def test_is_not_stalemate(self): """ Configure board where white player has one legal move. Expected result is stalemate has not occurred. :return: """ # Try for king board = ChessBoard() board['a8'] = King(Color.BLACK) board['c1'] = Rook(Color.WHITE) board['d7'] = Rook(Color.WHITE) is_stalemate = board.is_stalemate(Color.BLACK) self.assertFalse(is_stalemate, 'Board configuration should not result in stalemate') # Try for piece other than king board = ChessBoard() board['a8'] = King(Color.BLACK) board['b1'] = Rook(Color.WHITE) board['d7'] = Rook(Color.WHITE) board['f2'] = Pawn(Color.BLACK) is_stalemate = board.is_stalemate(Color.BLACK) self.assertFalse(is_stalemate, 'Board configuration should not result in stalemate')
def test_is_stalemate(self): """ Test case where it is a players move and they have no valid moves left. Expected result is a stalemate has occurred. :return: """ board = ChessBoard() board['a1'] = King(Color.BLACK) board['b4'] = Rook(Color.WHITE) board['c2'] = King(Color.WHITE) board['c4'] = Bishop(Color.WHITE) is_stalemate = board.is_stalemate(Color.BLACK) self.assertTrue(is_stalemate, 'Board configuration should result in stalemate')
class ChessGame(db.Model): """ Create new chess game """ __tablename__ = 'game' id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) fen = db.Column(db.String(100)) white_player_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('')) black_player_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('')) is_over = db.Column(db.Boolean, default=False) white_player = db.relationship("Player", foreign_keys=white_player_id) black_player = db.relationship("Player", foreign_keys=black_player_id) score = db.relationship("GameScore", uselist=False, back_populates="game") def __init__(self, fen=None, **kwargs): """ Generate a ChessGame object. :param fen: string Fen notation string to initialize game. :param kwargs: """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.fen = fen if fen else 'rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq -' fen = Fen(self.fen, validate=False) self._board = ChessBoard(fen) @property def board(self): return self._board @board.setter def board(self, board): self._board = board def get_legal_moves(self, position): """ Retrieve possible legal moves for a piece on a position. :param position: string Algebraic notation position. :return: """ try: ChessHelper.validate_position(position) except InvalidPositionError as e: # Maybe log error here # Reraise exception either way raise else: return self._board.get_legal_moves(position) def move_piece(self, start_position, end_position): """ Move a piece from start_position to end_position. :param start_position: :param end_position: :return: """ try: ChessHelper.validate_position(start_position) ChessHelper.validate_position(end_position) except InvalidPositionError as e: # Maybe log error here # Reraise exception either way raise else: current_fen = Fen(self.fen) current_player = current_fen.current_player next_player = Color.WHITE if current_player == Color.BLACK else Color.BLACK move_result = MoveResult() # If moving a pawn to the end of the board, dont update anything on the board. # Instead, just return the pawn promote info. if self.can_promote_pawn(start_position, end_position): player = self._get_player_by_color(current_player) promote_info = { 'player': player, 'promote_types': self.get_pawn_promote_types() } move_result.pawn_promote_info = promote_info return move_result move_result.update_positions = self._board.move_piece( start_position, end_position) # Determine which directions castling is possible for. castle_info = {Color.BLACK: [], Color.WHITE: []} for color in [Color.WHITE, Color.BLACK]: for direction in [MoveDirection.LEFT, MoveDirection.RIGHT]: if self._board.can_castle(color, direction): castle_info[color].append(direction) # Generate and save fen string after move next_fen = Fen() next_fen_str = next_fen.generate_fen( self._board.get_board_pieces(), next_player, castle_info[Color.WHITE], castle_info[Color.BLACK], self._board.get_enpassant_position()) self.fen = next_fen_str # If checkmate or draw, set game over flag. Also create game_score object and fill # the move results object. is_checkmate = self._board.is_checkmate(next_player) is_stalemate = self._board.is_stalemate(next_player) if is_checkmate or is_stalemate: self.is_over = True if is_checkmate: if current_player == Color.WHITE: self.score = GameScore(game=self, white_score=1) player_in_checkmate = self.black_player