class Account(Base): name = db.Column(db.String) email = db.Column(db.String) github_user = db.Column(db.String, unique=True) last_push = db.Column(db.DateTime) last_email = db.Column(db.DateTime) watchlist = db.Column(ARRAY(db.String))
class TestSet(BASE): __tablename__ = 'test_sets' id = sa.Column(sa.String(128), primary_key=True) description = sa.Column(sa.String(256)) test_path = sa.Column(sa.String(256)) driver = sa.Column(sa.String(128)) additional_arguments = sa.Column(fields.ListField()) cleanup_path = sa.Column(sa.String(128)) meta = sa.Column(fields.JsonField()) deployment_tags = sa.Column(ARRAY(sa.String(64))) tests = relationship('Test', backref='test_set', order_by='', cascade='delete') @property def frontend(self): return {'id':, 'name': self.description} @classmethod def get_test_set(cls, session, test_set): return session.query(cls)\ .filter_by(id=test_set)\ .first()
class TemplateBase(Model): ''' Basic metadata about a template Fields: - created_at: when the template was created - updated_at: when the template metadata was last updated - title: the displayed title or name of the template - description: a freetext description of the template ''' __tablename__ = 'template_base' id = Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) created_at = Column(db.DateTime) updated_at = Column(db.DateTime) title = Column(db.String(255)) description = Column(db.Text) template_text = db.relationship('TemplateSection', cascade='all,delete', lazy='dynamic') template_placeholders = db.relationship('TemplatePlaceholders', cascade='all,delete', lazy='dynamic') published = Column(db.Boolean, default=False) section_order = Column(ARRAY(db.Integer)) # created_by = ReferenceCol('users') def __init__(self, created_at, updated_at, title, description): self.created_at = created_at self.updated_at = updated_at self.title = title self.description = description
class VoidedEdge(VoidedBase): __tablename__ = '_voided_edges' key = Column(BigInteger, primary_key=True, nullable=False) src_id = Column( Text, primary_key=True, nullable=False, ) dst_id = Column( Text, primary_key=True, nullable=False, ) created = Column( DateTime(timezone=True), nullable=False, server_default=text('now()'), ) voided = Column( DateTime(timezone=True), nullable=False, server_default=text('now()'), ) acl = Column( ARRAY(Text), default=list(), ) system_annotations = Column( JSONB, default={}, ) properties = Column( JSONB, default={}, ) label = Column( Text, primary_key=True, nullable=False, ) def __init__(self, edge): self.created = edge.created self.src_id = edge.src_id self.dst_id = edge.dst_id self.acl = edge.acl self.label = edge.label self.system_annotations = edge.system_annotations =
class User(db.Model, UserMixin, APIMixin): __tablename__ = 'users' __autoroutes__ = ['index', 'meta'] id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) email = db.Column(db.Unicode, nullable=False, default='', index=True) pw_hash = db.Column(db.Unicode, nullable=False, default='', info={'public': False}) first_name = db.Column(db.Unicode(50), nullable=False, default='') last_name = db.Column(db.Unicode(50), nullable=False, default='') profile_picture = db.Column(db.Unicode, nullable=False, default='', info={'public': False}) description = db.Column(db.UnicodeText, nullable=False, default='') roles = db.Column(ARRAY(db.Unicode), default=[]) posts = db.relationship('Post', backref=db.backref('author', lazy='joined', info={'public': True}), order_by='') def is_admin(self): return 'admin' in self.roles def full_name(self): return self.first_name + ' ' + self.last_name def abbr_name(self): return self.first_name[0] + '. ' + self.last_name def set_password(self, password): self.pw_hash = generate_password_hash(password) def check_password(self, password): return check_password_hash(self.pw_hash, password) # custom routes can use the route decorator @classmethod @route('/me') def me(cls): return jsonify(current_user.as_dict()) @classmethod @route('/login', methods=['POST']) def login(cls): email = request.json.get('email') user = cls.query.filter(db.func.lower( == db.func.lower(email)).first() if user is None: abort(404, 'No user with this email address') if not user.check_password(request.json.get('password')): abort(403, 'This password doesn\'t work') login_user(user) return jsonify(user.as_dict()) # the extra_field decorator is preferred, but more_json can also be used to add data to the response def more_json(self): return { 'profile_picture_url': media_url(self.profile_picture) if self.profile_picture else None, 'is_admin': self.is_admin(), 'full_name': self.full_name(), 'abbr_name': self.abbr_name() }
class Flow(Model): __tablename__ = 'flow' id = Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True, index=True) flow_name = Column(db.Text, unique=True) contract = db.relationship('ContractBase', backref='flow', lazy='subquery') stage_order = Column(ARRAY(db.Integer)) def __unicode__(self): return self.flow_name
