예제 #1
    def __init__(self, scenario):
        """Create a BeeBot."""
        # Initial position of the BeeBot in terms of square on the Board.
        self.start_logical_position = Point(

        # The amount the BeeBot moves.
        self.step = scenario.get_board_step()

        # The BeeBot's position of the BeeBot in terms of pixels.
        self.screen_location = self.start_logical_position.scale(self.step)

        # The BeeBot's position of the BeeBot in terms of the Board.
        self.logical_position = self.start_logical_position.copy()

        # Read the sprite and assume it is the "NORTH" sprite.
        self.original_sprite = scenario.get_beebot_sprite()
        self.sprite = self.original_sprite

        # Which way is the BeeBot facing.
        self.start_heading = scenario.get_beebot_heading()
        self.heading = self.start_heading

        # Rotate sprite based on start heading
        if self.start_heading == Heading.EAST:
            self.sprite = self.rotate(self.sprite, 270)
        elif self.start_heading == Heading.WEST:
            self.sprite = self.rotate(self.sprite, 90)
        elif self.start_heading == Heading.SOUTH:
            self.sprite = self.rotate(self.sprite, 180)

        # set fail sprite from scenario
        self.fail_sprite = scenario.get_beebot_fail_sprite()

        # Store MOVE_BEEBOT_* events here.
        self.memory = []
예제 #2
from src.Point import Point

BaseImgPath = "img/"

imgNumberOfEnemies = {
    "1b.png": 3,
    "2b.png": 2,
    "3b.png": 1,
    "5a.png": 1,
    "8a.png": 1,
    "9a.png": 8,
    "10a.png": 5

imgCentersOfEnemies = {
    "1b.png": [Point(88, 372),
               Point(256, 329),
               Point(295, 310)],
    "2b.png": [Point(1086, 331), Point(1214, 267)],
    "3b.png": [Point(670, 582)],
    "5a.png": [Point(1129, 229)]

creatureMode_OffOn = {
    "1a.png": "1b.png",
    "2a.png": "2b.png",
    "3a.png": "3b.png"

tacticalMode_Off_On = {
    "6a.png": "6b.png",
예제 #3
 def test_create_vector(self):
예제 #4
class BeeBot(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
    """This class defines the BeeBot."""
    def __init__(self, scenario):
        """Create a BeeBot."""
        # Initial position of the BeeBot in terms of square on the Board.
        self.start_logical_position = Point(

        # The amount the BeeBot moves.
        self.step = scenario.get_board_step()

        # The BeeBot's position of the BeeBot in terms of pixels.
        self.screen_location = self.start_logical_position.scale(self.step)

        # The BeeBot's position of the BeeBot in terms of the Board.
        self.logical_position = self.start_logical_position.copy()

        # Read the sprite and assume it is the "NORTH" sprite.
        self.original_sprite = scenario.get_beebot_sprite()
        self.sprite = self.original_sprite

        # Which way is the BeeBot facing.
        self.start_heading = scenario.get_beebot_heading()
        self.heading = self.start_heading

        # Rotate sprite based on start heading
        if self.start_heading == Heading.EAST:
            self.sprite = self.rotate(self.sprite, 270)
        elif self.start_heading == Heading.WEST:
            self.sprite = self.rotate(self.sprite, 90)
        elif self.start_heading == Heading.SOUTH:
            self.sprite = self.rotate(self.sprite, 180)

        # set fail sprite from scenario
        self.fail_sprite = scenario.get_beebot_fail_sprite()

        # Store MOVE_BEEBOT_* events here.
        self.memory = []

    def move(self, event):
        """Move the BeeBot."""
        if event.type == CustomEvent.MOVE_BEEBOT_UP:
            sleep(0.5)  # wait to simulate BeeBot movement
        if event.type == CustomEvent.MOVE_BEEBOT_DOWN:
            sleep(0.5)  # wait to simulate BeeBot movement
        if event.type == CustomEvent.MOVE_BEEBOT_LEFT:
            sleep(0.5)  # wait to simulate BeeBot movement
        if event.type == CustomEvent.MOVE_BEEBOT_RIGHT:
            sleep(0.5)  # wait to simulate BeeBot movement

    def add_to_memory(self, event):
        """Add "button press" to the BeeBot's "memory"."""

