def build_single_movement_query(dbsession, owner, period): """Build a query that lists the unreconciled movements in open periods. Return a query providing these columns: - transfer_id - date - delta - movement_ids """ movement_date_c = func.timezone(get_tzname(owner), func.timezone('UTC', FileMovement.ts))) return (dbsession.query( TransferRecord.transfer_id, movement_date_c.label('date'), file_movement_delta.label('delta'), array([FileMovement.movement_id]).label('movement_ids'), ).select_from(FileMovement).join( TransferRecord, == FileMovement.transfer_record_id).join( Period, == FileMovement.period_id).filter( FileMovement.owner_id ==, FileMovement.file_id == period.file_id, FileMovement.reco_id == null, file_movement_delta != 0, ~Period.closed, ))
def __init__(self, owner): self.table = FileMovement self.date_c = func.timezone(get_tzname(owner), func.timezone('UTC', FileMovement.ts))) self.id_c = FileMovement.movement_id self.plural = 'movements'
def _get_printing_day(created_at): return func.date_trunc( 'day', func.timezone('Europe/London', func.timezone('UTC', created_at)) + text( # We add 6 hours 30 minutes to the local created_at time so that # any letters created after 5:30pm get shifted into the next day "interval '6 hours 30 minutes'"))
def get_sydney_month_from_utc_column(column): """ Where queries need to count notifications by month it needs to be the month in AET. The database stores all timestamps as UTC without the timezone. - First set the timezone on created_at to UTC - then convert the timezone to AET - lastly truncate the datetime to month with which we can group queries """ return func.date_trunc( "month", func.timezone(aet_tz_str, func.timezone("UTC", column)))
def get_london_month_from_utc_column(column): """ Where queries need to count notifications by month it needs to be the month in BST (British Summer Time). The database stores all timestamps as UTC without the timezone. - First set the timezone on created_at to UTC - then convert the timezone to BST (or Europe/London) - lastly truncate the datetime to month with which we can group queries """ return func.date_trunc( "month", func.timezone("Europe/London", func.timezone("UTC", column)))
def astimezone(self, tz): """Convert the datetime to a specific timezone. This is useful if you want e.g. to cast to Date afterwards but need a specific timezone instead of UTC. When accessing the value returned by this method in Python it will be a naive datetime object in the specified time zone. :param tz: A timezone name or tzinfo object. """ tz = getattr(tz, 'zone', tz) return func.timezone(tz, func.timezone('UTC', self.expr))
def get_local_timezone_month_from_utc_column(column): """ Where queries need to count notifications by month it needs to be the month in BST (British Summer Time). The database stores all timestamps as UTC without the timezone. - First set the timezone on created_at to UTC - then convert the timezone to BST (or America/Toronto) - lastly truncate the datetime to month with which we can group queries """ return func.date_trunc( "month", func.timezone(os.getenv("TIMEZONE", "America/Toronto"), func.timezone("UTC", column)))
def find_appointment_availability(cls, office_id: int, timezone: str, first_date: datetime, last_date: datetime): """Find appointment availability for dates in a month""" query = db.session.query(Appointment).filter( func.date_trunc( 'day', func.timezone(timezone, Appointment.start_time)).between( func.date_trunc('day', func.timezone(timezone, first_date)), func.date_trunc('day', func.timezone(timezone, last_date)))) query = query.filter(Appointment.office_id == office_id) query = query.order_by(Appointment.start_time.asc()) return query.all()
def get_chart_data(): d = cast(func.timezone('-04:00', PickupRecord.date_submitted), DATE).label('d') counts = db.session.query(func.count('*'), PickupRecord.source, d).select_from(PickupRecord).group_by(d, PickupRecord.source).all() data = {} sources = set() for row in counts: date = str(row[2]) source = row[1] count = row[0] if date not in data: data[date] = {} data[date][source] = count sources.add(source) options = dict() options['xAxis'] = sorted(data.keys()) options['series'] = [] for source in sources: counts = [] for date in options['xAxis']: if source in data[date]: counts.append(data[date][source]) else: counts.append(0) options['series'].append({'name': source, 'data': counts}) return jsonify(options)