class SQLDag(DeclarativeBase): __tablename__ = 'sql_dag' id = Column(String(ID_LEN), primary_key=True) description = Column(Text) created = Column(DateTime, user_id = Column(Integer(), ForeignKey(, nullable=False) enabled = Column(Boolean, default=True, nullable=False) start_date = Column(Date, nullable=False) end_date = Column(Date) schedule_interval = Column(String, nullable=False) retries = Column(Integer, default=2) retry_delay = Column(Integer, default=60 * 10) pool_id = Column(Integer(), ForeignKey( sla = Column(Integer, default=3600 * 5) drill_down_sql_sensors = Column( ARRAY(String(), ForeignKey('sql_sensor.label'))) specific_sql_sensors = Column( ARRAY(String(), ForeignKey('sql_sensor.label'))) extra = Column(String(5000)) child_tasks = relationship( "SQLDagTask", back_populates="parent_sql_dag", ) owner = relationship( models.User, foreign_keys=[user_id], ) pool = relationship( models.Pool, foreign_keys=[pool_id], ) def __repr__(self): return
class ClusterState(BASE): ''' Represents clusters currently present in the system. Holds info about deployment type which is using in redeployment process. Is linked with TestSetToCluster entity that implements many-to-many relationship with TestSet. ''' __tablename__ = 'cluster_state' id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=False) deployment_tags = sa.Column(ARRAY(sa.String(64)))
class Category(Model): '''Category model for opportunities and Vendor signups Categories are based on the codes created by the `National Institute of Government Purchasing (NIGP) <>`_. The names of the categories have been re-written a bit to make them more human-readable and in some cases a bit more modern. Attributes: id: Primary key unique ID nigp_codes: Array of integers refering to NIGP codes. category: parent top-level category subcategory: NIGP designated subcategory name category_friendly_name: Rewritten, more human-readable subcategory name examples: Pipe-delimited examples of items that fall in each subcategory examples_tsv: TSVECTOR of the examples for that subcategory See Also: The :ref:`nigp-importer` contains more information about how NIGP codes are imported into the system. ''' __tablename__ = 'category' id = Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True, index=True) nigp_codes = Column(ARRAY(db.Integer())) category = Column(db.String(255)) subcategory = Column(db.String(255)) category_friendly_name = Column(db.Text) examples = Column(db.Text) examples_tsv = Column(TSVECTOR) def __unicode__(self): return '{sub} (in {main})'.format(sub=self.category_friendly_name, main=self.category) @classmethod def parent_category_query_factory(cls): '''Query factory to return a query of all of the distinct top-level categories ''' return db.session.query(db.distinct( cls.category).label('category')).order_by('category') @classmethod def query_factory(cls): '''Query factory that returns all category/subcategory pairs ''' return cls.query
class OldNode(Base): __tablename__ = 'nodes' __table_args__ = (UniqueConstraint('node_id', name='_node_id_uc'), ) key = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) node_id = Column(Text, nullable=False) label = Column(Text, nullable=False) created = Column(DateTime(timezone=True), nullable=False) acl = Column(ARRAY(Text)) system_annotations = Column(JSONB, default={}) properties = Column(JSONB, default={}) edges_out = relationship("OldEdge", foreign_keys=[OldEdge.src_id]) edges_in = relationship("OldEdge", foreign_keys=[OldEdge.dst_id]) def get_edges(self): for edge_in in self.edges_in: yield edge_in for edge_out in self.edges_out: yield edge_out
class ClusterTestingPattern(BASE): ''' Stores cluster's pattern for testsets and tests ''' __tablename__ = 'cluster_testing_pattern' cluster_id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True) test_set_id = sa.Column(sa.String(128), sa.ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True) tests = sa.Column(ARRAY(sa.String(512))) test_set = relationship('TestSet')
class Gallery(db.Model, APIMixin): __tablename__ = 'galleries' __autoroutes__ = ['index', 'get', 'post', 'put', 'delete', 'meta'] id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) project_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(, ondelete='CASCADE'), index=True, info={'set_by': 'json'}) title = db.Column(db.Unicode, nullable=False, default='', info={'set_by': 'json'}) image_dir = db.Column(db.Unicode, nullable=False, default='', info={'set_by': 'json'}) images = db.Column(ARRAY(db.Unicode), nullable=False, default=[], info={'set_by': 'server'}) @setter('images') def set_images(self, name, value): self.images = image_url_array(self.image_dir) @staticmethod @authorizes('post', 'put', 'delete') def authorize_changes(resource): return current_user.is_admin()
class SQLSensor(DeclarativeBase): __tablename__ = 'sql_sensor' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) label = Column(String, unique=True, nullable=False) description = Column(Text) created = Column(DateTime, user_id = Column(Integer(), ForeignKey(, nullable=False) enabled = Column(Boolean, default=True, nullable=False) ttl = Column(Integer, default=3600 * 24 * 7, nullable=False) timeout = Column(Integer, default=3600 * 3, nullable=False) # parent_labels = Column(ARRAY(String()), ForeignKey('sql_sensor.label')) parent_labels = Column(ARRAY(String())) cross_check = Column(Boolean, default=False, nullable=False) conn_id = Column(Integer(), ForeignKey(, nullable=False) pool_id = Column(Integer(), ForeignKey( main_table = Column(String) poke_interval = Column(Integer, default=60, nullable=False) main_argument = Column(String, nullable=False, default='') sql = Column(Text, nullable=False) _extra = Column('extra', String(5000)) owner = relationship(models.User, foreign_keys=[user_id]) connection = relationship(models.Connection, foreign_keys=[conn_id]) pool = relationship(models.Pool, foreign_keys=[pool_id]) positive_int = CheckConstraint(and_( ttl > 0, timeout > 0, )) # todo: implement check or relationship for parent_labels # todo: implement getter and setter for _extra def __repr__(self): return self.label
