def build_gms_core_or_use_prebuilt(self): if OPTIONS.enable_art_aot(): # Rule for pre-optimizing gms-core apk. boot_image_dir = os.path.join(build_common.get_android_fs_root(), 'system/framework', build_common.get_art_isa()) self.rule( 'gms_core_apk_preoptimize', 'src/build/ --input $in --output $out', description='Preoptimizing gmscore sub apks contained in $in'), 'gms_core_apk_preoptimize', GmsCoreNinjaGenerator._ORIGINAL_APK_PATH, implicit=[ toolchain.get_tool('java', 'dex2oat'), os.path.join(boot_image_dir, ''), os.path.join(boot_image_dir, 'boot.oat') ]) if not OPTIONS.internal_apks_source_is_internal(): return flags = '--eng' if OPTIONS.is_debug_code_enabled() else '' build_log = os.path.join('out/gms-core-build/build.log') command = ('internal/build/ gms-core %s > %s 2>&1 || ' '(cat %s; exit 1)') % (flags, build_log, build_log) if OPTIONS.internal_apks_source() == 'internal-dev': # Only for local development. play-services.apk dependes on jars below to # build, just to use ARC specific feature like ArcMessageBridge and # Tracing. This dependency is a must-have for a clean build. But this # dependency can cause unrelated framework change to trigger rebuild of # play-services.apk, which is very slow. With this option, eng will self # manages the dependency, which is almost always satisfied. jars = [] else: # Simply make these jars the dependencies of gms-core-build, which # references ArcMessage and ArcMessageBridge in the jar. Note that these # jars changes often and is like to cause unnecessary rebuild of gms-core, # which is very slow. We may think about a way to minimize the # dependency. # # See also: internal/mods/gms-core/vendor/unbundled_google/packages/ \ # OneUp/package/ # OneUp/package/ jars = [ build_common.get_build_path_for_jar('arc-services-framework', subpath='classes.jar'), build_common.get_build_path_for_jar('framework', subpath='classes.jar'), ], 'run_shell_command', implicit=['src/build/DEPS.arc-int'] + jars, variables={'command': command})
def build_gms_core_or_use_prebuilt(self): if OPTIONS.enable_art_aot(): # Rule for pre-optimizing gms-core apk. boot_image_dir = os.path.join(build_common.get_android_fs_root(), 'system/framework', build_common.get_art_isa()) self.rule( 'gms_core_apk_preoptimize', 'src/build/ --input $in --output $out', description='Preoptimizing gmscore sub apks contained in $in'), 'gms_core_apk_preoptimize', GmsCoreNinjaGenerator._ORIGINAL_APK_PATH, implicit=[toolchain.get_tool('java', 'dex2oat'), os.path.join(boot_image_dir, ''), os.path.join(boot_image_dir, 'boot.oat')]) if not OPTIONS.internal_apks_source_is_internal(): return flags = '--eng' if OPTIONS.is_debug_code_enabled() else '' build_log = os.path.join('out/gms-core-build/build.log') command = ('internal/build/ gms-core %s > %s 2>&1 || ' '(cat %s; exit 1)') % (flags, build_log, build_log) if OPTIONS.internal_apks_source() == 'internal-dev': # Only for local development. play-services.apk dependes on jars below to # build, just to use ARC specific feature like ArcMessageBridge and # Tracing. This dependency is a must-have for a clean build. But this # dependency can cause unrelated framework change to trigger rebuild of # play-services.apk, which is very slow. With this option, eng will self # manages the dependency, which is almost always satisfied. jars = [] else: # Simply make these jars the dependencies of gms-core-build, which # references ArcMessage and ArcMessageBridge in the jar. Note that these # jars changes often and is like to cause unnecessary rebuild of gms-core, # which is very slow. We may think about a way to minimize the # dependency. # # See also: internal/mods/gms-core/vendor/unbundled_google/packages/ \ # OneUp/package/ # OneUp/package/ jars = [ build_common.get_build_path_for_jar('arc-services-framework', subpath='classes.jar'), build_common.get_build_path_for_jar('framework', subpath='classes.jar'), ], 'run_shell_command', implicit=['src/build/DEPS.arc-int'] + jars, variables={'command': command})
# available. The number is the major version number in the upper sixteen bits # followed by the minor version number in the lower sixteen bits. print 'ro.opengles.version=131072' # Normally added upstream at android/build/core/ Services can restrict # functionality based on this value (currently very few do). Setting this # value allows CtsOsTestCases:android.os.cts.BuildTest to pass. secure = "0" if build_common.get_build_type() == "user": secure = "1" print '' + secure # The following three properties synchronize dex2oat's arguments at build time # and runtime. dex2oatFlags = build_common.get_dex2oat_target_dependent_flags_map() print('dalvik.vm.isa.' + build_common.get_art_isa() + '.features=' + dex2oatFlags['instruction-set-features']) print 'dalvik.vm.dex2oat-filter=' + dex2oatFlags['compiler-filter'] if 'no-include-debug-symbols' in dex2oatFlags: print 'dalvik.vm.dex2oat-flags=--no-include-debug-symbols' # This property tells dex2oat to compile x86 code even though we say in the # ABI_LIST above that we only support ARM. if OPTIONS.is_i686(): print 'ro.dalvik.vm.isa.arm=x86' if OPTIONS.is_x86_64(): print 'ro.dalvik.vm.isa.arm=x86_64' # When AOT is not enabled, make sure dex2oat does not run. if not OPTIONS.enable_art_aot(): print 'ro.arc.dex2oat.disabled=1'
# available. The number is the major version number in the upper sixteen bits # followed by the minor version number in the lower sixteen bits. print 'ro.opengles.version=131072' # Normally added upstream at android/build/core/ Services can restrict # functionality based on this value (currently very few do). Setting this # value allows CtsOsTestCases:android.os.cts.BuildTest to pass. secure = "0" if build_common.get_build_type() == "user": secure = "1" print '' + secure # The following three properties synchronize dex2oat's arguments at build time # and runtime. dex2oatFlags = build_common.get_dex2oat_target_dependent_flags_map() print ('dalvik.vm.isa.' + build_common.get_art_isa() + '.features=' + dex2oatFlags['instruction-set-features']) print 'dalvik.vm.dex2oat-filter=' + dex2oatFlags['compiler-filter'] if 'no-include-debug-symbols' in dex2oatFlags: print 'dalvik.vm.dex2oat-flags=--no-include-debug-symbols' # This property tells dex2oat to compile x86 code even though we say in the # ABI_LIST above that we only support ARM. if OPTIONS.is_i686(): print 'ro.dalvik.vm.isa.arm=x86' if OPTIONS.is_x86_64(): print 'ro.dalvik.vm.isa.arm=x86_64' # When AOT is not enabled, make sure dex2oat does not run. if not OPTIONS.enable_art_aot(): print 'ro.arc.dex2oat.disabled=1'