def _job_handle_bloggers(device, bloggers, likes_count, follow_percentage, storage, profile_filter, on_interaction): class State: def __init__(self): pass is_job_completed = False state = State() session_state = sessions[-1] def on_likes_limit_reached(): state.is_job_completed = True on_interaction = partial(on_interaction, on_likes_limit_reached=on_likes_limit_reached) for blogger in bloggers: is_myself = blogger == session_state.my_username print_timeless("") print(COLOR_BOLD + "Handle @" + blogger + (is_myself and " (it\'s you)" or "") + COLOR_ENDC) completed = False on_interaction = partial(on_interaction, blogger=blogger) while not completed and not state.is_job_completed: try: username = None if not is_myself: username = blogger handle_blogger(device, username, likes_count, follow_percentage, storage, profile_filter, _on_like, on_interaction) completed = True except KeyboardInterrupt: close_instagram(device_id) print_copyright(session_state.my_username) print_timeless(COLOR_WARNING + "-------- FINISH: " + str( + " --------" + COLOR_ENDC) _print_report() sys.exit(0) except (uiautomator.JsonRPCError, IndexError, HTTPException, timeout): print(COLOR_FAIL + traceback.format_exc() + COLOR_ENDC) take_screenshot(device) print("Try again for @" + blogger + " from the beginning") # Hack for the case when IGTV was accidentally opened close_instagram(device_id) random_sleep() open_instagram(device_id) get_my_username(device) except Exception as e: take_screenshot(device) close_instagram(device_id) _print_report() raise e
def job(): handle_blogger(device, blogger, session_state, likes_count, follow_percentage, follow_limit, storage, profile_filter, _on_like, on_interaction) state.is_job_completed = True