def test_2_statements_2nd_current(): suggestions = suggest_type( "select * from a; select * from ", "select * from a; select * from " ) assert set(suggestions) == set([FromClauseItem(schema=None), Schema()]) suggestions = suggest_type( "select * from a; select from b", "select * from a; select " ) assert ( set(suggestions) == set( [ Column(table_refs=((None, "b", None, False),), qualifiable=True), Function(schema=None), Keyword("SELECT"), ] ) ) # Should work even if first statement is invalid suggestions = suggest_type( "select * from; select * from ", "select * from; select * from " ) assert set(suggestions) == set([FromClauseItem(schema=None), Schema()])
def test_suggest_columns_after_multiple_joins(): sql = """select * from t1 inner join t2 ON = t2.t1_id inner join t3 ON = t3.""" suggestions = suggest_type(sql, sql) assert Column(table_refs=((None, "t3", None, False),)) in set(suggestions)
def test_col_comma_suggests_cols(): suggestions = suggest_type("SELECT a, b, FROM tbl", "SELECT a, b,") assert ( set(suggestions) == set( [ Column(table_refs=((None, "tbl", None, False),), qualifiable=True), Function(schema=None), Keyword("SELECT"), ] ) )
def test_select_suggests_cols_and_funcs(): suggestions = suggest_type("SELECT ", "SELECT ") assert ( set(suggestions) == set( [ Column(table_refs=(), qualifiable=True), Function(schema=None), Keyword("SELECT"), ] ) )
def test_distinct_suggests_cols(text): suggestions = suggest_type(text, text) assert ( set(suggestions) == set( [ Column(table_refs=(), local_tables=(), qualifiable=True), Function(schema=None), Keyword("DISTINCT"), ] ) )
def test_statements_in_function_body(text): suggestions = suggest_type(text, text[:text.find(" ") + 1]) assert ( set(suggestions) == set( [ Column(table_refs=((None, "foo", None, False),), qualifiable=True), Function(schema=None), Keyword("SELECT"), ] ) )
def test_dot_suggests_cols_of_a_table_or_schema_qualified_table(): suggestions = suggest_type("SELECT tabl. FROM tabl", "SELECT tabl.") assert ( set(suggestions) == set( [ Column(table_refs=((None, "tabl", None, False),)), Table(schema="tabl"), View(schema="tabl"), Function(schema="tabl"), ] ) )
def test_join_alias_dot_suggests_cols2(sql): suggestion = suggest_type(sql, sql) assert ( set(suggestion) == set( [ Column(table_refs=((None, "def", "d", False),)), Table(schema="d"), View(schema="d"), Function(schema="d"), ] ) )
def test_dot_suggests_cols_of_an_alias_where(sql): suggestions = suggest_type(sql, sql) assert ( set(suggestions) == set( [ Table(schema="t1"), View(schema="t1"), Column(table_refs=((None, "tabl1", "t1", False),)), Function(schema="t1"), ] ) )
def test_sub_select_col_name_completion(): suggestions = suggest_type( "SELECT * FROM (SELECT FROM abc", "SELECT * FROM (SELECT " ) assert ( set(suggestions) == set( [ Column(table_refs=((None, "abc", None, False),), qualifiable=True), Function(schema=None), Keyword("SELECT"), ] ) )
def test_outer_table_reference_in_exists_subquery_suggests_columns(): q = "SELECT * FROM foo f WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM bar WHERE f." suggestions = suggest_type(q, q) assert ( set(suggestions) == set( [ Column(table_refs=((None, "foo", "f", False),)), Table(schema="f"), View(schema="f"), Function(schema="f"), ] ) )
def test_join_alias_dot_suggests_cols1(sql): suggestions = suggest_type(sql, sql) tables = ((None, "abc", "a", False), (None, "def", "d", False)) assert ( set(suggestions) == set( [ Column(table_refs=((None, "abc", "a", False),)), Table(schema="a"), View(schema="a"), Function(schema="a"), JoinCondition(table_refs=tables, parent=(None, "abc", "a", False)), ] ) )