def get_day_entries(user_id, day=None, field_id=None): day, tz = User.timezoned(date=day, user_id=user_id) timezoned = func.Date(func.timezone(tz, FieldEntry.created_at)) q = db.session.query(FieldEntry)\ .filter(FieldEntry.user_id == user_id, timezoned == if field_id: q = q.filter(FieldEntry.field_id == field_id) return q
def get_stats(self) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Dict[str, int]]: cutoff = - datetime.timedelta(days=30) metrics = [ for m in EventType] metrics.append("NEW_USERS") keys = sorted(metrics) stats: typing.Dict[str, typing.Dict[str, int]] = collections.defaultdict( lambda: {name: 0 for name in keys} ) totals = {name: 0 for name in keys} for date, type_code, count in ( self.filter(Event.timestamp > cutoff) .with_entities( func.DATE(func.timezone("PST", Event.timestamp)).label("date"), Event.type_code, func.count(, ) .group_by("date", Event.type_code) .order_by(desc("date")) .all() ): event_date = date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") event_type = EventType(type_code) stats[event_date][] = count totals[] += count # Ew. from airq.models.clients import Client for date, count in ( Client.query.filter_phones() .filter(Client.created_at > cutoff) .with_entities( func.DATE(func.timezone("PST", Client.created_at)).label("date"), func.count(, ) .group_by("date") .order_by(desc("date")) .all() ): join_date = date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") stats[join_date]["NEW_USERS"] = count stats["TOTAL"] = totals return dict(stats)
class RecoverySession(db.Model): """ A recovery session is created once a user enters their username and completes the reCaptcha. It is used to track Reset Tokens and Phone Verification numbers per session. """ __tablename__ = "session" id = Column(String(36), primary_key=True) username = Column(String(64), nullable=False) created = Column(DateTime, default=func.timezone('UTC', func.current_timestamp()))
def date(self, tz=None): tz = get_timezone(tz) if str(db.engine.url).startswith('sqlite'): minutes_offset = round( tz.utcoffset( / 60) return, f'{minutes_offset} minutes') else: tzname = tz.tzname( datetime_at_tz = func.timezone(tzname, self.expr) return func.DATE(datetime_at_tz)
def authored_month_counts_q(session): s = session # Careful with the datetime-truncation here - ensure we're working in UTC # before we bin by month! month_counts_qry = s.query( func.date_trunc('month', func.timezone('UTC',Voevent.author_datetime) ).distinct().label('month_id'), (func.count(Voevent.ivorn)).label('month_count'), ).select_from(Voevent).group_by('month_id') return month_counts_qry
def list_bundle_records(self): """List bundle transfers that contain unreconciled bundled movements. """ dbsession = self.dbsession owner = self.owner period = self.period # bundle_transfer_ids_cte lists the bundle transfer IDs # of the unreconciled bundled movements for this file. bundle_transfer_ids_cte = (dbsession.query( TransferRecord.bundle_transfer_id).select_from(FileMovement).join( TransferRecord, == FileMovement.transfer_record_id).join( Period, == FileMovement.period_id).filter( FileMovement.owner_id ==, FileMovement.file_id == period.file_id, FileMovement.reco_id == null, file_movement_delta != 0, TransferRecord.bundle_transfer_id != null, ~Period.closed, ).distinct().cte('bundle_transfer_ids_cte')) record_date_c = func.timezone(get_tzname(owner), func.timezone('UTC', TransferRecord.start))) bundle_records = (dbsession.query( TransferRecord.transfer_id, TransferRecord.bundled_transfers, record_date_c.label('date'), ).filter( TransferRecord.owner_id ==, TransferRecord.transfer_id.in_(bundle_transfer_ids_cte), TransferRecord.bundled_transfers != null, func.jsonb_array_length(TransferRecord.bundled_transfers) > 0, ).order_by(TransferRecord.start, TransferRecord.transfer_id).all())"BundleFinder: %s unreconciled bundle(s) for period %s", len(bundle_records), return bundle_records
class ResetToken(db.Model): """ Reset tokens are generated once an identity has been verified. They allow the user access to the reset page. """ __tablename__ = "token" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) username = Column(String(64), nullable=False) created = Column(DateTime, default=func.timezone('UTC', func.current_timestamp())) token = Column(String(36)) session = Column(String(36), ForeignKey("")) used = Column(Boolean)
