def buy(code, threadName=None): # loadDataSql = "select * " \ # "from stock_daily_macd_deviate d " \ # "left join stock_daily_data sd on sd.sCode = d.sCode " \ # "where d.iDirectionType=2 " \ # "and d.sCode='" + code + "' " \ # "and d.tDeviateDateTime>='2008-01-01' " \ # "and sd.iOpeningPrice is not null " \ # "group by d.tDeviateDateTime " # # " and tApexDateTime='2017-04-11'" engine = sql_model.get_conn() loadDataSql = "SELECT, d.sCode, d.tDeviateDateTime FROM stock_daily_macd_deviate d LEFT JOIN stock_daily_macd_deviate_buy buy ON buy.iDeviateId = " \ "WHERE d.sCode = '" + code + "' AND d.iDirectionType=2 AND IS NULL" # print(loadDataSql) df = pd.read_sql(loadDataSql, engine) if len(df) < 1: return # exit() # row_array = sql_model.getAll(loadDataSql) # for a in row_array: # print(a) # exit() # 最终结果列表 dataList = pd.DataFrame(columns=['sCode', 'iDeviateId', 'tDateTime']) for index, row in df.iterrows(): tDeviateDateTime = str(row['tDeviateDateTime']) #确认买入点 loadDataSql = "select m.tDateTime, d.iOpeningPrice, d.iClosingPrice " \ "from stock_daily_macd m " \ "left join stock_daily_data d on m.tDateTime=d.tDateTime and m.sCode=d.sCode " \ "where m.tDateTime > '" + tDeviateDateTime +"' " \ "and m.iBar > 0 " \ "and m.sCode='" + code + "' " \ "and d.iOpeningPrice is not null " \ "limit 1" # print(loadDataSql) buy_df = pd.read_sql(loadDataSql, engine) _dataList = pd.DataFrame( [[code, str(row['id']), buy_df['tDateTime'][0]]], columns=['sCode', 'iDeviateId', 'tDateTime']) dataList = dataList.append(_dataList) result = sql_model.loadData('stock_daily_macd_deviate_buy', dataList.keys(), dataList.values, threadName) print(result)
import tushare as ts import sql_model from debug import p # 行业分类 df = ts.get_industry_classified() df.rename(columns={ 'c_name': 'sIndustryName', 'name': 'sName', 'code': 'sCode' }, inplace=True) result = sql_model.loadData('stock_sector_industry', df.keys(), df.values) print("行业: %s" % result) # 概念分类 df = ts.get_concept_classified() df.rename(columns={ 'c_name': 'sConceptName', 'name': 'sName', 'code': 'sCode' }, inplace=True) result = sql_model.loadData('stock_sector_concept', df.keys(), df.values) print("概念: %s" % result) # 地域分类 df = ts.get_area_classified() df.rename(columns={ 'area': 'sAreaName', 'name': 'sName',
# 网址 url = ",cn_600077&start=19860101&end=20170901" # url = ",cn_600077&start=20170701&end=20170705" # 请求 request = urllib.request.Request(url) # 爬取结果 response = urllib.request.urlopen(request) data = # 设置解码方式 data = data.decode('utf-8') # 讲string转成jsonlist array = json.loads(data) # 遍历jsonlist aDataInfo = [] for i in array: # 取出股票编码 code = i['code'][3:9] # 遍历股票详情 for j in i['hq']: # 拼装格式为 # 编号 日期 开盘 收盘 涨跌 涨幅(%) 最低 最高 总手 金额 换手率(%) thisDataInfo = [code] for k in j: thisDataInfo.append(k.replace("%", "")) aDataInfo.append(thisDataInfo) aField = ['sCode', 'tDateTime', 'iOpeningPrice', 'iClosingPrice', 'iTodayPrice', 'iPriceChangeRatio', 'iMinimumPrice', 'iMaximumPrice', 'iVol', 'iTurnover', 'iTurnoverRate'] sql_model.loadData("stock_daily_data", aField, aDataInfo) print("ok")
print(loadDataSql) df = pd.read_sql(loadDataSql, conn) if df.empty: continue # 判断是否有历史数据 if not history_macd_df.empty:[0, 'iEmaShort'] = history_macd_df.ix[0, 'iEmaShort'][0, 'iEmaLong'] = history_macd_df.ix[0, 'iEmaLong'][0, 'iDif'] = history_macd_df.ix[0, 'iDif'][0, 'iDea'] = history_macd_df.ix[0, 'iDea'][0, 'iBar'] = history_macd_df.ix[0, 'iBar'] macd_data = get_MACD(df, 