예제 #1
def AdaptiveSolver(A, coeff_field, pde,
                    mis, w0, mesh0, degree,
                    # marking parameters
                    theta_eta=0.4, # residual marking bulk parameter
                    theta_zeta=0.1, # projection marking threshold factor
                    min_zeta=1e-8, # minimal projection error to be considered 
                    maxh=0.1, # maximal mesh width for projection maximum norm evaluation
                    newmi_add_maxm=20, # maximal search length for new new multiindices (to be added to max order of solution w)
                    theta_delta=10.0, # number new multiindex activation bound
                    max_Lambda_frac=1 / 10, # max fraction of |Lambda| for new multiindices
                    marking_strategy="SEPARATE with CELLPROJECTION", # separate (as initially in EGSZ) or relative marking wrt overall error, projection refinement based on cell or mesh errors
                    # residual error
                    quadrature_degree= -1,
                    # projection error
                    # pcg solver
                    # adaptive algorithm threshold
                    # refinements
                    do_refinement={"RES":True, "PROJ":True, "MI":False},
    # define store function for timings
    from functools import partial
    def _store_stats(val, key, stats):
        stats[key] = val

    # define tuple type        
    EstimatorData = namedtuple('EstimatorData', ['xi', 'gamma', 'cQ', 'ceta'])
    # get rhs
    f = pde.f

    # setup w and statistics
    w = w0
    if sim_stats is None:
        assert w_history is None or len(w_history) == 0
        sim_stats = []

        start_iteration = max(len(sim_stats) - 1, 0)
        start_iteration = 0
    logger.info("START/CONTINUE EXPERIMENT at iteration %i", start_iteration)

    # data collection
    import resource
    refinement = None
    for refinement in range(start_iteration, max_refinements + 1):
        logger.info("************* REFINEMENT LOOP iteration %i (of %i or max_dof %i) *************", refinement, max_refinements, max_dof)
        # memory usage info
        logger.info("\n======================================\nMEMORY USED: " + str(resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss) + "\n======================================\n")

        # pcg solve
        # ---------
        stats = {}
        with timing(msg="pcg_solve", logfunc=logger.info, store_func=partial(_store_stats, key="TIME-PCG", stats=stats)):
            w, zeta = pcg_solve(A, w, coeff_field, pde, stats, pcg_eps, pcg_maxiter)

        logger.info("DIM of w = %s", w.dim)
        if w_history is not None and (refinement == 0 or start_iteration < refinement):

        # error evaluation
        # ----------------
        # residual and projection errors
        logger.debug("evaluating ResidualEstimator.evaluateError")
        with timing(msg="ResidualEstimator.evaluateError", logfunc=logger.info, store_func=partial(_store_stats, key="TIME-ESTIMATOR", stats=stats)):
            xi, resind, projind, mierror, estparts, errors, timing_stats = ResidualEstimator.evaluateError(w, coeff_field, pde, f, zeta, gamma, ceta, cQ,
                                                                                    newmi_add_maxm, maxh, quadrature_degree, projection_degree_increase,
        reserrmu = [(mu, sqrt(sum(resind[mu].coeffs ** 2))) for mu in resind.keys()]
        projerrmu = [(mu, sqrt(sum(projind[mu].coeffs ** 2))) for mu in projind.keys()]
        res_part, proj_part, pcg_part = estparts[0], estparts[1], estparts[2]
        err_res, err_proj, err_pcg = errors[0], errors[1], errors[2]
        logger.info("Overall Estimator Error xi = %s while residual error is %s, projection error is %s, pcg error is %s", xi, res_part, proj_part, pcg_part)
        stats["EST"] = xi
        stats["RES-PART"] = res_part
        stats["PROJ-PART"] = proj_part
        stats["PCG-PART"] = pcg_part
        stats["ERR-RES"] = err_res
        stats["ERR-PROJ"] = err_proj
        stats["ERR-PCG"] = err_pcg
        stats["ETA-ERR"] = errors[0]
        stats["DELTA-ERR"] = errors[1]
        stats["ZETA-ERR"] = errors[2]
        stats["RES-mu"] = reserrmu
        stats["PROJ-mu"] = projerrmu
        stats["PROJ-MAX-ZETA"] = 0
        stats["PROJ-MAX-INACTIVE-ZETA"] = 0
        stats["MARKING-RES"] = 0
        stats["MARKING-PROJ"] = 0
        stats["MARKING-MI"] = 0
        stats["TIME-MARKING"] = 0
        stats["MI"] = [(mu, vec.basis.dim) for mu, vec in w.iteritems()]
        if refinement == 0 or start_iteration < refinement:
#            print "SIM_STATS:", sim_stats[refinement]
        logger.debug("squared error components: eta=%s  delta=%s  zeta=%", errors[0], errors[1], errors[2])

