def _work_denoise(self, work_package, tmp_package, out_package): i = work_package["i"] O = OutputCollector() image = tmp_package["2_process"]["image"] # Denoise log_debug(logger, "(%i/%i) Denoise image" % (i + 1, self.N_arr)) self._update_denoiser() image_denoised = self.denoiser.denoise_image(image, full_output=True) O.add("image_denoised", np.asarray(image_denoised, dtype=np.int16), 4, pipeline=True) success = True O.add("success", success, 0, pipeline=True) out_package["3_denoise"] = O.get_dict( self.conf["general"]["output_level"], self.pipeline_mode) tmp_package["3_denoise"] = O.get_dict(5, True) return out_package, tmp_package
def work(self, work_package, tmp_package=None, out_package=None, target="analyse"): W = work_package # Update index i = W["i"] log_debug(logger, "(%i) Start work" % i) if self.pipeline_mode: self.update() if not self._is_valid_i(i): logger.warning( "Invalid index. Probably we reached the end of the processing range (i=%i, N=%i, N_arr=%i)" % (i, self.N, self.N_arr)) return None if tmp_package is None or W["i"] != tmp_package["i"]: tmp_package = {"i": i} else: out_package = dict(tmp_package) if out_package is None or W["i"] != out_package["i"]: out_package = {"i": i} tmp = [("1_raw", self._work_raw), ("2_process", self._work_process), ("3_denoise", self._work_denoise), ("4_threshold", self._work_threshold), ("5_detect", self._work_detect), ("6_analyse", self._work_analyse)] for work_name, work_func in tmp: if not work_name in tmp_package: log_debug(logger, "(%i) Starting %s" % (i, work_name)) out_package, tmp_package = work_func(work_package, tmp_package, out_package) log_debug(logger, "(%i) Done with %s" % (i, work_name)) if work_name.endswith(target): log_debug(logger, "(%i) Reached target %s" % (i, work_name)) return out_package log_warning(logger, "(%i) Incorrect target defined (%s)" % (i, target)) return out_package
def find_particles(image_scored, image_thresholded, min_dist, n_particles_max, peak_centering="center_of_mass"): n_lit = image_thresholded.sum() log_debug(logger, "%i pixels above threshold" % n_lit) success = False return_default = success, [], None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None if n_lit == 0: return return_default else: log_debug(logger, "Label image") labels, n_labels = scipy.ndimage.measurements.label(image_thresholded) i_labels = range(1, n_labels + 1) if n_labels > n_particles_max: log_info( logger, "%i labels - (frame overexposed? too many particles?), skipping analysis" % n_labels) return return_default V = [image_scored[i_label == labels].max() for i_label in i_labels] nx = image_thresholded.shape[1] ny = image_thresholded.shape[0] x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(nx), np.arange(ny)) x = x[image_thresholded] y = y[image_thresholded] l = labels[image_thresholded] v = image_scored[image_thresholded] if peak_centering == "center_of_mass": log_debug(logger, "Determine centers of mass") com = scipy.ndimage.measurements.center_of_mass( image_thresholded, labels, i_labels) X = [com_x for com_y, com_x in com] Y = [com_y for com_y, com_x in com] elif peak_centering == "center_to_max": log_debug(logger, "Determine maximum positions") X = [] Y = [] for i_label in i_labels: i_max = (v * (l == i_label)).argmax() X.append(x[i_max]) Y.append(y[i_max]) else: log_and_raise_error( logger, "%s is not a valid argument for peak_centering!" % peak_centering) dislocation = [] for i_label, xc, yc in zip(i_labels, X, Y): i_max = (v * (l == i_label)).argmax() dislocation.append(np.sqrt((x[i_max] - xc)**2 + (y[i_max] - yc)**2)) merged = list(np.zeros(len(i_labels), dtype=np.bool)) # Merge too close peaks log_debug(logger, "Merge too close points") i_labels, labels, X, Y, V, merged, dists_closest_neighbor = merge_close_points( i_labels, labels, X, Y, V, merged, min_dist) log_debug(logger, "Clean up labels") i_labels, labels = clean_up_labels(i_labels, labels) n_labels = len(i_labels) log_debug(logger, "Measure size of each peak") areas = measure_areas(i_labels, labels) success = True areas = np.asarray(areas) X = np.asarray(X) Y = np.asarray(Y) dislocation = np.asarray(dislocation) V = np.asarray(V) merged = np.asarray(merged) dists_closest_neighbor = np.asarray(dists_closest_neighbor) return success, i_labels, labels, areas, X, Y, V, merged, dists_closest_neighbor, dislocation
def _work_analyse(self, work_package, tmp_package, out_package): i = work_package["i"] O = OutputCollector() image_raw = tmp_package["1_raw"]["image_raw"] saturation_mask = tmp_package["1_raw"]["saturation_mask"] image = tmp_package["2_process"]["image"] n_labels = tmp_package["5_detect"]["n"] i_labels = tmp_package["5_detect"]["i_labels"] i_labels = i_labels[i_labels != -1] image_labels = tmp_package["5_detect"]["image_labels"] x = tmp_package["5_detect"]["x"] x = x[x != -1] y = tmp_package["5_detect"]["y"] y = y[y != -1] merged = tmp_package["5_detect"]["merged"] n_max = self.conf["detect"]["n_particles_max"] res = spts.analysis.analyse_particles( image=image, image_raw=image_raw, saturation_mask=saturation_mask, i_labels=i_labels, labels=image_labels, x=x, y=y, merged=merged, full_output=self.conf["general"]["output_level"] >= 3, n_particles_max=n_max, **self.conf["analyse"]) success, peak_success, peak_sum, peak_mean, peak_median, peak_min, peak_max, peak_size, peak_saturated, peak_eccentricity, peak_circumference, masked_image, peak_thumbnails = res # Analyse image at particle positions log_debug( logger, "(%i/%i) Analyse image at %i particle positions" % (i, self.N_arr, len(i_labels))) #if n_labels > self.n_particles_max: # log_warning(logger, "(%i/%i) Too many particles (%i/%i) - skipping analysis for %i particles" % (i_image+1, self.N_arr, n_labels, self.n_particles_max, n_labels - self.n_particles_max)) O.add("peak_success", uniform_particle_array(peak_sum, n_max, np.bool, vinit=False), 0) O.add("peak_sum", uniform_particle_array(peak_sum, n_max), 0, pipeline=True) O.add("peak_mean", uniform_particle_array(peak_mean, n_max), 0) O.add("peak_median", uniform_particle_array(peak_median, n_max), 0) O.add("peak_min", uniform_particle_array(peak_min, n_max), 0) O.add("peak_max", uniform_particle_array(peak_max, n_max), 0) O.add("peak_size", uniform_particle_array(peak_size, n_max), 0) O.add("peak_eccentricity", uniform_particle_array(peak_eccentricity, n_max), 0, pipeline=True) O.add("peak_circumference", uniform_particle_array(peak_circumference, n_max), 0) O.add("peak_saturated", uniform_particle_array(peak_saturated, n_max, np.int8, vinit=0), 0) if success: if self.conf["analyse"]["integration_mode"] == "windows": s = self.conf["analyse"]["window_size"] else: s = spts.analysis.THUMBNAILS_WINDOW_SIZE_DEFAULT if peak_thumbnails is not None and success: O.add("peak_thumbnails", np.asarray(peak_thumbnails, dtype=np.int32), 3) else: O.add("peak_thumbnails", np.zeros(shape=(n_max, s, s), dtype=np.int32), 3) if masked_image is not None and success: O.add("masked_image", np.asarray(masked_image, dtype=np.int32), 3, pipeline=True) else: O.add("masked_image", np.zeros(shape=image.shape, dtype=np.int32), 3, pipeline=True) O.add("success", success, 0, pipeline=True) out_package["6_analyse"] = O.get_dict( self.conf["general"]["output_level"], self.pipeline_mode) tmp_package["6_analyse"] = O.get_dict(5, True) return out_package, tmp_package
