def test_generating_command_as_unit(self): simulate_path = get_searchcommand_example("") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(simulate_path)) # Copy population.csv to the $SPLUNK_HOME/var/run/splunk/ directory population_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(simulate_path), "population.csv") shutil.copy(population_file, validators.File._var_run_splunk) # load the SimulateCommand class from simulate = imp.load_source('searchcommands_app', simulate_path) instream = StringIO() outstream = StringIO() cli_args = [ "", "__GETINFO__", "duration=00:00:10", "csv=population.csv", "rate=1", "interval=00:00:01"] # Run the process dispatch(simulate.SimulateCommand, cli_args, instream, outstream, "__main__") expected_info_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data/_expected_results/test_generating_command_in_isolation.getinfo.csv') self.assertEqual(, newline='').read(), outstream.getvalue()) instream = StringIO() outstream = StringIO() cli_args = [ "", "__EXECUTE__", "duration=00:00:10", "csv=population.csv", "rate=1", "interval=00:00:01"] # Run the process dispatch(simulate.SimulateCommand, cli_args, instream, outstream, "__main__") rows = outstream.getvalue().split("\r\n")[1:-1] found_fields = rows[0].split(",") expected_fields = [ '_time', '_serial', 'text', '__mv__time', '__mv__serial', '__mv_text', ] self.assertEqual(len(expected_fields), len(found_fields)) self.assertEqual(expected_fields, found_fields) # did we get the field names and at least 2 events? self.assertTrue(3 < len(rows)) return
def test_helloworld_generating_command_as_unit(self): helloworld_path = get_searchcommand_example("") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(helloworld_path)) helloworld = imp.load_source('searchcommands_app', helloworld_path) instream = StringIO() outstream = StringIO() cli_args = [ "", "__GETINFO__", "count=5", ] # Run the process dispatch(helloworld.GenerateHelloCommand, cli_args, instream, outstream, "__main__") expected_info_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data/_expected_results/test_generating_command_in_isolation.getinfo.csv') self.assertEqual(, newline='').read(), outstream.getvalue()) # Overwrite the existing StringIO objects instream = StringIO() outstream = StringIO() cli_args = [ "", "__EXECUTE__", "count=5", ] # Run the process dispatch(helloworld.GenerateHelloCommand, cli_args, instream, outstream, "__main__") # Trim the blank lines at either end of the list rows = outstream.getvalue().split("\r\n")[1:-1] found_fields = rows[0].split(",") expected_fields = [ '_time', 'event_no', '_raw', '__mv__time', '__mv_event_no', '__mv__raw', ] self.assertEqual(len(expected_fields), len(found_fields)) self.assertEqual(expected_fields, found_fields) # Trim the field names events = rows[1:] self.assertEqual(5, len(events)) for i in range(1, len(events)): event = events[i].split(",") self.assertEqual(i + 1, int(event[1])) self.assertEqual(i + 1, int(event[2][-1])) return
outputfield = Option( doc=''' **Syntax:** **outputfield=***<fieldname>* **Description:** Name of the field that will hold the found time''', require=True, validate=validators.Fieldname()) def stream(self, records): self.logger.debug('StrptimeFindCommand: %s', self) # logs command line pattern = self.pattern for record in records: count = 0 datetime_str_orig = record[self.fieldname] valid_strptime_string = record[self.pattern] datetime_object = 0 limit=len(valid_strptime_string) while len(datetime_str_orig) > limit: datetime_str=datetime_str_orig while len(datetime_str) > limit: try: datetime_object = datetime.strptime(datetime_str, valid_strptime_string) break except: datetime_str = datetime_str[:-1] datetime_str_orig = datetime_str_orig[1:] if datetime_object: record[self.outputfield] = time.mktime(datetime_object.timetuple()) yield record dispatch(StrptimeFindCommand, sys.argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, __name__)
@Configuration() class Neo4jCommand(GeneratingCommand): query = Option(require=True) host = Option(require=True) username = Option(require=False, default="") password = Option(require=False, default="") scheme = Option(require=False, default="bolt") def __get_data(self, query, host, username, password, scheme): url = scheme + "://" + host # set up authentication parameters auth = None if username != "" and password != "": auth = basic_auth(username, password) driver = GraphDatabase.driver(url, auth=auth) session = driver.session() results =, parameters={}) for record in results: yield (record) def generate(self): results = self.__get_data(self.query,, self.username, self.password, self.scheme) fields_extractor = FieldsExtractor() return fields_extractor.extract(results) dispatch(Neo4jCommand, module_name=__name__)
event_id = hashlib.md5(incident[0]['incident_id'] + now).hexdigest() event = 'time="%s" severity=INFO origin="ModifyIncidentsCommand" event_id="%s" user="******" action="change" incident_id="%s" %s="%s" previous_%s="%s"' % (now, event_id, user, incident[0]['incident_id'], key, attrs[key], key, incident[0][key]) input.submit(event, hostname = socket.gethostname(), sourcetype = 'incident_change', source = '', index = self.config['index']) incident[0][key] = attrs[key] if len(changed_keys) > 0: uri = '/servicesNS/nobody/alert_manager/storage/collections/data/incidents/' + incident[0]['_key'] del incident[0]['_key'] contentsStr = json.dumps(incident[0]) serverResponse, serverContent = rest.simpleRequest(uri, sessionKey=sessionKey, jsonargs=contentsStr) if self.comment: self.comment = self.comment.replace('\n', '<br />').replace('\r', '') event_id = hashlib.md5(incident[0]['incident_id'] + now).hexdigest() event = 'time="%s" severity=INFO origin="ModifyIncidentsCommand" event_id="%s" user="******" action="comment" incident_id="%s" comment="%s"' % (now, event_id, user, incident[0]['incident_id'], self.comment) event = event.encode('utf8') input.submit(event, hostname = socket.gethostname(), sourcetype = 'incident_change', source = '', index = self.config['index']) else: self.logger.warn("No attributes to modify found, aborting.") else: self.logger.warn("No incident_id field found in event, aborting.") yield record dispatch(ModifyIncidentsCommand, sys.argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, __name__)
