class Core: def __init__(self): = pygame.display.set_mode((WIN_WIDTH, WIN_HEIGHT)) self.bird = Bird(200, 200) self.background = Background(WIN_WIDTH, WIN_HEIGHT) self.base = Base(WIN_HEIGHT - 75) self.pipes = [Pipe(600), Pipe(1000)] = True self.pause = False self.loose = False self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.score = 0 def start(self): while self.clock.tick(30) self.event() if not self.pause and not self.loose: self.update() self.display() pygame.quit() quit() def event(self): for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: = False if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_UP: self.bird.jump() if event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE: = False if event.key == pygame.K_p: self.pause = not self.pause def update(self): if self.bird.y >= WIN_HEIGHT - 100: self.loose = True rm = [] for pipe in self.pipes: if pipe.x < -100: rm.append(pipe) if pipe.collide(self.bird): self.loose = True if not pipe.passed and pipe.x < self.bird.x: pipe.passed = True self.score += 1 self.pipes.append(Pipe(1000)) for r in rm: self.pipes.remove(r) self.background.move() self.bird.move() for pipe in self.pipes: pipe.move() self.base.move() def display(self): self.background.draw( self.bird.draw( for pipe in self.pipes: pipe.draw( self.base.draw( text = font.render("Score: " + str(self.score), 1, (255, 255, 255)), (WIN_WIDTH - 10 - text.get_width(), 10)) pygame.display.update()
class PlayGame: """ PlayGame class used for solo and duo mode. One user plays in one PlayGame object """ username = None def __init__(self, screen: pygame.Surface, username: str = None, solo: bool = True, is_left: bool = True): """ Initialize the player's game. :param screen: surface to display game :param username: player's username :param solo: True if single player False if multi players :param is_left: True if solo and if multi player and player 1 """ # game settings self.end_game = False self.username = username self.screen = screen self.is_left = is_left self.solo = solo # display settings self.screenWidth, self.screenHeight = pygame.display.get_surface( ).get_size() self.game_window_width = self.screenWidth if self.solo else self.screenWidth / 2 self.game_window_height = self.screenHeight self.game_window = pygame.Surface( (self.game_window_width, self.game_window_height)) self.rect = self.screen.get_rect( left=0 if is_left else self.screenWidth / 2) # creating game objects self.ship = Ship(self.game_window, solo=solo, is_left=is_left) self.pipes = [] self.pipes_number = 2 if solo else 1 for i in range(0, self.pipes_number): self.pipes.append( Pipes(self.game_window, first=True if (i == 0) else False, single_player=solo, is_left=is_left)) = Background(self.game_window, is_left=is_left) self.hourglass = Hourglass(self.game_window) # control settings if is_left: self.jump_key = pygame.K_SPACE else: self.jump_key = pygame.K_RETURN def draw(self): """ Draw all game objects on game window and display player's current score (to be called in main loop). """ self.screen.blit(self.game_window, self.rect) self.ship.draw() for pipe in self.pipes: pipe.draw() self.hourglass.draw() text_font = pygame.font.Font(font["bradbunr"], 25) string1 = "Score {0} : {1}".format(self.username, self.ship.score) textSurface, textRect = createTextObj(string1, text_font) self.game_window.blit(textSurface, textRect) if not self.solo: x_rect_split = self.game_window_width if self.is_left else 0 pygame.draw.rect(self.game_window, colors["black"], (x_rect_split, 0, 3, self.game_window_height)) def update(self): """ Update position and state of all game objects (to be called in main loop). """ if self.ship.y_pos + self.ship.height > self.game_window_height: # Ship falls self.end_game = True self.ship.move() if not self.ship.goForward: self.hourglass.move() for pipe in self.pipes: pipe.move() self.updateScore() # if self.ship.collision_pipes(self.pipes): # self.end_game = True for pipe in self.pipes: if pipe.collide_with_ship(self.ship): self.end_game = True if self.ship.collision_hourglass(self.hourglass): sounds["slow"].play() self.hourglass.updateCoordinates() for pipe in self.pipes: pipe.velocity = pipe.origin_velocity = self.hourglass.x_velocity = self.hourglass.origin_x_velocity def updateScore(self): """ Checks if ship passed current pipe without colliding it and add 1 point if it's the case. It also increase objects velocity and reduce space between top and bottom pipes. """ for pipe in self.pipes: if self.ship.x_pos > pipe.x_pos and not pipe.passed: self.ship.score += 1 sounds["score"].play() if pipe.velocity < 13: for pipe_2 in self.pipes: pipe_2.velocity += 0.5 self.hourglass.x_velocity += 0.5 if < 4: += 0.2 if > 230 and self.ship.score % 2 != 0: for pipe_2 in self.pipes: -= 5 pipe.passed = True if self.ship.score % 4 == 0 and self.ship.score != 0: self.hourglass.start() def reset(self): """ Resets all game settings to start a new game quickly. """ self.end_game = False self.ship.reset() self.hourglass.reset() for pipe in self.pipes: pipe.reset()