예제 #1
    def test_normative_stance_no_norm(self):
        """Verifies function returns False when the Issue has no norm."""
        stance = Stance()
        stance.issue = "decision_analyze_test_no_norm"

        result = stance_analyze.normative_stance(stance)
예제 #2
    def test_normative_stance_not_in_db(self):
        """Verifies function returns False when the norm is not in the DB."""
        stance = Stance()
        stance.issue = "I Don't Exist"

        result = stance_analyze.normative_stance(stance)
예제 #3
    def test_normative_stance_norm_doesnt_match(self):
        """Verifies function returns False when the stance does not match the norm."""
        stance = Stance()
        stance.issue = "decision_analyze_test_norm"
        stance.side = outcomes.CON

        result = stance_analyze.normative_stance(stance)
예제 #4
    def test_collect_normative_stances_no_result(self):
        """Verifies function return nothing if there are no normative stances."""
        agn_norm_stance = Stance()
        agn_norm_stance.issue = "decision_analyze_test_norm"
        agn_norm_stance.side = outcomes.CON

        result = stance_analyze.collect_normative_stances([agn_norm_stance, agn_norm_stance])
        self.assertEquals(len(result), 0)
예제 #5
    def test_normative_stance_norm_match(self):
        """Verifies function returns True when the stance matches the norm."""
        stance = Stance()
        stance.issue = "decision_analyze_test_norm"
        stance.side = outcomes.PRO

        result = stance_analyze.normative_stance(stance)
예제 #6
 def generate_stance(self, stance_importance, relation_importance):
     """Generates stances for testing with sort keys"""
     stance = Stance()
     stance.importance = stance_importance
     relation = Relation()
     relation.importance = relation_importance
     stance.relation = relation
     stance.sort_key = stance_sort_key.LOYALTY
     return stance
예제 #7
    def test_collect_normative_stances_no_duplicates(self):
        """Verifies function return does not contain duplicates."""
        stance = Stance()
        stance.issue = "decision_analyze_test_norm"
        stance.side = outcomes.PRO

        result = stance_analyze.collect_normative_stances([stance, stance])
        self.assertEquals(len(result), 1)
        self.assertEquals(result[0], stance)
예제 #8
    def generate_collect_type_stance_array(self):
        """Generates the stance array for the collect_type tests"""
        stance1 = Stance()
        stance1.source_db = db_constants.MEMBERS

        stance2 = Stance()
        stance1.source_db = db_constants.BILLS

        stance3 = Stance()
        stance1.source_db = db_constants.GROUPS
        return [stance1, stance2, stance3]
    def test_explain(self):
        """ Verifies explain runs if there is a success [aka _explain is implemented]."""
        stance = Stance()
        stance.issue = "Something good"
        stance.side = outcomes.FOR

        self.decision.for_stances = [stance]

    def test_run_success_AGN(self):
        """ Verifies that run() successfully sets an AGN decision"""
        stance1 = Stance()
        stance1.issue = "Something bad"
        stance1.side = outcomes.AGN

        self.decision.agn_stances = [stance1]
        result = self.strategy.run()

        self.assertEquals(self.decision.result, outcomes.AGN)
        self.assertEquals(self.decision.reason, [stance1])
    def test_run_success_FOR(self):
        """ Verifies that run() successfully sets a FOR decision"""
        stance = Stance()
        stance.issue = "Something good"
        stance.side = outcomes.FOR

        self.decision.for_stances = [stance]
        result = self.strategy.run()

        self.assertEquals(self.decision.result, outcomes.FOR)
        self.assertEquals(self.decision.reason, [stance])
예제 #12
    def test__match_stances_helper_extra_stances(self):
        """ Verifies that extra stances in the filter stances list are not added."""
        member = self.generate_member_with_stances()
        stances = member.credo + member.pro_rel_stances

        stance = Stance()
        stance.issue = "Not Found"
        stance.side = outcomes.PRO

        result = member_analyze._match_stances_helper(member, stances)
        answer = member.credo + member.pro_rel_stances
        for entry in result:
            self.assertTrue(entry in answer)
예제 #13
    def test_difference(self):
        """Verify only the difference of the list is included."""
        stance = Stance()
        stance.issue = "Test"
        stance.side = outcomes.PRO