    def push_out_memory(self):
        """Act out the instructions in the BeeBot's "memory"."""
        for instruction in self.memory:
            # we use pygame's event queue because we need to check
            # it regularly to prevent the game from crashing.

    def clear_memory(self):
        """Clear the BeeBot's "memory"."""
        self.memory = []

    def display(self, screen):
        """Display the BeeBot on screen."""
                    (self.screen_location.x, self.screen_location.y))

    def move_backward(self):
        """Move the BeeBot backward."""
        # The origin is in the top left corner
        if self.heading == Heading.SOUTH:
            for _ in range(0, self.step):
                self.screen_location.y = self.screen_location.y - 1
                sleep(0.01)  # sleep prevents the BeeBot moving too quickly
            self.logical_position.y = self.logical_position.y - 1

        elif self.heading == Heading.WEST:
            for _ in range(0, self.step):
                self.screen_location.x = self.screen_location.x + 1
                sleep(0.01)  # sleep prevents the BeeBot moving too quickly
            self.logical_position.x = self.logical_position.x + 1

        elif self.heading == Heading.NORTH:
            for _ in range(0, self.step):
                self.screen_location.y = self.screen_location.y + 1
                sleep(0.01)  # sleep prevents the BeeBot moving too quickly
            self.logical_position.y = self.logical_position.y + 1

        elif self.heading == Heading.EAST:
            for _ in range(0, self.step):
                self.screen_location.x = self.screen_location.x - 1
                sleep(0.01)  # sleep prevents the BeeBot moving too quickly
            self.logical_position.x = self.logical_position.x - 1

    def move_forward(self):
        """Move the BeeBot forward."""
        # The origin is in the top left corner
        if self.heading == Heading.NORTH:
            for _ in range(0, self.step):
                self.screen_location.y = self.screen_location.y - 1
                sleep(0.01)  # sleep prevents the BeeBot moving too quickly
            self.logical_position.y = self.logical_position.y - 1

        elif self.heading == Heading.EAST:
            for _ in range(0, self.step):
                self.screen_location.x = self.screen_location.x + 1
                sleep(0.01)  # sleep prevents the BeeBot moving too quickly
            self.logical_position.x = self.logical_position.x + 1

        elif self.heading == Heading.SOUTH:
            for _ in range(0, self.step):
                self.screen_location.y = self.screen_location.y + 1
                sleep(0.01)  # sleep prevents the BeeBot moving too quickly
            self.logical_position.y = self.logical_position.y + 1

        elif self.heading == Heading.WEST:
            for _ in range(0, self.step):
                self.screen_location.x = self.screen_location.x - 1
                sleep(0.01)  # sleep prevents the BeeBot moving too quickly
            self.logical_position.x = self.logical_position.x - 1

    def move_right(self):
        """Turn the BeeBot right."""
        # No need to move the BeeBot, just change it's sprite.
        # Take a copy of the sprite
        old_sprite = self.sprite
        # Rotate the copy, 1 degree more every time
        for i in range(0, 90):
            self.sprite = self.rotate(old_sprite, -(i + 1))

        if self.heading == Heading.NORTH:
            self.heading = Heading.EAST

        elif self.heading == Heading.EAST:
            self.heading = Heading.SOUTH

        elif self.heading == Heading.SOUTH:
            self.heading = Heading.WEST

        elif self.heading == Heading.WEST:
            self.heading = Heading.NORTH


    def move_left(self):
        """Turn the BeeBot left."""
        # No need to move the BeeBot, just change it's sprite.
        # Take a copy of the sprite
        old_sprite = self.sprite
        # Rotate the copy, 1 degree more every time
        for i in range(0, 90):
            self.sprite = self.rotate(old_sprite, i + 1)

        if self.heading == Heading.NORTH:
            self.heading = Heading.WEST

        elif self.heading == Heading.EAST:
            self.heading = Heading.NORTH

        elif self.heading == Heading.SOUTH:
            self.heading = Heading.EAST

        elif self.heading == Heading.WEST:
            self.heading = Heading.SOUTH


    def reset_position(self):
        """Reset the position of the BeeBot."""
        # Initial position of the BeeBot in terms of square on the Board.
        self.logical_position = self.start_logical_position.copy()