""" Windd = Option(doc=''' Temp Field ''', default='Windd') field = Option(doc=''' field to put value in ''', default='Wind_dir') def stream(self, events): """ :param events: :return: """ dirs = [ "", "N", "NNE", "NE", "ENE", "E", "ESE", "SE", "SSE", "S", "SSW", "SW", "WSW", "W", "WNW", "NW", "NNW", "N" ] for event in events: self.logger.debug("start") try: wd = float(event[self.Windd]) event[self.field] = dirs[int(1 + abs(round(wd / 22.5, 0)))] except: event[self.field] = "N/A" yield event dispatch(WindDir, sys.argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, __name__)
from splunklib.searchcommands import dispatch, StreamingCommand, Configuration, Option, validators import sys, json from splunklib.client import connect from alert_collection import AlertCollection @Configuration() class DeleteAlertsCommand(StreamingCommand): key = Option( doc=''' **Syntax:** **key=***<field>* **Description:** The internal key of the alert''', require=True, validate=validators.Fieldname()) alerts = None def stream(self, records):'DeleteAlertsCommand: %s', self) # logs command line if not self.alerts: self.alerts = AlertCollection(self._metadata.searchinfo.session_key) for record in records: if self.key in record: self.alerts.delete(record[self.key], logger=self.logger) else: self.logger.error('DeleteAlertsCommand: no key field %s', str(self.json)) # logs command line yield record dispatch(DeleteAlertsCommand, sys.argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, __name__)
pattern = "[^_].*" + pattern[2:] pattern = "(?i)^" + pattern + "$" return pattern #Streaming command to work with each record def stream(self, records): self.logger.debug('StreamFilterWildcardCommand: %s', self) # logs command line for record in records: values = "" pattern = self.pattern if pattern not in record: self.logger.warn( "StreamFilterWildcardCommand: pattern field is %s but cannot find this field" % (pattern), self) sys.exit(-1) if isinstance(record[pattern], list): for aPattern in record[pattern]: pattern = re.compile(self.changeToWildcard(aPattern)) values = values + self.thefilter(record, pattern) else: pattern = re.compile(self.changeToWildcard(record[pattern])) values = values + self.thefilter(record, pattern) record[self.fieldname] = values yield record dispatch(StreamFilterWildcardCommand, sys.argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, __name__)
"NE", "ENE", "E", "ESE", "SE", "SSE", "S", "SSW", "SW", "WSW", "W", "WNW", "NW", "NNW", "N", ] for event in events: self.logger.debug("start") try: wd = float(event[self.Windd]) event[self.field] = dirs[int(1 + abs(round(wd / 22.5, 0)))] except: event[self.field] = "N/A" yield event dispatch(WindDir, sys.argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, __name__)
##Description %(description) """ Temp = Option(doc=""" Temp Field """, default="Temp") field = Option(doc=""" field to put value in """, default="rankine") def stream(self, events): """ :param events: :return: """ for event in events: self.logger.debug("start") try: temp = float(event[self.Temp]) event[self.field] = round(temp + 459.67, 2) except: event[self.field] = "N/A" yield event dispatch(Rankine, sys.argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, __name__)
X = X.toarray() y_pred = None mah = None clf = classifiers.get(classifier) if clf: try: y = clf.decision_function(X).ravel() threshold = stats.scoreatpercentile(y, 100 * fraction) y_pred = y > threshold if classifier == 'covariance_estimator' and args['showmah']: mah = clf.mahalanobis(X) except ValueError: y_pred = np.zeros((X.shape[0])) for i, y in enumerate(y_pred): if y: record = records[i] if mah is not None: record['mahalanobis'] = mah[i].item() channel.send(record) else: channel.send({ "error": "Incorrect classifier specified %s" % classifier }) """ def __dir__(self): return ['threshold','kernel','degree','gamma','coef0','support_fraction','showmah','classifier'] dispatch(Outliers, sys.argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, __name__)
current[relative_distance] = vincenty(last_pos, current_pos, miles=bool(self.miles)) position_tracker[current[self.group_by]] = current_pos yield current else: last_pos = None for event in events: current = event if not (current[latitude] or current[longitude]): current[relative_distance] = 0.0 self.logger.debug( "[%s] - Using distance=0 for private IPs or unknown coordinates. Exclude if undesired." % str( self.metadata.searchinfo.sid)) else: current_pos = (float(current[latitude]), float(current[longitude])) if last_pos is None: current[relative_distance] = 0.0 self.logger.debug("[%s] - Initializing the first location with distance=0" % str( self.metadata.searchinfo.sid)) else: if use_haversine: current[relative_distance] = haversine(last_pos, current_pos, miles=bool(self.miles)) else: current[relative_distance] = vincenty(last_pos, current_pos, miles=bool(self.miles)) last_pos = current_pos self.logger.debug(current) yield current"[%s] - Completed successfully." % str(self.metadata.searchinfo.sid)) dispatch(GeoDistanceCommand, sys.argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, __name__)
import logging, os, splunk from splunklib.searchcommands import \ dispatch, StreamingCommand, Configuration, Option, validators @Configuration() class SearchTableCommand(StreamingCommand): pattern = Option( doc=''' **Syntax:** **pattern=***<regular-expression>* **Description:** Regular expression pattern to match''', require=False, validate=validators.RegularExpression()) def stream(self, records): #pydevd.settrace() self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.logger.debug('SearchTableCommand: %s' % self) # logs command line for record in records: found = "false" for field in record: matches = len(list(self.pattern.finditer(str(record[field])))) if matches > 0: found = "true" if found == "true": yield record self.logger.debug('SearchTableCommand: Done') dispatch(SearchTableCommand, sys.argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, __name__)
