예제 #1
    def __determine_targets(self):
        if isinstance(self.argument, type):
            self.mapper = mapper.class_mapper(self.argument, entity_name=self.entity_name, compile=False)
        elif isinstance(self.argument, mapper.Mapper):
            self.mapper = self.argument
        elif callable(self.argument):
            # accept a callable to suit various deferred-configurational schemes
            self.mapper = mapper.class_mapper(self.argument(), entity_name=self.entity_name, compile=False)
            raise exceptions.ArgumentError("relation '%s' expects a class or a mapper argument (received: %s)" % (self.key, type(self.argument)))

        if not self.parent.concrete:
            for inheriting in self.parent.iterate_to_root():
                if inheriting is not self.parent and inheriting._get_property(self.key, raiseerr=False):
                        ("Warning: relation '%s' on mapper '%s' supercedes "
                         "the same relation on inherited mapper '%s'; this "
                         "can cause dependency issues during flush") %
                        (self.key, self.parent, inheriting))

        self.target = self.mapper.mapped_table
        self.table = self.mapper.mapped_table

        if self.cascade.delete_orphan:
            if self.parent.class_ is self.mapper.class_:
                raise exceptions.ArgumentError("In relationship '%s', can't establish 'delete-orphan' cascade "
                            "rule on a self-referential relationship.  "
                            "You probably want cascade='all', which includes delete cascading but not orphan detection." %(str(self)))
            self.mapper.primary_mapper().delete_orphans.append((self.key, self.parent.class_))
예제 #2
    def _determine_targets(self):
        if isinstance(self.argument, type):
            self.mapper = mapper.class_mapper(self.argument,
        elif isinstance(self.argument, mapper.Mapper):
            self.mapper = self.argument._check_compile()
            raise exceptions.ArgumentError(
                "relation '%s' expects a class or a mapper argument (received: %s)"
                % (self.key, type(self.argument)))

        # ensure the "select_mapper", if different from the regular target mapper, is compiled.

        if self.association is not None:
            if isinstance(self.association, type):
                self.association = mapper.class_mapper(
                    self.association, compile=False)._check_compile()

        self.target = self.mapper.mapped_table
        self.select_mapper = self.mapper.get_select_mapper()
        self.select_table = self.mapper.select_table
        self.loads_polymorphic = self.target is not self.select_table

        if self.cascade.delete_orphan:
            if self.parent.class_ is self.mapper.class_:
                raise exceptions.ArgumentError(
                    "In relationship '%s', can't establish 'delete-orphan' cascade rule on a self-referential relationship.  You probably want cascade='all', which includes delete cascading but not orphan detection."
                    % (str(self)))
                (self.key, self.parent.class_))
예제 #3
    def __determine_targets(self):
        if isinstance(self.argument, type):
            self.mapper = mapper.class_mapper(self.argument, entity_name=self.entity_name, compile=False)
        elif isinstance(self.argument, mapper.Mapper):
            self.mapper = self.argument
        elif callable(self.argument):
            # accept a callable to suit various deferred-configurational schemes
            self.mapper = mapper.class_mapper(self.argument(), entity_name=self.entity_name, compile=False)
            raise exceptions.ArgumentError("relation '%s' expects a class or a mapper argument (received: %s)" % (self.key, type(self.argument)))

        if not self.parent.concrete:
            for inheriting in self.parent.iterate_to_root():
                if inheriting is not self.parent and inheriting._get_property(self.key, raiseerr=False):
                        ("Warning: relation '%s' on mapper '%s' supercedes "
                         "the same relation on inherited mapper '%s'; this "
                         "can cause dependency issues during flush") %
                        (self.key, self.parent, inheriting))

        self.target = self.mapper.mapped_table
        self.table = self.mapper.mapped_table

        if self.cascade.delete_orphan:
            if self.parent.class_ is self.mapper.class_:
                raise exceptions.ArgumentError("In relationship '%s', can't establish 'delete-orphan' cascade "
                            "rule on a self-referential relationship.  "
                            "You probably want cascade='all', which includes delete cascading but not orphan detection." %(str(self)))
            self.mapper.primary_mapper().delete_orphans.append((self.key, self.parent.class_))
예제 #4
 def _get_target(self):
     if not hasattr(self, 'mapper'):
         if isinstance(self.argument, type):
             self.mapper = mapper.class_mapper(self.argument, compile=False)
         elif isinstance(self.argument, mapper.Mapper):
             self.mapper = self.argument
         elif util.callable(self.argument):
             # accept a callable to suit various deferred-configurational schemes
             self.mapper = mapper.class_mapper(self.argument(), compile=False)
             raise sa_exc.ArgumentError("relation '%s' expects a class or a mapper argument (received: %s)" % (self.key, type(self.argument)))
         assert isinstance(self.mapper, mapper.Mapper), self.mapper
     return self.mapper
예제 #5
 async def setup(cls, db_url: str) -> "ORM":
     logger.debug(f"Setting up {cls.__name__}")
     # Because it is mapped manually, an error occurs if it is already mapped.
     # 수동으로 매핑하기때문에 이미 매핑돼있을경우 오류가 발생합니다.
     except UnmappedClassError:
     engine = create_async_engine(db_url)
     async with engine.begin() as connection:
         await connection.run_sync(mapper_registry.metadata.create_all,
     return cls(engine)
예제 #6
    def recognizes(object_path, obj=None):
        if not SQLAlchemyHandler.recognizes(object_path, obj=obj):
            return False