        self.heading = self.start_heading

        # The BeeBot's position in terms of pixels.
        self.screen_location = self.start_logical_position.scale(self.step)

        # Reset BeeBot sprite
        self.sprite = self.original_sprite

        # From the original sprite, rotate to the start_heading
        if self.start_heading == Heading.EAST:
            self.sprite = self.rotate(self.sprite, 270)
        elif self.start_heading == Heading.WEST:
            self.sprite = self.rotate(self.sprite, 90)
        elif self.start_heading == Heading.SOUTH:
            self.sprite = self.rotate(self.sprite, 180)

        self.heading = self.start_heading

    def crash(self):
        """Set the sprite to be displayed to the fail sprite."""
        self.sprite = self.fail_sprite

    def rotate(cls, image, angle):
        """Rotate given image by given angle."""
        image_copy = image.copy()  # this seems to stop thread errors
        orig_rect = image_copy.get_rect()
        rot_image = pygame.transform.rotate(image_copy, angle)
        rot_rect = orig_rect.copy()
        rot_rect.center = rot_image.get_rect().center
        return rot_image.subsurface(rot_rect)
예제 #5
 def __init__(self, x1, y1, x2, y2):
     self.top_left = Point(x1, y1)
     self.bottom_right = Point(x2, y2)
예제 #6
    def RandomTerrain(n_people, size=DEFAULT_SIZE, exits=DEFAULT_EXITS):
        dimRows, dimCols = size
        _map = [[0 for _ in range(dimCols)] for _ in range(dimRows)]

        # 1) to make sure at least MAX_NUMBER_OF_PEOPLE places are free
        totalPlaces = dimCols * dimRows
        totalPlaces -= MAX_NUMBER_OF_PEOPLE
        totalPlaces -= len(DEFAULT_EXITS)

        print("GENERATING OBSTACLES...")
        obstaclesList = []
        stopGeneratingObstacles = False
        for i in range(dimRows):
            if stopGeneratingObstacles:
            for j in range(dimCols):
                # 2) to make sure at least MAX_NUMBER_OF_PEOPLE places are free
                    stopGeneratingObstacles = True

                if Terrain.__isPlaceOk(
                        _map, i, j) and Terrain.__isThereObstacleSurrounding(
                            _map, i, j) == False:
                    makeANewObstacleProbability = random.random()

                    if makeANewObstacleProbability > 0.90:
                        sizeRow = random.randint(1, MAX_OBSTACLE_HEIGHT)
                        sizeCols = random.randint(1, MAX_OBSTACLE_WIDTH)

                        for r in range(i, min(i + sizeRow, dimRows)):
                            for c in range(j, min(j + sizeCols, dimCols)):

                                if Terrain.__isPlaceOk(_map, r, c):
                                    entryRow, entryCol = i, j
                                    if r == i and Terrain.__isThereObstacleUp(
                                            _map, r, c):
                                        sizeCols = abs(c - j)
                                    if Terrain.__isThereObstacleRight(
                                            _map, r, c):
                                        sizeCols = abs(c - j)
                                    _map[r][c] = OBSTACLE_IDENTIFIER
                                    totalPlaces -= 1
                                    leaveRow, leaveCol = r, c
                        #print(entryRow,entryCol , leaveRow , leaveCol)
                            Obstacle(entryRow, entryCol, leaveRow, leaveCol))
        #for obstacle in obstaclesList :
        #    print (obstacle)
        for j in range(0, 128):
            _map[255][j] = EMPTY_IDENTIFIER
            _map[256][j] = EMPTY_IDENTIFIER

        for i in range(0, 512):
            _map[i][63] = EMPTY_IDENTIFIER
            _map[i][64] = EMPTY_IDENTIFIER


        print("GENERATING PEOPLE...")
        #Generating People
        totalNumberOfPeople = 2**n_people
        PeopleSpawned = 0
        emptyPlaces = []
        peopleList = []
        for i in range(dimRows):
            for j in range(dimCols):
                if _map[i][j] == EMPTY_IDENTIFIER:
                    emptyPlaces.append(Point(i, j))

        while PeopleSpawned < totalNumberOfPeople:
            randomEmptyPlaceIndex = random.randint(0, len(emptyPlaces) - 1)
            if _map[emptyPlaces[randomEmptyPlaceIndex].x][
                    emptyPlaces[randomEmptyPlaceIndex].y] == 0:
                #PeopleSpawned +1 represents the id of the person
                    y] = PERSON_IDENTIFIER  # PeopleSpawned + 1
                PeopleSpawned += 1
                    Person(PeopleSpawned, emptyPlaces[randomEmptyPlaceIndex]))

            print("GENERATING PEOPLE COMPLETE!")
        for exit in exits:
            _map[exit.x][exit.y] = EXIT_IDENTIFIER