#print 'Row:', curr_row curr_cell = -1 _raw = "" line = {} while curr_cell < num_cells: if curr_row > 0: curr_cell += 1 # Cell Types: 0=Empty, 1=Text, 2=Number, 3=Date, 4=Boolean, 5=Error, 6=Blank cell_type = worksheet.cell_type(curr_row, curr_cell) cell_value = worksheet.cell_value(curr_row, curr_cell) head_value = worksheet.cell_value(0, curr_cell) #print ' ', cell_type, ':', cell_value _raw = _raw + '"' + str(head_value) + '"="' + str(cell_value) +'" ' line[str(head_value)] = str(cell_value) else: curr_cell += 1 if curr_row > 1: line["_time"] = time.time() line["line_number"] = i line["_raw"] = _raw line["worksheet_name"] = worksheet_name yield line i=i+1 dispatch(WGetxlsCommand, sys.argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, __name__)
asset['_raw'] = util.tojson(asset) yield asset else: try: # If not 200 status_code showing error message in Splunk UI record = util.dictexpand(response) record['url'] = url record['_raw'] = util.tojson(response) except Exception as e: record = dict() record['url'] = url record['error'] = e record['_raw'] = util.tojson(response) yield record else: try: # If not 200 status_code showing error message in Splunk UI record = util.dictexpand(response) record['url'] = url record['_raw'] = util.tojson(response) except Exception as e: record = dict() record['url'] = url record['error'] = e record['_raw'] = util.tojson(response) yield record dispatch(getUserCommand, sys.argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, __name__)
''' Parse auth into python dict with correct method @proxy string: Comma separated auth params -> method,user,pass @return object/bool ''' def parseAuth(self, auth): # Password could use commas, so just split 2 times auth = auth.rsplit(',', 2) # Use correcht auth method if auth[0].lower() == 'basic': return (auth[1].strip(), auth[2].strip()) elif auth[0].lower() == 'digest': return HTTPDigestAuth(auth[0].strip(), auth[1].strip()) # Return false in case of no valid method return False ''' Convert headers string into dict @headers string: Headers as json string @return dict ''' def parseHeaders(self, headers): # Replace single quotes with double quotes for valid json return json.loads( headers.replace('\'', '"') ) dispatch(curlCommand, sys.argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, __name__)
""" SLP = Option( doc=''' Temp Field ''', default='SLP') field = Option( doc=''' field to put value in ''', default='Pressure_mmHg') def stream(self, events): """ :param events: :return: """ for event in events: self.logger.debug("start") try: p = float(event[self.SLP]) event[self.field] = round(25.4 * p, 2) except: event[self.field] = "N/A" yield event dispatch(PmmHg, sys.argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, __name__)
import sys, time from splunklib.searchcommands import \ dispatch, GeneratingCommand, Configuration, Option, validators @Configuration() class GenerateHelloCommand(GeneratingCommand): count = Option(require=True, validate=validators.Integer()) def generate(self): for i in range(1, self.count + 1): text = 'Hello World %d' % i yield {'_time': time.time(), 'event_no': i, '_raw': text} dispatch(GenerateHelloCommand, sys.argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, __name__)
username = conf['user'] password = conf['password'] url = conf['url'] value_replacements = conf['value_replacements'] daysAgo = self.daysAgo daysBy = self.daysAgo filters = self.filters table = self.table limit = self.limit bfilter = {} filters = filters.split(',') if filters else [] exuded = [] for x in filters: k, v = x.split('=') if k in bfilter: bfilter[k].append(v) else: bfilter[k] = [] bfilter[k].append(v) snownow = snow(url, username, password) snownow.replacementsdict(value_replacements) for k, v in bfilter.iteritems(): exuded.append(snownow.filterbuilder(k, v)) url = snownow.reqencode(exuded, table=table, timeby=daysBy, days=daysAgo) for record in snownow.getrecords(url, limit): record = snownow.updaterecord(record, sourcetype='snow', lookup=True) record['_raw'] = util.tojson(record) yield record dispatch(snowNowCommand, sys.argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, __name__)
record['investigation_results'] = investigation_results else: record['investigation_results'] = "no investigations for this story found" yield { '_time': time.time(), 'sourcetype': "_json", 'story': record['story'], 'executed_by': record['executed_by'], 'detection_result_count': record['detection_result_count'], 'detection_search_name': record['detection_search_name'], 'first_detection_time': record['first_detection_time'], 'last_detection_time': record['last_detection_time'], 'support_search_name': record['support_search_name'], 'entities': record['entities'], 'mappings': record['mappings'], 'detection_results' : record['detection_results'], 'investigation_results' : record['investigation_results'], 'investigation_search_failed' : self.search_failed }"investigate.pym - ----------Finishing Investigation -------") if __name__ == "__main__": dispatch(Investigate, sys.argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, __name__)
fields = Option( doc=''' **Syntax:** **fields=***<fieldname>* **Description:** Comma seperated list of fields in results''', require=False) def stream(self, records): # retrieve system information regarding search searchinfo = self.metadata.searchinfo app_conf = AppConf(searchinfo.splunkd_uri, searchinfo.session_key) password = app_conf.get_password() # loads custom config config = app_conf.get_config('customcommand') # create outbound JSON message body fields = self.fields.split(',') if self.fields else [] for record in records: record['a_fields'] = '%s' % fields record['a_password'] = password record['a_combine'] = "%s%s" % (record['sourcetype'], record['source']) record['a_config'] = config record['a_command_metadata'] = '%s' % self.metadata yield record dispatch(customCommand, sys.argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, __name__)
