예제 #1
def run_for_user(user: User, client: Spotify) -> None:
    # Get the user's currently playing track.
    currently_playing = None

    # Catch ReadTimeout specifically because it happens frequently.
        currently_playing = client.currently_playing()
    except ReadTimeout:

    if currently_playing is None:

    # Sometimes item can be None.
    if currently_playing["item"] is None:

    # See if there's a rule for the track.
    currently_playing_track_id = currently_playing["item"]["id"]
    rule = get_matching_rule(user, currently_playing_track_id)
    if rule is None:
        logger.debug(f"Skipping user {user.username}, no matching rule")

    # See if we should apply the rule.
    should_apply = should_apply_rule(rule, currently_playing)
    if not should_apply:
            f"Not applying existing rule {rule.id} for {currently_playing_track_id}"

    # Apply the rule.
    logger.info(f"Applying rule {rule.id} for {currently_playing_track_id}")
예제 #2
def is_playing(spotify: Spotify) -> bool:
    """check to be playing music

        spotify (spotipy.Spotify): no descriptions.
        bool: playing music now -> True, else -> False
    current_playing_track = spotify.currently_playing()
    if current_playing_track is None:
        return False
    return current_playing_track["is_playing"]
예제 #3
def get_spotify_client(user: User, check_access: bool = True) -> Spotify:
    client = Spotify(auth=_get_spotify_access_token(user))

    if check_access:
        # Squelch logging for Spotipy, as it causes some noise for
        # caught exceptions.

        except SpotifyException:
            new_auth = refresh_spotify_tokens(user)
            client = Spotify(auth=new_auth["access_token"])

            # If an exception gets raised here, then the refresh failed.
            # Reenable Spotipy logging.

    return client
예제 #4
class SpotiHue(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.hue_bridge = Bridge(credentials.hue_bridge_ip_address)
        self.spotify = Spotify(auth=spotipy.util.prompt_for_user_token(
            credentials.spotify_username, credentials.spotify_scope,
            credentials.spotify_client_id, credentials.spotify_client_secret,

    def retrieve_current_track_information(self):
        """Returns the current track's name, artist, and album."""
        current_track = self.spotify.currently_playing()
        current_track_name = current_track["item"]["name"]
        current_track_artist = current_track["item"]["album"]["artists"][0][
        current_track_album = current_track["item"]["album"]["name"]
        return current_track_name, current_track_artist, current_track_album

    def retrieve_current_track_album_artwork(self):
        """Returns the current track's album artwork URL."""
        return self.spotify.currently_playing(

    def download_current_track_album_artwork(self):
        """Downloads the current track's album artwork."""
        album_artwork = self.retrieve_current_track_album_artwork()
        urllib.request.urlretrieve(album_artwork, "album_artwork.jpg")

    def resize_current_track_album_artwork(self):
        """Resizes the current track album artwork to 50% of the original size."""
        album_artwork = cv2.imread("album_artwork.jpg")
        album_artwork = cv2.cvtColor(album_artwork, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
        dimensions = (int(album_artwork.shape[1] * 50 / 100),
                      int(album_artwork.shape[0] * 50 / 100))
        return cv2.resize(album_artwork,

    def convert_current_track_album_artwork_to_2D_array(self):
        """Converts the current track album artwork from a 3D to a 2D array."""
        album_artwork_array = self.resize_current_track_album_artwork()
        return album_artwork_array.reshape(
            album_artwork_array.shape[0] * album_artwork_array.shape[1], 3)

    def obtain_kmeans_clusters(self):
        """Returns the cluster centers obtained by fitting K-Means with 3 clusters."""
        album_artwork_array = self.convert_current_track_album_artwork_to_2D_array(
        kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=3, random_state=1259)
        return kmeans.cluster_centers_

    def check_black_clusters(self):
        """Returns the RGB values for white if the RGB values of a cluster are black."""
        clusters = []
        for cluster in self.obtain_kmeans_clusters():
            if np.all(cluster == 0):
                cluster = np.array([255, 255, 255])
        return clusters

    def standardize_rgb_values(self, cluster):
        """Returns the standardized RGB values between 0 and 1."""
        R, G, B = (cluster / 255).T
        return R, G, B

    def apply_gamma_correction(self, cluster):
        """Returns RGB values after a gamma correction has been applied."""
        R, G, B = self.standardize_rgb_values(cluster)
        R = [((R + 0.055) / (1.0 + 0.055))**2.4 if R > 0.04045 else R / 12.92
        G = [((G + 0.055) / (1.0 + 0.055))**2.4 if G > 0.04045 else G / 12.92
        B = [((B + 0.055) / (1.0 + 0.055))**2.4 if B > 0.04045 else B / 12.92
        return R, G, B

    def convert_rgb_to_xyz(self, cluster):
        """Returns XYZ values after a RGB to XYZ conversion using the Wide RGB D65
        conversion formula has been applied."""
        R, G, B = self.apply_gamma_correction(cluster)
        X = R * 0.649926 + G * 0.103455 + B * 0.197109
        Y = R * 0.234327 + G * 0.743075 + B * 0.022598
        Z = R * 0.0000000 + G * 0.053077 + B * 1.035763
        return X, Y, Z

    def convert_xyz_to_xy(self):
        """Returns xy values in the CIE 1931 colorspace after a XYZ to xy conversion has been applied."""
        # Only using one cluster for now
        cluster = self.check_black_clusters()[0]
        X, Y, Z = self.convert_rgb_to_xyz(cluster)
        x = round(X / (X + Y + Z), 4)
        y = round(Y / (X + Y + Z), 4)
        return x, y

    def connect_hue_bridge_first_time(self):
        """Connects to the Hue Bridge for the first time. Ensure Hue Bridge button is pressed."""

