def test__parser__grammar_delimited(caplog, generate_test_segments, fresh_ansi_dialect): """Test the Delimited grammar.""" seg_list = generate_test_segments( ["bar", " \t ", ",", " ", "bar", " "]) bs = KeywordSegment.make("bar") comma = KeywordSegment.make(",", name="comma") expectation = ( bs("bar", seg_list[0].pos_marker), seg_list[1], # This will be the whitespace segment comma(",", seg_list[2].pos_marker), seg_list[3], # This will be the whitespace segment bs("bar", seg_list[4].pos_marker), seg_list[5], # This will be the whitespace segment ) g = Delimited(bs, delimiter=comma) gt = Delimited(bs, delimiter=comma, allow_trailing=True) with RootParseContext(dialect=fresh_ansi_dialect) as ctx: with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG, logger="sqluff.parser"): # Matching not quite the full list shouldn't work"#### TEST 1") assert not g.match(seg_list[:4], parse_context=ctx) # Matching not quite the full list should work if we allow trailing"#### TEST 1") assert gt.match(seg_list[:4], parse_context=ctx) # Matching up to 'bar' should"#### TEST 3") assert (g.match( seg_list[:5], parse_context=ctx).matched_segments == expectation[:5]) # Matching the full list ALSO should, because it's just whitespace"#### TEST 4") assert (g.match( seg_list, parse_context=ctx).matched_segments == expectation[:6])
def test__parser__grammar__base__code_only_sensitive_match(seg_list): """Test the _code_only_sensitive_match method of the BaseGrammar.""" fs = KeywordSegment.make("foo") bs = KeywordSegment.make("bar") with RootParseContext(dialect=None) as ctx: # Matching the first element of the list m = BaseGrammar._code_only_sensitive_match(seg_list, bs, ctx, code_only=False) assert m.matched_segments == (bs("bar", seg_list[0].pos_marker), ) # Matching with a bit of whitespace before m = BaseGrammar._code_only_sensitive_match(seg_list[1:], fs, ctx, code_only=True) assert m.matched_segments == (seg_list[1], fs("foo", seg_list[2].pos_marker)) # Matching with a bit of whitespace before (not code_only) m = BaseGrammar._code_only_sensitive_match(seg_list[1:], fs, ctx, code_only=False) assert not m # Matching with whitespace after m = BaseGrammar._code_only_sensitive_match(seg_list[:2], bs, ctx, code_only=True) assert m.matched_segments == (bs("bar", seg_list[0].pos_marker), seg_list[1])
def test__parser__grammar__base__bracket_sensitive_look_ahead_match( bracket_seg_list, fresh_ansi_dialect): """Test the _bracket_sensitive_look_ahead_match method of the BaseGrammar.""" fs = KeywordSegment.make("foo") bs = KeywordSegment.make("bar") # We need a dialect here to do bracket matching with RootParseContext(dialect=fresh_ansi_dialect) as ctx: # Basic version, we should find bar first m = BaseGrammar._bracket_sensitive_look_ahead_match( bracket_seg_list, [fs, bs], ctx) assert isinstance(m, tuple) assert len(m) == 3 assert m[0] == () assert m[2] == bs # NB the middle element is a match object assert m[1].matched_segments == (bs("bar", bracket_seg_list[0].pos_marker), ) # Look ahead for foo, we should find the one AFTER the brackets, not the # on IN the brackets. m = BaseGrammar._bracket_sensitive_look_ahead_match( bracket_seg_list, [fs], ctx) assert isinstance(m, tuple) assert len(m) == 3 assert ( len(m[0]) == 7 ) # NB: The bracket segments will have been mutated, so we can't directly compare assert m[2] == fs # We'll end up matching the whitespace with the keyword assert m[1].matched_segments == ( bracket_seg_list[7], fs("foo", bracket_seg_list[8].pos_marker), )
