예제 #1
 def set_default(self):
     if self.is_default:
         Location.query.filter(Location.is_default | (Location.id == self.id)).update(
             {"is_default": func.not_(Location.is_default)}, synchronize_session="fetch"
예제 #2
 def set_default(self):
     if self.is_default:
                            | (Location.id == self.id)).update(
                                    'is_default': func.not_(
예제 #3
class Operator:

    OPERATORS: Dict[str, Callable] = {
        "is_null": lambda f, a=None: f.is_(None),
        "is_not_null": lambda f, a=None: f.isnot(None),
        "==": lambda f, a: f == a,
        "=": lambda f, a: f == a,
        "eq": lambda f, a: f == a,
        "!=": lambda f, a: f != a,
        "<>": lambda f, a: f != a,
        "ne": lambda f, a: f != a,
        ">": lambda f, a: f > a,
        "gt": lambda f, a: f > a,
        "<": lambda f, a: f < a,
        "lt": lambda f, a: f < a,
        ">=": lambda f, a: f >= a,
        "ge": lambda f, a: f >= a,
        "<=": lambda f, a: f <= a,
        "le": lambda f, a: f <= a,
        "like": lambda f, a: f.like(a),
        "ilike": lambda f, a: f.ilike(a),
        "not_ilike": lambda f, a: ~f.ilike(a),
        "in": lambda f, a: f.in_(a),
        "not_in": lambda f, a: ~f.in_(a),
        "any": lambda f, a: f.any(a),
        "not_any": lambda f, a: func.not_(f.any(a)),
        "INTERSECTS": lambda f, a: f.ST_Intersects(a),
        "DISJOINT": lambda f, a: f.ST_Disjoint(a),
        "CONTAINS": lambda f, a: f.ST_Contains(a),
        "WITHIN": lambda f, a: f.ST_Within(a),
        "TOUCHES": lambda f, a: f.ST_Touches(a),
        "CROSSES": lambda f, a: f.ST_Crosses(a),
        "OVERLAPS": lambda f, a: f.ST_Overlaps(a),
        "EQUALS": lambda f, a: f.ST_Equals(a),
        "RELATE": lambda f, a, pattern: f.ST_Relate(a, pattern),
        "DWITHIN": lambda f, a, distance: f.ST_Dwithin(a, distance),
        "BEYOND": lambda f, a, distance: ~f.ST_Dwithin(a, distance),
        "+": lambda f, a: f + a,
        "-": lambda f, a: f - a,
        "*": lambda f, a: f * a,
        "/": lambda f, a: f / a,

    def __init__(self, operator: str = None):
        if not operator:
            operator = "=="

        if operator not in self.OPERATORS:
            raise Exception("Operator `{}` not valid.".format(operator))

        self.operator = operator
        self.function = self.OPERATORS[operator]
        self.arity = len(signature(self.function).parameters)
예제 #4
    def _aj_lon_lat(self, s, new=True):

        start = to_time(self.nearby.start)
        finish = to_time(self.nearby.finish)

        agroup = s.query(ActivityGroup).filter(
            ActivityGroup.name == self.nearby.activity_group).one()
        lat = s.query(StatisticName.id). \
            filter(StatisticName.name == LATITUDE, StatisticName.constraint == agroup).scalar()
        lon = s.query(StatisticName.id). \
            filter(StatisticName.name == LONGITUDE, StatisticName.constraint == agroup).scalar()

        if not lat or not lon:
                f'No {LATITUDE} or {LONGITUDE} in database for {agroup}')

        sj_lat = inspect(StatisticJournal).local_table
        sj_lon = alias(inspect(StatisticJournal).local_table)
        sjf_lat = inspect(StatisticJournalFloat).local_table
        sjf_lon = alias(inspect(StatisticJournalFloat).local_table)
        aj = inspect(ActivityJournal).local_table
        ns = inspect(ActivitySimilarity).local_table

        existing_lo = select([ns.c.activity_journal_lo_id]). \
            where(ns.c.constraint == self.nearby.constraint)
        existing_hi = select([ns.c.activity_journal_hi_id]). \
            where(ns.c.constraint == self.nearby.constraint)
        existing = existing_lo.union(existing_hi).cte()

