def del_page(cls): """ delete a record. :return: cls """ print('**** WARNING: THIS ACTION CANNOT UNDO ****\n' '==== Delete a Page ==== ') select = cls.content() # remove the Diary object from Diary.diaries if get_int( 'Delete one paragraph in it (0) or the whole page (1)? ', range_=(0, 1) ): cls.diaries.remove(select) # delete the whole page else: # delete a single paragraph select.view_page() select.text.remove( select.text[get_int( 'Choose a paragraph to delete: ', range_=range(len(select.text)) )] ) print('==== Page Deleted ====') cls.saved = False # flag return cls
def sync_(): """ Synchronize the local book to the mailbox or in reverse. :return: None """ print('==== Synchronize ====') if not Diary.saved: # save the file key = input_pwd('Please input your authorization code: ') if get_int( 'Choose mode:\n1. Sync to the mailbox\n' '2. Sync from the mailbox\n#: ', range_=(1, 2)) == 1: send(key, Diary.current_file, note_='Diary_Sync') # send the current file to your mailbox else: for each in receive(key, input('Specify date (yy-mm-dd-hh-mm): ')): if each.note == 'Diary_Sync' and \ == Diary.current_file: # is a diary file each.update() # save the file to local print('---- Synchronized "%s" successfully ----' % Diary.load(Diary.current_file) break print('=====================') return None
def import_(): """ Import another diary book from local. :return: None """ _ = 1 diaries = [] for each in listdir('files'): if each[-3:] == '.dr': # is diary file print('%d: %s' % (_, each)) diaries.append(each) _ += 1 index = get_int( 'Import (input the #, if you want to create a new one, input 0): ', range_=range(_ + 1)) if index == 0: # create a new book filename = 'files/' + input('Name your new diary book (.dr): ') Diary.change_file(filename).set_password( input_pwd('New password: '******'Password for %s: ' % diaries[index - 1], len_=8) Diary.load('files/' + diaries[index - 1], password_=new_password) return None
def settings_(): """ Settings for the diary book. Including: * whether hide the password while typing it. :return: None """ nonlocal hide_pwd index = get_int('Settings:\n' '1. Password typing\n' '0. Quit\n' '#: ', range_=(0, 1)) if index == 1: hide_pwd = True if get_int( 'Whether hide password while typing (0 or 1): ', range_=(0, 1)) else False return None
def content(cls): """ print records in lines. :return: The selected Diary object """ for index, each in enumerate(cls.diaries): print('%d: %s\t%s......' % (index,, each.text[0][:10])) # print the abstract return cls.diaries[get_int( 'Choose one page of diary: ', range_=range(len(cls.diaries)) )] # select a page
def edit_page(self): """ Edit a single page in your diary :return: self """ print('==== Edit a Paragraph ====') print('The previous one: ') self.view_page() # print the previous page. print('Choose one paragraph to edit: ') index_ = get_int('#: ', range_=range(len(self.text))) # the paragraph to edit self.text[index_] = input('New text: ') # update the paragraph print('==== Paragraph Edited ====') return self
def search(cls, keyword_: str): """ search certain diaries according to a keyword :param keyword_: The keyword :return: A selected diary """ target = list() # pages that contain the keyword for each in cls.diaries: if keyword_ in ''.join(each.text): # keyword in content target.append(each) # wait fot select for index, each in enumerate(target): # print all the results print('%d: %s\t%s......' % (index,, each.text[0][:10])) # print the abstract return target[get_int( 'Choose one page of diary: ', range_=range(len(target)) )] if len(target) > 0 else cls.diaries[0] # select one page
def view_(): """ View the details of a page :return: None """ print('==== View Details ====') if Diary.num_of_pages() == 0: print('You have no diaries now.') return None if get_int('Choose mode:\n1. Select date\n2. Search keyword\n#: ', range_=(1, 2)) == 1: # select mode Diary.content().view_page() # ergodic all the pages else: keyword = input('Please input the keyword here: ') # select those with specified keyword in it print('======================') return None