class snowReportCommand(GeneratingCommand): report = Option(require=True) env = Option(require=False) def generate(self): searchinfo = self.metadata.searchinfo self.logger.debug(' excuted by username="******" %s', searchinfo.username, ' '.join(searchinfo.args)) app = AppConf(searchinfo.splunkd_uri, searchinfo.session_key) env = self.env.lower() if self.env else 'production' conf = app.get_config('getsnow')[env] snowreport = snow(conf['url'], conf['user'], conf['password']) url = snowreport.reqencode('rep_title={}'.format(, table='report_home_details') for report in snowreport.getrecords(url): fields_list = report['rep_field_list'].split(',') fields_list.append('sys_created_on') url = snowreport.reqencode(urllib.quote_plus(report['rep_filter']), table=report['rep_table'], sysparm_fields=fields_list) for record in snowreport.getrecords(url): record = snowreport.updaterecord(record, sourcetype='snow:report') record['_raw'] = json.dumps(record) record = dictexpand(record) yield record dispatch(snowReportCommand, sys.argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, __name__)
self.logger.debug('decodeCommand: %s' % self) # logs command line if type == 'urlsafe_base64': decodeMethod = urlsafe_b64decode else: decodeMethod = b64decode for record in records: for fieldname in self.fieldnames: record["TTTTTTT"] = record[fieldname] try: decodeStr = record[fieldname] if self.autofix: # Fixes padding sign to the correct Base64 equals padding symbol decodeStr = sub(r'[^0-9a-zA-Z+/]','=', record[fieldname]) record[fieldname] = decodeMethod(decodeStr) except Exception, e: record[fieldname] = "[Error] Can't decode: " + e yield record dispatch(DecodeCommand, sys.argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, __name__) "No events found, please increase the search timespan to have more search results." ) tot_time_end = time.time() logger.debug( "Total execution time => {}".format(tot_time_end - tot_time_start)) except Exception: "Exception occured while adding the noise and RIOT status to the events, Error: {}" .format(traceback.format_exc())) self.write_error( "Exception occured while adding the noise and RIOT status of " "the IP addresses to events. See greynoise_main.log for more details." ) else: logger.error( "Please specify exactly one parameter from ip and ip_field with some value." ) self.write_error( "Please specify exactly one parameter from ip and ip_field with some value." ) def __init__(self): """Initialize custom command class.""" super(GNQuickCommand, self).__init__() dispatch(GNQuickCommand, sys.argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, __name__)
doc=''' Temp Field ''', default='SLP') field = Option( doc=''' field to put value in ''', default='kilopascals') def stream(self, events): """ :param events: :return: """ for event in events: self.logger.debug("start") try: p = float(event[self.SLP]) event[self.field] = round( 33.8639 * ( p /10) ,2) except: event[self.field] = "N/A" yield event dispatch(Kilopascals, sys.argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, __name__)
"""Generate events to Splunk""" # Get config config = self._get_search_config() # Create Elasticsearch client esclient = Elasticsearch(config[KEY_CONFIG_EADDR], verify_certs=config[KEY_CONFIG_VERIFY_CERTS], use_ssl=config[KEY_CONFIG_USE_SSL]) if self.action == ACTION_SEARCH: return self._search(esclient, config) if self.action == ACTION_INDICES_LIST: return self._list_indices(esclient) if self.action == ACTION_CLUSTER_HEALTH: return self._cluster_health(esclient) def _flattern(key, data): result = {} for inkey in data: if isinstance(data[inkey], dict): for inkey2, value in _flattern(inkey, data[inkey]).items(): result[key + "." + inkey2] = value else: result[key + "." + inkey] = data[inkey] return result dispatch(ElasticSplunk, sys.argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, __name__)
elif six.text_type(record['detected']) == "0": tech['color'] = YELLOW_DK elif six.text_type(record['detected']) == "1": tech['color'] = BLUE_1 elif six.text_type(record['detected']) == "2": tech['color'] = BLUE_2 elif six.text_type(record['detected']) == "3": tech['color'] = BLUE_3 elif six.text_type(record['detected']) == "4": tech['color'] = BLUE_4 else: record['_raw'] = "Error no field with that name exists {}".format(self.atkfield) raise Exception("Error no field with that name exists {}".format(self.atkfield)) yield record # if the user passes a name arg then create the new kvstore entry for that new layer # will want to update this code in the future to handle error cases better, and user feedback if self.layername is not None: default_layer['_key'] = self.layername status = self.saveCustomLayer(default_layer) self.logger.debug('custom layer file requested: {}'.format(status)) # post updated default layer if all was successful & we didn't get a name argument else: r, c =, jsonargs=json.dumps(default_layer), sessionKey=self.metadata.searchinfo.session_key, rawResult=True) if r.status == 200: self.logger.debug('updated default layer successfully: {}'.format(json.loads(c))) else: self.logger.debug('error updating default layer successfully: {}'.format(json.loads(c))) dispatch(genatklayerCommand, sys.argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, __name__)
query = Option(name="query", require=True) field_names = ['digsig_publisher', 'digsig_result', 'digsig_sign_time', 'host_count', 'is_executable_image', 'last_seen', 'original_filename', 'os_type', 'product_name', 'product_version', 'md5'] def prepare(self): configuration_dict = splunk.clilib.cli_common.getConfStanza('carbonblack', 'cbserver') self.cb_server = configuration_dict['cburl'] token = configuration_dict['cbapikey'] self.cb = CbApi(self.cb_server, token=token, ssl_verify=False) def generate(self): for bindata in self.cb.binary_search_iter(self.query):"yielding binary %s" % bindata["md5"]) rawdata = dict((field_name, bindata.get(field_name, "")) for field_name in self.field_names) try: rawdata synthevent = {'sourcetype': 'bit9:carbonblack:json', '_time': time.time(), 'source': self.cb_server, '_raw': rawdata} yield synthevent except Exception: synthevent = {'sourcetype': 'bit9:carbonblack:json', '_time': time.time(), 'source': self.cb_server, '_raw': '{"Error":"MD5 not found"}'} yield synthevent if __name__ == '__main__': dispatch(BinarySearchCommand, sys.argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, __name__)