        stance2 = Stance()
        stance2.issue = "Test"
        stance2.side = outcomes.PRO

        stance3 = Stance()
        stance3.issue = "Test"
        stance3.side = outcomes.CON

        eq_fun = lambda stance1, stance2: stance1.match(stance2)
        result = util.difference([stance, stance2, stance3], [stance, stance2], eq_fun)
        self.assertEquals(result, [stance3])
예제 #14
    def generate_member_with_stances(self):
        member = Member()
        credo_stance = Stance()
        credo_stance.issue = "Credo"
        credo_stance.side = outcomes.PRO

        stances_stance = Stance()
        stances_stance.issue = "Stances"
        stances_stance.side = outcomes.CON

        pro_rel_stance = Stance()
        pro_rel_stance.issue = "Pro-Relation"
        pro_rel_stance.side = outcomes.PRO

        return member
예제 #15
    def test_collect_normative_stances(self):
        """Verifies function returns only normative stances."""
        stance = Stance()
        stance.issue = "decision_analyze_test_norm"
        stance.side = outcomes.PRO

        agn_norm_stance = Stance()
        agn_norm_stance.issue = "decision_analyze_test_norm"
        agn_norm_stance.side = outcomes.CON

        result = stance_analyze.collect_normative_stances([stance, agn_norm_stance])
        self.assertEquals(len(result), 1)
        self.assertEquals(result[0], stance)
예제 #16
    def test_remove_less_important_stances_only_one(self):
        """ Verifies remove less importance where only one is left."""
        stance1 = Stance()
        stance1.importance = importance.A

        stance2 = Stance()
        stance2.importance = importance.B

        stance3 = Stance()
        stance3.importance = importance.C

        answer = [stance1]
        result = util.remove_less_important_stances([stance1, stance2, stance3])
        self.assertEqual(len(result), len(answer))
        for stance1, stance2 in zip(result, answer):
            self.assertEquals(stance1, stance2)
예제 #17
    def test_remove_duplicates(self):
        """Verify only the intersection of the list is included."""
        stance = Stance()
        stance.issue = "Test"
        stance.side = outcomes.PRO

        stance2 = Stance()
        stance2.issue = "Something different"
        stance2.side = outcomes.PRO

        data = [stance, stance, stance2, stance2, stance, stance2, stance]
        result = util.remove_duplicates(data)

        self.assertEquals(len(result), 2)
        self.assertTrue(stance in result)
        self.assertTrue(stance2 in result)
예제 #18
 def setUp(self):
     # This is fake data. Do not use it to make assumptions about how
     # data will look in the actual system.
     self.relation = Relation()
     self.relation.importance = importance.D
     self.input_hash = {"importance": importance.A,
         "issue": "CONSTITUTION",
         "relation": self.relation,
         "siblings": ["Sib1", "Sib2"],
         "side": "PRO",
         "_sort_key": "Some initial random value",
         "source": "PARRIS",
         "source_db": "member"}
     self.input_hash2 = {"importance": importance.A,
         "issue": "CONSTITUTION",
         "relation": self.relation,
         "siblings": ["Sib1", "Sib2"],
         "side": "PRO",
         "_sort_key": "Some initial random value",
         "source": "PARRIS",
         "source_db": "member"}
     self.stance = Stance(self.input_hash)
     self.stance2 = Stance(self.input_hash2)
    def test_run_fail(self):
        """ Verifies that run() doesn't modify the decision upon failure."""
        stance = Stance()
        stance.issue = "Something good"
        stance.side = outcomes.FOR

        stance1 = Stance()
        stance1.issue = "Something bad"
        stance1.side = outcomes.AGN

        self.decision.for_stances = [stance]
        self.decision.agn_stances = [stance1]
        result = self.strategy.run()

        self.assertEquals(self.decision.result, None)
        self.assertEquals(self.decision.reason, None)
예제 #20
    def generate_stance_array(self):
        """Generates the stance array for the _compare_stance tests"""
        stance1 = Stance()
        stance1.importance = importance.B
        relation1 = Relation()
        relation1.importance = importance.C
        stance1.relation = relation1

        stance2 = Stance()
        stance2.importance = importance.B
        relation2 = Relation()
        relation2.importance = importance.A
        stance2.relation = relation2

