예제 #1
 def test_bcdfo_evalP_5(self):
     We check that in the very easy case where the fonction to interpolate is always equal to 1 on the interpolant set, then the model value on any
     x point will logically be 1
     Y = np.array([[ 1, 2, 1, 3, 3, 1],[1, 2, 2, 1, 1.01, 3 ]])
     QZ, RZ, xbase, scale  = bcdfo_build_QR_of_Y_( Y, 0, 1 , 1,1, 1e15)
     model = ( QZ.dot( np.linalg.solve( RZ.T , np.array([[1], [1], [1], [1], [1], [1] ]) ) )).T
     for i in range(0,50):
         res = bcdfo_evalP_( model, np.array([[(random()-0.5)*100],[(random()-0.5)*100]]), xbase, scale, 1 )
         self.assertAlmostEqual(float(res), 1.0, places=15)
예제 #2
 def test_bcdfo_evalP_2(self):
     We check that the model on the interpolant set equals the given values of the initial function on the interpolant set, here we verify that the sixth point is interpolated
     Y = np.array([[ 1, 2, 1, 3, 3, 1],  [1, 2, 2, 1, 1.01, 3 ]])
     QZ, RZ, xbase, scale = bcdfo_build_QR_of_Y_( Y, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1e15 )
     #we verify that the sixth point is interpolated
     model = ( QZ.dot(  np.linalg.solve( RZ.T , np.array([[random(),random(),random(),random(),random(), 6 ]]).T ) )).T
     res = bcdfo_evalP_( model, np.array([[1],[3]]), xbase, scale, 1 )
     self.assertAlmostEqual(float(res), 6, places=13) #NB : the random numbers forces us to reduce the precision
예제 #3
 def test_bcdfo_evalP_4(self):
     We check that the model on the interpolant set equals the given values of the initial function on the interpolant set, here we verify that the first point is interpolated
     Y = np.array([[ 1, 2, 1, 3, 3, 1],  [1, 2, 2, 1, 1.01, 3 ]])
     QZ, RZ, xbase, scale = bcdfo_build_QR_of_Y_( Y, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1e15 )
     #we verify that the first point is interpolated
     model = ( QZ.dot(  np.linalg.solve( RZ.T , np.array([[6,0,0,0o3,0,0 ]]).T ) )).T
     res = bcdfo_evalP_( model, np.array([[1],[1]]), xbase, scale, 1 )
     self.assertAlmostEqual(float(res), 6, places=15)
예제 #4
 def test_bcdfo_computeLj_1(self):
     This test verify the basic properties of the lagrange polynomials : We verify here that for x being a point of the interpolant set, we have l_j(x) = 1 if the index j corresponds to the index of x in the interpolant set
     and 0 otherwise
     for k in range(0, 20):
         x1_coord = [(random() - 0.5) * 100 for p in range(0, 6)]
         x2_coord = [(random() - 0.5) * 100 for p in range(0, 6)]
         Y = array([x1_coord, x2_coord])
         whichmodel = 0
         QZ, RZ, xbase, scale = bcdfo_build_QR_of_Y_(
             Y, whichmodel, 1, 1, 1, 1e15)
         for i in range(0, 6):
             L = bcdfo_computeLj_(QZ, RZ, i, Y, whichmodel, scale, 1)
             for j in range(0, 6):
                 value = bcdfo_evalP_(L,
                                      array([[x1_coord[j]], [x2_coord[j]]]),
                                      xbase, scale, 1)
                 if i == j:
                     self.assertTrue(allclose(value, 1., atol=1e-10))
                     self.assertTrue(allclose(value, 0., atol=1e-10))
예제 #5
def bcdfo_evalL_(QZ=None,RZ=None,Y_=None,choice_set=None,x=None,xbase=None,whichmodel=None,scale=None,shift_Y=None,*args,**kwargs):
#  Computes the values of the Lagrange polynomials at x.
#  QZ, RZ      : the QR factors of the (possibly shifted) matrix Z containing
#                the polynomial expansion of the interpolation points
#  Y           : current interpolation set Y
#  choice_set  : the indices (of Y's columns) for which to calculate the 
#                Lagrange polynomial values
#  x           : the point at which the model must be evaluated
#  xbase       : the current base point
#  whichmodel  : kind of model/Lagrange polynomial to compute
#  scale       : the current model scaling
#  shift_Y     : 0 if no shift in interpolation points, 1 otherwise
#  values      : the values of the Lagrange polynomials at x.
#  PROGRAMMING: A. Troeltzsch, September 2010. 
#  DEPENDENCIES: bcdfo_evalP
#  TEST:
#  Y = [ 0 1 0 2 1 0 ; 0 0 1 0 0.01 2 ]; 
#  [ QZ, RZ, xbase, scale] = bcdfo_build_QR_of_Y( Y, 0, 1 );
#  values = bcdfo_evalL( QZ, RZ, Y, [2:6], [-1;1], xbase, 0, scale, 1 )
#  should give 
#     values =
#         0   97.0000    2.9900    1.0000 -100.0000   -0.4950 
#  CONDITIONS OF USE: Use at your own risk! No guarantee of any kind given.
#    varargin = cellarray(args)
#    nargin = 9-[QZ,RZ,Y,choice_set,x,xbase,whichmodel,scale,shift_Y].count(None)+len(args)

    #Copy only if necessary
    if (shift_Y):
    q=((n + 1) * (n + 2)) / 2
    if (whichmodel == 3 and p1 < q):
#     for underdetermined regression model use min l2-norm model
    if (whichmodel == 0):
#    evaluate (sub-basis) Lagrange polynomial (p1 = q)
        values[choice_set]=bcdfo_evalP_(I[choice_set,:].dot( (numpy.linalg.solve(RZ,QZ.T))),x,xbase,scale,shift_Y)
    elif (whichmodel == 1):
        if (p1 == n + 1 or p1 == q):
#        evaluate Minimum L2 norm Lagrange polynomial (p1 == n+1 or p1 == q)

            values[choice_set]=bcdfo_evalP_(I[choice_set,:] .dot( (QZ / RZ.T)),x,xbase,scale,shift_Y)
#       evaluate Minimum Frobenius norm Lagrange polynomial (p1 <= q)
#        If shifting is active, the matrix of the interpoaltion points is first
#        shifted and scaled (to compute M correctly).
            if (shift_Y):
                for i in range(0,p1):
                    Y[:,i]=Y[:,i] - xbase
                Y=Y / scaleY
            MQ=M[:,n + 1:q]
            if (shift_Y):
                phi=bcdfo_evalZ_((x - xbase) * scale[1],q)
            values[choice_set]=concatenate_([  I[choice_set,:],  zeros_(lc,n + 1).dot(QZ .dot(numpy.linalg.solve(RZ.T,concatenate_([MQ.dot(phi[n + 1:q]),phi[0:n + 1]]))))],axis=1)
    elif (whichmodel == 2):
#    evaluate Minimum L2 norm Lagrange polynomial (p1 <= q)
        if (p1 < q):
            values[choice_set]=bcdfo_evalP_(I[choice_set,:].dot( (pinv_(RZ).dot(QZ.T))),x,xbase,scale,shift_Y)
            values[choice_set]=bcdfo_evalP_(I[choice_set,:].dot( (numpy.linalg.solve(RZ,QZ.T))),x,xbase,scale,shift_Y)
    elif (whichmodel == 3):
#    evaluate Regression Lagrange polynomial (p1 >= q)
        values[choice_set]=bcdfo_evalP_(I[choice_set,:].dot((QZ .dot(pinv_(RZ.T)))),x,xbase,scale,shift_Y)
    return values