def test_repr_partial(self, Article):
        """Representation of a basic model with selected fields."""
        Article = generic_repr('id')(Article)
        article = Article(id=1, name=u'Foo')
        expected_repr = u'Article(id=1)'
        actual_repr = repr(article)

        assert actual_repr == expected_repr
    def test_repr(self, Article):
        """Representation of a basic model."""
        Article = generic_repr(Article)
        article = Article(id=1, name=u'Foo')
        if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
            expected_repr = u'Article(id=1, name=u\'Foo\')'
        elif sys.version_info[0] == 3:
            expected_repr = u'Article(id=1, name=\'Foo\')'
            raise AssertionError
        actual_repr = repr(article)

        assert actual_repr == expected_repr
    def test_not_loaded(self, session, Article):
        """:py:func:`~sqlalchemy_utils.models.generic_repr` doesn't force
        execution of additional queries if some fields are not loaded and
        instead represents them as "<not loaded>".
        Article = generic_repr(Article)
        article = Article(name=u'Foo')

        article = session.query(Article).options(sa.orm.defer('name')).one()
        actual_repr = repr(article)

        expected_repr = u'Article(id={}, name=<not loaded>)'.format(
        assert actual_repr == expected_repr
예제 #4
from pandas import DataFrame
from sqlalchemy.ext.automap import automap_base
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, MetaData
from sqlalchemy_utils import generic_repr
from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session, sessionmaker
from thirdparty.sqlalchemy import name_for_scalar_relationship, pluralize_collection, camelize_classname

m = MetaData()
Base = generic_repr(automap_base(metadata=m))

def _repr_html_(self):
    from helpers.gui.namespace import HorizontalNamespace
    data = {k: v for k, v in self.__dict__.items() if not k.startswith('_')}
    namespace = HorizontalNamespace(data)
    namespace.__name__ = self.__class__.__name__
    return namespace._repr_html_()

Base._repr_html_ = _repr_html_

# ./data/drugcentral/
# ./data/drugcentral/
engine = create_engine(

m.reflect(engine, views=True)

# reflect the tables
omop_relationship_doid_view = m.tables['omop_relationship_doid_view']