def get_day_entries(user_id, day=None, field_id=None): tz_ = db.session.query(User.timezone).filter_by(id=user_id).scalar() tz_ = tz_ or 'America/Los_Angeles' timezoned = func.Date(func.timezone(tz_, FieldEntry.created_at)) day = day.astimezone(tz.gettz(tz_)) if day else nowtz(tz_) q = db.session.query(FieldEntry)\ .filter(FieldEntry.user_id == user_id, timezoned == if field_id: q = q.filter(FieldEntry.field_id == field_id) return q
class Apartment(BaseModel): __tablename__ = 'apartment' def __init__(self, **data): for key, value in data.items(): setattr(self, key, value) id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) created_at = Column(DateTime, server_default=func.timezone('UTC', func.current_timestamp())) touched_at = Column(DateTime, server_default=func.timezone('UTC', func.current_timestamp()), onupdate=func.timezone('UTC', func.current_timestamp())) date_listed = Column(DateTime) url = Column(String, unique=True, nullable=False) title = Column(String) address = Column(String) price = Column(Numeric) price_currency = Column(String, default='CAD') pet_friendly = Column(Boolean) bedrooms = Column(Integer) bathrooms = Column(Integer) furnished = Column(Boolean) latitude = Column(Float) longitude = Column(Float) lat_deg = Column(Float) lng_deg = Column(Float) geocode_source = Column(String) def json(self, degrees=False): j = {} for key in self._sa_class_manager.keys(): val = getattr(self, key) if key in ('latitude', 'longitude') and degrees: val = to_degrees(val) j[key] = val return j
def find_next_day_appointments(cls): """Find next day appointments.""" from app.models.theq import Office, PublicUser, Citizen, Timezone tomorrow = current_pacific_time() + timedelta(days=1) query = db.session.query(Appointment, Office, Timezone, PublicUser). \ join(Citizen, Citizen.citizen_id == Appointment.citizen_id). \ join(Office, Office.office_id == Appointment.office_id). \ join(Timezone, Timezone.timezone_id == Office.timezone_id). \ outerjoin(PublicUser, PublicUser.user_id == Citizen.user_id). \ filter(func.date_trunc('day', func.timezone(Timezone.timezone_name, Appointment.start_time)) == tomorrow.strftime("%Y-%m-%d 00:00:00")) return query.all()
def find_next_day_appointments(cls): """Find next day appointments.""" from app.models.theq import Office, PublicUser, Citizen, Timezone tomorrow = + timedelta(days=1) tomorrow = tomorrow.astimezone(tz.tzlocal()) query = db.session.query(Appointment, Office, Timezone, PublicUser). \ join(Citizen, Citizen.citizen_id == Appointment.citizen_id). \ join(Office, Office.office_id == Appointment.office_id). \ join(Timezone, Timezone.timezone_id == Office.timezone_id). \ outerjoin(PublicUser, PublicUser.user_id == Citizen.user_id). \ filter(func.date_trunc('day', func.timezone(Timezone.timezone_name,Appointment.start_time)) == func.date_trunc('day', tomorrow)) return query.all()
def find_by_username_and_office_id(cls, office_id: int, user_name: str, start_time, timezone, appointment_id=None): """Find apponintment for the user at an office for a date.""" from app.models.theq import PublicUser, Citizen start_datetime = parse(start_time) query = db.session.query(Appointment). \ join(Citizen). \ join(PublicUser). \ filter(Appointment.citizen_id == Citizen.citizen_id). \ filter(Citizen.user_id == PublicUser.user_id). \ filter(func.date_trunc('day', func.timezone(timezone, Appointment.start_time)) == (func.date_trunc('day', func.timezone(timezone, start_datetime)))). \ filter(Appointment.office_id == office_id). \ filter(PublicUser.username == user_name). \ filter(Appointment.checked_in_time.is_(None)) if appointment_id: query = query.filter(Appointment.appointment_id != appointment_id) return query.all()
def message_totals(dbsession, user): "Message totals query" query = dbsession.query(, Message.timestamp)) .label('ldate'), func.count('ldate').label('mail_total'), func.sum(case([(Message.virusinfected > 0, 1)], else_=0)) .label('virus_total'), func.sum(case([(and_(Message.virusinfected == 0, Message.spam > 0), 1)], else_=0)).label('spam_total'), func.sum(Message.size).label('total_size'))\ .group_by('ldate')\ .order_by(desc('ldate')) uquery = UserFilter(dbsession, user, query) query = uquery.filter() return query