        from sqlalchemy.orm import class_mapper
            # could raise InvalidRequestError or AttributeError or who knows what else
            return False
            return True

        return False
예제 #7
 def recognizes(object_path, obj=None):
     if not SQLAlchemyHandler.recognizes(object_path, obj=obj):
         return False
     from sqlalchemy.orm import class_mapper
         # could raise InvalidRequestError or AttributeError or who knows what else
         return False
         return True
     return False
예제 #8
    def __init__(self, class_or_mapper, session=None, entity_name=None, lockmode=None, with_options=None, extension=None, **kwargs):
        if isinstance(class_or_mapper, type):
            self.mapper = mapper.class_mapper(class_or_mapper, entity_name=entity_name)
            self.mapper = class_or_mapper.compile()
        self.with_options = with_options or []
        self.select_mapper = self.mapper.get_select_mapper().compile()
        self.always_refresh = kwargs.pop('always_refresh', self.mapper.always_refresh)
        self.lockmode = lockmode
        self.extension = mapper._ExtensionCarrier()
        if extension is not None:
        self.is_polymorphic = self.mapper is not self.select_mapper
        self._session = session
        if not hasattr(self.mapper, '_get_clause'):
            _get_clause = sql.and_()
            for primary_key in self.primary_key_columns:
                _get_clause.clauses.append(primary_key == sql.bindparam(primary_key._label, type=primary_key.type, unique=True))
            self.mapper._get_clause = _get_clause
        self._entities = []
        self._get_clause = self.mapper._get_clause

        self._order_by = kwargs.pop('order_by', False)
        self._group_by = kwargs.pop('group_by', False)
        self._distinct = kwargs.pop('distinct', False)
        self._offset = kwargs.pop('offset', None)
        self._limit = kwargs.pop('limit', None)
        self._criterion = None
        self._joinpoint = self.mapper
        self._from_obj = [self.table]

        for opt in util.flatten_iterator(self.with_options):
예제 #9
    def _post_init(self):
        if logging.is_info_enabled(self.logger):
            self.logger.info(str(self) + " setup primary join %s" % self.primaryjoin)
            self.logger.info(str(self) + " setup secondary join %s" % self.secondaryjoin)
            self.logger.info(str(self) + " synchronize pairs [%s]" % ",".join(["(%s => %s)" % (l, r) for l, r in self.synchronize_pairs]))
            self.logger.info(str(self) + " secondary synchronize pairs [%s]" % ",".join(["(%s => %s)" % (l, r) for l, r in self.secondary_synchronize_pairs or []]))
            self.logger.info(str(self) + " local/remote pairs [%s]" % ",".join(["(%s / %s)" % (l, r) for l, r in self.local_remote_pairs]))
            self.logger.info(str(self) + " relation direction %s" % self.direction)

        if self.uselist is None and self.direction is MANYTOONE:
            self.uselist = False

        if self.uselist is None:
            self.uselist = True

        if not self.viewonly:
            self._dependency_processor = dependency.create_dependency_processor(self)

        # primary property handler, set up class attributes
        if self.is_primary():
            # if a backref name is defined, set up an extension to populate
            # attributes in the other direction
            if self.backref is not None:
                self.attributeext = self.backref.get_extension()

            if self.backref is not None:
        elif not mapper.class_mapper(self.parent.class_, compile=False)._get_property(self.key, raiseerr=False):
            raise exceptions.ArgumentError("Attempting to assign a new relation '%s' to a non-primary mapper on class '%s'.  New relations can only be added to the primary mapper, i.e. the very first mapper created for class '%s' " % (self.key, self.parent.class_.__name__, self.parent.class_.__name__))

        super(PropertyLoader, self).do_init()
예제 #10
    def _post_init(self):
        if logging.is_info_enabled(self.logger):
            self.logger.info(str(self) + " setup primary join %s" % self.primaryjoin)
            self.logger.info(str(self) + " setup secondary join %s" % self.secondaryjoin)
            self.logger.info(str(self) + " synchronize pairs [%s]" % ",".join(["(%s => %s)" % (l, r) for l, r in self.synchronize_pairs]))
            self.logger.info(str(self) + " secondary synchronize pairs [%s]" % ",".join(["(%s => %s)" % (l, r) for l, r in self.secondary_synchronize_pairs or []]))
            self.logger.info(str(self) + " local/remote pairs [%s]" % ",".join(["(%s / %s)" % (l, r) for l, r in self.local_remote_pairs]))
            self.logger.info(str(self) + " relation direction %s" % self.direction)

        if self.uselist is None and self.direction is MANYTOONE:
            self.uselist = False

        if self.uselist is None:
            self.uselist = True

        if not self.viewonly:
            self._dependency_processor = dependency.create_dependency_processor(self)