#!/usr/bin/env python import requests import json import sys, time from splunklib.searchcommands import \ dispatch, GeneratingCommand, Configuration, Option, validators @Configuration() class PasGetUserInfoCommand(GeneratingCommand): user = Option(require=True) def generate(self): url = 'http://localhost:5000/user_list/api/v1.0/users/' + self.user data = requests.get(url).json() if 'user' in data: # Known user. row = {} for k, v in data['user'].iteritems(): row[str(k)] = str(v) yield row else: # Unknown user. Return no data. pass dispatch(PasGetUserInfoCommand, sys.argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, __name__)
for group in record.keys(): if group not in total: total[group] = {} for field in record[group].keys(): if field not in total[group]: total[group][field] = {} for value in record[group][field].keys(): if value not in total[group][field]: total[group][field][value] = defaultdict(int) else: total[group][field][value] += total[group][field][ value] for group in total.keys(): for field in total[group].keys(): total = 0 for value in total[group][field].keys(): if value == 'Sum': continue frequency = total[group][field][value] / total[group][ field]["Sum"] total += frequency * math.log(frequency, 2) total[group][field] = -total yield total dispatch(EntropyCommand, sys.argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, __name__)
doc=''' Temp Field ''', default='Winds') field = Option( doc=''' field to put value in ''', default='windfps') def stream(self, events): """ :param events: :return: """ for event in events: self.logger.debug("start") try: w = float(event[self.Winds]) event[self.field] = round( 1.46667 * w ,2) except: event[self.field] = "N/A" yield event dispatch(Wfps, sys.argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, __name__)
'properties': properties, 'timestamp': timestamp, 'eventType': eventType, } payload.append(eventDict) event_payload = json.dumps(eventDict) #self.logger.error(event_payload) def send_payload(payload, target_url, token): body = BytesIO() with gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=body, mode="w") as fd: fd.write(json.dumps(payload)) resp = target_url, headers={ "X-SF-TOKEN": token, "Content-Encoding": "gzip", "Content-Type": "application/json" },, ) return resp dispatch(ToSFXCommand, sys.argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, __name__)
target = model['target'] fields = model['fields'] if model.get('text'): if model['text'] == 'lsi': textmodel = LsiModel.load(args['model'].replace(".pkl",".%s" % model['text'])) elif model['text'] == 'tfidf': textmodel = TfidfModel.load(args['model'].replace(".pkl",".%s" % model['text'])) else: textmodel = model['text'] except Exception as e: print >> sys.stderr, "ERROR", e channel.send({ 'error': "Couldn't find model %s" % args['model']}) else: X, y_labels, textmodel = process_records(records, fields, target, textmodel=textmodel) print >> sys.stderr, X.shape y = est.predict(X) y_labels = encoder.inverse_transform(y) for i, record in enumerate(records): record['%s_predicted' % target] = y_labels.item(i) channel.send(record) """ def __dir__(self): return ["model"] dispatch(MCPredict, sys.argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, __name__)
if self.limit is not None: url_params['limit'] = self.limit if self.offset is not None: url_params['offset'] = self.offset """Returns response for API request.""" # Unsigned URL encoded_params = '' if url_params: encoded_params = urllib.urlencode(url_params) url = '' % (encoded_params) # Sign the URL consumer = oauth2.Consumer(consumer_key, consumer_secret) oauth_request = oauth2.Request('GET', url, {}) oauth_request.update( {'oauth_nonce': oauth2.generate_nonce(), 'oauth_timestamp': oauth2.generate_timestamp(), 'oauth_token': token, 'oauth_consumer_key': consumer_key}) token = oauth2.Token(token, token_secret) oauth_request.sign_request(oauth2.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1(), consumer, token) signed_url = oauth_request.to_url() return signed_url dispatch(YelpCommand, sys.argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, __name__)
Count the number of words in the `text` of each tweet in tweets.csv and store the result in `word_count`. .. code-block:: | inputlookup tweets | countmatches fieldname=word_count pattern="\\w+" text """ fieldname = Option( doc=''' **Syntax:** **fieldname=***<fieldname>* **Description:** Name of the field that will hold the match count''', require=True, validate=validators.Fieldname()) pattern = Option( doc=''' **Syntax:** **pattern=***<regular-expression>* **Description:** Regular expression pattern to match''', require=True, validate=validators.RegularExpression()) def stream(self, records): self.logger.debug('CountMatchesCommand: %s', self) # logs command line pattern = self.pattern for record in records: count = 0 for fieldname in self.fieldnames: matches = pattern.findall(six.text_type(record[fieldname].decode("utf-8"))) count += len(matches) record[self.fieldname] = count yield record dispatch(CountMatchesCommand, sys.argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, __name__)
CONF_FILE = make_splunkhome_path(['etc', 'apps', 'SA-rsearch', 'bin', 'rsearch.config']) Config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() parsed_conf_files = if not CONF_FILE in parsed_conf_files: logger_admin.error('Could not read config file: %s' % (CONF_FILE)) USER = Config.get('rsearch', 'USER') PASSWORD = Config.get('rsearch', 'PASS') HOST = Config.get('rsearch', 'HOST') PORT = Config.get('rsearch', 'PORT') resultstoreturn = [] try: searchquery = """ | inputlookup employeeinfo.csv | search user={} """.format(user) kwargs_oneshot = {'count': 0} service = client.connect(host=HOST, port=PORT, username=USER, password=PASSWORD) searchresults =, **kwargs_oneshot) reader = results.ResultsReader(searchresults) if reader: for item in reader: resultstoreturn.append(item) except: logger_admin.exception('Error executing search.') return resultstoreturn if __name__ == "__main__": dispatch(rinputlookupCommand, sys.argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, __name__)