12, 26, 9) macd_data = macd_data[[ 'sCode', 'tDateTime', 'iEmaShort', 'iEmaLong', 'iDif', 'iDea', 'iBar' ]] # p(macd_data) # aField = ['sCode', 'tDateTime', 'iEmaShort', 'iEmaLong', 'iDif', 'iDea', 'iBar'] result = sql_model.loadData('stock_daily_macd', macd_data.keys(), macd_data.values) print(s + " end ") # # debug.p(macd_data) # # result = sql_model.loadData('stock_daily_macd', aField, dataList) # aField = ['sCode', 'tDateTime', 'iEmaShort', 'iEmaLong', 'iDif', 'iDea', 'iBar'] # result = sql_model.loadData('stock_daily_macd', macd_data.keys(), macd_data.values) # # print(result)
# # print(loadDataSql) # # print(historyDateTime) # # print(historyDeviateRowArray) # # for h in historyDeviateRowArray: # # print(h[0]) # for a in dataList: # print(a) # exit() engine = sql_model.get_conn() sql = "select * from stock_basics order by code asc" # sql = "select * from stock_basics where code > '601312' order by code asc" # sql = "select * from stock_basics where code= '000002' order by code asc" df = pd.read_sql(sql, engine) code_list = df['code'] macd_data_deviate = pd.DataFrame() for s in code_list: print(s + " begin ") macd_data_deviate = get_macd_deviate(s) if len(macd_data_deviate) > 0: # aField = ['sCode', 'tDateTime', 'iEmaShort', 'iEmaLong', 'iDif', 'iDea', 'iBar'] result = sql_model.loadData('stock_daily_macd_deviate', macd_data_deviate.keys(), macd_data_deviate.values) print(s + " end ") # aField = ['sCode', 'tBeginDateTime', 'iBeginDif', 'tDeviateDateTime', 'iDeviateDif', 'iDirectionType'] # result = sql_model.loadData('stock_daily_macd_deviate', aField, dataList) # print(result)
# encoding: utf-8 import sql_model import pandas as pd import common import debug import numpy as np stock_data = common.get_average_line('600077') stock_data = stock_data.fillna(value=0) # df = stock_data.loc[:, ['sCode', 'tDateTime', 'ma5', 'ma10', 'ma20', 'ma30', 'ma60', 'ma120']] df = stock_data.astype(np.str) # debug.p(df.dtypes) dataList = df.values aField = ['id', 'sCode', 'tDateTime', 'iOpeningPrice', 'iClosingPrice', 'iTodayPrice', 'iPriceChangeRatio', 'iMinimumPrice', 'iMaximumPrice', 'iVolume', 'iAmount', 'iTurnoverRate', 'ma5', 'ma10', 'ma20', 'ma30', 'ma60', 'ma120'] result = sql_model.loadData('stock_daily_data', aField, dataList) # engine = mysql_model.get_conn() # stock_data.to_sql('stock_daily_data', engine, if_exists='append', index=False)
macd_data_apex = macd_data_apex.append(data_list, ignore_index=True) # debug.p(macd_data_apex[[ 'tBeginDateTime', 'tApexDateTime','tEndDateTime', 'iDirectionType']]) return macd_data_apex # for a in dataList: # print(a) # exit() engine = sql_model.get_conn() sql = "select * from stock_basics order by code asc" # sql = "select * from stock_basics where code > '601312' order by code asc" df = pd.read_sql(sql, engine) code_list = df['code'] macd_data_apex = pd.DataFrame() for s in code_list: print(s + " begin ") macd_data_apex = get_mack_apex(s) # aField = ['sCode', 'tDateTime', 'iEmaShort', 'iEmaLong', 'iDif', 'iDea', 'iBar'] result = sql_model.loadData('stock_daily_macd_apex', macd_data_apex.keys(), macd_data_apex.values) print(s + " end ") # # macd_data_apex = get_mack_apex('600077') # debug.p(macd_data_apex) # debug.p(macd_data_apex) # aField = ['sCode', 'tBeginDateTime', 'iBeginDif', 'tApexDateTime', 'iApexDif', 'tEndDateTime', 'iEndDif', 'iDirectionType'] # result = sql_model.loadData('stock_daily_macd_apex', aField, dataList) # print(result)