        stmt = select([sj_lat.c.source_id, sjf_lon.c.value, sjf_lat.c.value]). \
            select_from(sj_lat).select_from(sj_lon).select_from(sjf_lat).select_from(sjf_lat).select_from(aj). \
            where(and_(sj_lat.c.source_id == sj_lon.c.source_id,  # same source
                       sj_lat.c.time == sj_lon.c.time,            # same time
                       sj_lat.c.source_id == aj.c.id,             # and associated with an activity
                       aj.c.activity_group_id == agroup.id,       # of the right group
                       sj_lat.c.id == sjf_lat.c.id,               # lat sub-class
                       sj_lon.c.id == sjf_lon.c.id,               # lon sub-class
                       sj_lat.c.statistic_name_id == lat,         # lat name
                       sj_lon.c.statistic_name_id == lon,         # lon name
                       sj_lat.c.time >= start.timestamp(),        # time limits
                       sj_lat.c.time < finish.timestamp(),
                       sjf_lat.c.value > self.nearby.latitude - self.nearby.height / 2,
                       sjf_lat.c.value < self.nearby.latitude + self.nearby.height / 2,
                       sjf_lon.c.value > self.nearby.longitude - self.nearby.width / 2,
                       sjf_lon.c.value < self.nearby.longitude + self.nearby.width / 2))

        if new:
            stmt = stmt.where(func.not_(sj_lat.c.source_id.in_(existing)))
            stmt = stmt.where(sj_lat.c.source_id.in_(existing))
        stmt = stmt.order_by(sj_lat.c.source_id)  # needed for seen logic
        yield from s.connection().execute(stmt)
예제 #5
def list_build_artifacts(
    build_id: int = None,
    key: str = None,
    excluded_artifact_types: List[schema.BuildArtifactType] = None,
    filters = []
    if build_id:
        filters.append(orm.BuildArtifact.build_id == build_id)
    if key:
        filters.append(orm.BuildArtifact.key == key)
    if excluded_artifact_types:

    return db.query(orm.BuildArtifact).filter(*filters)
예제 #6
    def _aj_lon_lat(self, s, new=True):
        from ..owners import ActivityReader
        lat = s.query(StatisticName.id). \
            filter(StatisticName.name == N.LATITUDE,
                   StatisticName.owner == ActivityReader).scalar()
        lon = s.query(StatisticName.id). \
            filter(StatisticName.name == N.LONGITUDE,
                   StatisticName.owner == ActivityReader).scalar()
        if not lat or not lon:
            log.warning(f'No {N.LATITUDE} or {N.LONGITUDE} in database')

        # todo - use tables() instead
        sj_lat = inspect(StatisticJournal).local_table
        sj_lon = alias(inspect(StatisticJournal).local_table)
        sjf_lat = inspect(StatisticJournalFloat).local_table
        sjf_lon = alias(inspect(StatisticJournalFloat).local_table)
        aj = inspect(ActivityJournal).local_table
        ns = inspect(ActivitySimilarity).local_table

        existing_lo = select([ns.c.activity_journal_lo_id])
        existing_hi = select([ns.c.activity_journal_hi_id])
        existing = existing_lo.union(existing_hi).cte()

        # todo - has not been tuned for latest schema
        stmt = select([sj_lat.c.source_id, sjf_lon.c.value, sjf_lat.c.value]). \
            select_from(sj_lat).select_from(sj_lon).select_from(sjf_lat).select_from(sjf_lat).select_from(aj). \
            where(and_(sj_lat.c.source_id == sj_lon.c.source_id,  # same source
                       sj_lat.c.time == sj_lon.c.time,            # same time
                       sj_lat.c.source_id == aj.c.id,             # and associated with an activity
                       sj_lat.c.id == sjf_lat.c.id,               # lat sub-class
                       sj_lon.c.id == sjf_lon.c.id,               # lon sub-class
                       sj_lat.c.statistic_name_id == lat,
                       sj_lon.c.statistic_name_id == lon))

        if new:
            stmt = stmt.where(func.not_(sj_lat.c.source_id.in_(existing)))
            stmt = stmt.where(sj_lat.c.source_id.in_(existing))
        stmt = stmt.order_by(sj_lat.c.source_id)  # needed for seen logic
        yield from s.connection().execute(stmt)
예제 #7
class Operator(object):

