def normal(): wanted = json.loads(open("wanted.json").read()) original_path = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()) for d, v in wanted.items(): for subdir, lins in v.items(): path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(d, subdir)) print("Processing path:", path) os.chdir(path) for lin in lins: lineage_num = int(lin) target_file = os.path.join( "data", "cell_lines", "lineage{0:02d}.npy".format(lineage_num) ) cell_line = np.load(target_file) spot_plot.plot_images(cell_line, lineage_num) try: spot_plot.plot_graphs(cell_line, lineage_num) except AttributeError: print("ParA data missing") get_parA.main() cell_line = np.load(target_file) spot_plot.plot_graphs(cell_line, lineage_num) print("Generated plots for lineage {0}".format(lineage_num)) os.chdir(original_path)
def end(self, discard=False): if discard: plt.close() return # backup previous lineage file previous_file = "data/cell_lines/lineage{0:02d}.npy".format(self.lineage_num) if os.path.exists(previous_file): if not os.path.exists("data/cell_lines/backups"): os.mkdir("data/cell_lines/backups") backup_file = "data/cell_lines/backups/{0}-lineage{1:02d}.npy".format( datetime.datetime.strftime(, "%Y%m%d-%H%M"), self.lineage_num ) attempt = 2 while os.path.exists(backup_file): first = backup_file.split(".npy")[0] backup_file = "{0}.npy-{1}".format(first, attempt) attempt += 1 print("Backing up previous lineage file to {0}".format(backup_file)) os.rename(previous_file, backup_file) print("Saving new lineage file") "data/cell_lines/lineage{0:02d}".format(self.lineage_num), self.cell_line ) if self.GEN_PLOTS: print("Saving new PDFs") spot_plot.plot_images(self.cell_line, int(self.lineage_num)) spot_plot.plot_graphs(self.cell_line, int(self.lineage_num), um=True) spot_spread.gen_xl(self.cell_line, int(self.lineage_num)) plt.close(self.fig)
def plot_lineages(bonly=False): if not os.path.exists("ancestry.json"): cells = init() else: cells = json.loads(open("ancestry.json").read()) inverse_cells = {cells[k]: k for k in cells} lineage = track.Lineage() already_plotted = [] for lineage_num in sorted(inverse_cells.keys()): if lineage_num in already_plotted: continue print("Processing lineage {0}".format(lineage_num)) cell_line_nums = [] # cell_line_positions = {} cell_lines = {} cell_parents = {} # designations = { # lineage_num: "", # } current_num = int(lineage_num) buff = [] generations = {} max_len = 0 labels = {} while True: if current_num: mother_line = np.load("data/cell_lines/lineage{0:02d}.npy".format(current_num)) max_len_ = max([x.length[0][0] * PX for x in mother_line]) if max_len_ > max_len: max_len = float(max_len_) cell_lines[current_num] = mother_line cell_line_nums.append(current_num) daughters = mother_line[-1].children gen = 0 # designation = "" _temp_num = int(current_num) while True: if _temp_num not in cell_parents: break _temp_num = cell_parents[_temp_num] gen += 1 generations[current_num] = gen labels[mother_line[-1].id] = current_num if daughters: d1 = lineage.frames.cell(daughters[0]).length[0][0] * PX d2 = lineage.frames.cell(daughters[1]).length[0][0] * PX max_len_ = max([max_len_, d1 + d2]) if max_len_ > max_len: max_len = float(max_len_) d1n = cells[daughters[0]] d2n = cells[daughters[1]] buff.append(d1n) buff.append(d2n) # designations[d1n] = designations[current_num] + "A" # designations[d2n] = designations[current_num] + "B" cell_parents[d1n] = current_num cell_parents[d2n] = current_num print("{0} => {1}, {2}".format(current_num, d1n, d2n)) else: buff.append(None) buff.append(None) print("{0} => None".format(current_num)) else: cell_line_nums.append(None) try: current_num = buff.pop(0) except IndexError: break # max_gen = max(generations.values()) # # last_xpos = None # count = 0 # specs = [] # gridspec = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec(2 ** max_gen, max_gen + 1) # # for num in cell_line_nums: # if not num: # count += 1 # continue # # get generation # xpos = generations[num] # if xpos == last_xpos: # count += 1 # else: # last_xpos = int(xpos) # count = 0 # yinterval = 2 ** (max_gen - xpos) # ypos = count * yinterval # specs.append(gridspec[ypos, xpos]) # # fig = plt.figure( # figsize=( # (20 * (max_gen + 1)) / 6, # (5 * (2 ** max_gen)) / 2 # ) # ) # # i = 0 # for cell_line_num in cell_line_nums: # if not cell_line_num: # continue # # cell_line = cell_lines[cell_line_num] # print("Plotting lineage {0}".format(cell_line_num)) # # ax = fig.add_subplot(specs[i]) # spot_plot._despine(ax) # ax.set_title("Lineage {0}".format(cell_line_num)) # spot_plot.plot_graphs_parB_only(cell_line, cell_line_num, ax_parB=ax, save=False) # ylim = (max_len + 5) / 2 # ax.set_ylim([ylim, -ylim]) # # already_plotted.append(cell_line_num) # i += 1 # num_rows = int(round(np.sqrt(len(cell_lines)))) if num_rows ** 2 < len(cell_lines): gridspec = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec(num_rows + 1, num_rows) else: gridspec = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec(num_rows, num_rows) fig = plt.figure( figsize=( (10 * num_rows) / 3, (5 * num_rows) / 2 ) ) fig.patch.set_alpha(0) i = 0 for cell_line_num in cell_line_nums: if not cell_line_num: continue # designation = designations[cell_line_num] # title = "{0} ({1})".format(designation, cell_line_num) title = "Cell {0}".format(cell_line_num) cell_line = cell_lines[cell_line_num] print("Plotting lineage {0}".format(cell_line_num)) sp = matplotlib.gridspec.SubplotSpec(gridspec, i) ax = fig.add_subplot(sp) ax.set_title(title) if cell_line_num == 1: ax.set_ylabel(r"Distance from mid-cell (\si{\micro\metre})") ax.set_xlabel(r"Time (\si{\minute})") spot_plot._despine(ax) if bonly: spot_plot.plot_graphs_parB_only(cell_line, cell_line_num, ax_parB=ax, save=False, labels=labels, um=True) else: spot_plot.plot_graphs(cell_line, cell_line_num, parA_heatmap=ax, save=False, num_plots=1, labels=labels, um=True) ylim = (max_len + (5 * PX)) / 2 ax.set_ylim([-ylim, ylim]) already_plotted.append(cell_line_num) i += 1 plt.tight_layout() os.makedirs("data/full_lineages", exist_ok=True) plt.savefig("data/full_lineages/lineage{0:02d}.pdf".format(lineage_num)) print("Done with tree starting from {0}".format(lineage_num))