        # primary property handler, set up class attributes
        if self.is_primary():
            # if a backref name is defined, set up an extension to populate
            # attributes in the other direction
            if self.backref is not None:
                self.attributeext = self.backref.get_extension()

            if self.backref is not None:
        elif not mapper.class_mapper(self.parent.class_, compile=False)._get_property(self.key, raiseerr=False):
            raise exceptions.ArgumentError("Attempting to assign a new relation '%s' to a non-primary mapper on class '%s'.  New relations can only be added to the primary mapper, i.e. the very first mapper created for class '%s' " % (self.key, self.parent.class_.__name__, self.parent.class_.__name__))

        super(PropertyLoader, self).do_init()
예제 #11
class UOWProperty(attributes.InstrumentedAttribute):
    """Override ``InstrumentedAttribute`` to provide an extra
    ``AttributeExtension`` to all managed attributes as well as the
    `property` property.
    def __init__(self,
        extension = util.to_list(extension or [])
        extension.insert(0, UOWEventHandler(key, class_, cascade=cascade))
        super(UOWProperty, self).__init__(manager,
        self.class_ = class_

    property = property(
        lambda s: class_mapper(s.class_).props[s.key],
        doc="returns the MapperProperty object associated with this property")
예제 #12
def model_to_dict(obj, visited_children=None, back_relationships=None):
    if visited_children is None:
        visited_children = set()
    if back_relationships is None:
        back_relationships = set()
    serialized_data = {
        c.key: getattr(obj, c.key)
        for c in inspect(obj).mapper.column_attrs
    relationships = class_mapper(obj.__class__).relationships
    visitable_relationships = [(name, rel)
                               for name, rel in relationships.items()
                               if name not in back_relationships]
    for name, relation in visitable_relationships:
        if relation.backref:
        relationship_children = getattr(obj, name)
        if relationship_children is not None:
            if relation.uselist:
                children = []
                for child in [
                        c for c in relationship_children
                        if c not in visited_children
                        model_to_dict(child, visited_children,
                serialized_data[name] = children
                serialized_data[name] = model_to_dict(relationship_children,
    return serialized_data
예제 #13
    def _post_init(self):
        if self._should_log_info:
            self.logger.info(str(self) + " setup primary join %s" % self.primaryjoin)
            self.logger.info(str(self) + " setup secondary join %s" % self.secondaryjoin)
            self.logger.info(str(self) + " synchronize pairs [%s]" % ",".join("(%s => %s)" % (l, r) for l, r in self.synchronize_pairs))
            self.logger.info(str(self) + " secondary synchronize pairs [%s]" % ",".join(("(%s => %s)" % (l, r) for l, r in self.secondary_synchronize_pairs or [])))
            self.logger.info(str(self) + " local/remote pairs [%s]" % ",".join("(%s / %s)" % (l, r) for l, r in self.local_remote_pairs))
            self.logger.info(str(self) + " relation direction %s" % self.direction)

        if self.uselist is None and self.direction is MANYTOONE:
            self.uselist = False

        if self.uselist is None:
            self.uselist = True

        if not self.viewonly:
            self._dependency_processor = dependency.create_dependency_processor(self)

        # primary property handler, set up class attributes
        if self.is_primary():
            if self.back_populates:
                self.extension = util.to_list(self.extension) or []
            if self.backref is not None:
        elif not mapper.class_mapper(self.parent.class_, compile=False)._get_property(self.key, raiseerr=False):
            raise sa_exc.ArgumentError("Attempting to assign a new relation '%s' to "
                "a non-primary mapper on class '%s'.  New relations can only be "
                "added to the primary mapper, i.e. the very first "
                "mapper created for class '%s' " % (self.key, self.parent.class_.__name__, self.parent.class_.__name__))
        super(RelationProperty, self).do_init()
예제 #14
 def _get_root_node_class(self, objtype):
   "Get the root node class in the polymorphic inheritance hierarchy."
   # FIXME: Figure out what this root_node_class business is about.
   if self.root_node_class is None:
     mapper = class_mapper(objtype)
     while mapper.inherits is not None:
       mapper = mapper.inherits
     self.root_node_class = mapper.class_
   return self.root_node_class
예제 #15
 def _get_root_node_class(self, objtype):
     "Get the root node class in the polymorphic inheritance hierarchy."
     # FIXME: Figure out what this root_node_class business is about.
     if self.root_node_class is None:
         mapper = class_mapper(objtype)
         while mapper.inherits is not None:
             mapper = mapper.inherits
         self.root_node_class = mapper.class_
     return self.root_node_class
예제 #16
    def attribute_names(self):
      Return a list of the column properties for this object.