class Opportunity(Model): '''Base Opportunity Model -- the central point for Beacon The Beacon model is centered around three dates: :py:attr:`~purchasing.models.front.Opportunity.planned_publish`, :py:attr:`~purchasing.models.front.Opportunity.planned_submission_start`, and :py:attr:`~purchasing.models.front.Opportunity.planned_submission_end`. The publish date is when opportunities that are approved appear on Beacon. The publication date also is when vendors are notified via email. Attributes: id: Primary key unique ID title: Title of the Opportunity description: Short (maximum 500-word) description of the opportunity planned_publish: Date when the opportunity should show up on Beacon planned_submission_start: Date when vendors can begin submitting responses to the opportunity planned_submission_end: Deadline for submitted responses to the Opportunity vendor_documents_needed: Array of integers that relate to :py:class:`~purchasing.models.front.RequiredBidDocument` ids is_public: True if opportunity is approved (publicly visible), False otherwise is_archived: True if opportunity is archived (not visible), False otherwise published_at: Date when an alert email was sent out to relevant vendors publish_notification_sent: True is notification sent, False otherwise department_id: ID of primary :py:class:`~purchasing.models.users.Department` for this opportunity department: Sqlalchemy relationship to primary :py:class:`~purchasing.models.users.Department` for this opportunity contact_id: ID of the :py:class:`~purchasing.models.users.User` for this opportunity contact: Sqlalchemy relationship to :py:class:`~purchasing.models.users.User` for this opportunity categories: Many-to-many relationship of the :py:class:`~purchasing.models.front.Category` objects for this opportunity opportunity_type_id: ID of the :py:class:`~beacon.models.front.OpportunityType` opportunity_type: Sqlalchemy relationship to the :py:class:`~beacon.models.front.OpportunityType` See Also: For more on the Conductor <--> Beacon relationship, look at the :py:func:`~purchasing.conductor.handle_form()` Conductor utility method and the :py:class:`~purchasing.conductor.forms.PostOpportunityForm` Conductor Form ''' __tablename__ = 'opportunity' id = Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) title = Column(db.String(255)) description = Column(db.Text) planned_publish = Column(db.DateTime, nullable=False) planned_submission_start = Column(db.DateTime, nullable=False) planned_submission_end = Column(db.DateTime, nullable=False) vendor_documents_needed = Column(ARRAY(db.Integer())) is_public = Column(db.Boolean(), default=False) is_archived = Column(db.Boolean(), default=False, nullable=False) published_at = Column(db.DateTime, nullable=True) publish_notification_sent = Column(db.Boolean, default=False, nullable=False) department_id = ReferenceCol('department', ondelete='SET NULL', nullable=True) department = db.relationship('Department', backref=backref('opportunities', lazy='dynamic')) contact_id = ReferenceCol('users', ondelete='SET NULL') contact = db.relationship('User', backref=backref('opportunities', lazy='dynamic'), foreign_keys='Opportunity.contact_id') categories = db.relationship( 'Category', secondary=category_opportunity_association_table, backref='opportunities', collection_class=set) opportunity_type_id = ReferenceCol('opportunity_type', ondelete='SET NULL', nullable=True) opportunity_type = db.relationship( 'OpportunityType', backref=backref('opportunities', lazy='dynamic'), ) @classmethod def create(cls, data, user, documents, publish=False): '''Create a new opportunity Arguments: data: dictionary of fields needed to populate new opportunity object user: :py:class:`~purchasing.models.users.User` object creating the new opportunity documents: The documents FieldList from the :py:class:`~purchasing.forms.front.OpportunityForm` Keyword Arguments: publish: Boolean as to whether to publish this document. If True, it will set ``is_public`` to True. See Also: The :py:class:`~purchasing.forms.front.OpportunityForm` and :py:class:`~purchasing.forms.front.OpportunityDocumentForm` have more information about the documents. ''' opportunity = Opportunity(**data) '''BEACON NEW - New Opportunity Created: Department: {} | Title: {} | Publish Date: {} | Submission Start Date: {} | Submission End Date: {} '''.format(, if opportunity.department else '', opportunity.title.encode('ascii', 'ignore'), str(opportunity.planned_publish), str(opportunity.planned_submission_start), str(opportunity.planned_submission_end))) if not (user.is_conductor() or publish): # only send 'your post has been sent/a new post needs review' # emails when 1. the submitter isn't from OMB and 2. they are # saving a draft as opposed to publishing the opportunity opportunity.notify_approvals(user) opportunity._handle_uploads(documents) opportunity._publish(publish) return