def main(): """ help the user to call different functions in the class 'Diary' :return: None """ quit_flag = False config = ConfigParser() def input_pwd(s, len_=0): """ for user to choose whether use the `input_pwd` method which can hide password while typing. """ if hide_pwd: return in_pwd(s=s, len_=len_) else: return input(s) def quit_(): """ End the program :return: None """ nonlocal quit_flag, config if not Diary.saved and input('Not saved. Save? <y/n>') == 'y': # save the file config['DEFAULT']['diary_book'] = Diary.current_file config['DEFAULT']['hide_pwd'] = str(hide_pwd) with open('files/config.ini', 'w') as cf: config.write(cf) # write the configuration file, including the default diary book. quit_flag = True # flag return None def view_(): """ View the details of a page :return: None """ print('==== View Details ====') if Diary.num_of_pages() == 0: print('You have no diaries now.') return None if get_int('Choose mode:\n1. Select date\n2. Search keyword\n#: ', range_=(1, 2)) == 1: # select mode Diary.content().view_page() # ergodic all the pages else: keyword = input('Please input the keyword here: ') # select those with specified keyword in it print('======================') return None def edit_(): """ Edit one page in your diary book. :return: None """ Diary.content().edit_page() return None def sync_(): """ Synchronize the local book to the mailbox or in reverse. :return: None """ print('==== Synchronize ====') if not Diary.saved: # save the file key = input_pwd('Please input your authorization code: ') if get_int( 'Choose mode:\n1. Sync to the mailbox\n' '2. Sync from the mailbox\n#: ', range_=(1, 2)) == 1: send(key, Diary.current_file, note_='Diary_Sync') # send the current file to your mailbox else: for each in receive(key, input('Specify date (yy-mm-dd-hh-mm): ')): if each.note == 'Diary_Sync' and \ == Diary.current_file: # is a diary file each.update() # save the file to local print('---- Synchronized "%s" successfully ----' % Diary.load(Diary.current_file) break print('=====================') return None def import_(): """ Import another diary book from local. :return: None """ _ = 1 diaries = [] for each in listdir('files'): if each[-3:] == '.dr': # is diary file print('%d: %s' % (_, each)) diaries.append(each) _ += 1 index = get_int( 'Import (input the #, if you want to create a new one, input 0): ', range_=range(_ + 1)) if index == 0: # create a new book filename = 'files/' + input('Name your new diary book (.dr): ') Diary.change_file(filename).set_password( input_pwd('New password: '******'Password for %s: ' % diaries[index - 1], len_=8) Diary.load('files/' + diaries[index - 1], password_=new_password) return None def recall_(): """ Recall your memories on certain topics :return: None """ keywords = input( 'Please input the keywords of certain topic, use "," to connect: ') Diary.recall([each.strip() for each in keywords.split(',')]) return None def settings_(): """ Settings for the diary book. Including: * whether hide the password while typing it. :return: None """ nonlocal hide_pwd index = get_int('Settings:\n' '1. Password typing\n' '0. Quit\n' '#: ', range_=(0, 1)) if index == 1: hide_pwd = True if get_int( 'Whether hide password while typing (0 or 1): ', range_=(0, 1)) else False return None funcs = [ quit_, Diary.new_page, view_, Diary.del_page, edit_,, sync_, import_, Diary.set_password, recall_, settings_ ] # functions to execute later if exists('files/config.ini'):'files/config.ini') file = config['DEFAULT']['diary_book'] hide_pwd = eval(config['DEFAULT']['hide_pwd']) Diary.load( file_=file, password_=input_pwd('Password for %s: ' % file.replace('files/', '').replace('.dr', ''), len_=8)) else: import_() while True: print('=' * 50) print('Current diary book: %s\n' 'Choose a function from:\n' '1. Add a new page\n' '2. View a page\n' '3. Delete a page\n' '4. Edit a page\n' '5. Save the file\n' '6. Synchronize\n' '7. Import another book\n' '8. Set password\n' '9. Recall\n' '10. Settings\n' '0. Quit' % Diary.current_file.replace('files/', '').replace('.dr', '')) mode = get_int('#: ', range_=range(11)) print('=' * 50) funcs[mode]() # call the functions defined in line 174 if quit_flag: # quit the program return None