        # exit when either error threshold or max_refinements or max_dof is reached
        if refinement > max_refinements:
            logger.info("SKIPPING REFINEMENT after FINAL SOLUTION in ITERATION %i", refinement)
        if sim_stats[refinement]["DOFS"] >= max_dof:
            logger.info("REACHED %i DOFS, EXITING refinement loop", sim_stats[refinement]["DOFS"])
        if xi <= error_eps:
            logger.info("error reached requested accuracy, xi=%f", xi)

        # marking
        # -------
        if refinement < max_refinements:
            if not do_uniform_refinement:        
                logger.debug("starting Marking.mark")
                estimator_data = EstimatorData(xi=xi, gamma=gamma, cQ=cQ, ceta=ceta) 
                mesh_markers_R, mesh_markers_P, new_multiindices, proj_zeta, new_multiindices_all = Marking.mark(resind, projind, mierror, w.max_order,
                                                                                theta_eta, theta_zeta, theta_delta,
                                                                                min_zeta, maxh, max_Lambda_frac,
                                                                                estimator_data, marking_strategy)
                sim_stats[-1]["PROJ-MAX-ZETA"] = proj_zeta[0]
                sim_stats[-1]["PROJ-MAX-INACTIVE-ZETA"] = proj_zeta[1]
                sim_stats[-1]["PROJ-INACTIVE-ZETA"] = new_multiindices_all
#                assert len(new_multiindices_all) == 0 or proj_zeta[1] == max([v for v in new_multiindices_all.values()])
                logger.info("PROJECTION error values: max_zeta = %s  and  max_inactive_zeta = %s  with threshold factor theta_zeta = %s  (=%s)",
                            proj_zeta[0], proj_zeta[1], theta_zeta, theta_zeta * proj_zeta[0])
                logger.info("MARKING will be carried out with %s (res) + %s (proj) cells and %s new multiindices",
                            sum([len(cell_ids) for cell_ids in mesh_markers_R.itervalues()]),
                            sum([len(cell_ids) for cell_ids in mesh_markers_P.itervalues()]), len(new_multiindices))
                stats["MARKING-RES"] = sum([len(cell_ids) for cell_ids in mesh_markers_R.itervalues()])
                stats["MARKING-PROJ"] = sum([len(cell_ids) for cell_ids in mesh_markers_P.itervalues()])
                stats["MARKING-MI"] = len(new_multiindices)
                if do_refinement["RES"]:
                    mesh_markers = mesh_markers_R.copy()
                    mesh_markers = defaultdict(set)
                    logger.info("SKIP residual refinement")
                if do_refinement["PROJ"]:
                    for mu, cells in mesh_markers_P.iteritems():
                        if len(cells) > 0:
                            mesh_markers[mu] = mesh_markers[mu].union(cells)
                    logger.info("SKIP projection refinement")
                if not do_refinement["MI"] or refinement == max_refinements:
                    new_multiindices = {}
                    logger.info("SKIP new multiindex refinement")
                logger.info("UNIFORM REFINEMENT active")
                mesh_markers = {}
                for mu, vec in w.iteritems():
                    from dolfin import cells
                    mesh_markers[mu] = list([c.index() for c in cells(vec._fefunc.function_space().mesh())])
                new_multiindices = {}
            # carry out refinement of meshes
            with timing(msg="Marking.refine", logfunc=logger.info, store_func=partial(_store_stats, key="TIME-MARKING", stats=stats)):
                Marking.refine(w, mesh_markers, new_multiindices.keys(), partial(setup_vector, pde=pde, mesh=mesh0, degree=degree))
    if refinement:
        logger.info("ENDED refinement loop after %i of %i refinements with %i dofs and %i active multiindices",
                    refinement, max_refinements, sim_stats[refinement]["DOFS"], len(sim_stats[refinement]["MI"]))

#    except Exception as ex:
#        import pickle
#        logger.error("EXCEPTION during AdaptiveSolver: %s", str(ex))
#        print "DIM of w:", w.dim
#        if not w_history is None:
#            w_history.append(w)
#        wname = "W-PCG-FAILED.pkl"
#        try:
#            with open(wname, 'wb') as fout:
#                pickle.dump(w, fout)
#        except Exception as ex:
#            logger.error("NEXT EXCEPTION %s", str(ex))
#        logger.info("exported last multivector w to %s", wname)
#    finally:
    return w, sim_stats