opportunity def raw_update(self, **kwargs): '''Performs a basic update based on the passed kwargs. Arguments: **kwargs: Keyword arguments of fields to be updated in the existing Opportunity model ''' super(Opportunity, self).update(**kwargs) def update(self, data, user, documents, publish=False): '''Performs an update, uploads new documents, and publishes Arguments: data: dictionary of fields needed to populate new opportunity object user: :py:class:`~purchasing.models.users.User` object updating the opportunity documents: The documents FieldList from the :py:class:`~purchasing.forms.front.OpportunityForm` Keyword Arguments: publish: Boolean as to whether to publish this document. If True, it will set ``is_public`` to True. ''' data.pop('publish_notification_sent', None) for attr, value in data.iteritems(): setattr(self, attr, value) '''BEACON Update - Opportunity Updated: ID: {} | Title: {} | Publish Date: {} | Submission Start Date: {} | Submission End Date: {} '''.format(, self.title.encode('ascii', 'ignore'), str(self.planned_publish), str(self.planned_submission_start), str(self.planned_submission_end))) self._handle_uploads(documents) self._publish(publish) @property def is_published(self): '''Determine if an opportunity can be displayed Returns: True if the planned publish date is before or on today, and the opportunity is approved, False otherwise ''' return self.coerce_to_date( self.planned_publish) <= localize_today() and self.is_public @property def is_upcoming(self): '''Determine if an opportunity is upcoming Returns: True if the planned publish date is before or on today, is approved, is not accepting submissions, and is not closed; False otherwise ''' return self.coerce_to_date(self.planned_publish) <= localize_today() and \ not self.is_submission_start and not self.is_submission_end and self.is_public @property def is_submission_start(self): '''Determine if the oppportunity is accepting submissions Returns: True if the submission start date and planned publish date are before or on today, is approved, and the opportunity is not closed; False otherwise ''' return self.coerce_to_date(self.planned_submission_start) <= localize_today() and \ self.coerce_to_date(self.planned_publish) <= localize_today() and \ not self.is_submission_end and self.is_public @property def is_submission_end(self): '''Determine if an opportunity is closed to new submissions Returns: True if the submission end date is on or before today, and it is approved ''' return pytz.UTC.localize(self.planned_submission_end).astimezone( current_app.config['DISPLAY_TIMEZONE'] ) <= localize_now() and \ self.is_public @property def has_docs(self): '''True if the opportunity has at least one document, False otherwise ''' return self.opportunity_documents.count() > 0 def estimate_submission_start(self): '''Returns the month/year based on submission start date ''' return self.planned_submission_start.strftime('%B %d, %Y') def estimate_submission_end(self): '''Returns the localized date and time based on submission end date ''' return pytz.UTC.localize(self.planned_submission_end).astimezone( current_app.config['DISPLAY_TIMEZONE']).strftime( '%B %d, %Y at %I:%M%p %Z') def can_view(self, user): '''Check if a user can see opportunity detail Arguments: user: A :py:class:`~purchasing.models.users.User` object Returns: Boolean indiciating if the user can view this opportunity ''' return False if user.is_anonymous() and not self.is_published else True def can_edit(self, user): '''Check if a user can edit the contract Arguments: user: A :py:class:`~purchasing.models.users.User` object Returns: Boolean indiciating if the user can edit this opportunity. Conductors, the opportunity creator, and the primary opportunity contact can all edit the opportunity before it is published. After it is published, only conductors can edit it. ''' if self.is_public and in ('conductor', 'admin', 'superadmin'): return True elif not self.is_public and \ ( in ('conductor', 'admin', 'superadmin') or in (self.created_by_id, self.contact_id)): return True return False def coerce_to_date(self, field): '''Coerces the input field to a object Arguments: field: A datetime.datetime or object Returns: A object ''' if isinstance(field, datetime.datetime): return if isinstance(field, return field return field def get_vendor_emails(self): '''Return list of all signed up vendors ''' return [ for i in self.vendors] def has_vendor_documents(self): '''Returns a Boolean for whether there are required bid documents See Also: :py:class:`~purchasing.models.front.RequiredBidDocument` ''' return self.vendor_documents_needed and len( self.vendor_documents_needed) > 0 def get_vendor_documents(self): '''Returns a list of documents the the vendor will need to provide See Also: :py:class:`~purchasing.models.front.RequiredBidDocument` ''' if self.has_vendor_documents(): return RequiredBidDocument.query.filter( self.vendor_documents_needed)).all() return [] def get_events(self): '''Returns the opportunity dates out as a nice ordered list for rendering ''' return [{ 'event': 'bid_submission_start', 'classes': 'event event-submission_start', 'date': self.estimate_submission_start(), 'description': 'Opportunity opens for submissions.' }, { 'event': 'bid_submission_end', 'classes': 'event event-submission_end', 