예제 #1
 def get(cls, key):
     """Return the instance of this class whose key is supplied."""
     instance = IStore(cls).get(cls, key)
     if instance is None:
         raise SQLObjectNotFound(
             'No occurrence of %s has key %s' % (cls.__name__, key))
     return instance
예제 #2
def assignProfileCategory(categoryName, profileRecs=None, screenNames=None):
    Assign Categories to Profiles.

    Fetch Category or create it if it does not exist. Put Profiles in the
    Category but ignore if link exists already. An error is raised
    if a Profile does not exist, but previous Profiles in the list still
    have been allocated already before the error occurred.

    :param categoryName: String. Get a category by name and create it
        if it does not exist yet. If Profile records or Profile screen names
        are provided, then assign all of those Profiles to the category.
        Both Profile inputs can be left as not set to just create the
    :param profileRecs: Default None. List of db Profile records to be
        assigned to the category. Cannot be empty if screenNames is also empty.
    :param screenNames: Default None. List of Profile screen names to be
        assigned to the category. The screen names should exist as Profiles
        in the db already (matching on exact case), otherwise an error will
        be raised. The screenNames argument cannot be empty if profileRecs
        is also empty.

    :return tuple of new and existing counts.
        - newCnt: Count of new Profile Category links created.
        - existingCnt: Count of Profile Category links not created because
            they already exist.
    newCnt = 0
    existingCnt = 0

        categoryRec = db.Category.byName(categoryName)
    except SQLObjectNotFound:
        categoryRec = db.Category(name=categoryName)
        print("Created category: {0}".format(categoryName))

    if profileRecs or screenNames:
        if profileRecs is None:
            # Use screen names to populate an empty profileRecs list.
            profileRecs = []
            for screenName in screenNames:
                profile = db.Profile.select(
                    LIKE(db.Profile.q.screenName, screenName)).getOne(None)

                if not profile:
                    raise SQLObjectNotFound(
                        "Cannot assign Category since Profile screen name"
                        " is not in db: {0}".format(screenName))

        for profileRec in profileRecs:
                newCnt += 1
            except DuplicateEntryError:
                existingCnt += 1

    return newCnt, existingCnt
예제 #3
    def get(cls, key):
        """Return the instance of this class whose key is supplied.

        :raises: SQLObjectNotFound
        instance = IStore(BranchJob).get(BranchJob, key)
        if instance is None or instance.job_type != cls.class_job_type:
            raise SQLObjectNotFound(
                'No occurrence of %s has key %s' % (cls.__name__, key))
        return cls(instance)
예제 #4
    def byMsgid(cls, key):
        """Return a POMsgID object for the given msgid."""

        # We can't search directly on msgid, because this database column
        # contains values too large to index. Instead we search on its
        # hash, which *is* indexed
        r = POMsgID.selectOne('sha1(msgid) = sha1(%s)' % quote(key))
        if r is None:
            # To be 100% compatible with the alternateID behaviour, we should
            # raise SQLObjectNotFound instead of KeyError
            raise SQLObjectNotFound(key)
        return r
예제 #5
    def get(cls, job_id):
        """Get a job by id.

        :return: the BranchMergeProposalJob with the specified id, as the
            current BranchMergeProposalJobDereived subclass.
        :raises: SQLObjectNotFound if there is no job with the specified id,
            or its job_type does not match the desired subclass.
        job = BranchMergeProposalJob.get(job_id)
        if job.job_type != cls.class_job_type:
            raise SQLObjectNotFound('No object found with id %d and type %s' %
                                    (job_id, cls.class_job_type.title))
        return cls(job)
예제 #6
def assignTweetCampaign(campaignRec, tweetRecs=None, tweetGuids=None):
    Assign Campaigns to Tweets using the ORM.

    Fetch a Campaign and assign it to Tweets, ignoring existing links
    and raising an error on a Campaign which does not exist. For large
    batches of inserts, rather use bulkAssignTweetCampaign.

    Search query is not considered here and should be set using the
    campaign manager utility or the ORM directly.

    :param campaignRec: Campaign record to assign to all Tweet
        records indicated with tweetRecs or tweetGuids inputs.
        Both Tweet inputs can be left as not set to just create the
        Campaign. Note that the assignProfileCategory function expects
        a Category name because it can be created there, but here the actual
        Campaign record is expected because creation must be handled with the
        Campaign manager utility instead because of the search query field.
    :param tweetRecs: Default None. List of db Tweet records to be
        assigned to the campaign. Cannot be empty if tweetGuids is also empty.
    :param tweetGuids: Default None. List of Tweet GUIDs to be assigned
        to the campaign. The GUIDs should exist as Tweets in the db already,
        otherwise an error will be printed and ignored. The tweetGuids
        argument cannot be empty if tweetRecs is also empty.

    :return newCnt: Count of new Tweet Campaign links created.
    :return existingCnt: Count of Tweet Campaign links not created because
        they already exist.
    newCnt = 0
    existingCnt = 0

    if not tweetRecs:
        # Use GUIDs to populate tweetRecs list.
        tweetRecs = []
        for guid in tweetGuids:
                tweet = db.Tweet.byGuid(guid)
            except SQLObjectNotFound:
                raise SQLObjectNotFound("Cannot assign Campaign as Tweet"
                                        " GUID is not in db: {0}".format(guid))

    for tweet in tweetRecs:
            newCnt += 1
        except DuplicateEntryError:
            existingCnt += 1

    return newCnt, existingCnt
예제 #7
    def getByBlobUUID(cls, uuid):
        """See `IApportJobSource`."""
        store = IStore(ApportJob)
        jobs_for_blob = store.find(
            ApportJob, ApportJob.job == Job.id,
            ApportJob.job_type == cls.class_job_type,
            ApportJob.blob_id == TemporaryBlobStorage.id,
            TemporaryBlobStorage.uuid == uuid)

        job_for_blob = jobs_for_blob.one()

        if job_for_blob is None:
            raise SQLObjectNotFound(
                "No ProcessApportBlobJob found for UUID %s" % uuid)

        return cls(job_for_blob)