        stance3 = Stance()
        stance3.importance = importance.C
        relation3 = Relation()
        relation3.importance = importance.B
        stance3.relation = relation3

        stance4 = Stance()
        stance4.importance = importance.D
        relation4 = Relation()
        relation4.importance = importance.A
        stance4.relation = relation4
        return [stance1, stance2, stance3, stance4]
예제 #21
    def test_group_stances(self):
        """Verifies stances are grouped by stance and side."""
        stance1 = Stance()
        stance1.issue = "Apples"
        stance1.side = outcomes.PRO

        stance2 = Stance()
        stance2.issue = "Oranges"
        stance2.side = outcomes.PRO

        stance3 = Stance()
        stance3.issue = "Banana"
        stance3.side = outcomes.CON

        stance4 = Stance()
        stance4.issue = "Apples"
        stance4.side = outcomes.CON

        stance5 = Stance()
        stance5.issue = "Banana"
        stance5.side = outcomes.CON

        stance6 = Stance()
        stance6.issue = "Oranges"
        stance6.side = outcomes.CON

        input_list = [stance1, stance2, stance3, stance4, stance5, stance6]
        correct_list = [stance4, stance1, stance3, stance5, stance6, stance2]

        self.assertEquals(input_list, correct_list)
예제 #22
class StanceTest(unittest.TestCase):
    """ Test suite for Stance."""

    def setUp(self):
        # This is fake data. Do not use it to make assumptions about how
        # data will look in the actual system.
        self.relation = Relation()
        self.relation.importance = importance.D
        self.input_hash = {"importance": importance.A,
            "issue": "CONSTITUTION",
            "relation": self.relation,
            "siblings": ["Sib1", "Sib2"],
            "side": "PRO",
            "_sort_key": "Some initial random value",
            "source": "PARRIS",
            "source_db": "member"}
        self.input_hash2 = {"importance": importance.A,
            "issue": "CONSTITUTION",
            "relation": self.relation,
            "siblings": ["Sib1", "Sib2"],
            "side": "PRO",
            "_sort_key": "Some initial random value",
            "source": "PARRIS",
            "source_db": "member"}
        self.stance = Stance(self.input_hash)
        self.stance2 = Stance(self.input_hash2)

    def test_init_default(self):
        """Tests that default values are set for instance variables"""
        stance = Stance()

        self.assertEqual(stance.source, None)
        self.assertEqual(stance.source_db, None)
        self.assertEqual(stance.issue, None)
        self.assertEqual(stance.importance, None)
        self.assertEqual(stance.side, None)
        self.assertEqual(stance.relation, None)
        self.assertEqual(stance.siblings, [])
        self.assertEqual(stance._sort_key, None)

    def test_init_hash(self):
        """ Verifies that input data from a hash is properly set."""
        stance = Stance(self.input_hash)
        for key, value in self.input_hash.iteritems():
            self.assertEqual(value, stance.__dict__[key])

    def test_init_hash_default(self):
        """ Verifies defaults are still defined when a hash is provided."""
        stance = Stance(self.input_hash)
        for key, value in self.input_hash.iteritems():
            self.assertEqual(value, stance.__dict__[key])
        self.assertEqual(stance.source, None)

    def test_sort_key_undefined(self):
        """When sort_key is undefined, verifies the stance's importance is
        self.stance._sort_key = None

    def test_sort_key_equity(self):
        """Verifies that the EQUITY sort key is set properly."""
        self.stance.sort_key = stance_sort_key.EQUITY
            [self.stance.importance, self.relation.importance])

    def test_sort_key_loyalty(self):
        """Verifies that the LOYALTY sort key is set properly."""
        self.stance.sort_key = stance_sort_key.LOYALTY
            [self.relation.importance, self.stance.importance])

    def test_sort_key_no_relation(self):
        """Verifies relation_import is set to B if no relation provided."""
        self.stance.relation = None
        self.stance.sort_key = stance_sort_key.LOYALTY
            [importance.B, self.stance.importance])

    def test_sort_key_no_relation_importance(self):
        """Verifies relation_import is set to B if there is no relation
        self.relation.importance = None
        self.stance.sort_key = stance_sort_key.LOYALTY
            [importance.B, self.stance.importance])