player_in_checkmate.color = Color.BLACK else: self.score = GameScore(game=self, black_score=1) player_in_checkmate = self.white_player player_in_checkmate.color = Color.WHITE move_result.king_in_checkmate = player_in_checkmate else: self.score = GameScore(game=self, white_score=0.5, black_score=0.5) move_result.draw = True # If it is check, add info to move_result. is_check = self._board.is_check(next_player) if is_check: if current_player == Color.WHITE: player_in_check = self._get_player_by_color(Color.BLACK) else: player_in_check = self._get_player_by_color(Color.WHITE) move_result.king_in_check = player_in_check return move_result @property def current_player(self): """ Retrieve the current player :return Player: Player object with color set. """ fen = Fen(self.fen) current_player_color = fen.current_player current_player = self.white_player if current_player_color == Color.WHITE else self.black_player # Dynamically add color field so UI can know player info and color. if current_player: current_player.color = Color.WHITE if current_player_color == Color.WHITE else Color.BLACK return current_player def promote_pawn(self, start_position, end_position, piece_type): """ Promote a pawn to another piece type. :param start_position: string Algebraic notation for pawn position. :param end_position: string Algebraic notation for destination position. :param piece_type: Type Value from Type enum :return: """ try: ChessHelper.validate_position(start_position) ChessHelper.validate_position(end_position) except InvalidPositionError as e: # Maybe log error here # Reraise exception either way raise else: if piece_type not in self.get_pawn_promote_types(): raise PieceTypeError( piece_type, 'Cannot promote pawn to supplied piece type') if self._board[start_position] is None: raise EmptyPositionError(start_position) # TODO confirm pawn on second to last row piece = self._board[start_position] piece_class = { Type.ROOK: Rook, Type.KNIGHT: Knight, Type.BISHOP: Bishop, Type.QUEEN: Queen } self._board[start_position] = piece_class[piece_type](piece.color) return self.move_piece(start_position, end_position) def get_winner(self): """ Return winner of game. :return: """ # Check if score obj exist. If so, return winner pass @classmethod def get_pawn_promote_types(cls): """ Retrieve the piece types a pawn can promote to. :return: Type[] """ return [Type.ROOK, Type.KNIGHT, Type.BISHOP, Type.QUEEN] def can_promote_pawn(self, start_position, end_position): """ Test if pawn promotion is possible for the provided position. :param start_position: string Algebraic notation position. :param end_position: string Algebraic notation position. :return: """ try: ChessHelper.validate_position(start_position) ChessHelper.validate_position(end_position) except InvalidPositionError as e: # Maybe log error here # Reraise exception either way raise else: if self._board[start_position] is None: return False piece = self._board[start_position] if piece.type != Type.PAWN: return False _, start_row = self._board.position_to_row_and_column( start_position, piece.color) _, end_row = self._board.position_to_row_and_column( end_position, piece.color) if start_row == self._board.get_dimension( ) - 2 and end_row == self._board.get_dimension() - 1: return True return False def save_to_db(self): """ Save game to db. :return: """ db.session.add(self) db.session.commit() def delete_from_db(self): """ Delete this game from the db. :return: """ db.session.delete(self) db.session.commit() def to_dict(self): """ Return dictionary for game. :return: """ current_player = self.current_player white_player = self.white_player black_player = self.black_player return { 'game_id':, 'current_player': current_player.to_dict() if current_player else None, 'white_player': white_player.to_dict() if white_player else None, 'black_player': black_player.to_dict() if black_player else None, 'game_over': self.is_over, 'board': { position: piece.to_dict() for position, piece in self.board.get_board_pieces().items() if piece } } @classmethod def load_by_id(cls, game_id): game = cls.query.get(game_id) if game: game.board = ChessBoard(Fen(game.fen)) return game def _get_player_by_color(self, color): """ Retrieve the player associated with the provided color. :param color: Color :return: Player """ if color == Color.WHITE: player = self.white_player player.color = Color.WHITE else: player = self.black_player player.color = Color.BLACK return player def __str__(self): return str(self._board)