def _work_detect(self, work_package, tmp_package, out_package): i = work_package["i"] O = OutputCollector() image_denoised = tmp_package["3_denoise"]["image_denoised"] image_thresholded = tmp_package["4_threshold"]["image_thresholded"] # Detect particles log_debug(logger, "(%i/%i) Detect particles" % (i + 1, self.N_arr)) n_max = self.conf["detect"]["n_particles_max"] success, i_labels, image_labels, area, x, y, score, merged, dist_neighbor, dislocation = spts.detect.find_particles( image_denoised, image_thresholded, self.conf["detect"]["min_dist"], n_max, peak_centering=self.conf["detect"]["peak_centering"]) n_labels = len(i_labels) success = success and (n_labels > 0) and (n_labels <= n_max) log_info(logger, "(%i/%i) Found %i particles" % (i + 1, self.N_arr, n_labels)) if success: O.add("n", n_labels, 0, pipeline=True) O.add("x", uniform_particle_array(x, n_max), 0, pipeline=True) O.add("y", uniform_particle_array(y, n_max), 0, pipeline=True) O.add("peak_score", uniform_particle_array(score, n_max), 0, pipeline=False) O.add("area", uniform_particle_array(area, n_max, np.int32), 0) O.add("merged", uniform_particle_array(merged, n_max, np.int16), 0, pipeline=True) O.add("dist_neighbor", uniform_particle_array(dist_neighbor, n_max), 0) O.add("i_labels", uniform_particle_array(i_labels, n_max), 5, pipeline=True) O.add("image_labels", image_labels, 5, pipeline=True) O.add("dislocation", uniform_particle_array(dislocation, n_max), 0, pipeline=False) else: O.add("n", 0, 0, pipeline=True) O.add("x", uniform_particle_array([], n_max), 0, pipeline=True) O.add("y", uniform_particle_array([], n_max), 0, pipeline=True) O.add("peak_score", uniform_particle_array([], n_max), 0, pipeline=False) O.add("area", uniform_particle_array([], n_max, np.int32), 0) O.add("merged", uniform_particle_array([], n_max, np.int16), 0, pipeline=True) O.add("dist_neighbor", uniform_particle_array([], n_max), 0) O.add("i_labels", uniform_particle_array([], n_max), 5, pipeline=True) O.add("image_labels", np.zeros_like(image_thresholded), 5, pipeline=True) O.add("dislocation", uniform_particle_array([], n_max), 0, pipeline=False) O.add("success", success, 0, pipeline=True) out_package["5_detect"] = O.get_dict( self.conf["general"]["output_level"], self.pipeline_mode) tmp_package["5_detect"] = O.get_dict(5, True) return out_package, tmp_package
is_worker = comm.rank > 0 H = h5writer.H5WriterMPISW("./spts.cxi", comm=comm, chunksize=100, compression=None) if is_worker: W = spts.worker.Worker(conf, i0_offset=comm.rank-1, step_size=comm.size-1) else: is_worker = True H = h5writer.H5Writer("./spts.cxi") W = spts.worker.Worker(conf) if is_worker: if args.cores > 1: mulpro.mulpro(Nprocesses=args.cores-1,, getwork=W.get_work, logres=H.write_slice) else: while True: t0 = time.time() log_debug(logger, "Read work package (analysis)") w = W.get_work() if w is None: log_debug(logger, "No more images to process") break log_debug(logger, "Start work") l = t1 = time.time() t_work = t1-t0 t0 = time.time() H.write_slice(l) t1 = time.time() t_write = t1-t0 log_info(logger, "work %.2f sec / write %.2f sec" % (t_work, t_write)) H.write_solo({'__version__': spts.__version__})