'date': self.estimate_submission_end(), 'description': 'Deadline to submit proposals.' }] def _handle_uploads(self, documents): opp_documents = self.opportunity_documents.all() for document in documents.entries: if == '': continue _id = if else random_id(6) _file = if _file.filename in [ for i in opp_documents]: continue filename, filepath = document.upload_document(_id) if filepath: self.opportunity_documents.append( OpportunityDocument(, href=filepath)) def _publish(self, publish): if not self.is_public: if publish: self.is_public = True def notify_approvals(self, user): '''Send the approval notifications to everyone with approval rights Arguments: user: A :py:class:`~purchasing.models.users.User` object ''' Notification(to_email=[], subject='Your post has been sent to OMB for approval', html_template='beacon/emails/staff_postsubmitted.html', txt_template='beacon/emails/staff_postsubmitted.txt', opportunity=self).send(multi=True) Notification(to_email=db.session.query( Role, User.role_id ==['conductor', 'admin', 'superadmin'])).all(), subject='A new Beacon post needs review', html_template='beacon/emails/admin_postforapproval.html', txt_template='beacon/emails/admin_postforapproval.txt', opportunity=self).send(multi=True) def get_category_ids(self): '''Returns the IDs from the Opportunity's related categories ''' return [ for i in self.categories] def send_publish_email(self): '''Sends the "new opportunity available" email to subscribed vendors If a new Opportunity is created and it has a publish date before or on today's date, it will trigger an immediate publish email send. This operates in a very similar way to the nightly :py:class:``. It will build a list of all vendors signed up to the Opportunity or to any of the categories that describe the Opportunity. ''' if self.is_published and not self.publish_notification_sent: vendors = Vendor.query.filter( Vendor.categories.any( self.get_category_ids()))).all() Notification( to_email=[ for i in vendors], subject='A new City of Pittsburgh opportunity from Beacon!', html_template='beacon/emails/newopp.html', txt_template='beacon/emails/newopp.txt', opportunity=self).send(multi=True) self.publish_notification_sent = True self.published_at = datetime.datetime.utcnow() '''BEACON PUBLISHED: ID: {} | Title: {} | Publish Date: {} | Submission Start Date: {} | Submission End Date: {} '''.format(, self.title.encode('ascii', 'ignore'), str(self.planned_publish), str(self.planned_submission_start), str(self.planned_submission_end))) return True return False
class Test(BASE): __tablename__ = 'tests' STATES = ('wait_running', 'running', 'failure', 'success', 'error', 'stopped', 'disabled') id = sa.Column(sa.Integer(), primary_key=True) name = sa.Column(sa.String(512)) title = sa.Column(sa.String(512)) description = sa.Column(sa.Text()) duration = sa.Column(sa.String(512)) message = sa.Column(sa.Text()) traceback = sa.Column(sa.Text()) status = sa.Column(sa.Enum(*STATES, name='test_states')) step = sa.Column(sa.Integer()) time_taken = sa.Column(sa.Float()) meta = sa.Column(fields.JsonField()) deployment_tags = sa.Column(ARRAY(sa.String(64))) test_run_id = sa.Column(sa.Integer(), sa.ForeignKey('', ondelete='CASCADE')) test_set_id = sa.Column(sa.String(length=128), sa.ForeignKey('', ondelete='CASCADE')) @property def frontend(self): return { 'id':, 'testset': self.test_set_id, 'name': self.title, 'description': self.description, 'duration': self.duration, 'message': self.message, 'step': self.step, 'status': self.status, 'taken': self.time_taken } @classmethod def add_result(cls, session, test_run_id, test_name, data): session.query(cls).\ filter_by(name=test_name, test_run_id=test_run_id).\ update(data, synchronize_session=False) @classmethod def update_running_tests(cls, session, test_run_id, status='stopped'): session.query(cls). \ filter(cls.test_run_id == test_run_id, cls.status.in_(('running', 'wait_running'))). \ update({'status': status}, synchronize_session=False) @classmethod def update_test_run_tests(cls, session, test_run_id, tests_names, status='wait_running'): session.query(cls). \ filter(, cls.test_run_id == test_run_id). \ update({'status': status}, synchronize_session=False) def copy_test(self, test_run, predefined_tests): ''' Performs copying of tests for newly created test_run. ''' new_test = self.__class__() mapper = object_mapper(self) primary_keys = set([col.key for col in mapper.primary_key]) for column in mapper.iterate_properties: if column.key not in primary_keys: setattr(new_test, column.key, getattr(self, column.key)) new_test.test_run_id = if predefined_tests and not in predefined_tests: new_test.status = 'disabled' else: new_test.status = 'wait_running' return new_test