def get_stats(self) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Dict[str, int]]: keys = sorted( for m in EventType) stats: typing.Dict[str, typing.Dict[str, int]] = collections.defaultdict( lambda: {name: 0 for name in keys}) totals = {name: 0 for name in keys} for date, type_code, count in (self.filter( Event.timestamp > - datetime.timedelta(days=30)).with_entities( func.DATE(func.timezone("PST", Event.timestamp)).label("date"), Event.type_code, func.count(, ).group_by("date", Event.type_code).order_by(desc("date")).all()): send_date = date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") event_type = EventType(type_code) stats[send_date][] = count totals[] += count stats["TOTAL"] = totals return dict(stats)
def search_purchase_history(cls, # pylint:disable=too-many-arguments, too-many-locals, too-many-branches auth_account_id: str, search_filter: Dict, page: int, limit: int, return_all: bool, max_no_records: int = 0): """Search for purchase history.""" # Payment Account Sub Query payment_account_sub_query = db.session.query(PaymentAccount).filter( PaymentAccount.auth_account_id == auth_account_id).subquery('pay_accnt') query = db.session.query(Payment, Invoice) \ .join(Invoice) \ .outerjoin(CreditPaymentAccount) \ .outerjoin(BcolPaymentAccount) \ .outerjoin(InternalPaymentAccount) \ .filter(or_(InternalPaymentAccount.account_id ==, BcolPaymentAccount.account_id ==, CreditPaymentAccount.account_id == if search_filter.get('status', None): query = query.filter(Payment.payment_status_code == search_filter.get('status')) if search_filter.get('folioNumber', None): query = query.filter(Invoice.folio_number == search_filter.get('folioNumber')) if search_filter.get('businessIdentifier', None): query = query.filter(Invoice.business_identifier == search_filter.get('businessIdentifier')) if search_filter.get('createdBy', None): # pylint: disable=no-member query = query.filter('%' + search_filter.get('createdBy') + '%')) # pylint: disable=no-member # Find start and end dates created_from: datetime = None created_to: datetime = None if get_str_by_path(search_filter, 'dateFilter/startDate'): created_from = datetime.strptime(get_str_by_path(search_filter, 'dateFilter/startDate'), '%m/%d/%Y') if get_str_by_path(search_filter, 'dateFilter/endDate'): created_to = datetime.strptime(get_str_by_path(search_filter, 'dateFilter/endDate'), '%m/%d/%Y') if get_str_by_path(search_filter, 'weekFilter/index'): created_from, created_to = get_week_start_and_end_date( int(get_str_by_path(search_filter, 'weekFilter/index'))) if get_str_by_path(search_filter, 'monthFilter/month') and get_str_by_path(search_filter, 'monthFilter/year'): month = int(get_str_by_path(search_filter, 'monthFilter/month')) year = int(get_str_by_path(search_filter, 'monthFilter/year')) created_from, created_to = get_first_and_last_dates_of_month(month=month, year=year) if created_from and created_to: # Truncate time for from date and add max time for to date tz_name = current_app.config['LEGISLATIVE_TIMEZONE'] tz_local = pytz.timezone(tz_name) created_from = created_from.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0).astimezone(tz_local) created_to = created_to.replace(hour=23, minute=59, second=59, microsecond=999999).astimezone(tz_local) query = query.filter( func.timezone(tz_name, func.timezone('UTC', Payment.created_on)).between(created_from, created_to)) # Add ordering query = query.order_by(Payment.created_on.desc()) if not return_all: # Add pagination pagination = query.paginate(per_page=limit, page=page) result, count = pagination.items, # If maximum number of records is provided, return it as total if max_no_records > 0: count = max_no_records if max_no_records < count else count else: # If maximum number of records is provided, set the page with that number if max_no_records > 0: pagination = query.paginate(per_page=max_no_records, page=1) result, count = pagination.items, max_no_records else: result = query.all() count = len(result) return result, count
def now_utc(): return func.timezone("utc",
def test_compare_current_timestamp_fn_w_binds(self): self._compare_default_roundtrip( DateTime(), func.timezone("utc", func.current_timestamp()) )
def in_jst(timestamp: datetime) -> Function: return func.timezone('Asia/Tokyo', timestamp)
def in_utc(timestamp: datetime) -> Function: return func.timezone('UTC', timestamp)
def get_total_new(self) -> int: """Number of new clients in the last day""" return (self.filter_phones().filter( func.timezone("PST", Client.created_at) > now().date()). with_entities(func.count( or 0)
def db_now_utc(): app.config.from_object('config.default') database.init_app(app) q = database.session.query(func.timezone('utc', print(q.scalar())