def __init__(self, sp: Spotify): Command.__init__(self, "Like", "Add the currently playing song to Saved playlist", "like") self.sp = sp # The rate limiter requires the same is_song_liked method to run for it to properly limit API requests self.liked = CheckFunctions(self.sp).is_song_liked
def __init__(self, sp: Spotify): Command.__init__(self, "Like", "Add the current song to your liked songs", "heart", PlaybackManager.toggle_like_song, "", "like", "exe") self.sp = sp # The rate limiter requires the same is_song_liked method to run for it to properly limit API requests self.liked = CheckFunctions(self.sp).is_song_liked
def __init__(self, search_type: str): if search_type == "song": prefix = "play " else: prefix = f"{search_type} " Command.__init__(self, prefix, f"Search for a {search_type}", prefix) self.type_ = search_type
def __init__(self, sp: Spotify, type="song"): """ Allows user to search online for songs/albums/artists/playlists/queue-songs :param sp: Spotify object from the spotipy library :param type: str of value 'song', 'queue', 'artist', 'playlist' or 'album' """ # creates command and class variables func = PlaybackManager.play_song icon = "play" prefix = "🔎song " noun = type if type == "queue": func = PlaybackManager.queue_song icon = "list" prefix = "🔎queue " noun = "song" elif type == "playlist": func = PlaybackManager.play_playlist icon = type prefix = "🔎playlist " noun = type elif type == "album": func = PlaybackManager.play_album icon = type prefix = "🔎album " noun = type elif type == "artist": func = PlaybackManager.play_artist icon = type prefix = "🔎artist " noun = type Command.__init__(self, "Search", f"Searches for {noun} online", icon, func, "", prefix, "fill") self.type = type self.icon = icon self.sp = sp
def __init__(self, sp: Spotify, spotifyplayer): Command.__init__(self, "Device", "Set the device to play music from", "device") self.spotifyplayer = spotifyplayer self.sp = sp
def __init__(self, sp: Spotify, spotifyplayer): Command.__init__(self, "Currently Playing", "Show currently playing song", "currently playing") self.spotifyplayer = spotifyplayer self.sp = sp
def __init__(self, title: str, description: str, icon: str, function: classmethod, parameter: str, prefix: str, setting: str, _type: str): Command.__init__(self, title, description, icon, function, parameter, prefix, setting) self._type = _type
def __init__(self): Command.__init__(self, "Authentication", "Change Spotify API App Credentials", "authentication")
def __init__(self): Command.__init__( self, "Share", "Copies to clipboard the Spotify URL of the song currently playing", "share")
def __init__(self): Command.__init__(self, "Repeat", "Change the repeat state of your Spotify player", "repeat")
def __init__(self): Command.__init__(self, "Saved", "Plays saved/liked songs", "saved")
def __init__(self): Command.__init__(self, "Resume", "Resumes playback", "resume")
def __init__(self): Command.__init__(self, "Previous", "Plays previous song", "previous")
def __init__(self): Command.__init__(self, "Next", "Skips current song", "next")
def __init__(self): Command.__init__(self, "Pause", "Pauses playback", "pause")
def __init__(self, sp: Spotify): Command.__init__(self, "Shuffle", "Change Shuffle State", "shuffle") self.sp = sp # The rate limiter requires the same is_shuffle_on method to run for it to properly limit API requests self.check_shuffle = CheckFunctions(self.sp).is_shuffle_on
def __init__(self): Command.__init__(self, "Volume", "Set volume level from 1-10", "volume ")
def __init__(self, search_type: str, sp: Spotify): Command.__init__(self, "", "Search Online", f"🔎{search_type} ") self.sp = sp self.type_ = search_type
def __init__(self): Command.__init__(self, "Go to", "Seek to a point in a song e.g. '2:10'", "go to ")
def __init__(self, sp: Spotify): Command.__init__(self, "Shuffle", "Change Shuffle State", "shuffle", PlaybackManager.toggle_shuffle, "", "shuffle", "exe") self.sp = sp # The rate limiter requires the same is_song_liked method to run for it to properly limit API requests self.check_shuffle = CheckFunctions(self.sp).is_shuffle_on
def __init__(self): Command.__init__(self, "Exit", "Exits the Spotightlify application", "exit")
def __init__(self, title: str, description: str, icon: str, function: classmethod, parameter: str, prefix: str): Command.__init__(self, title, description, icon, function, parameter, prefix, "fill")