      :rtype: list

        return [
            for prop in class_mapper(self.__class__).iterate_properties
            if isinstance(prop, ColumnProperty)
예제 #17
    def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
        super(SQLAlchemyMappedClassBase, self).__init__(*args, **kw)

        from sqlalchemy.orm.mapper import class_mapper
        self.mapper = class_mapper(self.obj)

        if self.mapper.local_table:
            self.table = self.mapper.local_table
        elif self.mapper.select_table:
            self.table = self.mapper.select_table
            raise LookupError("not sure how to get a table from mapper %s" %
예제 #18
 def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
     super(SQLAlchemyMappedClassBase, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
     from sqlalchemy.orm.mapper import class_mapper
     self.mapper = class_mapper(self.obj)
     if self.mapper.local_table:
         self.table = self.mapper.local_table
     elif self.mapper.select_table:
         self.table = self.mapper.select_table
         raise LookupError(
             "not sure how to get a table from mapper %s" % 
예제 #19
    def _determine_targets(self):
        if isinstance(self.argument, type):
            self.mapper = mapper.class_mapper(self.argument, entity_name=self.entity_name, compile=False)._check_compile()
        elif isinstance(self.argument, mapper.Mapper):
            self.mapper = self.argument._check_compile()
            raise exceptions.ArgumentError("relation '%s' expects a class or a mapper argument (received: %s)" % (self.key, type(self.argument)))

        # ensure the "select_mapper", if different from the regular target mapper, is compiled.

        if self.association is not None:
            if isinstance(self.association, type):
                self.association = mapper.class_mapper(self.association, entity_name=self.entity_name, compile=False)._check_compile()

        self.target = self.mapper.mapped_table
        self.select_mapper = self.mapper.get_select_mapper()
        self.select_table = self.mapper.select_table
        self.loads_polymorphic = self.target is not self.select_table

        if self.cascade.delete_orphan:
            if self.parent.class_ is self.mapper.class_:
                raise exceptions.ArgumentError("In relationship '%s', can't establish 'delete-orphan' cascade rule on a self-referential relationship.  You probably want cascade='all', which includes delete cascading but not orphan detection." %(str(self)))
            self.mapper.primary_mapper().delete_orphans.append((self.key, self.parent.class_))
예제 #20
class InstrumentedAttribute(interfaces.PropComparator):
    """public-facing instrumented attribute."""
    def __init__(self, impl, comparator=None):
        """Construct an InstrumentedAttribute.
          a sql.Comparator to which class-level compare/math events will be sent

        self.impl = impl
        self.comparator = comparator

    def __set__(self, obj, value):
        self.impl.set(obj._state, value, None)

    def __delete__(self, obj):

    def __get__(self, obj, owner):
        if obj is None:
            return self
        return self.impl.get(obj._state)

    def get_history(self, obj, **kwargs):
        return self.impl.get_history(obj._state, **kwargs)

    def clause_element(self):
        return self.comparator.clause_element()

    def expression_element(self):
        return self.comparator.expression_element()

    def operate(self, op, *other, **kwargs):
        return op(self.comparator, *other, **kwargs)

    def reverse_operate(self, op, other, **kwargs):
        return op(other, self.comparator, **kwargs)

    def hasparent(self, instance, optimistic=False):
        return self.impl.hasparent(instance._state, optimistic=optimistic)

    property = property(
        lambda s: class_mapper(s.impl.class_).get_property(s.impl.key),
        doc="the MapperProperty object associated with this attribute")
예제 #21
    def _post_init(self):
        if self._should_log_info:
            self.logger.info(str(self) + " setup primary join %s" % self.primaryjoin)
            self.logger.info(str(self) + " setup secondary join %s" % self.secondaryjoin)
                + " synchronize pairs [%s]" % ",".join("(%s => %s)" % (l, r) for l, r in self.synchronize_pairs)
                + " secondary synchronize pairs [%s]"
                % ",".join(("(%s => %s)" % (l, r) for l, r in self.secondary_synchronize_pairs or []))
                + " local/remote pairs [%s]" % ",".join("(%s / %s)" % (l, r) for l, r in self.local_remote_pairs)
            self.logger.info(str(self) + " relation direction %s" % self.direction)

        if self.uselist is None and self.direction is MANYTOONE:
            self.uselist = False

        if self.uselist is None:
            self.uselist = True

        if not self.viewonly:
            self._dependency_processor = dependency.create_dependency_processor(self)