def test_sub_select_dot_col_name_completion(): suggestions = suggest_type( "SELECT * FROM (SELECT t. FROM tabl t", "SELECT * FROM (SELECT t." ) assert ( set(suggestions) == set( [ Column(table_refs=((None, "tabl", "t", False),)), Table(schema="t"), View(schema="t"), Function(schema="t"), ] ) )
def test_dot_col_comma_suggests_cols_or_schema_qualified_table(): suggestions = suggest_type( "SELECT t1.a, t2. FROM tabl1 t1, tabl2 t2", "SELECT t1.a, t2." ) assert ( set(suggestions) == set( [ Column(table_refs=((None, "tabl2", "t2", False),)), Table(schema="t2"), View(schema="t2"), Function(schema="t2"), ] ) )
def cols_etc( table, schema=None, alias=None, is_function=False, parent=None, last_keyword=None ): """Returns the expected select-clause suggestions for a single-table select.""" return set( [ Column( table_refs=(TableReference(schema, table, alias, is_function),), qualifiable=True, ), Function(schema=parent), Keyword(last_keyword), ] )
def test_distinct_and_order_by_suggestions_with_alias_given(text, text_before): suggestions = suggest_type(text, text_before) assert ( set(suggestions) == set( [ Column( table_refs=(TableReference(None, "tbl", "x", False),), local_tables=(), qualifiable=False, ), Table(schema="x"), View(schema="x"), Function(schema="x"), ] ) )
def test_distinct_and_order_by_suggestions_with_aliases( text, text_before, last_keyword ): suggestions = suggest_type(text, text_before) assert ( set(suggestions) == set( [ Column( table_refs=( TableReference(None, "tbl", "x", False), TableReference(None, "tbl1", "y", False), ), local_tables=(), qualifiable=True, ), Function(schema=None), Keyword(last_keyword), ] ) )
["SELECT * FROM foo where created > now() - ", "select * from foo where bar "], ) def test_suggest_where_keyword(text): # suggestions = suggest_type(text, text) assert set(suggestions) == cols_etc("foo", last_keyword="WHERE") @pytest.mark.parametrize( "text, before, expected", [ ( "\\ns abc SELECT ", "SELECT ", [ Column(table_refs=(), qualifiable=True), Function(schema=None), Keyword("SELECT"), ], ), ("\\ns abc SELECT foo ", "SELECT foo ", (Keyword(),)), ( "\\ns abc SELECT t1. FROM tabl1 t1", "SELECT t1.", [ Table(schema="t1"), View(schema="t1"), Column(table_refs=((None, "tabl1", "t1", False),)), Function(schema="t1"), ], ),
def test_handle_unrecognized_kw_generously(): sql = "SELECT * FROM sessions WHERE session = 1 AND " suggestions = suggest_type(sql, sql) expected = Column(table_refs=((None, "sessions", None, False),), qualifiable=True) assert expected in set(suggestions)
def test_lparen_suggests_cols(): suggestion = suggest_type("SELECT MAX( FROM tbl", "SELECT MAX(") assert ( set(suggestion) == set([Column(table_refs=((None, "tbl", None, False),), qualifiable=True)]) )
def test_join_using_suggests_common_columns(text): tables = ((None, "abc", None, False), (None, "def", None, False)) assert ( set(suggest_type(text, text)) == set([Column(table_refs=tables, require_last_table=True)]) )
def test_column_keyword_suggests_columns(sql): suggestions = suggest_type(sql, sql) assert set(suggestions) == set([Column(table_refs=((None, "foo", None, False),))])
def test_insert_into_lparen_comma_suggests_cols(): suggestions = suggest_type("INSERT INTO abc (id,", "INSERT INTO abc (id,") assert ( suggestions == (Column(table_refs=((None, "abc", None, False),), context="insert"),) )