('Version 1') assert not browser.is_text_present('Version 2') # # Alice can switch to the new version # versions_btn = browser.find_by_id('versions-btn') versions_dropdown = browser.find_by_id('versions-dropdown') version_links = versions_dropdown.find_by_tag('a') assert "Version 1" in version_links[0].text assert "Version 2" in version_links[1].text version_links[1].click() assert browser.is_text_present(f"{publication.original_surface.label}", wait_time=1) # # Alice should be on the page of the new version # assert publication.surface.get_absolute_url() in browser.url
def test_publishing_form_multiple_authors(user_alice_logged_in, handle_usage_statistics): """Test that multiple authors can be entered. """ browser, user_alice = user_alice_logged_in # # Generate surface with topography for Alice. # surface_name = "First published surface" surface = SurfaceFactory(creator=user_alice, name=surface_name) Topography2DFactory(surface=surface) # # Alice opens properties for the surface # goto_select_page(browser) press_view_for_item_by_name(browser, surface_name) # # Alice presses "Publish" button. The extra "Publish surface ..." tab opens. # assert browser.is_text_present("Publish") publish_btn = browser.links.find_by_partial_text("Publish") # # Alice adds herself as first author # press_insert_me_btn(browser) # # Alice presses "One more author" button, adds one author # assert browser.is_text_present('One more author', wait_time=1) one_more_author_btn = browser.find_by_id('one_more_author_btn') assert browser.is_text_present("2. Author") browser.fill('author_1', "Queen of Hearts") # # Alice chooses the "CC BY-SA" license # select_radio_btn(browser, 'id_id_license_0_2') # 'ccbysa-4.0' # # Alice checks the checkboxes # select_radio_btn(browser, 'id_copyright_hold') select_radio_btn(browser, 'id_agreed') press_yes_publish(browser) assert len(browser.find_by_name("save")) == 0 assert browser.is_text_present("Surfaces published by you", wait_time=1) # Here the published surface is listed. And both author names. assert browser.is_text_present(surface_name) assert browser.is_text_present( assert browser.is_text_present("Queen of Hearts")