예제 #1
    def _filter(vars):
        if OPTIONS.is_nacl_build():
            # The flag is valid only for C/ObjC but not for C++ on NaCl gcc.
        # TODO(crbug.com/327496): Move this to generic functionality of
        # make_to_ninja.
        intermediates_dir = (make_to_ninja.MakefileNinjaTranslator.
        # TODO(crbug.com/414569): L-rebase: These include directories do not seem to
        # be being added. Fix that.
            intermediates_dir + '/' + i for i in [
                'libsonivox/eas.h', 'libsonivox/eas_types.h',
                'libsonivox/eas_reverb.h', 'libsonivox/jet.h'
        # Exclude ZygoteInit for which we have stubbed out jni registrations.
        # Exclude GLES31+ functionality since we do not currently support it.
        # Add ARC specific JNIs.
            'android/frameworks/base/core/jni/org_chromium_arc_internal_Tracing.cpp',  # NOQA
            'android/frameworks/base/core/jni/org_chromium_arc_ArcProxySelector.cpp',  # NOQA

        if OPTIONS.disable_hwui():
            # Defining this enables support for hardware accelerated rendering in the
            # user interface code, such as when an application uses a TextureView. The
            # primary effect is to use libhwui.  It is enabled by default in the
            # Android.mk file, we disable it here when not enabling hwui.
        if build_common.use_ndk_direct_execution():
        deps = vars.get_shared_deps()
        excluded_libs = (
            'libprocessgroup',  # Not built
            'libhardware_legacy',  # Not built
            'libnetutils',  # Not built
            'libselinux',  # Not built
            'libusbhost',  # Not built (only for MTP)
            'libwpa_client')  # Not built
        deps[:] = [x for x in deps if x not in excluded_libs]
        return True
예제 #2
파일: config.py 프로젝트: epowers/arc
  def _filter(vars):
    if OPTIONS.is_nacl_build():
      # The flag is valid only for C/ObjC but not for C++ on NaCl gcc.
    # TODO(crbug.com/327496): Move this to generic functionality of
    # make_to_ninja.
    intermediates_dir = (
    # TODO(crbug.com/414569): L-rebase: These include directories do not seem to
    # be being added. Fix that.
        [intermediates_dir + '/' + i for i in [
    # Exclude ZygoteInit for which we have stubbed out jni registrations.
    # Exclude GLES31+ functionality since we do not currently support it.
    # Add ARC specific JNIs.
        'android/frameworks/base/core/jni/org_chromium_arc_internal_Tracing.cpp',  # NOQA
        'android/frameworks/base/core/jni/org_chromium_arc_ArcProxySelector.cpp',  # NOQA

    if OPTIONS.disable_hwui():
      # Defining this enables support for hardware accelerated rendering in the
      # user interface code, such as when an application uses a TextureView. The
      # primary effect is to use libhwui.  It is enabled by default in the
      # Android.mk file, we disable it here when not enabling hwui.
    if build_common.use_ndk_direct_execution():
    deps = vars.get_shared_deps()
    excluded_libs = (
        'libprocessgroup',     # Not built
        'libhardware_legacy',  # Not built
        'libnetutils',         # Not built
        'libselinux',          # Not built
        'libusbhost',          # Not built (only for MTP)
        'libwpa_client')       # Not built
    deps[:] = [x for x in deps if x not in excluded_libs]
    return True
예제 #3
# Dummy network does not provide its own DNS server names.
# The value matches the default from config.xml.
print 'net.dns1='

# Normally init parses the hardware value from the kernel command line
# androidboot.hardware=* parameter.  We hardcode it here and this is
# used in determining appropriate HAL modules.
print 'ro.hardware=arc'

# Enable atrace.  See android/frameworks/base/core/java/android/os/Trace.java
# for flag definition.  Here we turn on every category when debugging code is
# enabled.
if OPTIONS.is_debug_code_enabled():
    print 'debug.atrace.tags.enableflags=' + str(int('0xffffffff', 16))

if not OPTIONS.disable_hwui():
    # This value is exposed through the Activity Manager service
    # getDeviceConfigurationInfo() call, and this value indicates that GLES2 is
    # available. The number is the major version number in the upper sixteen bits
    # followed by the minor version number in the lower sixteen bits.
    print 'ro.opengles.version=131072'

# Normally added upstream at android/build/core/main.mk. Services can restrict
# functionality based on this value (currently very few do).  Setting this
# value allows CtsOsTestCases:android.os.cts.BuildTest to pass.
secure = "0"
if build_common.get_build_type() == "user":
    secure = "1"
print 'ro.secure=' + secure

# The following three properties synchronize dex2oat's arguments at build time
예제 #4
# Dummy network does not provide its own DNS server names.
# The value matches the default from config.xml.
print 'net.dns1='

# Normally init parses the hardware value from the kernel command line
# androidboot.hardware=* parameter.  We hardcode it here and this is
# used in determining appropriate HAL modules.
print 'ro.hardware=arc'

# Enable atrace.  See android/frameworks/base/core/java/android/os/Trace.java
# for flag definition.  Here we turn on every category when debugging code is
# enabled.
if OPTIONS.is_debug_code_enabled():
  print 'debug.atrace.tags.enableflags=' + str(int('0xffffffff', 16))

if not OPTIONS.disable_hwui():
  # This value is exposed through the Activity Manager service
  # getDeviceConfigurationInfo() call, and this value indicates that GLES2 is
  # available. The number is the major version number in the upper sixteen bits
  # followed by the minor version number in the lower sixteen bits.
  print 'ro.opengles.version=131072'

# Normally added upstream at android/build/core/main.mk. Services can restrict
# functionality based on this value (currently very few do).  Setting this
# value allows CtsOsTestCases:android.os.cts.BuildTest to pass.
secure = "0"
if build_common.get_build_type() == "user":
  secure = "1"
print 'ro.secure=' + secure

# The following three properties synchronize dex2oat's arguments at build time