    def turn_lights_on(self):
        """Turns all of the lights on to half brightness."""
        logging.info("Turning the lights on to half brightness")
        for light in self.hue_bridge.lights:
            light.on = True
            light.brightness = 127

    def change_light_color_album_artwork(self):
        """Change all of the lights to one of the prominent colors in the current track's album artwork."""
        track, artist, album = self.retrieve_current_track_information()
            f"Changing the color of the lights based on the current track: {track}, {artist}, {album}"
        x, y = self.convert_xyz_to_xy()
        for light in self.hue_bridge.lights:
            light.xy = [x, y]

    def change_light_color_normal(self):
        """Change all of the lights to normal."""
        logging.info(f"Changing the color of the lights to normal")
        for light in self.hue_bridge.lights:
            light.hue = 10000
            light.saturation = 120

    def determine_track_playing_status(self):
        """Returns a boolean indicating if Spotify is still playing a track or not.
        Changes the lights back to normal if Spotify is not playing."""
            track_playing_status = self.spotify.currently_playing(
            if track_playing_status:
                logging.info("Spotify is still playing")
                logging.info("Spotify stopped playing")
            return track_playing_status
            logging.info("Spotify stopped playing")

    def sync_current_track_album_artwork_lights(self):
        """Syncs the current track's album artwork colors with the lights."""
        while self.determine_track_playing_status():
예제 #5
class SpotifyAuth:
    __instance = None
    __cache_dir = Path(Path.home(), ".spotidex")
    if not __cache_dir.exists():
        __cache_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
    __cache_path = str(Path(__cache_dir, ".cache"))
    def get_instance():
        if not SpotifyAuth.__instance:
            SpotifyAuth.__instance = SpotifyAuth()
        return SpotifyAuth.__instance
    def __init__(self):
        if SpotifyAuth.__instance:
            raise ValueError("There can only be one instance of SpotifyAuth")
        self.__pkce = self.__init__pkce()
        self.__endpoint = Spotify(auth_manager=self.__pkce)
        self.__current_user = self.__init_current_user()
        self.__connected = False
    def __init__pkce(self) -> SpotifyPKCE:
        scope = "user-read-currently-playing"
        redirect_uri = "http://localhost:8080/"
        return SpotifyPKCE(
            redirect_uri=redirect_uri, scope=scope, cache_path=self.__cache_path)
    def __init_current_user(self) -> str:
        cache_path = self.__cache_path
        if os.path.exists(cache_path):
            with open(cache_path, "r") as cache_file:
                cache_data = json.load(cache_file)
                if "logged_in_user" in cache_data:
                    return cache_data["logged_in_user"]
        return ""
    def current_user(self) -> str:
        The current user, will be None if no user is logged in
        return self.__current_user
    def currently_playing(self) -> Callable[[], SpotifyTrack]:
        Will attempt to connect if not currently connected. However it is recommended
        to call the establish_connection method beforehand, as failure to do so will
        result in an exception being raised.
        if not self.__connected and not self.establish_connection():
            raise ValueError("Unable to establish current user, can't provide callback.")
            return lambda: SpotifyTrack(self.__endpoint.currently_playing())
    def establish_connection(self, suppress_output=True) -> bool:
        Establishes a connection by calling a function on the spotify endpoint.
        It then runs through all the necessary subroutines to ensure the correct
        properties are exposed and that the cache data is valid.
        while not self.__connected:
                self.__current_user = self.__endpoint.current_user()["display_name"]
                self.__connected = True
            except (SpotifyOauthError, KeyboardInterrupt):
                # user cancels login, abort connection
                return False
            except Exception:
                # Likely some error involving the cached token.
                # There are too many to specify, so it must be a catch all.
                # Loop will run again to correct issue.
                if os.path.exists(self.__cache_path):
                # If there isn't a cache, some other error has occurred. Must abort.
                    raise Exception("Unknown error occurred attempting to connect to Spotify.")
        return True
    def __update_user_in_cache(self, current_user: str) -> None:
        Will update the cache file to include the user associated. 
        May throw errors so should be surrounded in a try block.
        cache_path = self.__pkce.cache_path
        with open(cache_path, "r") as cache_file:
            cache_data = json.load(cache_file)
            cache_data["logged_in_user"] = current_user
        with open(cache_path, "w") as cache_file:
            json.dump(cache_data, cache_file)
    def log_out(self):
        self.__endpoint = Spotify(auth_manager=self.__pkce)
        self.__current_user = ""
        self.__connected = False