    def test_sort_key_unknown(self):
        """Verifies sort_key can gracefully handle an unknown option."""
        self.stance._sort_key = None
        self.stance.sort_key = "I am an unknown sort key"

    def test_match_true(self):
        """Verifies that match returns true properly."""
        self.stance2.importance = importance.Z

    def test_total_match_bad_side(self):
        """Verifies that match returns false when the sides differ."""
        self.stance2.side = "Something else"

    def test_total_match_bad_issue(self):
        """Verifies that match returns false when the issues differ."""
        self.stance2.issue = "Something else"

    def test_total_match_true(self):
        """Verifies that total match returns true properly."""

    def test_total_match_false(self):
        """Verifies that total match returns false properly."""
        self.stance2.importance = importance.Z
예제 #23
    def test_match_stances_agn(self):
        """ Verifies the returned stances are sorted by importance."""
        member = Member()
        member.stance_sort_key = stance_sort_key.EQUITY
        credo_stance = Stance()
        credo_stance.issue = "Credo"
        credo_stance.side = outcomes.PRO
        credo_stance.importance = importance.B

        stances_stance1 = Stance()
        stances_stance1.issue = "Stances"
        stances_stance1.side = outcomes.CON
        stances_stance1.importance = importance.D

        stances_stance2 = Stance()
        stances_stance2.issue = "An Outcomes"
        stances_stance2.side = outcomes.PRO
        stances_stance2.importance = importance.A

        pro_rel_stance = Stance()
        pro_rel_stance.issue = "Pro-Relation"
        pro_rel_stance.side = outcomes.PRO
        pro_rel_stance.importance = importance.C


        bill = Bill()
        bill.stances_for = member.credo + member.stances
        bill.stances_agn = member.pro_rel_stances

        result = member_analyze.match_stances(member, bill, outcomes.FOR)
        sorted_answer = [stances_stance2, credo_stance, stances_stance1]
        self.assertEqual(result, sorted_answer)
예제 #24
def _compare_stances(fors, agns):
    """This functions compares the stances to see which side has the most
    compelling reasons. It does so by checking which side has the largest number
    and most important stances supporting it.
        fors: the list of stances supporting the bill to decide on
        agns: the list of stances against the bill to decide on
        A list containing the strongest arguments for or against the bill.
        Returns an empty list if both sides are equally compelling.

        Both lists are first sorted by importance. Then, it goes through and
        compares each stance.
        If one list runs out before the other, the longest list is considered
        to have the most compelling stances.
        If one list is found to have a stance of stronger importance than
        the other on a give iteration of the for loop, that list is
        considered to be the most important and is chosen.
    fors.sort(key=lambda stance: stance.sort_key, reverse=True)
    agns.sort(key=lambda stance: stance.sort_key, reverse=True)

    # base_stance is used in the enum. Once an array runs out of stances,
    # this will be mapped to be compared to the stances in the other list. Since
    # Z is not an importance actually assigned in the DB, this is guaranteed to
    # fail so that the longer list will be detected as the winner.
    # The sort key is also needed to properly set the default. It will take the
    # source key from whichever array will last longer. This will ensure that
    # the stance is less than the next key it will be compared to.
    temp_stance = None
    if fors and len(fors) > len(agns):
        temp_stance = fors[0]
    elif agns and len(agns) > len(fors):
        temp_stance = agns[0]

    base_stance = Stance()
    base_stance.importance = importance.Z
    base_stance.sort_key = temp_stance._sort_key if temp_stance else None

    enum = enumerate(itertools.izip_longest(fors, agns, fillvalue=base_stance))
    for index, (a_for, an_agn) in enum:
        if a_for.sort_key > an_agn.sort_key:
            result = ResultData()
            result.outcome = outcomes.FOR
            result.data = util.remove_less_important_stances(fors[index:])
            logger.LOGGER.info("MI stance is FOR the bill.")
            return result
        if an_agn.sort_key > a_for.sort_key:
            result = ResultData()
            result.outcome = outcomes.AGN
            result.data = util.remove_less_important_stances(agns[index:])
            logger.LOGGER.info("MI stance is AGN the bill.")
            return result
    logger.LOGGER.info("MI stance is neutral on the bill.")
    return None