def test__parser__grammar_startswith_a(seg_list, fresh_ansi_dialect, caplog): """Test the StartsWith grammar simply.""" baar = KeywordSegment.make("baar") bar = KeywordSegment.make("bar") with RootParseContext(dialect=fresh_ansi_dialect) as ctx: with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG, logger="sqluff.parser"): assert StartsWith(bar).match(seg_list, parse_context=ctx) assert not StartsWith(baar).match(seg_list, parse_context=ctx)
def test__parser__grammar_oneof_exclude(seg_list): """Test the OneOf grammar exclude option.""" fs = KeywordSegment.make("foo") bs = KeywordSegment.make("bar") g = OneOf(bs, exclude=Sequence(bs, fs)) with RootParseContext(dialect=None) as ctx: # Just against the first alone assert g.match(seg_list[:1], parse_context=ctx) # Now with the bit to exclude invluded assert not g.match(seg_list, parse_context=ctx)
def test__parser__grammar_startswith_b(seg_list, fresh_ansi_dialect, caplog): """Test the StartsWith grammar with a terminator (included & exluded).""" baar = KeywordSegment.make("baar") bar = KeywordSegment.make("bar") with RootParseContext(dialect=fresh_ansi_dialect) as ctx: with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG, logger="sqluff.parser"): m = StartsWith(bar, terminator=baar).match(seg_list, parse_context=ctx) assert len(m) == 3 m = StartsWith(bar, terminator=baar, include_terminator=True).match(seg_list, parse_context=ctx) # NB: We'll end up matching the terminating whitespace too assert len(m) == 5
def test__parser__grammar_oneof(seg_list, code_only): """Test the OneOf grammar. NB: Should behave the same regardless of code_only. """ fs = KeywordSegment.make("foo") bs = KeywordSegment.make("bar") g = OneOf(fs, bs, code_only=code_only) with RootParseContext(dialect=None) as ctx: # Check directly assert g.match(seg_list, parse_context=ctx).matched_segments == (bs( "bar", seg_list[0].pos_marker), ) # Check with a bit of whitespace assert not g.match(seg_list[1:], parse_context=ctx)
def test__parser__grammar_greedyuntil_bracketed(bracket_seg_list, fresh_ansi_dialect): """Test the GreedyUntil grammar with brackets.""" fs = KeywordSegment.make("foo") g = GreedyUntil(fs, code_only=False) with RootParseContext(dialect=fresh_ansi_dialect) as ctx: # Check that we can make it past the brackets assert len(g.match(bracket_seg_list, parse_context=ctx)) == 7
def test__parser__grammar_greedyuntil(seg_list, fresh_ansi_dialect): """Test the GreedyUntil grammar.""" fs = KeywordSegment.make("foo") bs = KeywordSegment.make("bar") bas = KeywordSegment.make("baar") g0 = GreedyUntil(bs) g1 = GreedyUntil(fs, code_only=False) g2 = GreedyUntil(bas) with RootParseContext(dialect=fresh_ansi_dialect) as ctx: # Greedy matching until the first item should return none assert not g0.match(seg_list, parse_context=ctx) # Greedy matching up to foo should return bar (as a raw!) assert g1.match(seg_list, parse_context=ctx).matched_segments == seg_list[:1] # Greedy matching up to baar should return bar, foo (as a raw!) assert g2.match(seg_list, parse_context=ctx).matched_segments == seg_list[:3]
def test__parser__grammar_delimited_not_code_only(caplog, generate_test_segments, fresh_ansi_dialect): """Test the Delimited grammar when not code_only.""" seg_list_a = generate_test_segments(["bar", " \t ", ".", " ", "bar"]) seg_list_b = generate_test_segments(["bar", ".", "bar"]) bs = KeywordSegment.make("bar") dot = KeywordSegment.make(".", name="dot") g = Delimited(bs, delimiter=dot, code_only=False) with RootParseContext(dialect=fresh_ansi_dialect) as ctx: with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG, logger="sqluff.parser"): # Matching with whitespace shouldn't match # TODO: dots should be parsed out EARLY"#### TEST 1") assert not g.match(seg_list_a, parse_context=ctx) # Matching up to 'bar' should"#### TEST 2") assert g.match(seg_list_b, parse_context=ctx) is not None