class CommonBase(object): _session_hooks_before_insert = [] _session_hooks_before_update = [] _session_hooks_before_delete = [] # ======== Columns ======== created = Column( DateTime(timezone=True), nullable=False, server_default=text('now()'), ) acl = Column( ARRAY(Text), default=list(), ) _sysan = Column( # WARNING: Do not update this column directly. See # `.system_annotations` JSONB, default={}, ) _props = Column( # WARNING: Do not update this column directly. # See `.properties` or `.props` JSONB, default={}, ) @classmethod def get_label(cls): return getattr(cls, '__label__', cls.__name__.lower()) # ======== Table Attributes ======== @declared_attr def __mapper_args__(cls): name = cls.__name__ if name in abstract_classes: pjoin = polymorphic_union( { scls.__tablename__: scls.__table__ for scls in cls.get_subclasses() }, 'type') return { 'polymorphic_identity': name, 'with_polymorphic': ('*', pjoin), } else: return { 'polymorphic_identity': name, 'concrete': True, } def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplemented() # ======== Properties ======== @hybrid_property def properties(self): return PropertiesDict(self) @properties.setter def properties(self, properties): """To set each property, _set_property is called, which calls __setitem__ which calls setattr(). The final call to setattr will pass through any validation defined in a subclass property setter. """ for key, val in sanitize(properties).items(): setattr(self, key, val) @hybrid_property def props(self): """Alias of properties """ return @props.setter def props(self, properties): """Alias of properties """ = properties @hybrid_property def sysan(self): """Alias of properties """ return self.system_annotations @sysan.setter def sysan(self, sysan): """Alias of properties """ self.system_annotations = sysan def _set_property(self, key, val): """Property dict is cloned (to make sure that SQLAlchemy flushes it) before setting the key value pair. """ if not self.has_property(key): raise KeyError('{} has no property {}'.format(type(self), key)) self._props = {k: v for k, v in self._props.iteritems()} self._props[key] = val def _get_property(self, key): """If the property is defined in the model but not present on the instance, return None, else return the value associated with key. """ if not self.has_property(key): raise KeyError('{} has no property {}'.format(type(self), key)) if key not in self._props: return None return self._props[key] def property_template(self, properties={}): """Returns a dictionary of {key: None} templating all of the properties defined on the model. """ temp = {k: None for k in self.get_property_list()} temp.update(properties) return temp def __getitem__(self, key): """Returns value corresponding to key in _props """ return getattr(self, key) def __setitem__(self, key, val): """Sets value corresponding to key in _props. This calls the model's hybrid_property setter method in the instance's model class. """ setattr(self, key, val) @classmethod def get_property_list(cls): """Returns a list of hybrid_properties defined on the subclass model """ return [ attr for attr in dir(cls) if attr in cls.__dict__ and isinstance(cls.__dict__[attr], hybrid_property) and getattr(getattr(cls, attr), '_is_pg_property', True) ] @classmethod def has_property(cls, key): """Returns boolean if key is a property defined on the subclass model """ return key in cls.get_property_list() # ======== Label ======== @hybrid_property def label(self): """Custom label on the model .. note: This is not the polymorphic identity, see `_type` """ return self.get_label() @label.setter def label(self, label): """Custom setter as an application level ban from changing labels. """ if not isinstance(self.label, Column)\ and self.get_label() is not None\ and self.get_label() != label: raise AttributeError('Cannot change label from {} to {}'.format( self.get_label(), label)) # ======== System Annotations ======== @hybrid_property def system_annotations(self): """Returns a system annotation proxy pointing to _sysan. Any updates to this dict will be proxied to the model's _sysan JSONB column. """ return SystemAnnotationDict(self) @system_annotations.setter def system_annotations(self, sysan): """Directly set the model's _sysan column with dict sysan. """ self._sysan = sanitize(sysan) def get_name(self): """Convenience wrapper for getting class name """ return type(self).__name__ def get_session(self): """Returns the session an object is bound to if bound to a session """ return object_session(self) def merge(self, acl=None, system_annotations={}, properties={}): """Merge the model's system_annotations and properties. .. note: acl will be overwritten, merging acls is not supported """ self.system_annotations.update(system_annotations) for key, value in properties.items(): setattr(self, key, value) if acl is not None: self.acl = acl def _merge_onto_existing(self, old_props, old_sysan): # properties temp = {} temp.update(old_props) temp.update(self._props) self._props = temp # system annotations temp = {} temp.update(old_sysan) temp.update(self._sysan) self._sysan = temp def _get_clean_session(self, session=None): """Create a new session from an objects session using the same connection to allow for clean queries against the database """ if not session: session = self.get_session() Clean = sessionmaker() Clean.configure(bind=session.bind) return Clean() def _validate(self, session=None): """Final validation currently only includes checking nonnull properties """ for key in getattr(self, '__nonnull_properties__', []): assert[key] is not None, ( "Null value in key '{}' violates non-null constraint for {}." ).format(key, self) @classmethod def get_pg_properties(cls): return cls.__pg_properties__