        # primary property handler, set up class attributes
        if self.is_primary():
            if self.backref is not None:
        elif not mapper.class_mapper(self.parent.class_, compile=False)._get_property(self.key, raiseerr=False):
            raise sa_exc.ArgumentError(
                "Attempting to assign a new relation '%s' to "
                "a non-primary mapper on class '%s'.  New relations can only be "
                "added to the primary mapper, i.e. the very first "
                "mapper created for class '%s' " % (self.key, self.parent.class_.__name__, self.parent.class_.__name__)

        super(RelationProperty, self).do_init()
예제 #22
파일: hybrid.py 프로젝트: yimiqisan/qstudio
def hybrid_column(relation, class_=None, expression=None,
                  class_kwargs=None, default=''):

    if isinstance(class_, type):
        class_ = mapper.class_mapper(class_, compile=False)

    if class_kwargs is None:
        class_kwargs = {}
    def decorate(func):

        name = func.__name__

        def fget(self):
            obj = getattr(self, relation)
            if not obj:
                return default
                return getattr(obj.name)

        hybrid = hybrid_property(fget)

        if class_:
            def fset(self, value):
                obj = getattr(self, relation)
                if not obj:
                    obj = class_(**class_kwargs)
                    setattr(self, relation, obj)
                setattr(obj, name, value)

        if expression:
            def expr(cls):
                return expression

        return hybrid
예제 #23
 def is_assigned(obj):
         cm = class_mapper(obj)
     except sqlalchemy_exc.InvalidRequestError:
         return False
     return True
예제 #24
    def instances(self, cursor, *mappers_or_columns, **kwargs):
        """Return a list of mapped instances corresponding to the rows
        in a given *cursor* (i.e. ``ResultProxy``).
        \*mappers_or_columns is an optional list containing one or more of
        classes, mappers, strings or sql.ColumnElements which will be
        applied to each row and added horizontally to the result set,
        which becomes a list of tuples. The first element in each tuple
        is the usual result based on the mapper represented by this
        ``Query``. Each additional element in the tuple corresponds to an
        entry in the \*mappers_or_columns list.
        For each element in \*mappers_or_columns, if the element is 
        a mapper or mapped class, an additional class instance will be 
        present in the tuple.  If the element is a string or sql.ColumnElement, 
        the corresponding result column from each row will be present in the tuple.
        Note that when \*mappers_or_columns is present, "uniquing" for the result set
        is *disabled*, so that the resulting tuples contain entities as they actually
        correspond.  this indicates that multiple results may be present if this 
        option is used.


        session = self.session

        context = SelectionContext(self.select_mapper, session, self.extension, with_options=self.with_options, **kwargs)

        process = []
        mappers_or_columns = tuple(self._entities) + mappers_or_columns
        if mappers_or_columns:
            for m in mappers_or_columns:
                if isinstance(m, type):
                    m = mapper.class_mapper(m)
                if isinstance(m, mapper.Mapper):
                    def x(m):
                        appender = []
                        def proc(context, row):
                            if not m._instance(context, row, appender):
                        process.append((proc, appender))
                elif isinstance(m, sql.ColumnElement) or isinstance(m, basestring):
                    def y(m):
                        res = []
                        def proc(context, row):
                        process.append((proc, res))
            result = []
            result = util.UniqueAppender([])
        for row in cursor.fetchall():
            self.select_mapper._instance(context, row, result)
            for proc in process:
                proc[0](context, row)

        # store new stuff in the identity map
        for value in context.identity_map.values():

        if mappers_or_columns:
            return list(util.OrderedSet(zip(*([result] + [o[1] for o in process]))))
            return result.data
예제 #25
 def is_assigned(obj):
         cm = class_mapper(obj)
     except sqlalchemy_exc.SQLAlchemyError:
         return False
     return True
예제 #26
    def _determine_targets(self):
        if isinstance(self.argument, type):
            self.mapper = mapper.class_mapper(self.argument, compile=False)
        elif isinstance(self.argument, mapper.Mapper):
            self.mapper = self.argument
        elif util.callable(self.argument):
            # accept a callable to suit various deferred-configurational schemes
            self.mapper = mapper.class_mapper(self.argument(), compile=False)
            raise sa_exc.ArgumentError(
                "relation '%s' expects a class or a mapper argument (received: %s)" % (self.key, type(self.argument))
        assert isinstance(self.mapper, mapper.Mapper), self.mapper

        # accept callables for other attributes which may require deferred initialization
        for attr in ("order_by", "primaryjoin", "secondaryjoin", "secondary", "_foreign_keys", "remote_side"):
            if util.callable(getattr(self, attr)):
                setattr(self, attr, getattr(self, attr)())