        #for p in peopleList:
        #    print(p)

        #now we have SIZE, list of obstacles, list of exists, list of people, and the map
        return Terrain(obstaclesList, peopleList, _map, size, exits)

        #        a = np.array(_map)
        '''fig, ax = plt.subplots()
예제 #7
class BeeBot(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
    """This class defines the BeeBot."""

    def __init__(self, scenario):
        """Create a BeeBot."""
        # Initial position of the BeeBot in terms of square on the Board.
        self.start_logical_position = Point(

        # The amount the BeeBot moves.
        self.step = scenario.get_board_step()

        # The BeeBot's position of the BeeBot in terms of pixels.
        self.screen_location = self.start_logical_position.scale(self.step)

        # The BeeBot's position of the BeeBot in terms of the Board.
        self.logical_position = self.start_logical_position.copy()

        # Read the sprite and assume it is the "NORTH" sprite.
        self.original_sprite = scenario.get_beebot_sprite()
        self.sprite = self.original_sprite

        # Which way is the BeeBot facing.
        self.start_heading = scenario.get_beebot_heading()
        self.heading = self.start_heading

        # Rotate sprite based on start heading
        if self.start_heading == Heading.EAST:
            self.sprite = self.rotate(self.sprite, 270)
        elif self.start_heading == Heading.WEST:
            self.sprite = self.rotate(self.sprite, 90)
        elif self.start_heading == Heading.SOUTH:
            self.sprite = self.rotate(self.sprite, 180)

        # set fail sprite from scenario
        self.fail_sprite = scenario.get_beebot_fail_sprite()

        # Store MOVE_BEEBOT_* events here.
        self.memory = []

    def move(self, event):
        """Move the BeeBot."""
        if event.type == CustomEvent.MOVE_BEEBOT_UP:
            sleep(0.5)  # wait to simulate BeeBot movement
        if event.type == CustomEvent.MOVE_BEEBOT_DOWN:
            sleep(0.5)  # wait to simulate BeeBot movement
        if event.type == CustomEvent.MOVE_BEEBOT_LEFT:
            sleep(0.5)  # wait to simulate BeeBot movement
        if event.type == CustomEvent.MOVE_BEEBOT_RIGHT:
            sleep(0.5)  # wait to simulate BeeBot movement

    def add_to_memory(self, event):
        """Add "button press" to the BeeBot's "memory"."""

    def push_out_memory(self):
        """Act out the instructions in the BeeBot's "memory"."""
        for instruction in self.memory:
            # we use pygame's event queue because we need to check
            # it regularly to prevent the game from crashing.

    def clear_memory(self):
        """Clear the BeeBot's "memory"."""
        self.memory = []

    def display(self, screen):
        """Display the BeeBot on screen."""
        screen.blit(self.sprite, (self.screen_location.x,

    def move_backward(self):
        """Move the BeeBot backward."""
        # The origin is in the top left corner
        if self.heading == Heading.SOUTH:
            for _ in range(0, self.step):
                self.screen_location.y = self.screen_location.y - 1
                sleep(0.01)  # sleep prevents the BeeBot moving too quickly
            self.logical_position.y = self.logical_position.y - 1

        elif self.heading == Heading.WEST:
            for _ in range(0, self.step):
                self.screen_location.x = self.screen_location.x + 1
                sleep(0.01)  # sleep prevents the BeeBot moving too quickly
            self.logical_position.x = self.logical_position.x + 1

        elif self.heading == Heading.NORTH:
            for _ in range(0, self.step):
                self.screen_location.y = self.screen_location.y + 1
                sleep(0.01)  # sleep prevents the BeeBot moving too quickly
            self.logical_position.y = self.logical_position.y + 1

        elif self.heading == Heading.EAST:
            for _ in range(0, self.step):
                self.screen_location.x = self.screen_location.x - 1
                sleep(0.01)  # sleep prevents the BeeBot moving too quickly
            self.logical_position.x = self.logical_position.x - 1

    def move_forward(self):
        """Move the BeeBot forward."""
        # The origin is in the top left corner
        if self.heading == Heading.NORTH:
            for _ in range(0, self.step):
                self.screen_location.y = self.screen_location.y - 1
                sleep(0.01)  # sleep prevents the BeeBot moving too quickly
            self.logical_position.y = self.logical_position.y - 1