default='new_wind_chill') def stream(self, events): """ :param events: :return: """ for event in events: self.logger.debug("start") try: temp = float(event[self.Temp]) RH = float(event[self.Relh]) wind = float(event[self.Winds]) old_chil = round((0.0817*(3.71*(pow(wind, 0.5)) + 5.81-0.25*wind)*(temp-91.4)+91.4),2) new_chil = round(((35.74+0.6215*temp-35.75*pow(wind,0.16)+0.4275*temp*pow(wind,0.16))),2) event[self.field] = round(old_chil,2) event[self.field2] = round(new_chil,2) except: event[self.field] = "N/A" event[self.field2] = "N/A" yield event dispatch(WindChill, sys.argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, __name__)
doc=''' Temp Field ''', default='SLP') field = Option( doc=''' field to put value in ''', default='psi') def stream(self, events): """ :param events: :return: """ for event in events: self.logger.debug("start") try: p = float(event[self.SLP]) event[self.field] = round( 0.491154 * p ,2) except: event[self.field] = "N/A" yield event dispatch(Psi, sys.argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, __name__)
doc=''' field to put value in ''', default='heatIndex') def stream(self, events): """ :param events: :return: """ for event in events: self.logger.debug("start") try: T = float(event[self.Temp]) RH = float(event[self.Relh]) HI =(0.5 * (T + 61.0 + (T-68.0)*1.2 + (RH*0.094))) event[self.field] = round(HI,2) except: event[self.field] = "N/A" yield event dispatch(HeatIndex, sys.argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, __name__)['model'].replace(".pkl",".%s" % args['textmodel'])) elif args['textmodel'] == 'hashing': model['text'] = args['textmodel'] joblib.dump(model, args['model']) print >> sys.stderr, "END" channel.send({ 'model': args['model'], 'score': score.item() if score else None, 'training_size': X_train.shape[0], 'test_size': X_test.shape[0] }) """ def __dir__(self): return ["reset", "model", "textmodel", "test_size", "target", "_C"] @Configuration(clear_required_fields=True) def map(self, records): try: for record in records: yield record except: yield {} dispatch(MCTrain, sys.argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, __name__)
event_id = hashlib.md5(incident[0]['incident_id'].encode('utf-8') + now.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() event = 'time="{}" severity=INFO origin="ModifyIncidentsCommand" event_id="{}" user="******" action="change" incident_id="{}" {}="{}" previous_{}="{}"'.format(now, event_id, user, incident[0]['incident_id'], key, attrs[key], key, incident[0][key]) input.submit(event, hostname = socket.gethostname(), sourcetype = 'incident_change', source = '', index = self.config['index']) incident[0][key] = attrs[key] if len(changed_keys) > 0: uri = '/servicesNS/nobody/alert_manager/storage/collections/data/incidents/' + incident[0]['_key'] del incident[0]['_key'] contentsStr = json.dumps(incident[0]) serverResponse, serverContent = rest.simpleRequest(uri, sessionKey=sessionKey, jsonargs=contentsStr) if self.comment: self.comment = self.comment.replace('\n', '<br />').replace('\r', '') event_id = hashlib.md5(incident[0]['incident_id'].encode('utf-8') + now.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() event = 'time="{}" severity=INFO origin="ModifyIncidentsCommand" event_id="{}" user="******" action="comment" incident_id="{}" comment="{}"'.format(now, event_id, user, incident[0]['incident_id'], self.comment) event = event.encode('utf8') input.submit(event, hostname = socket.gethostname(), sourcetype = 'incident_change', source = '', index = self.config['index']) else: self.logger.warn("No attributes to modify found, aborting.") else: self.logger.warn("No incident_id field found in event, aborting.") yield record dispatch(ModifyIncidentsCommand, sys.argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, __name__)
field = self.field else: if 'mac_address' in record: mac_address = record['mac_address'] field = 'mac_address' if mac_address != None and field != None: url = '' % mac_address try: urlHandle = urllib.urlopen(url) if urlHandle.getcode() == 200: content = content = json.loads(content) record[field + '_vendor'] = content[0]['company'] record[field + '_vendor_country'] = content[0]['country'] except Exception as e: exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() self.logger.error("Unable to open url %s. Reason: %s. Line: %s" % (url, exc_type, exc_tb.tb_lineno)) else: self.logger.warn("No mac_address field found in event, aborting.") yield record dispatch(GetMacVendor, sys.argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, __name__)
.. code-block:: | inputlookup tweets | countmatches fieldname=word_count pattern="\\w+" text """ fieldname = Option(doc=''' **Syntax:** **fieldname=***<fieldname>* **Description:** Name of the field that will hold the match count''', require=True, validate=validators.Fieldname()) pattern = Option(doc=''' **Syntax:** **pattern=***<regular-expression>* **Description:** Regular expression pattern to match''', require=True, validate=validators.RegularExpression()) def stream(self, records): self.logger.debug('CountMatchesCommand: %s', self) # logs command line pattern = self.pattern for record in records: count = 0L for fieldname in self.fieldnames: matches = pattern.findall( unicode(record[fieldname].decode("utf-8"))) count += len(matches) record[self.fieldname] = count yield record dispatch(CountMatchesCommand, sys.argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, __name__)
if proxies['https'] is not None: proxy = urllib2.ProxyHandler(proxies) opener = urllib2.build_opener(proxy) urllib2.install_opener(opener) try: url = urllib2.urlopen( "" ) except: raise Exception("Please check app proxy settings") if url.getcode() == 200: for line in'\n'): if line.startswith('#') or not line: # ignore blank lines and lines starting with # continue if '/' not in line: # CIDR notation line = line.strip() + '/32' yield {'ip': line, 'vpn': 'true'} else: raise Exception("Received response: " + url.getcode()) dispatch(VPNGenCommand, sys.argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, __name__)