        # in the case that InstrumentedAttributes were used to construct
        # primaryjoin or secondaryjoin, remove the "_orm_adapt" annotation so these
        # interact with Query in the same way as the original Table-bound Column objects
        for attr in ("primaryjoin", "secondaryjoin"):
            val = getattr(self, attr)
            if val is not None:
                util.assert_arg_type(val, sql.ClauseElement, attr)
                setattr(self, attr, _orm_deannotate(val))

        if self.order_by:
            self.order_by = [expression._literal_as_column(x) for x in util.to_list(self.order_by)]

        self._foreign_keys = util.column_set(
            expression._literal_as_column(x) for x in util.to_column_set(self._foreign_keys)
        self.remote_side = util.column_set(
            expression._literal_as_column(x) for x in util.to_column_set(self.remote_side)

        if not self.parent.concrete:
            for inheriting in self.parent.iterate_to_root():
                if inheriting is not self.parent and inheriting._get_property(self.key, raiseerr=False):
                            "Warning: relation '%s' on mapper '%s' supercedes "
                            "the same relation on inherited mapper '%s'; this "
                            "can cause dependency issues during flush"
                        % (self.key, self.parent, inheriting)

        # TODO: remove 'self.table'
        self.target = self.table = self.mapper.mapped_table

        if self.cascade.delete_orphan:
            if self.parent.class_ is self.mapper.class_:
                raise sa_exc.ArgumentError(
                    "In relationship '%s', can't establish 'delete-orphan' cascade "
                    "rule on a self-referential relationship.  "
                    "You probably want cascade='all', which includes delete cascading but not orphan detection."
                    % (str(self))
            self.mapper.primary_mapper().delete_orphans.append((self.key, self.parent.class_))
예제 #27
    def compile(self, whereclause = None, **kwargs):
        """Given a WHERE criterion, produce a ClauseElement-based
        statement suitable for usage in the execute() method.

        the arguments to this function are deprecated and are removed in version 0.4.

        if self._statement:
            self._statement.use_labels = True
            return self._statement

        if self._criterion:
            whereclause = sql.and_(self._criterion, whereclause)

        if whereclause is not None and self.is_polymorphic:
            # adapt the given WHERECLAUSE to adjust instances of this query's mapped 
            # table to be that of our select_table,
            # which may be the "polymorphic" selectable used by our mapper.
            sql_util.ClauseAdapter(self.table).traverse(whereclause, stop_on=util.Set([self.table]))

            # if extra entities, adapt the criterion to those as well
            for m in self._entities:
                if isinstance(m, type):
                    m = mapper.class_mapper(m)
                if isinstance(m, mapper.Mapper):
                    table = m.select_table
                    sql_util.ClauseAdapter(m.select_table).traverse(whereclause, stop_on=util.Set([m.select_table]))
        # get/create query context.  get the ultimate compile arguments
        # from there
        context = kwargs.pop('query_context', None)
        if context is None:
            context = QueryContext(self, kwargs)
        order_by = context.order_by
        group_by = context.group_by
        from_obj = context.from_obj
        lockmode = context.lockmode
        distinct = context.distinct
        limit = context.limit
        offset = context.offset
        if order_by is False:
            order_by = self.mapper.order_by
        if order_by is False:
            if self.table.default_order_by() is not None:
                order_by = self.table.default_order_by()

            for_update = {'read':'read','update':True,'update_nowait':'nowait',None:False}[lockmode]
        except KeyError:
            raise exceptions.ArgumentError("Unknown lockmode '%s'" % lockmode)

        # if single-table inheritance mapper, add "typecol IN (polymorphic)" criterion so
        # that we only load the appropriate types
        if self.select_mapper.single and self.select_mapper.polymorphic_on is not None and self.select_mapper.polymorphic_identity is not None:
            whereclause = sql.and_(whereclause, self.select_mapper.polymorphic_on.in_(*[m.polymorphic_identity for m in self.select_mapper.polymorphic_iterator()]))

        alltables = []
        for l in [sql_util.TableFinder(x) for x in from_obj]:
            alltables += l

        if self.table not in alltables:

        if self._should_nest(context):
            # if theres an order by, add those columns to the column list
            # of the "rowcount" query we're going to make
            if order_by:
                order_by = util.to_list(order_by) or []
                cf = sql_util.ColumnFinder()
                for o in order_by:
                cf = []

            s2 = sql.select(self.table.primary_key + list(cf), whereclause, use_labels=True, from_obj=from_obj, **context.select_args())
            if order_by:
            s3 = s2.alias('tbl_row_count')
            crit = s3.primary_key==self.table.primary_key
            statement = sql.select([], crit, use_labels=True, for_update=for_update)
            # now for the order by, convert the columns to their corresponding columns
            # in the "rowcount" query, and tack that new order by onto the "rowcount" query
            if order_by:
            statement = sql.select([], whereclause, from_obj=from_obj, use_labels=True, for_update=for_update, **context.select_args())
            if order_by:
            # for a DISTINCT query, you need the columns explicitly specified in order
            # to use it in "order_by".  ensure they are in the column criterion (particularly oid).
            # TODO: this should be done at the SQL level not the mapper level
            if kwargs.get('distinct', False) and order_by:
                [statement.append_column(c) for c in util.to_list(order_by)]