        elif self.heading == Heading.EAST:
            for _ in range(0, self.step):
                self.screen_location.x = self.screen_location.x + 1
                sleep(0.01)  # sleep prevents the BeeBot moving too quickly
            self.logical_position.x = self.logical_position.x + 1

        elif self.heading == Heading.SOUTH:
            for _ in range(0, self.step):
                self.screen_location.y = self.screen_location.y + 1
                sleep(0.01)  # sleep prevents the BeeBot moving too quickly
            self.logical_position.y = self.logical_position.y + 1

        elif self.heading == Heading.WEST:
            for _ in range(0, self.step):
                self.screen_location.x = self.screen_location.x - 1
                sleep(0.01)  # sleep prevents the BeeBot moving too quickly
            self.logical_position.x = self.logical_position.x - 1

    def move_right(self):
        """Turn the BeeBot right."""
        # No need to move the BeeBot, just change it's sprite.
        # Take a copy of the sprite
        old_sprite = self.sprite
        # Rotate the copy, 1 degree more every time
        for i in range(0, 90):
            self.sprite = self.rotate(old_sprite, -(i+1))

        if self.heading == Heading.NORTH:
            self.heading = Heading.EAST

        elif self.heading == Heading.EAST:
            self.heading = Heading.SOUTH

        elif self.heading == Heading.SOUTH:
            self.heading = Heading.WEST

        elif self.heading == Heading.WEST:
            self.heading = Heading.NORTH


    def move_left(self):
        """Turn the BeeBot left."""
        # No need to move the BeeBot, just change it's sprite.
        # Take a copy of the sprite
        old_sprite = self.sprite
        # Rotate the copy, 1 degree more every time
        for i in range(0, 90):
            self.sprite = self.rotate(old_sprite, i+1)

        if self.heading == Heading.NORTH:
            self.heading = Heading.WEST

        elif self.heading == Heading.EAST:
            self.heading = Heading.NORTH

        elif self.heading == Heading.SOUTH:
            self.heading = Heading.EAST

        elif self.heading == Heading.WEST:
            self.heading = Heading.SOUTH


    def reset_position(self):
        """Reset the position of the BeeBot."""
        # Initial position of the BeeBot in terms of square on the Board.
        self.logical_position = self.start_logical_position.copy()

        self.heading = self.start_heading

        # The BeeBot's position in terms of pixels.
        self.screen_location = self.start_logical_position.scale(self.step)

        # Reset BeeBot sprite
        self.sprite = self.original_sprite

        # From the original sprite, rotate to the start_heading
        if self.start_heading == Heading.EAST:
            self.sprite = self.rotate(self.sprite, 270)
        elif self.start_heading == Heading.WEST:
            self.sprite = self.rotate(self.sprite, 90)
        elif self.start_heading == Heading.SOUTH:
            self.sprite = self.rotate(self.sprite, 180)

        self.heading = self.start_heading

    def crash(self):
        """Set the sprite to be displayed to the fail sprite."""
        self.sprite = self.fail_sprite

    def rotate(cls, image, angle):
        """Rotate given image by given angle."""
        image_copy = image.copy()  # this seems to stop thread errors
        orig_rect = image_copy.get_rect()
        rot_image = pygame.transform.rotate(image_copy, angle)
        rot_rect = orig_rect.copy()
        rot_rect.center = rot_image.get_rect().center
        return rot_image.subsurface(rot_rect)
예제 #8
 def test_init(cls):
     """Test the init method of the Goal class."""
     _unused_goal = Goal([None], Point(0, 0), 0)
예제 #9
 def setUp(self):
     """Create a simple Goal for testing."""
     self.test_goal = Goal(["A", "B"], Point(0, 0), 0)
예제 #10
def collision(b1, b2):
    q1 = Point(b1.x + b1.vx, b1.y + b1.vy)
    q2 = Point(b2.x + b2.vx, b2.y + b2.vy)
    return dointersect(b1, q1, b2, q2)
예제 #11
 def test_init(cls):
     """Test the init method of the Component class."""
     _unused_component = Component([None], Point(0, 0), 0)
예제 #12
 def setUp(self):
     """Create a simple Component for testing."""
     self.test_component = Component(["A", "B"], Point(0, 0), 0)