def test__parser__grammar_sequence_nested(seg_list, caplog): """Test the Sequence grammar when nested.""" fs = KeywordSegment.make("foo") bs = KeywordSegment.make("bar") bas = KeywordSegment.make("baar") g = Sequence(Sequence(bs, fs), bas) with RootParseContext(dialect=None) as ctx: with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG, logger="sqluff.parser"): # Matching the start of the list shouldn't work"#### TEST 1") assert not g.match(seg_list[:2], parse_context=ctx) # Matching the whole list should, and the result should be flat"#### TEST 2") assert g.match(seg_list, parse_context=ctx).matched_segments == ( bs("bar", seg_list[0].pos_marker), seg_list[1], # This will be the whitespace segment fs("foo", seg_list[2].pos_marker), bas("baar", seg_list[3].pos_marker) # NB: No whitespace at the end, this shouldn't be consumed. )
def test__parser__grammar__base__look_ahead_match(seg_list): """Test the _look_ahead_match method of the BaseGrammar.""" fs = KeywordSegment.make("foo") bs = KeywordSegment.make("bar") with RootParseContext(dialect=None) as ctx: # Basic version, we should find bar first m = BaseGrammar._look_ahead_match(seg_list, [fs, bs], ctx) assert isinstance(m, tuple) assert len(m) == 3 assert m[0] == () assert m[2] == bs # NB the middle element is a match object assert m[1].matched_segments == (bs("bar", seg_list[0].pos_marker), ) # Look ahead for foo m = BaseGrammar._look_ahead_match(seg_list, [fs], ctx, code_only=False) assert m[1].matched_segments == (fs("foo", seg_list[2].pos_marker), ) # Allow leading whitespace m = BaseGrammar._look_ahead_match(seg_list, [fs], ctx, code_only=True) assert m[1].matched_segments == (seg_list[1], fs("foo", seg_list[2].pos_marker))
def test__parser__grammar_containsonly(seg_list): """Test the ContainsOnly grammar.""" fs = KeywordSegment.make("foo") bs = KeywordSegment.make("bar") bas = KeywordSegment.make("baar") g0 = ContainsOnly(bs, bas) g1 = ContainsOnly("raw") g2 = ContainsOnly(fs, bas, bs) g3 = ContainsOnly(fs, bas, bs, code_only=False) with RootParseContext(dialect=None) as ctx: # Contains only, without matches for all shouldn't match assert not g0.match(seg_list, parse_context=ctx) # Contains only, with just the type should return the list as is assert g1.match(seg_list, parse_context=ctx) == seg_list # Contains only with matches for all should, as the matched versions assert g2.match(seg_list, parse_context=ctx).matched_segments == ( bs("bar", seg_list[0].pos_marker), seg_list[1], # This will be the whitespace segment fs("foo", seg_list[2].pos_marker), bas("baar", seg_list[3].pos_marker), seg_list[4], # This will be the whitespace segment ) # When we consider mode than code then it shouldn't work assert not g3.match(seg_list, parse_context=ctx)
def test__parser__grammar_sequence(seg_list, caplog): """Test the Sequence grammar.""" fs = KeywordSegment.make("foo") bs = KeywordSegment.make("bar") g = Sequence(bs, fs) gc = Sequence(bs, fs, code_only=False) with RootParseContext(dialect=None) as ctx: with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG, logger="sqluff.parser"): # Should be able to match the list using the normal matcher"#### TEST 1") m = g.match(seg_list, parse_context=ctx) assert m assert len(m) == 3 assert m.matched_segments == ( bs("bar", seg_list[0].pos_marker), seg_list[1], # This will be the whitespace segment fs("foo", seg_list[2].pos_marker), ) # Shouldn't with the code_only matcher"#### TEST 2") assert not gc.match(seg_list, parse_context=ctx) # Shouldn't match even on the normal one if we don't start at the beginning"#### TEST 2") assert not g.match(seg_list[1:], parse_context=ctx)