def processDate(self, event, field): try: timestamp = float(event[field]) value = repr( return eval("humanize." + self.command + "(" + value + ")") except ValueError: pass def processTime(self, event, field): try: timestamp = float(event[field]) value = repr(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp)) return eval("humanize." + self.command + "(" + value + ")") except ValueError: pass def stream(self, events): self.logger.debug('HumanizeCommand: {}\n {}'.format(self, self.command)) # logs command line for event in events: for field in self.fieldnames: if self.command in ['naturalday', 'naturaldate'] and field in event and len(event[field]) > 0: event[field] = self.processDate(event, field) elif self.command == 'naturaltime' and field in event and len(event[field]) > 0: event[field] = self.processTime(event, field) elif field in event and len(event[field]) > 0: event[field] = eval("humanize." + self.command + "(" + event[field] + ")") yield event dispatch(HumanizeCommand, sys.argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, __name__)
logger = logging.getLogger('splunk.' + FILENAME) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) SPLUNK_HOME = os.environ['SPLUNK_HOME'] LOGGING_DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE = os.path.join(SPLUNK_HOME, 'etc', 'log.cfg') LOGGING_LOCAL_CONFIG_FILE = os.path.join(SPLUNK_HOME, 'etc', 'log-local.cfg') LOGGING_STANZA_NAME = 'python' LOGGING_FILE_NAME = FILENAME + ".log" BASE_LOG_PATH = os.path.join('var', 'log', 'splunk') LOGGING_FORMAT = "%(asctime)s %(levelname)-s\t%(module)s:%(lineno)d - %(message)s" splunk_log_handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(os.path.join( SPLUNK_HOME, BASE_LOG_PATH, LOGGING_FILE_NAME), mode='a') splunk_log_handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(LOGGING_FORMAT)) logger.addHandler(splunk_log_handler) splunk.setupSplunkLogger(logger, LOGGING_DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE, LOGGING_LOCAL_CONFIG_FILE, LOGGING_STANZA_NAME) # some logging in case of successful initialization."Script started and logging initialized correctly.") return logger # run the command specified in the class above dispatch(TrafficInvFetchingCommand, sys.argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, __name__)
to_ids.append(r['misp_to_ids']) v['misp_to_ids'] = to_ids category = v['misp_category'] # append if r['misp_category'] not in category: category.append(r['misp_category']) v['misp_category'] = category attribute_uuid = v['misp_attribute_uuid'] if r['misp_attribute_uuid'] not in attribute_uuid: attribute_uuid.append(r['misp_attribute_uuid']) v['misp_attribute_uuid'] = attribute_uuid if is_object_member is False: misp_type = r['misp_type'] \ + '|' + v['misp_type'] v['misp_type'] = misp_type misp_value = r['misp_value'] + \ '|' + v['misp_value'] v['misp_value'] = misp_value output_dict[key] = dict(v) for k, v in list(output_dict.items()): yield v if __name__ == "__main__": # set up logging suitable for splunkd consumption logging.root loglevel = logging_level() logging.error('logging level is set to %s', loglevel) logging.root.setLevel(loglevel) dispatch(mispgetevent, sys.argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, __name__)
##Syntax ##Description ##Example """ field = Option(doc=''' **Syntax:** **field=<fieldname>* **Description:** ''', require=True) def stream(self, events): for event in events: if self.field in event: if len(event[self.field]) > 0: for value in event[self.field]: event[self.field + "_mvbm_" + value] = 1 yield event dispatch(MVBMCommand, sys.argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, __name__)
url = 'https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/%s/%s/directory' % (self.objowner, self.appname) if self.objtype == 'views': url = url + '?search=eai:location%3D/data/ui/views' elif self.objtype == 'extractions': url = url + '?search=eai:location%3D/data/props/extractions' elif self.objtype == 'transforms': url = url + '?search=eai:location%3D/data/transforms/extractions' elif self.objtype == 'savedsearches': url = url + '?search=eai:location%3D/saved/searches' elif self.objtype == 'macros': url = url + '?search=eai:location%3D/data/macros' elif self.objtype == 'datamodels': url = 'https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/%s/%s/datamodel/model?count=0' % (self.objowner, self.appname) url = url + '&' + self.appname + '&count=0&output_mode=json' #Hardcoded user credentials attempt = requests.get(url, verify=False, auth=HTTPBasicAuth('admin', 'changeme')) if attempt.status_code != 200: yield {'result': 'Unknown failure, received a non-200 response code of %s on the URL %s, text result is %s' % (attempt.status_code, url, attempt.text)} return #We received a response but it could be a globally shared object and not one from this app so we now need to check all_found_objects = json.loads(attempt.text)['entry'] #Only list the objects that are private objects = {object['name']: object['acl']['owner'] for object in all_found_objects if object['acl']['sharing'] == 'user'} for object_name in objects: yield { 'result': object_name, 'owner': objects[object_name] } dispatch(ListPrivateObjectsCommand, sys.argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, __name__)
""" inputfield = Option(doc=''' **Syntax:** **inputfield=***<fieldname>* **Description:** Name of the field that holds the header value''', require=True, validate=validators.Fieldname()) outputfield = Option(doc=''' **Syntax:** **outputfield=***<fieldname>* **Description:** Name of the field that will hold the decoded header value''', require=True, validate=validators.Fieldname()) def stream(self, records): self.logger.debug('DecodeHeaderCommand: %s', self) # logs command line default_charset = 'ASCII' for record in records: if self.inputfield in record: try: dh = header.decode_header(record[self.inputfield]) s = ''.join( [unicode(t[0], t[1] or default_charset) for t in dh]) record[self.outputfield] = s except Exception as e: record[self.outputfield + '_err'] = str(e) yield record dispatch(DecodeHeaderCommand, sys.argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, __name__)