        context.statement = statement
        # give all the attached properties a chance to modify the query
        # TODO: doing this off the select_mapper.  if its the polymorphic mapper, then
        # it has no relations() on it.  should we compile those too into the query ?  (i.e. eagerloads)
        for value in self.select_mapper.iterate_properties:
        # additional entities/columns, add those to selection criterion
        for m in self._entities:
            if isinstance(m, type):
                m = mapper.class_mapper(m)
            if isinstance(m, mapper.Mapper):
                for value in m.iterate_properties:
            elif isinstance(m, sql.ColumnElement):
        return statement
예제 #28
 def list_tags(cls):
     return db.session.execute('select distinct(kv.*) from tag,jsonb_each(tag.tags) as kv',
예제 #29
 def is_assigned(obj):
         cm = class_mapper(obj)
     except sqlalchemy_exc.InvalidRequestError:
         return False
     return True
예제 #30
    def compile(self, whereclause = None, **kwargs):
        """Given a WHERE criterion, produce a ClauseElement-based
        statement suitable for usage in the execute() method.

        if self._criterion:
            whereclause = sql.and_(self._criterion, whereclause)

        if whereclause is not None and self.is_polymorphic:
            # adapt the given WHERECLAUSE to adjust instances of this query's mapped 
            # table to be that of our select_table,
            # which may be the "polymorphic" selectable used by our mapper.

            # if extra entities, adapt the criterion to those as well
            for m in self._entities:
                if isinstance(m, type):
                    m = mapper.class_mapper(m)
                if isinstance(m, mapper.Mapper):
                    table = m.select_table
        # get/create query context.  get the ultimate compile arguments
        # from there
        context = kwargs.pop('query_context', None)
        if context is None:
            context = QueryContext(self, kwargs)
        order_by = context.order_by
        group_by = context.group_by
        from_obj = context.from_obj
        lockmode = context.lockmode
        distinct = context.distinct
        limit = context.limit
        offset = context.offset
        if order_by is False:
            order_by = self.mapper.order_by
        if order_by is False:
            if self.table.default_order_by() is not None:
                order_by = self.table.default_order_by()

            for_update = {'read':'read','update':True,'update_nowait':'nowait',None:False}[lockmode]
        except KeyError:
            raise exceptions.ArgumentError("Unknown lockmode '%s'" % lockmode)

        # if single-table inheritance mapper, add "typecol IN (polymorphic)" criterion so
        # that we only load the appropriate types
        if self.select_mapper.single and self.select_mapper.polymorphic_on is not None and self.select_mapper.polymorphic_identity is not None:
            whereclause = sql.and_(whereclause, self.select_mapper.polymorphic_on.in_(*[m.polymorphic_identity for m in self.select_mapper.polymorphic_iterator()]))

        alltables = []
        for l in [sql_util.TableFinder(x) for x in from_obj]:
            alltables += l

        if self.table not in alltables:

        if self._should_nest(context):
            # if theres an order by, add those columns to the column list
            # of the "rowcount" query we're going to make
            if order_by:
                order_by = util.to_list(order_by) or []
                cf = sql_util.ColumnFinder()
                for o in order_by:
                cf = []

            s2 = sql.select(self.table.primary_key + list(cf), whereclause, use_labels=True, from_obj=from_obj, **context.select_args())
            if order_by:
            s3 = s2.alias('tbl_row_count')
            crit = s3.primary_key==self.table.primary_key
            statement = sql.select([], crit, use_labels=True, for_update=for_update)
            # now for the order by, convert the columns to their corresponding columns
            # in the "rowcount" query, and tack that new order by onto the "rowcount" query
            if order_by:
            statement = sql.select([], whereclause, from_obj=from_obj, use_labels=True, for_update=for_update, **context.select_args())
            if order_by:
            # for a DISTINCT query, you need the columns explicitly specified in order
            # to use it in "order_by".  ensure they are in the column criterion (particularly oid).
            # TODO: this should be done at the SQL level not the mapper level
            if kwargs.get('distinct', False) and order_by:
                [statement.append_column(c) for c in util.to_list(order_by)]

        context.statement = statement
        # give all the attached properties a chance to modify the query
        # TODO: doing this off the select_mapper.  if its the polymorphic mapper, then
        # it has no relations() on it.  should we compile those too into the query ?  (i.e. eagerloads)
        for value in self.select_mapper.props.values():

