예제 #1
def circle_segment(theta,
                   center=(0, 0, 0),
                   normal=(0, 0, 1),
                   xaxis=(1, 0, 0)):
    """  Create a circle segment starting parallel to the rotated x-axis.

    :param float theta: Angle in radians
    :param float r: Radius
    :param array-like center: circle segment center
    :param array-like normal: normal vector to the plane that contains circle
    :param array-like xaxis: direction of the parametric start point t=0
    :return: A quadratic rational curve
    :rtype: Curve
    :raises ValueError: If radius is not positive
    :raises ValueError: If theta is not in the range *[-2pi, 2pi]*
    # error test input
    if abs(theta) > 2 * pi:
        raise ValueError('theta needs to be in range [-2pi,2pi]')
    if r <= 0:
        raise ValueError('radius needs to be positive')
    if theta == 2 * pi:
        return circle(r, center, normal)

    # build knot vector
    knot_spans = int(ceil(abs(theta) / (2 * pi / 3)))
    knot = [0]
    for i in range(knot_spans + 1):
        knot += [i] * 2
    knot += [knot_spans]  # knot vector [0,0,0,1,1,2,2,..,n,n,n]
    knot = np.array(knot) / float(
        knot[-1]) * theta  # set parametric space to [0,theta]

    n = (knot_spans - 1) * 2 + 3  # number of control points needed
    cp = []
    t = 0  # current angle
    dt = float(theta) / knot_spans / 2  # angle step

    # build control points
    for i in range(n):
        w = 1 - (i % 2) * (1 - cos(dt)
                           )  # weights = 1 and cos(dt) every other i
        x = r * cos(t)
        y = r * sin(t)
        cp += [[x, y, w]]
        t += dt

    if theta < 0:
        result = Curve(BSplineBasis(3, np.flip(knot, 0)), cp, True)
        result = Curve(BSplineBasis(3, knot), cp, True)
    result.rotate(rotate_local_x_axis(xaxis, normal))
    return flip_and_move_plane_geometry(result, center, normal)
예제 #2
def circle(r=1, center=(0,0,0), normal=(0,0,1), type='p2C0', xaxis=(1,0,0)):
    """  Create a circle.

    :param float r: Radius
    :param array-like center: local origin
    :param array-like normal: local normal
    :param string type: The type of parametrization ('p2C0' or 'p4C1')
    :param array-like xaxis: direction of sem, i.e. parametric start point t=0
    :return: A periodic, quadratic rational curve
    :rtype: Curve
    :raises ValueError: If radius is not positive
    if r <= 0:
        raise ValueError('radius needs to be positive')

    if type == 'p2C0' or type == 'C0p2':
        w = 1.0 / sqrt(2)
        controlpoints = [[1, 0, 1],
                         [w, w, w],
                         [0, 1, 1],
                         [-w, w, w],
                         [-1, 0, 1],
                         [-w, -w, w],
                         [0, -1, 1],
                         [w, -w, w]]
        knot = np.array([-1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5]) / 4.0 * 2 * pi

        result = Curve(BSplineBasis(3, knot, 0), controlpoints, True)
    elif type.lower() == 'p4c1' or type.lower() == 'c1p4':
        w = 2*sqrt(2)/3
        a = 1.0/2/sqrt(2)
        b = 1.0/6 * (4*sqrt(2)-1)
        controlpoints = [[ 1,-a, 1],
                         [ 1, a, 1],
                         [ b, b, w],
                         [ a, 1, 1],
                         [-a, 1, 1],
                         [-b, b, w],
                         [-1, a, 1],
                         [-1,-a, 1],
                         [-b,-b, w],
                         [-a,-1, 1],
                         [ a,-1, 1],
                         [ b,-b, w]]
        knot = np.array([ -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5]) / 4.0 * 2 * pi
        result = Curve(BSplineBasis(5, knot, 1), controlpoints, True)
        raise ValueError('Unkown type: %s' %(type))

    result *= r
    result.rotate(rotate_local_x_axis(xaxis, normal))
    return flip_and_move_plane_geometry(result, center, normal)