        'is_null': lambda f: f.is_(None),
        'is_not_null': lambda f: f.isnot(None),
        '==': lambda f, a: f == a,
        'eq': lambda f, a: f == a,
        '!=': lambda f, a: f != a,
        'ne': lambda f, a: f != a,
        '>': lambda f, a: f > a,
        'gt': lambda f, a: f > a,
        '<': lambda f, a: f < a,
        'lt': lambda f, a: f < a,
        '>=': lambda f, a: f >= a,
        'ge': lambda f, a: f >= a,
        '<=': lambda f, a: f <= a,
        'le': lambda f, a: f <= a,
        'like': lambda f, a: f.like(a),
        'ilike': lambda f, a: f.ilike(a),
        'not_ilike': lambda f, a: ~f.ilike(a),
        'in': lambda f, a: f.in_(a),
        'not_in': lambda f, a: ~f.in_(a),
        'any': lambda f, a: f.any(a),
        'not_any': lambda f, a: func.not_(f.any(a)),
        lambda f, a: func.json_contains(f, func.json_array(a)),

    def __init__(self, operator=None):
        if not operator:
            operator = '=='

        if operator not in self.OPERATORS:
            raise BadFilterFormat('Operator `{}` not valid.'.format(operator))

        self.operator = operator
        self.function = self.OPERATORS[operator]
        self.arity = len(signature(self.function).parameters)
예제 #8
class Operator(object):

        "is_null": lambda f: f.is_(None),
        "is_not_null": lambda f: f.isnot(None),
        "==": lambda f, a: f == a,
        "eq": lambda f, a: f == a,
        "!=": lambda f, a: f != a,
        "ne": lambda f, a: f != a,
        ">": lambda f, a: f > a,
        "gt": lambda f, a: f > a,
        "<": lambda f, a: f < a,
        "lt": lambda f, a: f < a,
        ">=": lambda f, a: f >= a,
        "ge": lambda f, a: f >= a,
        "<=": lambda f, a: f <= a,
        "le": lambda f, a: f <= a,
        "like": lambda f, a: f.like(a),
        "ilike": lambda f, a: f.ilike(a),
        "not_ilike": lambda f, a: ~f.ilike(a),
        "in": lambda f, a: f.in_(a),
        "not_in": lambda f, a: ~f.in_(a),
        "any": lambda f, a: f.any(a),
        "not_any": lambda f, a: func.not_(f.any(a)),

    def __init__(self, operator=None):
        if not operator:
            operator = "=="

        if operator not in self.OPERATORS:
            raise BadFilterFormat("Operator `{}` not valid.".format(operator))

        self.operator = operator
        self.function = self.OPERATORS[operator]
        self.arity = len(signature(self.function).parameters)
예제 #9
# borrowed from sqlalchemy-filters

    '==': lambda f, a: f == a,
    '!=': lambda f, a: f != a,
    '>': lambda f, a: f > a,
    '<': lambda f, a: f < a,
    '>=': lambda f, a: f >= a,
    '<=': lambda f, a: f <= a,
    'like': lambda f, a: f.like(a),
    'ilike': lambda f, a: f.ilike(a),
    'not_ilike': lambda f, a: ~f.ilike(a),
    'in': lambda f, a: f.in_(a),
    'not_in': lambda f, a: ~f.in_(a),
    'any': lambda f, a: f.any(a),
    'not_any': lambda f, a: func.not_(f.any(a)),

@api.response(404, 'Reference sequence not found.')
class SequencesAPI(Resource):
    @api.expect(filter_arguments, validate=True)
    def get(self, species, genomic_datasets):
        """ Returns nucleotide sequences from selected reference or multiple references (separate multiple reference names with ',')  """
        args = filter_arguments.parse_args(request)

        required_cols = json.loads(args['cols'])
        genomic_datasets = genomic_datasets.split(',')
        ret = find_genomic_sequences(required_cols, genomic_datasets, species,
예제 #10
 def all_user_accounts() -> List["Account"]:
     return Account.query.filter(func.not_(Account.system)).all()
예제 #11
파일: admin.py 프로젝트: korepwx/railgun
def hwscores(hwid):
    """The admin page to view the student score table of a given homework.

    All users except the administrators will be listed on the table, even
    if he or she does not upload any submission.  Only the highest score
    of a user will be displayed.