class VersionedNode(Base): __tablename__ = 'versioned_nodes' __table_args__ = ( Index('submitted_node_id_idx', 'node_id'), Index('submitted_node_gdc_versions_idx', 'node_id'), ) def __repr__(self): return ("<VersionedNode(key={}, label='{}', node_id='{}')>".format( self.key, self.label, self.node_id)) key = Column(BigInteger, primary_key=True, nullable=False) label = Column( Text, nullable=False, ) node_id = Column( Text, nullable=False, ) project_id = Column( Text, nullable=False, ) gdc_versions = Column(ARRAY(Text), ) created = Column( DateTime(timezone=True), nullable=False, ) versioned = Column( DateTime(timezone=True), nullable=False, server_default=text('now()'), ) acl = Column( ARRAY(Text), default=list(), ) system_annotations = Column( JSONB, default={}, ) properties = Column( JSONB, default={}, ) neighbors = Column(ARRAY(Text), ) @staticmethod def clone(node): return VersionedNode( label=copy(node.label), node_id=copy(node.node_id), project_id=copy(node._props.get('project_id')), created=copy(node.created), acl=copy(node.acl), system_annotations=copy(node.system_annotations), properties=copy(, neighbors=copy([edge.dst_id for edge in node.edges_out] + [edge.src_id for edge in node.edges_in]))
def chat_list(request): current_page = int(request.GET.get("page", 1)) if"chat_list_unanswered"): current_status = "unanswered" elif"chat_list_ongoing"): current_status = "ongoing" elif"chat_list_ended"): current_status = "ended" else: current_status = None if"chat_list_label"): current_label = request.matchdict["label"].lower().strip().replace( " ", "_") if current_label != request.matchdict["label"]: raise HTTPFound( request.route_path("chat_list_label", label=current_label)) else: current_label = None chats = Session.query(ChatUser, Chat, Message).join(Chat).outerjoin( Message, == Session.query(func.min(, ).filter( Message.chat_id ==, ).correlate(Chat), ).filter(ChatUser.user_id ==, ) chat_count = Session.query(func.count('*')).select_from(ChatUser).filter( ChatUser.user_id ==, ) if current_status == "unanswered": chats = chats.filter( and_( Chat.last_user_id is not None, Chat.last_user_id !=, )) chat_count = chat_count.join(Chat).filter( and_( Chat.last_user_id is not None, Chat.last_user_id !=, )) elif current_status is not None: chats = chats.filter(Chat.status == current_status) chat_count = chat_count.join(Chat).filter( Chat.status == current_status) if current_label is not None: label_array = cast([current_label], ARRAY(Unicode(500))) chats = chats.filter(ChatUser.labels.contains(label_array)) chat_count = chat_count.filter(ChatUser.labels.contains(label_array)) chats = chats.order_by(Chat.updated.desc()).limit(25).offset( (current_page - 1) * 25).all() # 404 on empty pages, unless it's the first page. if current_page != 1 and len(chats) == 0: raise HTTPNotFound chat_count = chat_count.scalar() if request.matchdict.get("fmt") == "json": return render_to_response("json", { "chats": [{ "chat_user": chat_user, "chat": chat, "prompt": prompt, } for chat_user, chat, prompt in chats], "chat_count": chat_count, }, request=request) paginator = paginate.Page( [], page=current_page, items_per_page=25, item_count=chat_count, url=paginate.PageURL( request.route_path(, label=current_label), {"page": current_page}), ) labels = (Session.query( func.unnest(ChatUser.labels), func.count("*")).filter(ChatUser.user_id == func.unnest(ChatUser.labels)).order_by( func.count("*").desc(), func.unnest(ChatUser.labels).asc()).all()) template = "layout2/chat_list.mako" if request.user.layout_version == 2 else "chat_list.mako" return render_to_response(template, { "chats": chats, "paginator": paginator, "labels": labels, "current_status": current_status, "current_label": current_label, "symbols": symbols, }, request=request)
class Flow(Model): '''Model for flows A Flow is the series of :py:class:`` objects that a contract will go through as part of Conductor. It is meant to be as configurable and flexible as possible. Because of the nature of Flows, it is best to not allow them to be edited or deleted once they are in use. Instead, there is an ``is_archived`` flag. This is because of the difficulty of knowing how to handle contracts that are currently in the middle of a flow if that flow is edited. Instead, it is better to create a new flow. Attributes: id: Primary key unique ID flow_name: Name of this flow contract: Many-to-one relationship with :py:class:`` (many contracts can share a flow) stage_order: Array of stage_id integers is_archived: Boolean of whether the flow is archived or active ''' __tablename__ = 'flow' id = Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True, index=True) flow_name = Column(db.Text, unique=True) contract = db.relationship('ContractBase', backref='flow', lazy='subquery') stage_order = Column(ARRAY(db.Integer)) is_archived = Column(db.Boolean, default=False, nullable=False) def __unicode__(self): return self.flow_name @classmethod def all_flow_query_factory(cls): '''Query factory that returns query of all flows ''' return cls.query @classmethod def nonarchived_query_factory(cls): '''Query factory that returns query of all non-archived flows ''' return cls.query.filter(cls.is_archived == False) def get_ordered_stages(self): '''Turns the flow's stage_order attribute into Stage objects Returns: Ordered list of :py:class:`` objects in the flow's ``stage_order`` ''' return [Stage.query.get(i) for i in self.stage_order] def create_contract_stages(self, contract): '''Creates new rows in contract_stage