예제 #1
    def get_tracks(sp: spotipy.client,
                   playlist_uri_dict: dict,
                   user: str,
                   n_tracks: int = 5) -> dict:
        """Returns the information of `n_tracks` out of a particular playlist"""
        uri = playlist_uri_dict.get(user)
        playlist = sp.playlist(uri)

        tracks = playlist.get("tracks").get("items")
        tracks = [x.get("track").get("preview_url") for x in tracks]
        tracks = [x for x in tracks if x is not None]

        n_tracks = min(len(tracks), n_tracks)
        tracks = random.sample(tracks, n_tracks)

        return tracks
예제 #2
def getSpotifyPlaylist(sp: spotipy.client, playlistId: str) -> []:
    playlist = sp.playlist(playlistId)
    return playlist