# set default threshold if option is empty c = self.threshold or 1.5 a = -4 b = 3 mc = float(response_json["medcouple"]) # asymmetric standard boxplot rule bounds for positive MC are [Q1 – c * exp(a * MC) * IQD, Q3 + c * exp(b * MC) * IQD ] # asymmetric standard boxplot rule bounds for negative MC are [Q1 – c * exp(-b * MC) * IQD, Q3 + c * exp(-a * MC) * IQD ] # calculate the IQD (inter quartile distance) iqd = response_json["pct75"] - response_json["pct25"] if mc >= 0: lower_adjustment_factor = c * math.exp(a * mc) * iqd upper_adjustment_factor = c * math.exp(b * mc) * iqd else: lower_adjustment_factor = c * math.exp(-b * mc) * iqd upper_adjustment_factor = c * math.exp(-a * mc) * iqd lower_bound = response_json["pct25"] - lower_adjustment_factor upper_bound = response_json["pct75"] + upper_adjustment_factor # combine lower and upper bound into a list bounds = [lower_bound, upper_bound] # score the value according to the calculated bounds new_record[fieldname+":score"] = map_score(float(new_record[fieldname]), bounds) # add the bounds and retrieved values if debug is true if self.debug: new_record[fieldname+":bounds"] = bounds new_record[fieldname+":stats"] = response_json yield new_record dispatch(CompareToBaselineCommand, sys.argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, __name__)
seed = Option( doc='''**Syntax:** **seed=***<string>* **Description:** Value for initializing the random number generator ''') def generate(self): """ Yields one random record at a time for the duration of `duration` """ self.logger.debug('SimulateCommand: %s' % self) # log command line if not self.records: if self.seed is not None: random.seed(self.seed) self.records = [record for record in csv.DictReader(self.csv_file)] self.lambda_value = 1.0 / (self.rate / float(self.interval)) duration = self.duration while duration > 0: count = long(round(random.expovariate(self.lambda_value))) start_time = time.clock() for record in random.sample(self.records, count): yield record interval = time.clock() - start_time if interval < self.interval: time.sleep(self.interval - interval) duration -= max(interval, self.interval) return def __init__(self): super(SimulateCommand, self).__init__() self.lambda_value = None self.records = None dispatch(SimulateCommand, sys.argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, __name__)
def main(): dispatch(ExtractPlatformCommand, sys.argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout)
for record in correct_records: links.append(record.get(self.field)) rs.append(record) results_dict = ipqualityscoreclient.url_checker_multithreaded( links, strictness=self.strictness) for record in rs: detection_result = results_dict.get(record[self.field]) if detection_result is not None: for key, val in detection_result.items(): new_key = ipqualityscoreclient.get_prefix( ) + "_" + key record[new_key] = val record[ipqualityscoreclient.get_prefix() + "_status"] = 'api call success' else: record[ipqualityscoreclient.get_prefix() + "_status"] = 'api call failed' yield record else: raise Exception("No credentials have been found") else: raise Exception("There are no events with url field.") if __name__ == "__main__": dispatch(URLCheckerCommand, sys.argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, __name__)
if self.find_child: if self.find_child_attrs is not None: soup = soup.findChild( self.find_child, literal_eval('{'+self.find_child_attrs+'}') ) else: soup = soup.findChild(self.find_child) if self.find_children: if self.find_children_attrs is not None: soup = soup.findChildren( self.find_children, literal_eval('{'+self.find_children_attrs+'}') ) else: soup = soup.findChildren(self.find_children) if self.get_text and not (self.find_all or self.find_children): record[self.get_text_label] = \ soup.get_text().decode('unicode_escape').encode('ascii','ignore') elif self.get_text and (self.find_all or self.find_children): record[self.get_text_label] = [ i.get_text().decode('unicode_escape').encode('ascii','ignore') for i in soup ] else: record['soup'] = soup yield record dispatch(Bs4, sys.argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, __name__)
# Resolve the variables for lookup_field, event_field in list( variable_output_fields.items()): if event_field in list(e.keys()): if e[event_field] is not None: resolved_variables[groupby_value][ lookup_field] = e[event_field] new_kv_record[lookup_field] = e[event_field] # Write the new kvstore record and get the ID (_key) response = json.dumps(new_kv_record)) kvstore_entry_key = response["_key"] resolved_variables[groupby_value]["_key"] = kvstore_entry_key # Write the data to disk immediately so other threads can benefit with open(resolved_variables_file, 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(resolved_variables, ensure_ascii=False)) inserts += 1 # Write the KV store record's _key value to the event e[self.outputkeyfield] = kvstore_entry_key yield e i += 1"Modified %d events and inserted %s new records into %s" % (i, inserts, self.collection)) dispatch(kvstore_createfkCommand, sys.argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, __name__)
if cnt % batch == 0: # batch level reached poll to get producer to move messages out eprint( "export2kafka - batch reached, calling poll... processed records: " + str(cnt)) for p in producers: p.poll(0) if cnt % 10 == 0 and int( time.time()) > (60 * timeout) + self.start_time: # quit after timeout has been reached, only check every 10 records eprint("export2kafka - timeout reached, stopping search...") break # return record for display in Splunk yield record eprint( "export2kafka - all records processed for stream... processed records: " + str(cnt)) eprint("export2kafka - calling flush...") for p in producers: p.flush() eprint("export2kafka - flush finished...") eprint("export2kafka - stream finished") if __name__ == "__main__": dispatch(FileSinkCommand, sys.argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, __name__)