    The view accepts a query string argument `csvfile`, and if `csvfile` is
    set to 1, a csv data file will be responded to the visitor instead of
    a html table page.

    :route: /admin/hwscores/<hwid>/
    :method: GET
    :template: admin.csvdata.html
    def make_record(itm, hdr):
        return tuple([getattr(itm, h) for h in hdr])

    # Query about given homework
    hw = g.homeworks.get_by_uuid(hwid)
    if hw is None:
        raise NotFound(lazy_gettext('Requested homework not found.'))

    # Get max score for each user
    q = (db.session.query(
        Handin.user_id, Handin.state, User.name,
        func.max(Handin.score * Handin.scale).label('score')).filter(
            Handin.hwid == hwid).join(User).group_by(
                Handin.state).having(Handin.state == 'Accepted'))

    # Show the report
    raw_headers = ['name', 'score']
    display_headers = [lazy_gettext('Username'), lazy_gettext('Score')]
    pagetitle = _('Scores for "%(hw)s"', hw=hw.info.name)
    filename = hw.info.name
    if isinstance(filename, unicode):
        filename = filename.encode('utf-8')

    # Pre-process the data
    # We need to display all users, even he does not submit anything!
    user_query = db.session.query(User.id, User.name)
    if not app.config['ADMIN_SCORE_IN_REPORT']:
        user_query = user_query.filter(func.not_(User.is_admin))
    users = sorted((u.name, u.id) for u in user_query)
    user_scores = {}

    for rec in q:
        user_scores.setdefault(rec.user_id, 0.0)
        if user_scores[rec.user_id] < rec.score:
            user_scores[rec.user_id] = round_score(rec.score)

    # Build data in user name ASC
    csvdata = [{
        'name': u[0],
        'score': user_scores.get(u[1], '-')
    } for u in users]

    # Link users to their submission page
    def LinkUser(idx, name):
        if idx == 0:
            return url_for('.handins_for_user', username=name)

    return _make_csv_report(csvdata,
예제 #12
파일: admin.py 프로젝트: korepwx/railgun
def hwscores(hwid):
    """The admin page to view the student score table of a given homework.

    All users except the administrators will be listed on the table, even
    if he or she does not upload any submission.  Only the highest score
    of a user will be displayed.

    The view accepts a query string argument `csvfile`, and if `csvfile` is
    set to 1, a csv data file will be responded to the visitor instead of
    a html table page.

    :route: /admin/hwscores/<hwid>/
    :method: GET
    :template: admin.csvdata.html
    def make_record(itm, hdr):
        return tuple([getattr(itm, h) for h in hdr])

    # Query about given homework
    hw = g.homeworks.get_by_uuid(hwid)
    if hw is None:
        raise NotFound(lazy_gettext('Requested homework not found.'))

    # Get max score for each user
    q = (db.session.query(Handin.user_id,
                          func.max(Handin.score * Handin.scale).label('score')).
         filter(Handin.hwid == hwid).
         group_by(Handin.user_id, Handin.state).
         having(Handin.state == 'Accepted'))

    # Show the report
    raw_headers = ['name', 'score']
    display_headers = [lazy_gettext('Username'), lazy_gettext('Score')]
    pagetitle = _('Scores for "%(hw)s"', hw=hw.info.name)
    filename = hw.info.name
    if isinstance(filename, unicode):
        filename = filename.encode('utf-8')

    # Pre-process the data
    # We need to display all users, even he does not submit anything!
    user_query = db.session.query(User.id, User.name)
    if not app.config['ADMIN_SCORE_IN_REPORT']:
        user_query = user_query.filter(func.not_(User.is_admin))
    users = sorted(
        (u.name, u.id) for u in user_query
    user_scores = {}

    for rec in q:
        user_scores.setdefault(rec.user_id, 0.0)
        if user_scores[rec.user_id] < rec.score:
            user_scores[rec.user_id] = round_score(rec.score)

    # Build data in user name ASC
    csvdata = [
            'name': u[0],
            'score': user_scores.get(u[1], '-')
        for u in users

    # Link users to their submission page
    def LinkUser(idx, name):
        if idx == 0:
            return url_for('.handins_for_user', username=name)

    return _make_csv_report(