def diff(args, config, connection=None): verbose = args.verbose last_schema = get_last_schema() current_schema = get_current_schema() added, removed, changed = compare_schemas(last_schema, current_schema) if any((added, removed, changed)): if added: print('New items:') for item in added: print(' %s' % item) if removed: print('Removed items:') for item in removed: print(' %s' % item) if changed: print('Changed items:') for item in changed: print(' %s' % item) if verbose: _diff = difflib.unified_diff(last_schema[item]['up'], current_schema[item]['up']) print('\n'.join(_diff)) else: print('No changes')
def makemigration(args, config, connection=None): empty = args.empty dry_run = args.dry_run migration_name = current_schema = get_current_schema() execution_plan_up = [] execution_plan_down = [] if not empty: last_schema = get_last_schema() or {} added, removed, changed = compare_schemas(last_schema, current_schema) added_items = sorted([current_schema[name] for name in added], key=lambda i: i['degree']) if added_items: print('Creating:') for item in added_items: print(' %s' % item['name']) execution_plan_up.append(item['up']) execution_plan_down.append(item['down']) for name in changed: current_schema[name]['status'] = 'changed' for name in changed: mark_affected_items(current_schema, name) changed_items = sorted([ item for item in current_schema.values() if item.get('status') == 'changed' ], key=lambda i: i['degree']) if changed_items: print('Updating:') print(' dropping:') for item in reversed(changed_items): if item['down']: print(' %s' % item['name']) if item['name'] in last_schema \ and last_schema[item['name']]['down']: execution_plan_up.append(last_schema[item['name']]['down']) execution_plan_down.append(last_schema[item['name']]['up']) elif item['name'] not in last_schema and item['down']: execution_plan_up.append(item['down']) execution_plan_up.append( ['-- ==== Add your instruction here ====']) print(' creating:') for item in changed_items: if item['down']: print(' %s' % item['name']) execution_plan_up.append(item['up']) execution_plan_down.append(item['down']) removed_items = sorted([last_schema[name] for name in removed], key=lambda i: i['degree'], reverse=True) if removed_items: print('Deleting:') for item in removed_items: print(' %s' % item['name']) execution_plan_up.append(item['down']) execution_plan_down.append(last_schema[item['name']]['up']) default_suffix = 'auto' else: default_suffix = 'manual' suffix = ('-%s' % (migration_name or default_suffix)) if not dry_run: save_migration(current_schema, execution_plan_up, reversed(execution_plan_down), suffix)
def makemigration(args, config, connection=None): empty = args.empty dry_run = args.dry_run migration_name = current_schema = get_current_schema() execution_plan_up = [] execution_plan_down = [] if not empty: last_schema = get_last_schema() or {} added, removed, changed = compare_schemas(last_schema, current_schema) added_items = sorted([current_schema[name] for name in added], key=lambda i: i["degree"]) if added_items: print("Creating:") for item in added_items: print(" %s" % item["name"]) execution_plan_up.append(item["up"]) execution_plan_down.append(item["down"]) for name in changed: current_schema[name]["status"] = "changed" for name in changed: mark_affected_items(current_schema, name) changed_items = sorted( [item for item in current_schema.values() if item.get("status") == "changed"], key=lambda i: i["degree"] ) if changed_items: print("Updating:") print(" dropping:") for item in reversed(changed_items): if item["down"]: print(" %s" % item["name"]) if item["name"] in last_schema and last_schema[item["name"]]["down"]: execution_plan_up.append(last_schema[item["name"]]["down"]) execution_plan_down.append(last_schema[item["name"]]["up"]) elif item["name"] not in last_schema and item["down"]: execution_plan_up.append(item["down"]) execution_plan_up.append(["-- ==== Add your instruction here ===="]) print(" creating:") for item in changed_items: if item["down"]: print(" %s" % item["name"]) execution_plan_up.append(item["up"]) execution_plan_down.append(item["down"]) removed_items = sorted([last_schema[name] for name in removed], key=lambda i: i["degree"], reverse=True) if removed_items: print("Deleting:") for item in removed_items: print(" %s" % item["name"]) execution_plan_up.append(item["down"]) execution_plan_down.append(last_schema[item["name"]]["up"]) default_suffix = "auto" else: default_suffix = "manual" suffix = "-%s" % (migration_name or default_suffix) if not dry_run: save_migration(current_schema, execution_plan_up, reversed(execution_plan_down), suffix)