        # additional entities/columns, add those to selection criterion
        for m in self._entities:
            if isinstance(m, type):
                m = mapper.class_mapper(m)
            if isinstance(m, mapper.Mapper):
                for value in m.props.values():
            elif isinstance(m, sql.ColumnElement):
        return statement
예제 #31
 def _property(self):
     from sqlalchemy.orm.mapper import class_mapper
     return class_mapper(self.impl.class_).get_property(self.impl.key)
예제 #32
    def instances(self, cursor, *mappers_or_columns, **kwargs):
        """Return a list of mapped instances corresponding to the rows
        in a given *cursor* (i.e. ``ResultProxy``).
        \*mappers_or_columns is an optional list containing one or more of
        classes, mappers, strings or sql.ColumnElements which will be
        applied to each row and added horizontally to the result set,
        which becomes a list of tuples. The first element in each tuple
        is the usual result based on the mapper represented by this
        ``Query``. Each additional element in the tuple corresponds to an
        entry in the \*mappers_or_columns list.
        For each element in \*mappers_or_columns, if the element is 
        a mapper or mapped class, an additional class instance will be 
        present in the tuple.  If the element is a string or sql.ColumnElement, 
        the corresponding result column from each row will be present in the tuple.
        Note that when \*mappers_or_columns is present, "uniquing" for the result set
        is *disabled*, so that the resulting tuples contain entities as they actually
        correspond.  this indicates that multiple results may be present if this 
        option is used.


        session = self.session

        context = SelectionContext(self.select_mapper, session, self.extension, with_options=self.with_options, **kwargs)

        process = []
        mappers_or_columns = tuple(self._entities) + mappers_or_columns
        if mappers_or_columns:
            for m in mappers_or_columns:
                if isinstance(m, type):
                    m = mapper.class_mapper(m)
                if isinstance(m, mapper.Mapper):
                    appender = []
                    def proc(context, row):
                        if not m._instance(context, row, appender):
                    process.append((proc, appender))
                elif isinstance(m, sql.ColumnElement) or isinstance(m, basestring):
                    res = []
                    def proc(context, row):
                    process.append((proc, res))
            result = []
            result = util.UniqueAppender([])
        for row in cursor.fetchall():
            self.select_mapper._instance(context, row, result)
            for proc in process:
                proc[0](context, row)

        # store new stuff in the identity map
        for value in context.identity_map.values():

        if mappers_or_columns:
            return zip(*([result] + [o[1] for o in process]))
            return result.data
예제 #33
 def get_tag(cls, resource_id, resource_type):
     return db.session.execute("select t.* from tag, jsonb_each(tags) as t\
                               where tag.resource_id = '%s' and tag.resource_type = '%s'" % (
         resource_id, resource_type),
예제 #34
 def is_assigned(obj):
         cm = class_mapper(obj)
     except sqlalchemy.exceptions.SQLAlchemyError:
         return False
     return True
예제 #35
 def _property(self):
     from sqlalchemy.orm.mapper import class_mapper
     return class_mapper(self.impl.class_).get_property(self.impl.key)
예제 #36
    def _determine_targets(self):
        if isinstance(self.argument, type):
            self.mapper = mapper.class_mapper(self.argument, compile=False)
        elif isinstance(self.argument, mapper.Mapper):
            self.mapper = self.argument
        elif util.callable(self.argument):
            # accept a callable to suit various deferred-configurational schemes
            self.mapper = mapper.class_mapper(self.argument(), compile=False)
            raise sa_exc.ArgumentError(
                "relation '%s' expects a class or a mapper argument (received: %s)"
                % (self.key, type(self.argument)))
        assert isinstance(self.mapper, mapper.Mapper), self.mapper

        # accept callables for other attributes which may require deferred initialization
        for attr in ('order_by', 'primaryjoin', 'secondaryjoin', 'secondary',
                     '_foreign_keys', 'remote_side'):
            if util.callable(getattr(self, attr)):
                setattr(self, attr, getattr(self, attr)())

        # in the case that InstrumentedAttributes were used to construct
        # primaryjoin or secondaryjoin, remove the "_orm_adapt" annotation so these
        # interact with Query in the same way as the original Table-bound Column objects
        for attr in ('primaryjoin', 'secondaryjoin'):
            val = getattr(self, attr)
            if val is not None:
                util.assert_arg_type(val, sql.ClauseElement, attr)
                setattr(self, attr, _orm_deannotate(val))

        if self.order_by:
            self.order_by = [
                for x in util.to_list(self.order_by)

        self._foreign_keys = util.column_set(
            for x in util.to_column_set(self._foreign_keys))
        self.remote_side = util.column_set(
            for x in util.to_column_set(self.remote_side))

        if not self.parent.concrete:
            for inheriting in self.parent.iterate_to_root():
                if inheriting is not self.parent and inheriting._get_property(
                        self.key, raiseerr=False):
                        ("Warning: relation '%s' on mapper '%s' supercedes "
                         "the same relation on inherited mapper '%s'; this "
                         "can cause dependency issues during flush") %
                        (self.key, self.parent, inheriting))

        # TODO: remove 'self.table'
        self.target = self.table = self.mapper.mapped_table

        if self.cascade.delete_orphan:
            if self.parent.class_ is self.mapper.class_:
                raise sa_exc.ArgumentError(
                    "In relationship '%s', can't establish 'delete-orphan' cascade "
                    "rule on a self-referential relationship.  "
                    "You probably want cascade='all', which includes delete cascading but not orphan detection."
                    % (str(self)))
                (self.key, self.parent.class_))