table. Extracts the rows out of the given flow, and creates new rows in the contract_stage table for each of them. If the stages already exist, that means that the contract is switching back into a flow that it had already been in. To handle this, the "revert" flag is set to true, which should signal to a downstream process to roll the stages back to the first one in the current flow. Arguments: contract: A :py:class:`` object Returns: A three-tuple of (the flow's stage order, a list of the flow's :py:class:`` objects, whether the we are "reverting") ''' revert = False contract_stages = [] for stage_id in self.stage_order: try: contract_stages.append(ContractStage.create(,, stage_id=stage_id, )) except (IntegrityError, FlushError): revert = True db.session.rollback() stage = ContractStage.query.filter( ContractStage.contract_id ==, ContractStage.flow_id ==, ContractStage.stage_id == stage_id ).first() if stage: contract_stages.append(stage) else: raise IntegrityError except Exception: raise contract.flow_id = db.session.commit() return self.stage_order, contract_stages, revert def _build_row(self, row, exited, data_dict): try: data_dict[row.contract_id]['stages'].append({ 'name': row.stage_name, 'id': row.stage_id, 'entered': localize_datetime(row.entered).isoformat(), 'exited': localize_datetime(exited).isoformat(), 'seconds': max([(exited - row.entered).total_seconds(), 0]), }) except KeyError: data_dict[row.contract_id] = { 'description': row.description, 'email':, 'department': row.department, 'contract_id': row.contract_id, 'stages': [{ 'name': row.stage_name, 'id': row.stage_id, 'entered': localize_datetime(row.entered).isoformat(), 'exited': localize_datetime(exited).isoformat(), 'seconds': max([(exited - row.entered).total_seconds(), 0]), }] } return data_dict def build_metrics_data(self): '''Build the raw data sets to be transformed client-side for metrics charts Example: .. code-block:: python results = { 'current': { 'contract id': { 'description': 'a contract description', 'email': 'the contract is assigned to this email', 'department': 'the primary department for the contract', 'contract_id': 'the contract id', 'stages': [{ 'name': 'the stage name', 'id': 'the stage id', 'entered': 'when the stage was entered', 'exited': 'when the stage was exited', 'seconds': 'number of seconds the contract spent in this stage', }, ...] }, ... }, 'complete': { 'contract id': { }, ... } } Returns: A results dictionary described in the example above. ''' raw_data = self.get_metrics_csv_data() results = {'current': {}, 'complete': {}} for ix, row in enumerate(raw_data): exited = row.exited if row.exited else datetime.datetime.utcnow() if row.exited is None: results['current'] = self._build_row(row, exited, results['current']) else: results['complete'] = self._build_row(row, exited, results['complete']) return results def reshape_metrics_granular(self, enter_and_exit=False): '''Transform long data from database into wide data for consumption Take in a result set (list of tuples), return a dictionary of results. The key for the dictionary is the contract id, and the values are a list of (fieldname, value). Metadata (common to all rows) is listed first, and timing information from each stage is listed afterwords. Sorting is assumed to be done on the database layer Arguments: enter_and_exit: A boolean option of whether to add both the enter and exit times to the results list Returns: * Results - a dictionary of lists which can be used to generate a .csv or .tsv file to be downloaded by the client * Headers - A list of strings which can be used to create the headers for the downloadable file ''' raw_data = self.get_metrics_csv_data() results = defaultdict(list) headers = [] for ix, row in enumerate(raw_data): if ix == 0: headers.extend(['item_number', 'description', 'assigned_to', 'department']) # if this is a new contract row, append metadata if len(results[row.contract_id]) == 0: results[row.contract_id].extend([ row.contract_id, row.description,, row.department, ]) # append the stage date data if enter_and_exit and row.exited: results[row.contract_id].extend([ localize_datetime(row.exited), localize_datetime(row.entered) ]) if row.stage_name + '_exit' not in headers: headers.append(row.stage_name.replace(' ', '_') + '_exit') headers.append(row.stage_name.replace(' ', '_') + '_enter') else: results[row.contract_id].extend([ localize_datetime(row.exited) ]) if row.stage_name not in headers: headers.append(row.stage_name) return results, headers def get_metrics_csv_data(self): '''Raw SQL query that returns the raw data to be reshaped for download or charting ''' return db.session.execute(''' select x.contract_id, x.description, x.department,, x.stage_name, x.rn, x.stage_id, min(x.entered) as entered, max(x.exited) as exited from ( select as contract_id, c.description, as department,, as stage_name, as stage_id, cs.exited, cs.entered, row_number() over (partition by order by cs.entered asc, asc) as rn from contract_stage cs join stage s on cs.stage_id = join contract c on cs.contract_id = join users u on c.assigned_to = left join department d on c.department_id = where cs.entered is not null and cs.flow_id = :flow_id ) x group by 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 order by contract_id, rn asc ''', { 'flow_id': }).fetchall()